256575 .
I�esolution Appmoving A�sessment By—
and Fixing Time af Hearing 1`hereon �
In the matter of the assessment of ���gits, aest axd ex�re$ses fer aonmtrnc�ian �r re-
�oastrgatioa of sidewalks and a�rk inci�ental ther�tot Caatrac� 70-�Ar�Z, E�avy �
�io. 3, Histria� �fe. 3, _
.a,.�,,. --- _ __..�...�,.,.,..____---_.____
. ° ^ . - , . �.
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���i7�b� �+ MeLsau St.� tiotk sidss froa Frank 'E. to Barl St. � ,
?*0. �24�033 - Clarence St., i»th si�es i'z�aa McLeaa Ava. to Pacifia St,
F.4. #249�21 - B, i�inashaha Nvs., bsth aid�a frvn Frank St. Co Barl 3t. •
F.O. #248637 • B. Fourth St., both side�roa Johnaan Pic�. to Atlantic St.
F.O. �248091 - White Bear Ave., both aides fro� Reaney Ave. to E�ah Ave.
F,O. #2�2399 » Mendota St., both sides frcc� Je:saaine Av�,. t• Jeaks Ave. �
li�-ASS8SSA8I.E: • ,
F.�, #�247560 - McI.ean St., both sides froa Frank 3t. to �arl St.
' ..;F;...Q.;;#,2�4_903�;..w-8...�itu�sh�h+�_:�Aars., ,bm1t����des fro� Fraak °:3t. tc aarl S"t; . ,
F.O, #248637 • Bo Fonrth St., both sides fro� Johnsan pkay� to Atlantic 3t.
: �.,; �?;�.,-#242��9 .�, �(eadota �t.,. bo�h aide��.�aw Jcesaa��ne� Aira. to Jenks /tve. _- .'
_ _ .
�M7Yi�f/Y�MQ������������������r���•��••••����.�b��....������.�...��sw..�•����.�����r�.��•.��..�• . .
The assessment af b��etits, a��t and mapenses for and in connection with
the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same
and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the said asseasment be and the aame is hereby in all respects approved.
RESOLVE�D FURTHER., Tha.t a public hearing be had an sa.id assessment on the 29th
day of A�e�blr; 1q71 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chasnber of
the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of I+�nance
give no�tice of said meetings, �s required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time a,nd place of
he�ring, the nature of the improvement, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular
owner to whom the notice is. directed.
�eas ��.�:�!_�:� Nay� NOV 3 0197�
��^„ 1�dopted by the Councii
� `��, — N�V 3 019�
In Favor � `
^ - Zayor
(J Against �E�i 4 ��7� +
Form x-z znc io-sa a� PUBLISHED