256617 -''�. _ / �•.y/ ORI61NA1�.TO CITY CLlRK P�'���� I CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa �` " , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �+� NO. COUNCIL R O TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE er nW8 ArE Decetiaber 1, 1971 WHEREAS, Additions and Deductions which �ight prcve to be necessarq in the Improvement de�cribed ss the ST. ALBANS-CARROLL RELIEF SEWER SYSTEM, Comptroller's Contract L-7428, City Project No. 71-S-1261, Arcon Construction Company, Inc., Contractor, have been provided for in the Specifications, and WHEREAS, It has been found nece�sary to make the following Additions: ADDITIONS As per attached Contract Chang� Agreement No. 1 $1969.22 and WHEREAS, It has been found necessary to make the following Deductions: DEDUCTIONS As per attached Contract Change Agreement No. 1 $ 113.28 NET TOTAL ADDITION TO CONTRACT $1855.94 �and ( WI�ItEAS, The total addition is $1855.9�, and the Cogmaissioner of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the a�ount of $1855.94 is the correct snm to be added to said contract, therefore be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul throagh its City Council approves the foregoing additions a�d dednctions made in accordance with the Specif ications in the sum of $1855.94, said amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract, knoWn as Comptroller's Contract L-7428, and which amount is to be f inanced from 1971 Lccal Imprcvement Fund 0920-461. FORM P� vED , � Ass o atioi `C��;�;�s�l OEC 319T1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Y� Na�a O�C 319:Z1 Butler e 19—. Levine n Favor Meredith Sprafka A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty PUBL�SHED D E C 1 .1 147� � ~ CITY OF SAIrT PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ����-� � . � COh'TRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT N0. I PROJECT N0. 71•5-1261 CONTRACT IV�. L-742S CONTRACTOR Arcon Construction Co., Inc. PROJECT DESCRIPTIpN ST. AI�BANS-CARR�LL RELI.�F SL'�JER SYSTgi . In accordance with Section 95 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the basis of payment and prices for items listed in the changes described below, not otherwise included in the contract, are the reasonable costs of those items for additions to, or deductions from, the contract. ADUITIOr1S Construct Type V raanhole at Carroll & St.Albans - Plan Change 1 @ $1000.OQ $1000.00 Construct TS�e IV raanhole at 5t.Albans & Dayton - P lan Chranbe 1 @ $ 500.00 5Q0.00 Furnish & Install A & B manhole cesting sets on existing sanitary r�annholes 3 @ $40.00 + 20� 144.00 . Reb�ild existing sanitary m�tnhole 1.5 Zin. ft. @ $50.00 75.00 �,irntsh 54" R.C. arch pipe instead o£ 54" R.C. round pige as plannad oa Carroll at St.Albans. , Additional cost of pipe per £t. _ $1.65 3b lin. ft. @ $ 1.b5 59.40 Furnish 8" ductile :tron pipe instead of 12" F..C. pipe as �Ianned at S�lby & St.Albsns, rldditiona! cosC = �4.19 per f�. 40.5 lin. ft. @ $ 4.19 169.70 � I�.irnish 15" P..C. pige instead of 12" R.C. pipe a� plaazneri across Selby at St.Albans. Additionml . cost � $0.48 per f t. 44 lin. f t. 4 $ 0.48 21.I2 . TOTAL ADDITIONS $1969.22 DEDL'CTTONS l�trxnish 24" R.C. pip� instead of 30" R.C. pipe as planned on St.Albans crossing Dayton. Di�f�rence � in cost of pipe � $1.76/ft. 57 lin. £t. @ $ 1.76 $100.32 �:rnish 12" R.C. pipa inete�d of 15" R.C. pipe for catch b�stn Iead at N.w. corner of Selby & St. Albans. Difference fn cost • $0.4E/ft. 27 lin. ft. � $ O.G8 12.96 Tcrr� DL�uc�rioris 113.2s I3�T TOTAL ADDITION TC3 COP*I'�2Av^T a $1855.9�+ This additional a�aount ta be f inanced from 1971 Local Improve�nt Fund �920-� .� r r - �/� %��� :�� /�.t'�_19,� Arcon Constructian Comparry, Inc. C � ��ion �Sxneer Contractor :� ��- a ��� a � — ���j_ , �. .�� ���19 l � B y c .,t�c -� , __-�=�-19� hief Engineer ' ' /, `' .�� �� .i . .rQ.a1' �l -- 2. 3 19� i CLEME.N� , �CH:...�K 19 Co iss oner ���Rd�k�.n ��zi�� Original (White) Duplicate (Canary) Triplicate (Pink) Quadruplicate (Blue) To Contractor To Accounting Div. To Comptroller To Engineer o�"��:� 255��'� CtTY OF ST. PAUL ���� NO � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ��iu ONF. Ro�ar M. CdIIYtr DATE �a��= 1; 1971 WlQREA�, Additions snd D�sdtitttans t�lttch ��ht ps+ov� to b� a1►qsa1�► iA tht Iaipsov+�rnt d�sarib�d as t1y ST. ALd�118-CNtitOL�. itEl.Iip', �ilE� BYST�l, Ce�ttoll�r�• Contraat 1.�74Z8� City Bs�o��aC l�to. �1•$�1Z61, Aroon Const�.v�tioa Q�uny� In�•, Contractor, haw bMa prorid�d tor in tb� 5p�ciiications. a�d �I�EREAS, It bas bMa �ou�d �awsaary to � tl�a lolloninn� alditioas t AflDiTIO� As p�r attach�d Cantraat Cban� Agr�arot Ao. 1 �19b9.Z2 aad 41l�tB�AS, It 6as bMn #a�nd ns�Nas�r to � t.lur tallov�n� 1�ct�,ont: DEDUCTIONS Aa p�r attaclwd Cont'sact Cban� Agr�wnt l�o. i $ 113.� ___..._. �iRT TOTAL �ADDITIOIf TO COIR'�A�,`!' �1SSS.94 sAd �1tEA8, T6i total �ddit3,oA ia $18SS.9�i, snd t1M Co�tario�s o! lnbliQ �iosks haa ap��l vitL t1r Contraatos that t!M �uAt o! $1853.'!4 is tly oox�r�tt � to be edded to aaid oontlract, ''tl:er�forre be it �ElOLVSD, Tbat tb�e City o# 8t. Pwal tbs�oa�t tt� Cit�► �il apps�owa t.L� tostie�ai� additions sad clbuatio�as w� !n aacoYdano� vlw�h th� 8prailia�atiYoos iA tl� a� oi �18SS.94. �sid voaAt to b� a�d to t1� lnaq au� a�o�aaidrrattoa aard ia tlw aontract, krwrn as Coaptrollis's Contract L-7428, sAd �ah �nt ia to b. �s�.aa.d fr� i97i Locai ��ovwnc r�ad o4�aasi. p�� � 18�1 COiTNCILMEN Adapted by the Counc;� 19—. Yeas Nays ' Butler 3 197� EC Approv� � --' 19— Levine Tn Favor Meredith Sp�� O Mayor Tedesco A8'��►�t Mr. President, MeCarty �� c'�--�',� ►�7 r. . . , CITY OF SAINT PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 1;���;�� p , CONTRACT CHANGE AGREFMENT IW. i PROJECT N0. 71-5•1.261 CONTRACT N0. L-7428 CONTRACTOR Arcon Conetniction Co., Inc, PROJECT DESCRIPTION ST. AL$ANS-CARROLL RELIEF S�Fr7ER SYSTEM In accordance with Section 95 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the basis of payment and prices for items listed in the changes describQd below, not otherwise included in the contract, are the reasonable costs of those items for additions to, or deductions from, the contract. ADDITIOhS Constxuct Type V raanhole at Carroll & St.Albans - Plan Change 1 @ $1000.00 $1004.00 Construct TS�e IV tnanhole at St.Albans & Dayton - PZan Chanbe 1 @ $ 500.00 500.00 Furnish & Install A & B manhole castin� sets on existing sanitary manholes 3 @ $40.00 + 20;� ].44.Q0 R�ba�ild euisting sanitary manhole 1.5 lin. ft. @ $50.(10 75.00 �1a.rnish 54'� R.C. arch pipe instead of 54'� R.C. xound pipe as planned on Garroll at S t.A�bans. , Additional cost of pipe per ft. _ $1.65 36 Iin. ft. @ $ l.fi5 59.40 F�rnish 8�� ductile �ron pipe instead of 12" R.C. pipe as plar�ned at Selby & 5t.Albans. rldditional cost = $4.19 per ft. 40.5 lin. ft. @ $ 4.19 169.70 Furnish 15" R.C. pipe instead of 12" R.C. pipe as planned across Selby at St.Albans. Additional . • cost � $0.48 per ft. 44 lin. ft. (� $ 0.46 21.12 TOTAL AADITZONS $196�.22 D�1�L'L'TIG,;S Furnish 24'� R.C. pipe inatead of 30" R.C. pipe as � planned on St.Albans crossing DaytoM. Aifference f.n cASt o£ p�pe = $1.76lft. 57 lin. £t. Q $ 1.76 $100.32 Furnish I2" R.C. pipe in�tead of 15" R.C. pipe for catch besin lead et N.�I. corner of Selby & St. AZbans. Difference fn cost • $0.48/ft. 27 lin. ft. � $ 0.48 12.96 TUTAL D�DUCTZU2IS 113.28 t�'LT TOT��L AUDITIUN TO COh*TZA.,^T � $1855.94 This add3tianak araount ta be financed from 1971 Local Irnprovement Fund �920-� c �7 � /,�/ _� `fir / �-r�f'% i `�%�- -r-{ r' 19 Arcon Construction Company, Iac. C �� �°��.on ' gineer Contractor ��A,� � �" � � 19� � B ,c.. .�..e-c — �� . — - 19 � y l/�r� � hief Engineer ' /� �?r� ,,,� �l ^ 2. 3 7 j C�.EMENS , 5�.:.H:.F(;;G� r� �.� z4 19 � ,�,��-�'��1T-1�NT 19 Co iss oner C��,�R}��p 0 riginal (White) Duplicate (Canary) Triplicate (Pink) Quedruplicate (Blue) To Contractor To Accounting Div. To Comptroller To Engineer