256644 ORI6INAL TO CITY CL[RK ��'" ��(�
WHEREAS, William T. Wengler, an employee of the Department
of Public Works, was injured in a third party accident on October 21,
1g6g, while engaged in the performance of his duties; and
WHEREAS, the City has incurred medical expense in the amount
of �194.63 therefar, and said employee was disabled from work
for a period of time being paid compensation at the rate of �70.00
per week, for which the City may claim credit at the aforementioned
rate; and
WHEREAS, a compromise settlement has been negotiated between
said employee and the other party involved in said accident, and
further, a compromise settlement has been negotiated between
said employee and the City; and
WHEREAS, the amount due and owing said employee, his attorney,
Mark Nola,n, and the City all are included in one draft in the
amount of �4,500.00, receipt of which is h+�reby acknowledged; and
WHEREAS, separate drafts for all the parties concerned are
not easily obtainable and because of thisZ the City has agreed
to the disbursing of the funds; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized
to endorse the aforementioned draft of �4,500.00 and �90'7.22 of
this amount is to be accepted in full, final and complete settlemer�t
of the City' s claim herein; said �907. 22� to be credited to the
Workmen' s Compensation Fund, and the necessary releases executed
thereYor� and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proper Gity officials are hereby
authorized to remit to William T. Wengler and his attorney, Mark
Nolan, as co-payees, the remainder balance of th� draft of �4,500.00;
that being the sum of �3,592.78.
�X��.r�r`T APP v pEC 7 197�
�/ � Adopted by the Counc�l 19—
COUNCILMEN Assi. Cor ration C ns
Yeas Nays _
But�er OEC 919T�
� A 19—
Levine _In Favor
Sprafka � yor
A gainst
OEC 11 1971
Mt. rlce President Meredifh PUBLISHED
o��.,�,TS,��,� 25SF44
,. CITY OF ST. PAUL ���� NO.
n��r�o er
1�iHEREAB, Willia� T. �ven�ler� an erplor�e of the Dsput�aent
ot P�lic Worlcs, was is�nr�d ia s third party aovi�ent Qn Ootab.r $1,
1969, Mhils en6s��d 1n the perfor�an�e oi hi• dutis�Z and
W�tEAS, the Citq has incnrred sedical �zpons� in the eu�ount
oi �i94.63 tbsrei�c�r, e�nd ssit! employee �as di��bl�d iroe Mork
ior a perioQ oi ti�e befaa paid oospen�ation at the rate ot` �70.00
per Msek, for �rhich ths City �ay olai■ oredit at the aiora�ationed
ra�e� :and ,,
wBEREA�, s eo�proei�e smttl�sent has been aesotiat�d �betwsen
oaid eeployee sad tbe other party invol�ed 1n ieaid a+��idsnt, and
turt�r�-aa Qo�pro�i�e oettlen.at h�a� been negotiated bst�resn
� ssid .employee and tha Cityi •and
WHEREAB� the aatount due and o�in� said e�ploy�e, �is attorn�y,
Msrk Nc��.*n aad the City sll are iaeluded in oae drait in the
a�ow�t oi �4,500.00, reoeipt ot' �rhieh i• hereby aolmoMl�dsod; �nd
'"�B:�EREAS, �epa►rate draits tor all the partie, eonc'ernid are
not ea�ily obtaiaable and beeanoe oi thi�� ths City hae a�rse�
to the disbu�r�fna oi the inad�s no�r, thereiors, b� it
RE30LVED, that the proper Ci�Ey otiicisl� wrs h�rsby anthorised
to e�rae the aforaentioned dra=t oi �4,500.00 and �90�.�253 oi
thio se�ownt i� to be aeeepted in tull, linal and eoaplete settle�ent
o! the City'• clai■ h�rsin; �aid �90�.2Q to be oredited to the
Worben'• Compensation Fund, aad the neee�aary r�lsa�ea eseouted
theretor; and be it
FIIBTHP�t RE30LV'ED, tbat tbe prop�r City oilioials are bereby
snthori:ed to r�sit to Willla� T. Weasler and his attorney, Mark
Nolan, a� ca-payee�, the rs�aind�r balanoe oi �Ehs dratt ot �4,500.00;
that b�ins tbe sn� ot �3.59Q•?e.
�� � 1�7�
� COUNCII.MEN Adopted by the Co�mci� 19_
Yess Naya
But�er 9197,
A�rov„� DEC �s_
�°�e Tn Favor
� � �
Sp� rodA;f1A't
Mr. Yice President Meredith