256602 ORICINAL TO CITY CL6RK 25��'�� � � 'I i i CITY OF ST. PAUL N�UNCIL NO �,zc��a�� c�7���.z�.���. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCI RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM C MM 55 ONE � � ` _� DA*E Decetn�er � 197I I��SOLVfi�: '�'Ii�.� licenses a��p�iec� for i�y tI� ollo�,i z .i�er� � ��t �Pie adc�resse� statect be ,nc� tlae �arsle �re �iere�y �r�;ntec�. ilorthl�rest �l��:ter.�r�;� �'err�inal Cor�. 9�i �tiila�� �Tci. �'r Ga:�� 1' �':p�.1C�0oi3ene�.T �'.C. �ar�e � To��:ing Co. �ii;���.a.. �w :.irl ort Luli�. Cril it;;e. '° 11°50" Peterti�on i•faytag Inc. 79� �:. 7tlz Elec.t:�T�.�.el�. 'r 1<?I�1's Gop;�cr Loun�e Inc. �51-� University �cut. C-1 " 1235()" �' 1° Off-;�31e �•;c:?�t tt ►t ro t� r� Cit;are�tte �� 1P �t Gl:end;:.Ze Fontiac Inc. 5`�'0 1:. 7tP� r°iet: t:�T �lr. 1° 1�9�7t1 �r �c I)1r.Re;�.Cc�:r. r n ir �t 512 i,. 7ti� 2�,c� I'tc� �iV U�r` " I29a-8n �r J;U �. 7th Ci��.re��e �� ��gn_��� S�m S�ector 32�1 :'�runctel Con�ect. L " �.��7G" ie • ir � i� r� v� Ruller �in:: Orville ;�. I'aul�.ner ZI90 Payne ��atzty Slioy� " 1�luC" liale J. �:��eaulieu St�.te �ic�sninistration 3�icig. �t��te Capii.;ol �".�proaeli �e�t. C-G Ii�3`u'i T�kicli�el ;�. �oc11e�P�i wC�6� :orc� �'�>�.�. �;e�.uty Siiop r' 1��;7_9'r Peog�le Inc. 565 D«;��on �;oarc�ain, .iouse " tJJ�l" Robert �. Stevens IaIQ�-1(i ':;. 7th St. Ga� St�i. Gx' 1° 1�32�f9 �r �� Gen.Rep.Gar. te ,� " r rs Cig��rette n ri i� ri ir Ci�;.VT�� �_?e�.`�',P•i r� ti ri ��:ana¢��e F4z:cucn�.to .:1�? L. �th Lobby 3;arUer 'r �u��s7�� C�arl; (;il �; Pefinin� Cor��. 7�?��'< a. Clcveland GaN St.�. ��' f0 ����3" ir r� Cigarei;{.;e 'r 'a r' COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler '�� ,4.� Con::�ay ved 19— Levine �n Favor Meredith � ^' �__.. __ /�Ctl Yor Sprafka A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty � � R/;�+ ORI6�NAL TO CITY CLBRK �5��p ';� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ` � �,zc�{�s�. �ccz���:I�.e2,�. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK N�E NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DAiE I)ecemluer 2} l 971 Contc. Page 4 Ci,;�ri� Ui1 �. I�efinit�� Cor�. 74.-�� N. �xeve�.���ac;? Gas ut�. GF' �uz��.?��4��ene�:� ii �i Ci��I'e�L�e �s r; io St. John's k3osp�i�;�1 Gigt Shop Volun�eer �ervice ��.}� P�i,;�a i�� Ori�.Cont. � f1 13�57" I'rancis ��o�'�,�e���er I�:S� i��air Fire�rms 1t ��3�?" itiiliiam G. Brennun 1��� ?A��ue i�tr. Vei�. �r. " 1u37Q" uealy P:attress Co. 6�I La ��lle Ci�;arette °P 1v;�8�"r" J�.r�es George Laruon tite 2 1.oseMOUn� I�:�r. Ve��. Dr. " ZS395°f ti�c a �9�.� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Naya But�er �EC 2197� ��� �e ���� Approve� 19— Levine � Favor �# � i _ � � . ayor � ��_ �'" A galll8t Te�iesco �r.�Presid`��lQcCas#�-: 2 ' ��� a19� . � �'UBLTSHF.D ��