03-1125Council File # S�� 11Z. Presented By Green Sheet # '���� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA J O Refened To Conunittee: Date 1 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves the appointments and 2 the reappointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the Bicycle Advisory 3 Board. 4 5 6 APPOINTMENTS 7 8 Name Representine Term Eapires 9 Matthew Pahs At Large Seat June 30, 2004 10 Russ Stark At Large Seat June 30, 2005 11 Alice Tibbets Ward 4 Seat June 30, 2005 12 13 14 REAPPOINTMENTS 15 16 Name Representing Term Expires 17 Lisa Falk Saint Paul Public Works June 30, 2005 18 Greg Reese Department of Parks and Rea June 30, 2005 19 Kurt Schroeder Ward 6 June 30, 2005 20 21 22 23 � ea� ays seo Requested by Department of. 24 a er ✓ os rom � 25 o eman , 26 a,.ts ,/ ay: gen � 27 a ✓ n.._ .__�� �...r�:.., .«,.._n.. ♦ a3 titi35� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � DepartmenUofficelcounciL• Date Initiated: MQ — MayoYSOffice 17-DEG03 Green Sheet NO: 3009302 CoMaG Person 8 Phone: Deoartrnent Sent To Person InHial/Date Kurt Schullz � 0 a ' ffc 266-6590 A55ign 1 a or's Otliee e ent Dir r Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Number z tt For Routing 3 or's ce Ma or/ASSi n OrdCr 4 o ci � 5 rk Ci Cler Tohl # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Appointment of Matthew Pahs, Russ Stark, and Alice Tibbets to the Bicycle Advisory Boazd. Reappointment of Lisa Falk, Greg Reese, and Kurt Schroeder to the Bicycle Advisory Boazd. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Mswer the Following Questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this person/flrm ever worked under a�niracl ior this departmenY? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this perso�rm ever bee� a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): AdvantageslfApproved: DisadvantageslfApproved: Disadvantages If Not Approved: Total Amount oi CoSURevenue Budgeted: Trensaction: Funding Source: ,4ctivity Number; Rnancial Information: , (Explain) � � � � ���;i � �� � � � . , � � � � � � � � , � � � � � � �� � � �� � �� � � � � � � �� � � � � � �� � � � � � � � �� � , � - � � , ' � � � � � � �, � � � � ��� ��� � � � �� � � � '' � �� �� �� � � � �� � � � , , ;'„ � � r. ��P ,� ��.,,,, ., , � � F 03��tZ5 CI'TY OF SAINT PAUL Randy C. Ke11y, Mayor To: 390 Ciry Hatl IS West Keliogg Boulevard Saint Paul, MN 55102 Saint Paul City Councilmembers Council President Dan Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Harris Councilmember Lee Helgen Councilmember Kathy Lantry From: Kurt Schultz Date: December 17, 2003 RE: Bicycle Advisory Board } ; . �� Mayor Kelly has recommended the appointment of Matthew Pahs, Russ Stark and Alice Tibbets to the Bicycle Advisory Boazd. The term of Mr. Pahs shall expire on June 30, 2004. The terms of Mr. Stark and Ms. Tibbets sha11 expire on June 30, 2005. Mayor Ke11y has also recommended the reappointment of Lisa Falk, Greg Reese, and Kurt Schroeder to the Bicycle Advisory Board. The terms of these individuals sha11 expire on June 30, 2005. Attached is a copy of the resalution nominating these individuals as well as the applications for the new appointments. Please remember that certain information on the applications is classified as private and should not be released to the public. Feel free to contact me at 266-6590 if you haue any questions regarding these appointments and reappoinrinents. Attachments cc. Eric Thompson Tetephone: b51-2bb-8510 Facsimile: 651-266-8513 �,^�,':":,.. . .r� �'; " r °"�v; � � �� V�� � �� Application for Committee, Board, or Commission ; Flease return to Mark Engebretson Mayor's Of£ice, Room 390 City Hall ��� ti�� `LUiJ3 15 West Kellogg Blvd., Saint Paul, M�d 55102 Phone: 651-266-8533 Fax: 651-266-8513 i:-i,zYu%;'j Q;-; „_ The Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (Minnesota Statutes Chapter 13) governs the City's use of the information contained in this application. Some of the informa[ion sough[ in [his application is private data under the AcL The requested information will be used by the appointing authori[y to carry out the City's official appointmen[ respon5ibilities. You are not required to provide any information. However, failure to answer the application questions may cause the appointing authority to reject your application. The majority of items contained i¢ this application are public, including name, address, employmen[, skills, training and experience, and are therefore availab(e [o anyone requesting it. The remaining items on tbe application form are c]assiCied as private. The private data is available only to you and [o other persons in the City who, because of wurk assignments, teasonably require access to the information. Name �A���ew { �A�'LC Homeaddress �91 �t1 �/ S't �l�v S��a�l {MN ��)1�� Telephones �s�- aa�- �6aa � � ' �a�i�/ -��i6� 110✓IF Please include Area Codes home wack 'faz E-mail address -.... ��,�_ n v„ �_. ,_._ Planning District Council 9 W cf � City Council Ward_�_ Preferred mailing address S�n mQ . n.c {,on,o . �,.> ��a« :� Occupation Tanc o�Faf�on f � annar Piaceofemployment j`� ot' /fq�Lt'onr�ia�ion Employment address 395 �o �i Zr? �nn�A ��d� Committee(s) applied for ° � or� y��C� Sirnr'A� ��C iac [n� 1�1n � T page 1 of2 What skills/training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? _ / /�/ PersonalReferences �'�' ��Z-5 Name ��.esA C �Anm�ih Address �� 1(n � ..I- A �. (ni �, `�,. (I- - - � . _ _ I . �nn . t Telephones ��SJ- L�ab_ 6�6L� 651- ���-��ao � Please include Area Codes home work other Name {�1�,,,,u L "r� ��_,_ Addtess Telephoi Please inc.uue nrea i,oaes nome Name Addre Telep Pleas�.,... nrea a,oaes Reasons for your interest in this particular committee �n{ere, �� � i n �.'�„ _ _,.l_��.� ,.,,._,.., ,._. II�� . , 1 � i 1 Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making application? If so, when, and under what circumstances? In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the box applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. � White (Caecasian) � Hispanic �Rlack (African-American) � Asian or Pacific Islander � American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo � Male Female � Date of birth � 5�,� Disabled: � Yes No � If special accommodations are needed, please specify Y1oriFi How did you hear about this opening? (� �. page 2 of 2 work o[her nome work other FRDM : a FAX �. : 6$164b2763 Nov. 93 2003 10:22LM1 P1 � 1 'S ��� 1��+ AppltcatiaA for Committee, Soard, or Commissioa Please retum to Mark Engzbreuoa Mayor's Of�ce Itoom 390 CityHall 1 S West Kellogg �1vd., Saint Paul, NfN SS 102 Phone:651-266-8533 Fax:b51-2b6-8i13 TLe Minaeaota Go�ernmeat Data Praotfcex Act(Mianeeota Statuteg C�spter IS) governs tEe City'a nne of ILe informat:oa contnined in tLia applieatioL. $ome Ot ISe infeemstion souEAt ia tRis appliGation is psiv�xe datn nadet ihC Att. The zeqaeste0 iafurmation vil l 6e n+ed by tbe apyoiating aothority to earry nut the Cety's ofFeial .pyoiatmeat reaponsibititi¢R, Yoo at! ant sequired so p:orido s¢y 5nfoamatioa. flawtver, failuie Co answerthc applicaGon quesiioas may cavae iLe appoiating authoritp to reject ponr appiicat:on. 7Rt majority of itcme eontsincd in lhis apyliaatioa arc public, iacfudia� n�me. addmcs, em0�oymcrtt, skiqa, trainiag and ozpcticace, and arc tLcrefore a�aitablo to anyoqC �equesiing ic. T6e rcmainirtp, itetCS On tLe appliCatioE totm aro claesifiad as private. The rrivste dnt� is av�ilable onSy tn you an6 [a otAer petsont ia thc City who, nceaacc otaarx asxignmenc:, reaxonaDly tequire aeecse to t�o ieFO:aw�aoa. Name �tl SS 57�4'(LK Home address S OD C.�ar1 Telephoaes 6SI�6y6-kK7Z 6Si-6K�1-s�t�� 6sl-���l-oz�3 lb�teb�i�6eAr�aCOa�f ome �.r � E-maiF address f�(`}'� tN11 �Ct3'�{��+1i� • C.Ovd) _ P)anning Aistriot Council �� ^ � City Council Ward_� Preferred maiting address Occupation T�'��� Place of employment '(`j Hmploymeet address _ Committec(s) applied for l.hoinp A`OOV L' / � 1 52.Ni�Q..S10.ava�W � 2�DRDm� Jq� �D �t�niJefsi'��t J�� � p �� T^ � ni J eft)'� /iv�. � � IS iC�.1C'�P /YGl 'i OU S!:/ IS/1., S�l II WBaI akills/training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek agpointment? �+� c�lorkihq u �� co�+�mani ; a� � �1;� bv' o-� N�« 2S�ej 1(1 IJOC�C 51�. .� a�So �uJ.� a �i��ha.� . c+�nr� 4tui1�2 s s�ukehol�e�s � �i i �t2 R��"�P t � if� Sslo� � page 1 of2 � /� � � � J al Rafereoees .�e ��� �i ,iddress �.�, $� TeIephoues ( 1lesse iCCisGe Area CeatY T18ID8 Addre FAX F�. 6516d62763 No�+. 03 26Q3 1@:22fk�1 P2 O�- � 1� ) b� ..-�--�-- —2�6 nnm� wnk o�er �f Telephanes S' `� �j l�' o�D Z ...., .._---.—___. ( Yleau :nclude Area CWes � 6omc rozk otLer Name .1/AJ� U�.�11Q l Address ���i"I La�+r(� � •�=lW( ��Y1M w �S�o`'/ (.WOf � 4 d(/RfJ'� Tcicphoncs PlnseinrluACAre=Code� Lomc Reasons for yowr iaterest in this paxticular committee �' " otLet �l c.�nrk FIave you 6ad previous contact with the committce for which yoa are making applicationT If so, wben, and under w6at circnmstances? e.s . � I�av� addresre�( �� j�.p-f� d �'� J-; �rtr �� r� i �n �{l� dYl In an attempt to ensure that committee tepcesentation reflects the makeup of onr community, please ehack the box applicable to you. TLis infermation is strictiy vo�untary. i� vVhite (Caucssian) � Flispanic �Black (elfrican-Amcriaaa} � Asian or Paci£ic Islander � American indian or Aiaskan Eskimo � Ma[e Female Q Date of birth 5 I z31�3 Disabled: � Yes No � If speciat accommodatioms are needed, gieast Spteify How did yov hcar about ehis opening? 0 /1 page 2 of 2 Application for Committee, Board, or Commission Please return to Mark Engebretson Mayor's Office, Room 390 City Hali 15 West Kellogg Blvd., Saint Paul, MN 55102 Phone:651-266-8533 Fax:651-266-8513 ��' p�- tl Zr5 The Minaesota Government Data Practices Act (Minaesota Statutes Chapter 13) governs the City's use of the infocmation contained ia this application. Some of the information sought in this applicatioa is private data under the Act. The requested information witl be used by the appointing authoiity to carry out the City's officiai appointment responsibilities. You are not required to provide any information. However, failure to answer the application questioas may cause the appointing authority to reject your application. The majority of items coataiaed in this application are public, including name, address, employmeat, skilis, training and ezperience, and are therefore available to aayone requesting it. The remaining items on the application form are classified as private. The private data is available only to you and to otSer pexsons in the City who, because of woxk assignments, reasonably require access to the iniormation. Name �C CL Z� �.�,�'",) Home address Z�%S � �,� (0� Telephones �51 — �o�� -�j�� ( o�/ — �c��-- �p�y "--- • Pleam Inelude Area Codes home work fax E-mail address Qy �'(/� 5� � i�.� ;�,�;� Planning District Council f�l�,^f/U�,-�� (��l�, City Council Ward_�_ Preferred mailing address � p 1i"�, suen �{iy stah zip Occupation ���., _ �Q,�M��/�.�� Place of employment � G^-� G� Employment address �(y �iU� ��S Z � ,�i d'JKt (� �j sJ� Committee(s) applied for What skills/training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? � °ti't�-u-(.li..ti�K I am a bicycling commuter and ride my bicycle in the ciTy almost every day. I am well informed on bicycle advocacy and know the potential for the city to become one of the top ten cities in America for bicycling. I am familiaz with federal and foundation funding that could help the ciry fund more projects, both in education and infrastructure. I have experience working with city, state, metro, and federal agencies on bicycling issues. I am knowledgeable on how to reduce barriers in neighborhoods so the city can implement its bicycle plan. J�'�-- 1' f t�v�c�.2,� Lfa �-�� 1 :1p� �ti �,�v_D�I b'�-���5 Personal References Name F � � }�1�� Address � �� �J �}c�tf�u- /`�" �'� P�� SS�O ZL Telephones � S �^ � � � — ����- Please inclnde Area Codes home work otLer Name .�,'7� -� � �ls� �( �� Address �-t-�'J}+�-� 1'�V�,q _ Telephones {�Y �y�(. — ��`{s-rs�`� Please inclode Area Codes home work other Name �j�7 � �'t�tV�%ti'` Address Z� S� �" �F�Gb�f �_ � P1�-L?. /1/b� SS � (I� Telephones (�S( - � �1 �/ - G^ gS lo � 5 ( - �� - DL9 `� Please include Area Codes home work other Reasons for your interest in this particular committee �c. �--- Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making application? If so, when, and under what circumstances? G,�,�.e,� /y+l�z�u� G. c�,e In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the box applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. � White (Caucasian) � Aispanic �Black (African-American) � Asian or Pacific Islander � American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo � Male Female�( Date of birth ���-� �{ Disabled: � Yes No � If special accommodations are needed, please specify IIow did you hear about this opening? �,n�.,� �� �� page 2 of 2