256583 ORIOINAL O CITY CLBRK � ����`�� -. � CITY OF ST. PAUL FLENC�� NO. ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OU L UTIO GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLVED, that Council Resolution C.F. No. 256547, adopted by the Councll on Nove�r 26, 1971 is now and shall hereafter 6e resctnded; and be it fUR'�HER RESOLVED, That the Counctl meeting of December 16, 1971 be recessad at the close of tts regular business ar�d that the Coanctl then ae reconvened at 8:00 P.M. in order that citl=ens may more conven- fientty attend the hearing on the petition of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Fritz � �� to reaone the property on the south stde of Lower Afton Road between .� Wfinthrcp and McKnight Road; and be it � FTNALLY RESOlVED, That said meet�ng shall be held in the Battle Creek Elementary School withtn the C{ty of Satnt Paul. � ��� . ��� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays tler ��'+ 1 � � A rove � 19— Levine � Tn FSVOr — c,\�. aR �—�� �p�– � �_.___ ACti[1 yor A gAlIISt !' , ��'L� ,i�edesco -� ,v�,i� M . Preaident, +1 , � �,� - � : � y w �� � � 25s�g� DUrLiCAS TO NtIN7=It � CITY OE ST. PAUL ��� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESE�ITED/Y COMMISSIONFQ DA*F RESOLVED, that Council Resolutlon C.F. No. 256547. adopted by the Council on Movraber 25. 19T1 is now and shall hereafter be . rescindedi ar�d be it FURTHER RESOLYED. That the Council �eeting of Dec�b� 16, 1971 be recessed at the close of ita regular busfness and th�t the Council then be reconv�ned at 8t00 P.M. ir� order that citiz�ns a�y more conven- iently att�end the h�aring on th� petitlon Of Mr. and Mra. Altr�d Fr1ta to rezone the property on the south side ef LoMer Af�tton Road between Winthrop and McKnight Road; and be it FINALLY RESOLYEO. That aaid �aeeting sha11 be held in the Battle Creek E1en�entary School Nithin the City of Saint Pau1. NOT PUBLISHFD. A�� � � 19T1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19.— Yeaa Nays tler 0�+•:, � e'�'�� � � Ap�rrov� 19— ��°�e Favor ,►R ., � � Mayor edeaco �$t -�� �d�� � �e . � S • PETI�r�o�t �o �;zoz� , , A petition having been filed request��ng that Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, Sto Paul Legislata.ve Code,�rezoning, etc,, be amended so as to rezone the follawing described property: All that part of the N. 10 acres of the. W2 of the E2 of the NE4 of Sec. 11, T. 28, R. 2�, lying southerly of Lower Af"ton Rd9 and Subject to Londin Latae, except the south 264 ft, thereof, located be�w�en Lower Afton Rdo and Londin Lane and weS"�-of McKnight Rd., to Class "C-1" Resi�„,nce District, °the Council of the City of Saint Paul ha,s fixec� the lf�th day of December� 1971, at eight o'clock in the evening at the Battle Creek Elementary School, 60 S, Ftuth St,, and at said time and place, the Council will hear all persons a,nd all objections and recommendations relative to sa.id propased amendmen�o Dated December 2, 1�7�. HA.RRY E. MAItSHALL� City C1erk, (December 4, 1971j