256588 ORIGINAC TO CITY CL6RK CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. �� �8� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCI ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED COMMISSIO DATF RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Public Utilities is hereby authorized to retain the professional services of Doctor Harold J. Paulus� professor in the Health Department of the University of Minnesota and affiliated with the United States Department of Health at the University of Minnesota� who is a recognized expert in the area of air pollution control, to evaluate the entire St. Paul Air Pollution Contxol Pro�ram, visit sampling sites and conduct periodic instruction of the program staff, be it FURTH� RESOLVED, that the cost of such study sha11 be payable out of Fublic Utilities Air Follution Control Program Fund No. 3525 in the amount of $200.00. Two-•thirds of this amount will be reimbursed to the City of St. F�aul by a federal �rant. DEC 1 1971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Naye Butler OEC 1 i9�'� �� ` __.�pprove� 19� Levine � �" �n Favor � C � � � ,�c i ri S� A gainst _ ` ���Te�lesco � Mr. Presi�ent, �-.��L-¢-���-a__� pUBLISHED DEC 41911 � ' w.. o��,�t,��,�R a 25S�88 CITI( OF ST. PAUL �uHCa NO � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRE4ENTED 6Y COMMISSIONE� DATF �0�� �t► �'� �� � �"�+�i ���.�� +� �� int�ee�is� t�o s"�rtiais �3r p�'at+�s�rimltl a�rieN �d' DOt�ar A� i� lWl�u� pt�iasae ia tLr lValti �art�wrra� �? f� IIai�n�ra�#t�y � �a aat at!lliai�t xi�h Wa II�dt�d �ia�s Drp�rlia►t at H�alih a� tlr �i��iiq► �t ll��rrad�a, x� i�s a sya��oiwd a�rt ia t� n'�a �t ds p�llti�ie� o�eal� te s�talvat,� �r a�t.ir� �. ladl �3x' P+o�l�i�ioa Oon�ral Pro�� visit �11� �it�a asd � p�3�die i�tanta�'Len �t t� par��raoa �att, 1� it lt�TN�t BESi�iliD, that t,l� a� ot rnoh st�► �La7l b* pyaD� o�t �t P�bllO 8t�li�s Ais po]Sntias Qo�trol lropypit !'�d llo. 35�,� 1a tlu a�o�1R �M! �lOO�QO� �1no�+trilsdo �t' t►�ir �aromt trial b�a rri�aird to t� Cit�jr et St. l�ia�tl lqr a t��al �eanta u�� � 1s.��_ COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council Y� xa�s OEC l i.97.� Butler � � ApprovecL 19� �°�e Favor � �ayor �� _ � A�inat ro ��1���'� . . ,��L��/�� . �