256532 ORIOINAL TO CITY CL6RK �5���� � CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCa NO + OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF `. ,, , �.�,, , l s a t RESOLVED, That th� 'lans aA�l sp�ci f icat ions f�r r�4v�i��"��;��: W. Seve�th St. and Munster St.; W. S�venth St. and Maynard �r. W,; M�.���rv���'��� ..: . St. and St. Paul Ave.; W. Seventh St., Msntreal Ave. and Le�cingt�n Pkwy.;W. Sev- enth St. and Ott� Av�.; W. Seventh St. , Osceala Ave. and Randelph Av�„ W. Sev- enth St. and Jefferson Ave.; W. Seventh St. and St. C1air Ave.; W. S�venth St. and Go•dhue Ave.; W. Seventh St., Ramsey St. and 6rand Ave,; W. Seventh St. and Chestnut St.; E. Sevdnth St. and Payne Ave.; E. Seventh St. and Mlounds Blvd.; E. Seventh St. and Maria Ave.; E. Seventh St. and N�p� St.; E. Seventh St. and Arcade St.; Arcade St. and Ninnehaha Ave.; Minnehaha Ave., E. Seve�t�h St. and Me�d�ta St.; E. Seventh St. a�d Forest °St., as submitted by the Cc�araissioner •f Public Warks are hereby appraved, and the Purchasing Ag�nt is hereby autb�rized to advertise far bids he�rec�n in a manner �rovided in and by the charter. Each 1 ua� su�a b i d sha 11 be accc�mpan i ed by a state�aen t of tota 1 c�s t of each af the twanty signal prajects. The sura of the twenty cost state�ents shall equal a lump sum bid. The lump su� bid shall be the basis for the consideratian of the award of the contract, and be it, FURTHER RESOLVED, That the cost of the above traffic sig�al prajects b� financed frc►m PIR Fund Code 6000� the sarae funds shall be reimbursed from Muni- cipal Stat� Aid Funds, frc�n Mi�nesota Highway Department Funds as per City-State Agreewint ,�56757, frvm County Aid Funds, freru Capit�l Improv�ent Bond Funds and frc� Municipal State Aid Suspsnse Funds as foll0ws: l. W. Seventh St. and Munster Ave. - 50X fer Minnesota High�ay Depart�ent Funds, 50°L for Capital Impr�vcnner�t Bond Funds. -� 2. W. Seventh St. and Maynard Dr. W. - 54"�'. for Minnesota Highway Departinent v � Funds, 50� for Capital la�preveme�t Bond Funds. � � y 3. W. Seventh St. and St. Paui Ave. - 66-2/3%. for Minnesota Nighway Depart- � aient Funds, 33-1/3°ti for Municipal State Aid Funds. � � �' c 4. W. Sev�nth St., Lexingten Pkwy. and Montreal Ave. - 60°,� for Minnesota ° ��, � H1ghNay Department FundS, 40� for Municipal State Aid Funds. ° 5. W. Seventh St. and Otto Aves. - 50°� for Minnesota tiighw�y Dep�ct�ent Funds, � 25�,. for Minnesota County State Aid Funds, 25� far Capital l�r�vemen.t - B�nd Funds, COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler Caxlson Apprnv� 19— Levine Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor A gainat Tedesco Mr. Preaident, McCarty �� r� ORIaINAI.TO CITY CL6RK , }�����e�� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa `� '� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �+� NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE 6. W. Saventh St., Randolph Avs. and Oscec�la Ave, - 3}1/39: for Minnesota Highway Department Funds, 16-2/3% for County State Aid Funds, 16-2/3�; for Municipal State Aid Funds, 33-1/3X fmr Capital t�+provement Bc�nd Funds. 7. W. Seventh St. and Jefferson Ave. - 50'�. for Minnesota Highway Departa�ent Funds, 50'� fo� Municipal State Aid Funds. 8. W. Seventh St. and St. Clair Ave. - 50�; for Minnesota Highway Department Fuads, 50� for Municipa) State Aid Funds. 9. W. Seventh St. and Gopdhue St. - 50°� for Minnesota Highway Department Funds, 5�ti for Capital Improvement Bo�d Funds. 10. W. Seventh St. and Smith Ave. - 66-2/3� f�r Minnesota Highway Departrsent, , 33-1/3� for Capital tn�r�vement Bonds. ll . W. Seventh St. , Ran�smy St. and Grand Ave. - 75� for Minnesota Highway Department Funds, 25°,� for Municipal State Aid Funds. 12. W, Scventh St. and Chestnut St. - 50�X for Minnesata Highway Depart�ent Funds, 50°,� for Municipal State Aid Funds. 13. E. Seve�th St. and Payne Ave. - 66-2/39� for Minnesata Highway Departa�ent Funds, 33-1/3X for Caunty State Ai_d Funds. 14. E. Seventh St. and Mounds Blvd. - 1009: for Min�esota Highway Departmeat Funds. 15. E. Seventh St. and Maria Ave. - 50'� for Mi�nesota Htgt�way Department Funds, 25� for Municipai State Aid Funds, 25� for Capital Improvaaent Bond Funds. 16. E: Seventh St. and Hope St. - 50� for Minnesota Highway Department Funds, 5�'% for Capital tmprovem�nt Bond Funds. 17. E. Seventh St. and Arcade St. - 75� for Minnesota Highway Depart�nt Fund�, 25°�6 fur Municipal State Aid Funds. COiJNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler Carlson Approve�l 19— Levine Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka � Mayor Tedesco A8'ainst Mr. President, McCarty �� OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK . CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa ���'�c�� `: OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ti� NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER eArE -3- 1$. Arcade St. and Mlnnehaha Ave. - 50� for Mi�nesota Highway Qepart�ent Funds, 50'� f�r Municipal State Aid Funds. 19. E. Seventh St., Mtnnehaha Ave. and Me�dota St. - 33-1/3� for Mlnnesota Highway Department Funds, 33-1/3� for Municipal State Aid Funds, 33-1/3� for Capital Improve�ent Bond Funds. 20. E. Seventh St. and Forest Zt. - 100� for Municipal State Aid Funds. � NOV 2 419�1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler � 19— Levine _�n Favor Meredith Sprafka c7 yor � A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty ��� � �ronr a �� �� • nun.�cwTS ro�R�wtsR ���lt l���C�', . CITY OF ST. PAUL �,NC�� �� � OFHCE QF THE CITY CLERK ` COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ��rr COMKIISSION� ^A*� RiliOLYEo. '1`hat tM �l ans a�i sMc i f taat tMS f�r rrnr i sN traf t i a �I�na i s at M. i�w�th it. a�l M�nst�r ft.Z M. f�vMth �t. aM IMyMr� �r. M.� N. °i�wath it. a�i it. 1�w1 Avr.; M. i�wnth it., M�ntrMl Aw. arN 4�x1�ptM MoMy.;M. fw- Mth tt. �i 0tt� Aw.�, M. �v�ntM tt.. �sc+Nla Aw. aud Ran�1�A J�w.y N. !�w �uth St. and J�ff�rsM Aw.; M. f�vanth �t. anr St. Clalr Avr.; M. i�wnth �t. anr �Ma�t Aw.i M. fw�nth �t., Raw�ty ft. ae�i i�aMl Av�.i M. i�v�ti� �t. anr CMstnut it.i t. i�winth it. a�i a� Aw.; t. f�wnth ft. aiwl IMw�s �ivr.� E. iw�wth it. ana Ili�i• Aw.� E. i�wwth it. anr 11� ft.� t. f�wnth fi. a� Arta�N �it.; AreaM it. anr Mi� Avr.f Mi�hrha Aw., t. f�vw�th it. aar N�ta it.z E. i�vrnth it. and finst it.. as s�+l�i ttw by tbr C�wl ss i�r �f lh�Yl ia ll�rlu �r� hs��4y a�r�vN. ar� th� h►rrd�asi� ll�t Is lNrMrY �wtiNris«I t� a�iwrtis� tor �I�s h�n�n in a �r �r�ri�wl In � �y ti►� atNrt��. t�sh tu� sw� �i� shall wr �r*a�i� �y • :tat�t o# tital ast �f waA �t tt� #�ty �t�ai 'r��*cts. TI�� s�+w �f tM� t�nty e�st stat�ts slal l �ai a lw* swM b i�. TM i u� su� 4 i� shi 11 b� ths bas i s i� tlM cMS Id�r�t tan �f th� arar� �t i� �ntraet. � N It. irylRTNtR REfOt.YEO. Thit th� c�st of t�s al�w tr�ff ia s i�l proj�ats b� ft�ana�i fnw 'lit funr C� i000. tM saw� fw�is shall M r�i�burs+w fr� 1l�ni• �iN! itat� Ai�l Eunrs. fr�w M1n�ta Mi�y O�artw�nt fta�als as Mr Cit�rit�t• 11�r��rtt �757. �+''� Cou�ty Ai+i I��ais, frw Ca'It�l i�r�v�t Na�i f�Ais aM lr�w Nuaidi'at ft�t� Ai� ius�ns� funds a: f�11w►s: 1. M. �wnth =t. aud Mwnst�r Aw. � �, fK Nl�t� Ni�Mw�r O�Nrt�+t FwNis, 5� f�r Cy i tal t�►nvw�+t Mnd I�irMs. � �t. M. f�v�nth st. a� IhyMrd pr. N. • � f�r Mf�ta lii�y N�aFt�tt �wwls, '3� f�r C�it�i i�t'�rv�nt i� f�ia�ls. 3. M. i�v�nt� it. �n� ft. hul Aw. • i�/3X E�r Nin�+��ta Nf�sy �rtw �nt iu�, 33�1/3"X� fe� Muniairl :tYat� Aii fw�s. 4. M. �th =t.. L�aelu�tM� l�iorr. �i I�tn�l Aw. - fi0x f�r Mi�ta Mi�y NM�t�t funrs, 40xi t�r Mwnlci'ai ft�t� Ai� l�ds. $. M. f�wntA it. anr 0tt� Avr. • � f�r Min�as�ta NI�Mar �rq�t iun+�s, 2yX f�r Mi�s�ta Countr itat� Ai� f�s, !�% t�r Ca�iEat l�r�nt � Fands. COtJNCILMEN Adopted by the Coimcil 19_ Yeaa Naya Butler Carlson Approv� 19_ Levine Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka . ��r ro�77f At Tedeaco Mr. Preaident, McCarty �9 . � ou�ucwTS m nettrrs�t , CITY OF ST. PAUL ��+a� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCfL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM n�es�rEC.,r COMMISSION� ^ATE � �x� 6. N. i�wnth it., IlaM�i'h Av�r. ��N Os�ola Aw. • ;}i/3X f�r Ml�s�ta Niqlw+�y D�rp�rnt fiuws; Ii►-2/3'x f•r CiwAty Stat� At� firn�s. 16�!/3'x t�r llunici'al 8tat� Atd I�unds. 33-i/�X f�r Ca�ttal i��v�at Mnd EuMs. y. ' M. f�v�nth St. aiid .I�ff��s�a Aw. • S� f�r Nl�ta lll�y OMartMnt l�un�s, 5� for MinIc1N1 Stat� Ai�i !'wnds. 8. M. f�wnth St. � 5t. Clalr Av�. • $� hr Nian�sota Ni�r N�artw�t �w�ds. '�it� t�r Mu�iciMl stat�t At� �'aMis. 9. M. �swnth it. �n� �edhw ft. • �r0�► f+�r Ntn�ts�ta Ni�war �qrartw�t Rwws� 5�i fer Cyitai 1�►r�v�wa�t Mn�l f�s. ia. M. �wnth St. a�d �ith Aw. - 66-!/3% f�r Mt�soti Ni�+ay O�rrt�r►t, 33-i/3X tar ICapt ta i I�rw�e�R ionds. i l. M. Sswnth it.. lla�iy St. anr 6raM Aw. • 7� f�r Ml�ta Mi�y . OMart�nt l�wtds. 2$X f�r Nuntal'al tt�t� Ai� fuaJs. 14. M. �w�nth 5t. and Ch�stnut St. �► +I� t�r Minn�s�ta MIyM�+ay �art�st Funds, �Ox, f�r lWnictpl St�t� A1d f�n�t. 13. t. irwnth �t. ana M'ay� Aw. -► 66�/3'X, f�r Ni�sota �il�lw�y Op�artw�t Funds, 33-t/3X for C�ty St�t� Ald f'ww�ds. 14. E. i+�wnth :t. a�d Ma�nds elvd. � 10l�, for Mlnn�sota N1�r O�art�ne I�unr�. 15. t. �rv�nth St. and iYiria Aw. � 5C%i f�r Minn�s�ta Miy�hway O�part�nt Fw►�s, 2y% 1�or Il�ntct'at Stat� At� l�un/�,� 2SX fK Gq�ltal I�r�vwnt NrW �'ands. li. E. S�v�th it. anel il� �t. � St'rX f�� Ni�s+�ta M�yhaNr �rq�n! Ru�ds, 5� fN`� ��ital t�rov�nt � Fw+ds. i7. E. S�vaith it. �nd Arcad� it. • 7�iX fN` Mln�sota tii�y @�Nrt�t Fand�t !�► f�r Muntai'al Stat• AI� l�+w�s. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co�c�'� 19— Yeas Naya Butler Carlson Appro� 19— ��e T� Favor Meredith Mayor Spr�' A c�uinat Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �9 ( ' � � ou�ucwTS To net�rme �C.D�t 1t�,L, , CITY OF ST. PAUL ��� NO , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRBSiNT�!Y COMMISSION� n/�� ..3_ !8. ArcaN ft. aiai NIr�hN�a Aw. • +� f�r Mln�s�t� M�yMwy O�rtsMt f�e�s� � f�r Ilw�la{M:1 itat� A1�1 Far�is. �9• E. f�vMth ft., Ninn�haha Aw. aM M�ta ft. • 3�1/3'X f�r M�a�s�t� Mi�hwr O�art�t Fw�s� 33•i/,3'X, t,wr IIwA1st'al stat� Ai� f�s, �3-1/3X f�r E�i ta1 !■*r�v�at Mnr Fun�s. 20. E. f�wnth St. ani Firrst �t. • IOE� tN' Nw�tei�l ftat� Ai�l fdnrs. � Nov a 4197� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounM'� 19_ Y�, xa� NOV 2 41971 Butler so �J Approv� 19— Levine / Tn Favor Meredith J Sprafka �� - Tedesco A8'�at Mr. President, McCarty ��