256554 � OR161�L TO CITY CL6RK . ������/�
I� the Matter �f haza�rc�.�us b�.ildir�gs being that
one and or�e_half story frame dwelling, fraaa�e sh�d and
garage �Cnown a�d de�eribed a�.s 879 St. Anthanq i� �he City
of Saint �aul and �ituated upon those premi�es legally
� de��ribed as �t �6, Blo�k �, Milton�� �dditicn to Sa3�t
<� �'aul, aeeording to �he pla� on file ar�d of reeord in the
� ,� �ffiee of the Ae�ister af Deeds ir� a,nd fer the Cc�unty of
�, � � R�se�, State of Minne�ota.
, . �.
' � WHERF.•AS, Purs�aMt to resol�tion, C. F. No. �5595�, aPAroved
° petcber 5, 1971, a public he�.ria�g �as dul� held on �e�ober 1�, 1971,
�t � before th� Council of the City mf Saint Paul, �aid laearir�g
N pertaining to the condi�ion of the �tr�ctures lo�ated at 879
, ¢ St. Ar��hong, Saint Paul, A�in,�lesotaj and
T�HERF�, Llpon the f acts presented at tY�e �aid heea�°ir�g
�onsisti� of pho�ographs, 3n�pection repor�s and t�� reeom�enda-
tions of the City Arehitect, it 3.s fo�and a�d determined by the �i�y
Cour�e�l �hat acco�ding to the �e�orda and files in �he off#c� of
the Register of Deeds, the la�t reeord oxners of t�e above_cic�cribed
prmpert� are 0. D. Charlestor�, fee o�er a�,d Mrs. B�tt� Dodd,
cantract ��r�ha��rr; and
WHERF�S� It i� further determined that the above-des�ribed
premis�s eonstitute hazasda�� b�ilding� �ithir� tMe definitic►n of
A�inn�sota �tatutes �ection �63.15 for the foll�wing reason�s
a. The b��.lding, shEd aad garage are standi�.g va�aat,
aba�dAned and are sub�ect �o being entered by uraa�tY�orized
b. The exterior �onditioM of the b�ilding is as #'ollows:
T�e �himney i� in need ot' repairs; the fro�t poreh ia settlir�g
and pulling axay from the main part of �he 'b�ilding; the
foundativ� is bulg�ing outxard above grade 1�v�1; �he extepioF
asphalt �iding i� marred and broken; ��ie ex��rior tri�a has a
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays
Carlson Approve� 19—
Levine �n Favor
Sprafka Mayor
Tedesco ASainat
Mr. President, McCarty
� � �e..D 1..��'`,k+,��.
great deal of peeling paint le�.ving bare wood; the roof gutters
and trim are loose and falling; the doors �,nd windows have been
vandalized and a rear shed addition is rotted, settling and
pulling away from the main building.
e. The interior eondition of the building is as follows:
The structured members in the b�,sement are rotted; the fi�st
floor rooms �iave been va�dalized and the electrical and
plumbing fixture� have been destroyed.
d. The building in th� above condition is beyond
reasonable repair;
e. The building is unfit for human habita�ion ir� its
present eondi�ion and the above corrections must be made in
co�apliance with the Building �ode and the Ho�s3.ng Code of the
City of Saint Paul in or�der �o �ake the saYne habitable;
f. �'he building constitutes a nu3.sanee and a hazard
to t�e public health, safet� �,nd welfare becau�e of its
ph�rsieal da�age, dilapidati,on ar�d inadequate t��.intenance;
g. There is a �;arage whicl� ha� been wandalized;
now, theref'ore, be it
RESOLVED, That in aeeordance with Miruiesota S'�a��tes See�ions
�#63.15 t�rough �#63.26, and based upon �he foregoing findings of
the City Council, the �o�neil of the City of Saint Paul does
hereby make the following Order:
1. �he owners of the above_de�cribed building, shed and
garage shall make the same saf� and not detriment�l to the p�.blic
peaee, health, �afety and wel�are b� k�aving the said buildin� and
garage ra�ed and the material� th�ref�om removed from the premi�es
within thi.rty (30) days from the date of �he s�rviee of this 0rd�r;
2. Unless sueh corrective action is taken to comply �ith this
Order or an �.nsw�r served �pon the City of �int Paul and filed in
the 4f f3ce of the �lerk of tY�e Distriet Court of Ra�sey C�t�,
�iinneso�a, w3thin twenty (�0) days fro� th� date of the service of
thig Order, a Motion for Summary EMforeemer�t of this Order to raze
aAd rernove the said building, �hed and garage will b� �ade to the
Ra��ey Cciuntg District Co�r°t;
3. Ir� the eve�t t�a.� the building, shed and garage are to be
razed by the Ci�y of Sa3.nt Faul purs�an� t0 �ud.gment o� �t�i�
District �ourt, �13 pers�nal property or fiatiares wY�ich may
anrea�onably int�rfere with the razi�g a,r�d �emoval of this building,
shed and garage shall be removed withi� ten (1�� dags fro� �he
entry �f �udgment; and if not so removed, the �i��r of �aint �aul
�ha11 �e�ove a.�d dispose of �e�eh p��sonal pPOp�rty and fixtures
as pPOVided by law;
�. If' the City of Ss�.at Pa�z7, is aempelled �� take ar�q
ecFree�iv� aetior� l�erein, all neee��a� cm�ts exper�ded by the City
will be asse�aed against the above_de�erib�d re�l �state and
collect�d as otMep taxe�; and b� it
F��R RE�4I��3, �hat a c�rtified �opy of thi� resolution
ar�d incorpora�ted Order herein 'be �erved ��on the 1�sst record oxner�
of �he abave_de�eribed proper�y 3.n the �nanner pr�vided by laN.
NOV 3 0 �g��
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19—
Yeas Nays N Ov 3 O 19��
�� �.- pprove� 19_
Levine n Favor �
Merec�r- ( _ `�
�. Acti ng� ayor
A gainst
Mr. President, �yL����-�G�-�-F
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BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS ROBERT L. AMES, Ci+y Architect 445 Ci�Fy Hall, 55102 223-4212
October 14 , 1971
Honorable Charles McCarty, Mayor
and Members of the City Council
Re: File No. 2161
879 St. Anthony Avenue
The Building Department is hereby submitting its report on the
�ondition of the structures at the above location.
The owner of record. is Mrs. Betty Dodd, contract purchaser and
O.D. Charlston, fee owner and the legal description of the property
is Lot 26, Block 4, Milton' s Addition.
A recent inspection indicates the following:
Building Classification: One and one half story frame dwelling
and a frame shed.
Exterior: The chimney is in need of repairs. The front porch is
settling and pulling away from the main part of the building. The
foundation is bulging outward above grade level. The exterior asphalt
siding is marred and broken. The exterior trim has a great deal of
peeling paint leaving bare wood. The roof gutters and trim are loose
and falling. The doors and windows have been vandalized. A rear
shed addition is rotted and is settling and pulling a�ra�r from the
main building.
Basement: The structural members in the basement are rotted.
First Floor: The rooms have been vandalized.
Plumbing, Heating and Electrical Systems : The electrical and
plumbing fixtures have been destroyed.
Accessory Buildings : The garage has been vandalized.
The subject property has been boarded up by the city since
August 27, 1971. °
� � 4�
- �� Honorable Charles McCarty and Octol�ex 14� ,1971
� Members of the Gity Council
Inasmuch as the conditions outlined above constitute a public
hazard and the owner has made no attempt to satisfactorily repair
the damage despite our warnings , it is the recommenc�ation of this
bureau that this matter be referred to the City Attorney's office
for razing and removal through District Court proceedings.
e tru y rs
� ��
RLA/ged obert L. � es
cc: Messrs. P. McClosky City Architect
W. Shimek, Fire Marshal
F. Staffenson, Health Bureau
Oct. l�, 1971
�'. T�niel A. Klas
Corporation Counsel
1/Ci41Y �+46 p
Tize City Council today requestec� that ��tz prep�re a
resolution orderirig the corr�etian or w�reckin� and
remova]. of th� hazardou� htau�� and gara$e at 37�
St. .Anthony Ave.
Very �ru].y' yours,
C3.t� Clerlt