256639 , ..=� Orla(nal to City Clerk . -. - . � ORDINANCE � �, . • � �5��,�� , COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY Ro�er M. Conway ORDINANCE NO Q b .. � — - An administrative ord.inance establishing rates for the col.lection of solid wastes from properties located within the corporate limits of the C�ty of s�.nt P�. by the �epaxtment of Publie WOrkS 7.ri �,���rd�C� 1�i'��1 Chapter 319 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code as amended by the City Council Ordinance No. 1�+818, C. F. 25388�+ approved June 9, 1971. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. � �. _._:_.<. _ —---- — . __-- _ _ THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: ;., SECTION I In accordance with the provision of Chapter 319 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code as amended, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby establish rates for solid waste collection to be performed by the Department of Public Works, which rates are as follows: a) One-family dwelling with no limit on the number o� containers, bags, and bundles per week, 75� each week b) Two-famil.y dwelling with no limit on the number of containers, bags, and bundles per week, $1.25 each week c) Three-family dwelling with no limit on the number of containers, bags, and bundles per week, $1.75 each week d) Four-family dwelling with no limit on the number of containers, bags, and bundles per week, $2.25 each week e) Bulk pickups from commercial, institutions, and other establishments, $3.50 each �u. yd. ' or fraction thereof f} Pickup old appliances, furniture and other miscellaneous items, $7,50 minimuia for one piece and $2.50 for esch addi- � tional piece g) One-family dwelling with no limit on the number of containers, bags, or bundles per week for senior citi- zens, widows, and other low income famil�i,es (hardship cases) who make application and are approved by the Solid Waste Collection Special Assist�tnce Committee. The City Council intends to subsidize the difference between the 35¢ rate and the 75� rate, 40� per one� family dwelling per week, 35G each week Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler Carlson Tn Favor Levine Meredith Sprafka Against Tedeaco Nlr. President (McCarty) Approved: - Attest: City Clerk ayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By � j r t� Oriaiasl to City Clerk • �- - . � � QRDINANCE ������� ' ' COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY Roger M. Conway ORDINANCE NO �v ?% - 2 - h) Pickup from the Housing & Redevelopment Authority, the Independent School District #625, and Parks � Playgrounds, and other governmental agencies on a force account basis, subject to negotiation with the Department of Public Works and approval by Council Resolution. SECTION II Rates for solid waste collection shall be charged against the premises for which the solid waste is collected and the owner of the premises shall pay such rates within 30 days after receiving a bill therefor from the Department of Public Works. The Department of Public Works shall bill the premises served on a quarterly basis and if such rates are not paid when due, the Department of Public Works may certify such unpaid charges to the Ramsey County Auditor to be collected as are other taxes from. the property served. Those subscribing to the City collection service must do so for a minimum of one calendar quarter, three (3) months. Cancellations within the three (3) month period will only be per- mitted if the subscriber moves from the residence. In the case of cancellations where only a few pickups have been made and the administrative cost of the billing exceeds the fees to be collected, then the Depa�tment of Public Works may cancel the bill. The rates for a one-family dwelling applies to only one family and two or more fama.lies may not group together and sign up as one customer. , SECTION III There is hereby created a S�lid Wa�te C�llecti�n Special Assistance Committee composed of the Coirnnissioner of Public Works who shall be the Chairman thereof, two other City Commissioners to be appointed by the May�r and approved by the City Council. The City Clerk shall be the Secretary of such Solid Waste Collection Special Assistance Committee. Once appointed, each of the members of the said hardship cousnittee will serve so long as they hold their respective offices. After City reorganization, June 6, 1972, the Solid Waste Collection Special Assistance Committee sha11 be composed of three City Councilmen to be appointed by the Mayor and approved by the City Council. One of the City Councilmen shall be designated as Chairman of the Special Assistance Co�amlittee. The City Clerk shall be the Secretary of such Special Assistance Coa�ittee. Once appointed, each of the members of the Special Assistance Comanitt�e will serve so long as they hold their respective offices. Basically the committee will receive and either approve or disprove applications from senior citizens, widows, and other low income families (hardshiQ cases) to qualify for the l�w 35� collection rate each week and the subsidy from the City of Saint Paul. The Couunittee will be asked further t�: Yea»s Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler Carlson Levine Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counael By � _ •�� � OrI�Inal to City Clerk , _ - . � � ORDINANCE ������s ' COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO �� � 3 _ Develop the criteria, standards, and qualifications of who will qualify for the low collection rate and the subsidy, wi11 prepare the forms and instruc- tions necessary for making application to the Special Assistance Committee, wi11 take the necessary steps to publicize this to all citizens of the City of Saint ; Paul, and will develop a timetable for the im lementation all of the foregoing to be sub�ect to the approval, prior to implemen�ation, by t�ie City Council. SECTION IV That administrative ordinance establishing rates for the c�llection of solid waste, City Council Ordinance No. 14861, Council File No. 254509, approved July 28, 1971, is hereby rescinded in its entirety. SLCTION V This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preserva.tion of the public peace� health and safety. SECTION VI This ordinance shall be in force and take effect on Febru�ry l, 1p72. . _ ,_..� �,.,., JAN 4 � Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councii Butler / �---� �� In Favor � Meredith � L7 Against Sprafka Tedesco �N � ��� Mr. President (McCarty) Ap A test: C' Clerk 3 Ma or �� Form approved Corporation Counael By � � PU�USHfD �q� � �`�� � � � - e �; . . � • _ _ .___.. ._ �_._ _, _._.._ ---- - �-- _ .��......_ ,_._. v -__ � ' Ori`Insl to Cit�Clerk C� ]� � I �T .� �iT � l� ��-}, ,�,�, r_�� .�� .�, COUNCIL FILE NO " PRESENTED BY �oQer M. Coaway ���—" ORDINANCE NO �Q v An aclmi.nistrative ordinance e$tablishing rates for the collection cf solid wastes from properties located within the corporate limits of the City of Saint Paul by the Depaxtsent of Public Works in accordance with Ch�pter 319 of the Saint Paul �egislative Code as amended by the City Council Ordinance No. 1�+818, C. F. 25388�+ approved June g, 1971. • This is �an emergency ord.inance rendered necessary for the preservati.on of the public peace, he�.7..th and safety. TFiE COUNCIL OF THE CiTY OF SATNT PAUL DQFS ORDAIN: SECTION I In accordance with the provision of Chapter 3I9 of tl.e Saint Paul Legislative Cod�e as arnended, the Council of the City of Sain� Paul does hereby establish rates for solid waste collection to be performed by the Department of Riblic Works, which rates are as fol.lows: a} One-far.�ily dwelling with no Iimit on the number of containers, bags, and bundles per week, 75� each ��;eek b) Two-family dwelling with no limit on the number cf containers, bags, and bundles per week, $1.25 each week c) Three-family dwelling wzth n� limit on the number of contai.ners, bags= and bundles per week, $1.75 each week d) Fo�r-family dwel2ing with no limit on the number of containers, bags, and bundles per week, $2.25 each weel: e) Hulk pickups from cor�ercial, institutions, and other establishments, $3.54 each cu. yd. ' or fraction thereof i) Pickup old appliances, furniture and other miscellaneous items, $7.50 minimum for. one pi.ece and $2.50 for each adcii- tional piece g) One-fa:nily d�,�elling with no limit on the nur.iber of contaitlers, bags, or bundles per week far seni.or citi- zens, widows, and ather low income fan�ilies (hardship cases) �aho make application and are approved by the Solid Waste Collection Special Assistance Committee. The City Council i.ntends ta �ubsidize the difference between the 35� rate and the 75� rate, 40� per one-� famiZy dwelling per week, 35� each week Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the CounciL—_ Butler Carlson Tn Favor Levine Meredith Sprafka Against Tedesco � Mr. President (McCarty) Approv�d: Attest: City Clerk ' ' � � �, �42�yor .^'4�at��� � . _.. f � Form approved Corporation Counsel �y_ � � , . _� , .....4�J.M 1' �.�/ r�r��� . �.�.�. � ' � • 1� • a • Odtinal to City Clerk � R1� INANCE �,5��=���� COUNCIL FILE NO._ PRESENTED BY Roger M. Conway ORDINANCE NO �� b^ '. 2 w h) Pickup from the Ho��sing & Redevelopment Authority, the Independent School District ��625, and Parks & Playgrounds, and other governmental agencies on a force account basis, subject to negotiation wiCh the Department of Public Works and approval by Counci.l Resolution. SECTION II Rates for solid waste collection shall be charged against the premises for which the solid waste is collected and the owner of the premises shall pay such rates within 30 days after receiving a bill therefor from the Department of Public Works. The D�partment of Public [,�orks shall bill the premises served � on a quarterly basis and i.f such rates are not paid when due, the Department of Pu.blic Works may certi�y such unpaid charges to the Ramsey County Auditor to be collected as are other taxes from the property served. Those subscribing to the City collectian service must do so for a minimum of one calendar quarter, three (3) months. Cancellations within the three (3) month period will only be per- mitted if the subscriber moves from the residence. In the case of cancellations �ahere only a few pickups have been made and the administrative cost of the billing exceeds the fees to be coZlected, then the Department of Public Works may cancel the bi1Z. The rates for a one-family clwelling applies to only one family and two or more families may not group together and sign up as one customer. _ SECTION III There is hereby created a Solid Waste Collection Special Assistance Conunittee composed of the Commissioner of Public Works who shall be the Chairman. thereof, two other City Commissioners to be appointed by the Mayor and approved by L-he City Councilo The City Clerk shall be the Secretary of such Solid �daste Callection Special Assistance Committee. Once appointed, each of the members of the said hardship comnlittee will serve so long as they hold their respective offic�s. After City reorganization, June 6, 1972s the Solid Waste Co2lec�ion Special Assistance Committee shall be composed of three City Councilmen to be appointed by the Mayor and approved by the City Council, One of the City Councilmen shall be designated as Chairc*�an of the Special Assistance Comm�.ttee. The City Clerk shall be the Secretary of such Special Assistance Conunittee. Once appointed, each of the members of the Special Assistance Cou-�mittee will serve so long as they hold their respective offices. Basically the committee will receive and either approve or disprove applications from senior citizens, widows, and other low income families (hardship cases) to qualify for the low 35� collection rate each week nnd the subsidy from the City of Saint Paul. The Committee will be asked further to: Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler Carlson 7n Favor Levine Meredith Sprafka against Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved• Attest: � City Clerk Mayor - �� . � Form�approvei� Corporatio�i�ouns�l 'By �,��. � � __..__ __ .. _. --- --. _ � ' , � � ' Orisinsl ib City L;lerk , � � � I 1'� A 1V � J� ��- . ,��ti COUNCIL FILE NO �`�+����� - PRESENTED BY �o�;er M. Conwayj � ��z-�--� ORDINANCE NO � _ � � . An administrative ordinance establishing rates for the collection of solid wastes from properties located �-ithin the corporate li.mits of the City of Saint Paul by the Department of Public Works in accordance with ChaptEr 319 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code as amended by the City Coun.cil Ordinance No. 1�+818, C:F. 25388�+ approved June g, 1971. •:;.�, • This is an emergeney ordinance rendexed necessary for the preservation of the public peace, he�lth a.nd safety. THE COU;�TCIL OF THE GITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: SECTION I In accordance with the prnvision of Chapter 319 of the Saint Paul Legistative Cade as amended, the Council of the City of 5aint Paul does hereby establish rates for solid waste collection to be performed by the Bepartment of 2'ublic Works, which rates are as follows: a) One-family dwelling with no I.imit on the number of containers, bag�, and bundles per weeic, 75� each week b) 2tao-fau�ily dwelling wa.th no limit on the number of containers, bags, and bunc3les per week, $1.25 each week c) Three-family dwelling with no limit on the number of containers, bags, and bundles per week, $1.75 each week d) Four-family dwelling with no li.mit on the number of containers, bag�, and bundles per week, $2.25 each week e) Bulk pickups from commercial, institutions, and other establishments, $3.50 each cu. yd. � � or fraction thereof f} Pickup old appliances, furniture and other miscellaneous items, $7.50 minimum for one piece snd $2.50 for each addi- tional piece g) One-family dwelling with no limit on the number of containers, bags, or bundles per week for senior citi- zens, widows, and other low income families (hardship cases) �vho make application and are approved by the Solid Waste Collection Special Assistance Committee. The City Council intends to subsidize the difference between the 35� rate and the 75¢ rate, 40p per one- family dwelling per week, 35� each week Yeas Councilmeii Nays Passed by the Counci� Butler Carlson Levine In Favor Meredith Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved: Attest: City Clerk ' � ,Nfa.y.nr .,�� � I�'orm approved Corporation Counsel By �-"� � � �' _ =� , .� , �<..,,,w,a,,.p-.�..,.......�_ . _�_.__.. ...._ _ . _ _ _ .. .. . .. , . .. . __ ._ _ _ �,.� c•� Orlrinal to City{.'leric . � � � RDINANCE �;�����:� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY Roger M. Conway ORDINANCE NO � - 2 - h) Pickup from the Housing & Redevelopment Authority, the Independent School District �625, and Parks & Playgrounds, and other governmental agencies on a force account basis, subject to negotiation wieh the Department of Public Works and approval by Council Resolution. SECTION II Rates for solid waste collection sha11 be charged against the premises for which the solid waste is collected and the owner of the premises shall pay such rates within 30 days after receiving a bill therefor from the Department of Public Works. The Department of Public ktorks shall bill the premises served � on a quarterly basis and if such rates are not paid when due, the Department of � Public Works may certify such unpaid charges to the Ramsey County Auditox to be collected as are other taxes from the property served. Those subscribing ta the City collection service must do so �or a minimum of one calendar quarter, three (3) months. CanceZlations within the three (3) month period will only be per� mitted if the subscriber moves from the residence. In the case of cancellations where only a few pickups have been made and the administrative cost of the billing exceeds the fees to be collected, then the Department of Public Works may cancel the bill. The rates for a one-family dwelling applies to only one family and two or more families may not group together and sign up as one customer. _ SECTION III There is hereby created a Solid Waste Collection Special Assistance Committee composed of the Commissioner of Public Works who shall be the Chairman. thereof, two other City Commissioners to be appointed by the Mayor and approved by the City Councilo The City Clerk shaZl be the Secretary of such Soli.d Waste Collection Special Assistance Committee. Once appointed, each of the members of the said hardship committee wiZl serve so long as they hold their respective offa.ces. After City reorgan�zation, June 6, 1972, the Solid Waste Collection Special Assistance CommiCtee shall be composed of three City Councilmen to be appointed by the Niayor and approved by the Ciey Council, One of the City Councilmen shall be designated as Chairman of the Special Assistance Committee. The City Clerk shall be the Secretary of such Special Assistance Committee. Once appointed, each of the members of the Special Assistance Committee will serve so long as they hold their respective offices. Basically the committee will receive and either approve or disprove applications from senior citizens, widows, and other low income families (hardship cases) to qualify for the low 35� collection rate each week and the subsidy from the City of Saint Paule The Coum�ittee will be asked further to: Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler Carlson Levine In Favor Meredith Sprafka A gainst Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved�orpora'tion'Couri��l�3y , . • �� _ — : .�� . • , , . ' Oridnal to Cit�Clerk ' r � � � � � � Y1�T � �1' CE �5����� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � 3 _ . Develop the criteria, standards, and qualifications of who will qualify for the low collection rate and the subsidy, will prepare the forms and instruc- tions necessary for making application to the Special. Assistance Committee, will take the necessary steps to publicize this to all citizens of the City of Saint Paul, and will develop a timetable for the im lemeritation all of the foregoin� to be subjec� to the approval, prior to implemen�ation, by t�ie City Council. SECTIOH IV ; That administrative ordinance establishing rates for the collection of solid waste, City Council Qrdinance No. 14861, Council Fi1e No. 254509, approved July 28, 1971, is hereby rescinded in its entiretyo SECTION V This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessaxy for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. SECTION VI This ordinance sha,ll be in force and take effect on February l, 1972. Yeas Councilmen Nays Pas3ed Ly the Council �N � ��� Butler , `�"' �, In Favor Levine Meredith Sprafka A gainst Tedesco JAN 41972 Mr. President (McCa� y) Approved• Attest: � � , City Clerk 1 ' Ma�or �� " � .,,�....� � . � : �:..1-�....�a,rm ap�r�d (`�arflcir�fi;�r�n��tn�el By . ..� _ �'. y _ � . `J ` f ' . . . � �.v ., u� .. . . . � . � . �� . . . . . .. . � . �. � `. . . . .. k �.� . . ' • ' — ��. �_ �. r • Oticfnal to Ck�Cterk � o � � i �rA � cE ������.` COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO.—��� G � - 3 - Develop the criteria, standards, and qualifications of who will qualify for the low collection rate and the subsidy, will pregare the forms and instruc- tians necessary for making application to the Special Assistance Committee, will take the necessary steps to publicize this to aZl citizens of the City ot- Saint Paul, and will develop a timetable for the im lementation all of the foregoing to be subject to the approval, prior to i.mplemen�ation, by t�ie City Council. SECTION IV i That administrative ordinance establishing rates for the collection of soZid waste, City Council Ordinance No. 14861, Council File No. 254509, approved July 28, 1971, is hereby rescinded in its entiretyo SECTION V This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. SECTION VI , This ordinance shall be in force and take efi'ect on February l, 1�72. JAN � � Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Butler � '�� �� Ir�Favo� �� - Meredith Sprafka � Againsl� Teclesco �pN 41972 � Mr. President (McCarty) Approved: Attest: , City Clerk � �' Mayor �� � I + ...�Far�n�p�+re��d yCar�era�tto�t Cvt�nsel By ` � � , ;� _ �M. ., � ,�,� � , . . Orltinal to Cit�Clerk O � I� YI�TA � CE ,� , �,�,s COUNCIL FILE NO- ������� -- PRESENTED BY RoQer M, Conway/ �-�-i--m ORDINANCE NO S�i O An administrative ordinance establishing rates for the col�.ection of solid wastes from properties located within the corporate limits of the City of Saint Pau1 by the Depaxtment of Public Works in accordance with Chapter 31g of the Saint Paul Legislative Code as amended by the City Council Ordinance No. 1�+818, C. F. 25388�+ approved June 9, 1971. � This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, he�,7.th and safety. THE COUNCIL OF Z'HE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: SECTION I In accordance with the provision of Chapter 319 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code as amended, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby establish rates for solid waste collection to be performed by the Department of Public Works, which rates are as foZlows: a) One-family dwelling with no limit on the number of containers, bags, and bundles per week, 75¢ each week b) Two-family dwelling with no limit on the number of containers, bags, and bundles per caeek, $1.25 each week c) Three-family dwelling with no Zimit on the number of containers, bags, and bundles Qer week, $1.75 each week d) Four�-family dwelling with no limit on the number of containers, bags, and bundles per u�eek, $2.25 each week e) Bulk pickups from commercial, institutions, and other establishments, $3.50 each cu. yd. � or fraction thereof f} Pickup o1d appliances, f.urniture and other miscellaneous items, $7.50 minimum for one piece and $2.50 for each addi- tional piece g) One-family dwelling with no limit on the number of containers, bags, or bundles per week for senior citi- zens, widows, and other low income families (hardship cases) who make application and are approved by the Solid Waste Collection Special Assistance Committee. The City Council intends to subsidize the difference between the 3S� rate and the 75¢ rate, 40� per one- family dwelling per week, 35G each week Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Butler . Carlson Levine In Favor Meredith Sprafka A gainst Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved: Attest: City Clerk � ' ,'' _ , ,.,,Ma��r �� ' . �.- C , ' Form approved Corporation Counsel By_ � � i ; . ,.,,w._,�. ,>,...,.._. . ._.....__... : _ ...... ._ _ _ _ . ... __-� - --. ..._ .._._. ....... � , . , - �;.:,�±a f . � -. .. .�.r 7'• t �..�. e•� Orlalnnl lo Cit�Clerlc ' ORDIN' AY�' CE �������� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY Roger M. Conw�ay ORDINANCE NO �� - 2 - h) Pickup from the Housing & Redevelapment Authority, the Independent School District ��625, and Parks � Playgraunds, and other governmental agencies on a force account basis, subject to negotiation with the Department of Puhlic Works and approval by Counc%1 Resolution. SECTION II Rates for solid waste collection shall be charged against the premises for which the solid waste is collected and the owner of the premises shall pay such rates within 30 days after receiving a bill therefor from the Department of Public 47orks. The Departmen.t of Public ttitorks shall bill the premises served on a quarterly basis and if such rates are not paid when due, the DeQartmsnt of ` Public Wor�:s may certify such unpaid charges to the Ramsey County Auditor to be collected as are other taxes from the property served. Those subscribing to the City collection service must do so for a minimum of one calendar quarter, three (3) months. Cancellations within the three (3) month period wi11 only be per- mitted if the subsc-riber moves from the residencee In the case of cancellations where only a few pickups have been made and the adninistrative cast of the billing exceeds the fees to be collected, then the Department of Public Works may cancel the bill. The rates for a one-family uwelling applies to only one family and two or more families niay not group together and sign up as one customer. _ SECTION III There is hereby created a Solid Waste Collection Special Assistance Committee composed of the Commissioner of Public Worlcs who shall be the Chairman. thereof, two other City Commissioners to be appointed by the Mayor and approved by L-he Ciey Councilo The City Clerk shall be the Secretary of such Solid Waste Collection Special Assistance Committee. Once appointed, each of the members of the sai.d hardship committee wi11 serve so long as Chey hold their respective offices. After City reorganization, June 6, 1972, the Solid Waste Collection Special Assistance Commzttee shali be composed of three City Councilmen to be appointed by the Mayor and approved by the City Council, One of the City Councilmen shall be designated as Chairman of the Special Assistance Committee. The City Clerk shall be the Secretary o£ such Special Assistance Conanittee. Once appointed, each of the members of the Special Assistance Committee will serve so long as they hold their respective offices. Basically the committee will receive and either approve or disprove applications from senior citizens, widows, and other low income families (hardshiQ cases) to qualify for the low 35� collection rate each week and the subsidy from the City of Saint Paul. The Cammittee will be asked further to: Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler Carlson Levine Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka - Against Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved• Attest: ' City Clerk Mayor � ' �orm approved Corporatian Counsel By � � ��,. � i . _ ._._ __.____.___.__ �� _ _ . c ' Orisinal to Cit�Clerk � OR � YNANCE ������-� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDfNANCE NO �� � - 3 - Develop the criteria, standards, and qualifications of who will qualify for the low collection rate and the subsidy, will prepare the £orms and instruc- tions necessary for making application to the 5pecial Assistance Committee, will take the necessary steps to publicize this to all citizens of the City of Saint Paul, and will develop a timetable for the im lementation all of the foregoing to be subject to the approval, prior to implemen�ation, by t�ie City Council. SECTIOV ZV i That administrative ordinance establishing rates for the collection of solid waste, City Council Ordinance No. I4861, Council File No. 254509, approved Ju2y 28, 1971, is hereby rescinded in its entirety, SECTION V This 3s an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preserva�;ion of the pul�lic peace� health a.nd safety. SECTION VI , This ordinance shall be in force and take effect on February 1, 1�72. �N 4 1972 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler �"' Tn Favor Levine Meredith Sprafka Againat Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved• �N � t�7� Attest: � + , City Clerk � Mayor �� � 1 ' , � � ,". .�'O�'1I1'A'�3�9M1��"r4�'lC�fgri��'.�fiYk•!!��"i:�:;; : . .,. , ,. - _.,..;,:. ^ iv . V � . , " �..< .� � � , i ..� � �► �, o � ��� �3 . � �, � q��l � � J�P�,� � i �l �c -� m � � � ,� �, y � � � � �� � � � � � � � — ) � � � � e� _ — � � a � �! 1�— � ; � — , i �� � . � - ----- -- � � � — ; - — __ __ � � � - � � - , , , � � — � � - , , i � ---i-�- --- � � ; � � — ---- � ; -� . i ' � - —_ � i � �i _ �---- ; � i — _ -;,-; - _ _ l� � � ---_- t - __� _- --- _ _- - --- --__--_ _ - ----_---_--- _-_ -- _---- _- ��- _-_-__- ----- ----- _ _ _- ----_ --- ---___----- -- -_ _ ____ - ----__-� -_ _ __�, _ � ` S�u� ��` �b � 3 �j . Matiyor MeCarty su��ested that'the ord3nance be amended to prcav3.de tha.t it is an emergency ordinance, ih order to make it ef'�ective February lst., as originally intended. He sug�ested tha,t the ordinance be amended as followa: To amend the title of the ordinance as follows: This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. To amend Section III by adding to the end of the last;}�axagraph in Section III e� the following: a11 the foregoing to be sub�ect to approval, prior to i�plemen- tation, by the City Council, Td �nd Section 1� to read: This is aa e�nergency ordinance rendered nec��sazy for the preservation of the publia peace, health and safety.� T6 amend by renumbering Section V as Section VI. Commissioner Conway morved approval of the amenci�nents as suggested by Mayor McCarty. Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 The ordinance was laid aver to January 4th. for Fina1 Adoption. I st � � 2nd ' Laid over t� ' � 3rd and ap� —Adopted I� �� ,t= / � i Yeas �-5 ^ - Nays ` ees Nays ; Bufler utler �';-�ti� Carlson �`anfaew ;� ti r Levine �, �i - ��.��� �e�--4 Meredith eredith Sprafka �prafka Tedesco �edesco v Mr. President McCarfy �Mr. President McCarty O