256547 ,, ��/ C �`"J��14 � ORIGINAL+O CITY CL[RK CI I I OI� �. PAUL coUNCIL \_ � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �� NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 6Y COMMISSIONER' �ATF F.E�OLVr�, That the Council �aeeting of December 16, 1971, be recessed at the elose of its regular business and that the Council then be recoavened at 7:30 B.M. in order that citizens may more conveniently attend the hearing on the petition af Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Fritz to rezone the property o� the s�uth side of Lvwer l�iftan Road between �lintlzrop and MeKnight Road= and be it FURTHTR RESOLV�D, That said xeeting ahall b� held in the Battle Creek Elementary School, and should �aid facilities not be available, �aid meeting shall be held at the Sunray Branch Library. F' .:.` , ,�,i�', [�;..��i�_1.� f•{' • �r"�., lj'��'i (�,� ��'�F� , �� ";� NOV 2 6 197� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Coun�>> 19— Yeae Naye � NOV 2 9 197� Q�ana�Conway prov -- 19— Levine n Favor 4 �e�e�r-_ ^ "�--_ �_ !'� ACti,r1 ayor U A gainst Second �aeSCO ��' Mr. President, �1�� Sprafka i���;� � -���?�,w,���-r... � �� � DYlLICAT,L TO lRIN7tR ��}��.�� / �, � cmr o� sr. PAUL �,ac�� NO ��t� � �, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ' n�eta�r�nr COMMISSION� DATE �iQI.�, shat th� C�oil aNtiaq o!' t�o�b�s 16, 1l71, b� r�a�sNd at th� oloN o! ita s�qulaz b��iu�s• aad t�at th� Con�u�il tb�a b� r�aonve�d at 7�30 t.l[. ia or1l�r ttiat oitis�ns mty sos'r e,�oawwi�ntly stt�ad tl� h�asinq o� th� p�titiow o! Ms. and ltr�. ]1lfsyd lrits te� s�so� tfu� P�P��Y oa t� �out� �id� ot �ro�wrs Afton �ad l�t�n ltinthrop asd �iqht maA� aad b� it ���t �iOLYiD, �'Rat �aid �aEi�q �tll b� h�ld ia t� �attl� es�k ll�ar�tasy ic�oo�, aad �ho�uid said lac�iliti�• not � a�ailabl`. �aid swti�q �►all b� �ald at ith� �tiaraY �araaati Librasp. Ro�: THIS RESOLUTI08 AOT PUBLISHED. NOV 2 6 1971 � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co�mciL 18— Yeaa Nays � ���� NOV 2 9 19T� is— 6ioda��o�an+ay Levine � Favor �� � � Mayor � � AoOfl�'f1Af, . �,.,��� Tedesco �.��'r s dent, � i*�� ��g OR161NAL TO CITY CLlRK � ! �i 1�� ` .�CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� r'arU lJ I� �I �� ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �+� NO. UNCIL SOL TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED QY COMMISSIONE ATF RSSOLV�D, That the �ouncil neeting of December 16, 1971, be re essed at the clo�e of its regular bu�iness and tha� the C�uncil then be reconveaed at 7:30 P.M. �a the Cc��eil- Cliaa�be�s_. in order t citize�s aay m0re eonveniently attend the h�aring on the petiti of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Fritz to rezoae the � property on the onth side o� Lower �fton Road betweea �+Tinthrop � and MeKnight Rvad. E IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That +�^� �^° �'�'��� ; iV12—ZN � . �aid me ting shall be held in the Battle Creek Elementary School, and should said faci ities not be available, said meeting shall be held at the Sunray Branch L�b r y. Fp�t�l1 PppR�VEO� �O�NgEI� Co�G�y��10N NOV 2 6 197� COUNCILMEN Adopted the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays �, N OV 2 9 191� �— � Conway ne� 19— Levine _�n Favor �Qercdit�r- � � � yor T desco A8'ainst Mr�re.vs�de.�izt, �- �rafka ���