256570 . C OR161NAL TO CITY CL[RK � P 1�� y � �� CITY OF ST. PAUL �OENCIL NO. ��� � �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ` U �ESOL N-GENE L FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF WHEREAS, Frank Perkins, an employee of the Department of Public Works, was injuried in a third party accident on January 9, 1969, while engaged in the performance of his duties; and WHEREAS, the City has incurred medical expense in the amount of �2,639.15 therefor, and said employee was disabled from work Yor a period of time being paid compensation at the rate of �60.00 per week for which the City may claim credit at said rate of �60.00 per we�k; and WHERPAS, a compromise settlement has been negotiated between said employee and the other party involved in said accident, and further, a compromise settlement has been negotiated betwee�r- said employee and the City; and WHEREAS, th� amount due and owing said employee, his attorn�y Richard J. Battis, and the City all are included in one draft in the amount" of �12,000.00, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged; and , WHEREAS, separate drafts for all the parties concerned are not easily obtainable and because of this, the City has agreed to the disbursing of the funds; now, thErefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper City officers are hereby authorized to accept the sum of �3,g00 in full, final and complete settlement of its claim herein and to execute any necessary releases therefor; that of said sum of �12,a00, �4,198. 2$ is to be paid to Richard J. Battis, �4,001.72 is to be paid to Frank Perkins and �3,800 is hereby credited to the Workmen' s Compensation Fund. �p V : /�'� r . \ r Asst. Corporation Co e1 N�V 3 0 ���� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays N�V 3 � '��� Butler � Approve� 19— Levine Tn Favor � � �y , C .n � ��or c„�,,.r�__ v �"`' A gainst 2.,,, ,i �desco �' /'��'l DEC 41971 Mr. President, ,/� pU�3L.�riED �� ���%����� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa �SS���� r � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �� NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRBC�ITED dlf COMMISSIONE� �I►T� t - X�AEA�� Fr�n1c Perlcin�, an esploye• oi tbe Degart�iat oi Pnbli� worl��, �+a• in�uried ia s thir�t party aooiAent oa Jaauary 9, 1969, Mhils ��ed in th� pfrior�a�to• o! hi� dutis�t and w�A,�AB„ t�►e City har iaourred sedioal ezpsa�� in �h� a�ount oi �g,6�9.�g thereior, and said s.ployee was dirabled '�'ro� �ort ior a periQ.d of ti�e b61s` paid cotpen��tion at t�s ratt of �60.OE3 per re�l� ior vhicd th• City �y calai� eredit at ssiel rate Qi �60.04 per Meek� and wAEREA�, • ooaprooi�e ��ttle�snt iu�� been ne�otiat�d b�tw��n said e�ployee asd the oth�r party inoolvsd in �aid ae�eid�at, and turth�r, a�;,.0o�tpro�i�e �sttle�ent Ua+r been a,esoti�t�d ba�t�re�n said ��ploy�e aad tbe Ctty; �ad �EAS, tb� e�a�ouHt due aad oxius said aaploY��, his sttox�ney Aiohard J. Hstti• sad the City all �re isolnd�d in oa� drait ia th� a�onat os �i$,000.00, rsoeipt oi �rhioh i• her�by aolcao�rZed�sdi sad WS�A�AS, +r�parate drsttei !or all ths parti�• Qon�eraed are not sa�ily. obtainabl� and be�sause ot thi�, the City Las tEre� to tbe disbursina ot the inad�; nr�v, th�r�tore, b• it SESOLVED, tl�t th� proper City oilioer• arr Ler�by anthorls�d to �toc�pt t�� �u� 02 �g,804 ia tuil, linal and aorplet• a��tio�en! af it� claia hereia aad to ezeonte aay ne�se��► relea�e• #h�r�lor; that o� s�tid � oi �1S,Ot)0, ��,198.�8 i� to bs paid to Bichard d. Batti�, �4,401.?g i• to be paid �o Fraak PerYin� snd �3,80U is h�F�by cr�dited to ths worlo��n's Go�p�a�ation Fn�►d. Nov 3 0 �a7� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Con*+ci� 19._. Yeas xa� iy u v 3 0 igl�i Bu�� � Approv� 19� Levine Favor .�-� � �� A nninat ��� e sco id t, Mc � ��