256526 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLBRK /+*��'�• .� a ' CITY OF ST. PAUL c�.o�E Nca NO. ��` � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE /�rF RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve Agreement between the City and the Saint Paul Housing ar}d Redevelopment Authority, said Agreement pertaining to the Model Cities Rehabilitation Loan and Grant Supplement Program, and the Ma.yor, City Clerk and Comptroller are hereby authorized and directed to execute said Agreement on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. FOR P VED: ; t. r n Coun t Nov a 4 �s�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays But�er N QV 2 4197' ,� A proved 19— Levine _�n Favor Meredith n/ Sprafka V' , �' Mayor A►gA1118t Tedesco � ,:,� Mr. President, McCarty ��c�yf,p NOV 8? '�� �� ou�uw►s ro nm+me 2�s���s � CITY OF ST. PAUL �u"p� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RBiWTED tY COMMISSION�R DAiE I R�SOLVED� That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve �greement between th� City and tYie Saint Paul Housir�g and Redevelopa�ent A�uthority, said Agreenrent pertaining to the Model Cities Rehabilitation Loan end Grant Supplem�ent Program� - and ths Mayor, City Clerk and Ccya�troller are hereby authori��d and directed to execute said Agreem�nt on behalf of the City of Saint �aul. Nov a 4 t9�.� COUNCILIY�EN Adopted by the Co>>ncil 19_ Yess �' Nays Bu�� ' NOV 2 41Q71 Approve� 18_ Levine ��I Tn FaVOr B2eredit� /� � Sprafka (/ � A�aninat Tedeaco Mr. Preaident, 'McCarty �e - ► _, ', • �-� ��� ZHIS AGREII�NT made this day of , 1971, ���� by and between the CITY OF SAIh'T PAUL, acting through its MODEL CITIES DEP?RTNIEh'T (hereinafter called "Model Cities") and HOUSING AND RED�..'VEIAFiEh'T AUTHORITY QF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, M?Iv�2�ESOTA, i a public body corporate (hereinafter called the "Authority"). • WITNESSE�1: �1EIEREAS, the Authority has the responsibility and jurisdiction to carry out the Neighborhood De-�elop;nent Progs•am in the Su�ait-University NDP Ared, including the processing of RehabiliLation Loans under Section 312 of the Housing Act of 1964, as amended, and the processing of Rehabilitation Grants under Section I15 of the Housing Act of 1949, as amende3; and WHEREAS, Model Cities has under Ti.:le I of t:�e Demonstration � Cities and Metropolitan Development Act of 1966 undertaken a Program which includes authorization to provide suppl�m�ntal rehabilitation funds for bameowners and residents of the Model Cities neighborhoad; and WHEREAS, this Program has been approved by the Department of $ousing and Urban Development and included in the First Year Comprehensive Development Plan for the. Saint Paul Model Cities Program; and FIHEREAS, it has been determined that a need exists for these supplemental funds in instances where a Grant is not sufficient to ewer � all of the work required and the applicant cannot obtain a Loan; where title problems exist which prevent the applicant from qualifying; where there is a delay in the processing of a Loan or Grant or an emergency situation exists. �, . NOW, TElE2EFORE, in consideratian of the mutual covenants, promises and representation contained herein, the parties do agree as follows: • Model Cities shall maintain a fund in the a�unt of Fifty �Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) to be used in thos� instances set forth above. Disbursement will be made from this fund in accurdance with the Scope ' 1 • � . �� . r � � . . J i . of Services attached to and hereby incorporated as part of this Agreement. Subject to these conditions, the AuthoriLy agrees ta administQr I i the Model Cities Rehabilitation Program in accordance with their regulaz � ; procedures for Section 312 Loans and Seztion 175 Grants and to provide � supervision and inspection within the Program. � � THIS AGREEMENT shall be in effect from the day nf � � � 197I, until the 30th day �of June, 1972, unless otherwise tenninated by f � ! either party upon thirty (30) days written noLice. � , ' � � CITY OF SAINT PAI7L :i . � By Its Mayor F APPROVED AS TO FORM , , . � �' n �� By � i � Its City Clerk � j . ' poratio Couns —�� � � � - � . By ( Its Comptroller MODEL CITIES i . , � � • By I Its Executive Direct:or i � � � 1� . �'I , , AOUSING AND RED::i1ELOPf,�ENi AUTtipRITy � 'I i"� OF THE CITY OF SAINT P�1UL, MII�'Nr.SQTA �'���i � t� ; ' \ �� r f�; f — � . � � � BY � � ; / � � // ���.�� � f_ ��, r' _ APPROVED AS TO F 1�M . I Ls . � _ �_ ,' ' � `�:�� � �/ � .�. ,- � � ; , , , By /,� ���� , -�1,-,��� �- � `��' Staff Counsel Its �" � ` � � � � - � ( . � � � . � f � � . , � � � r � �Z— 1 � i , . _ � ....�:.....,,, = , �.,�.,.�..>,.._ ...,._....,..�....Y..�w_�.__,_ . ..,_, ___.. . .._: _..�.,....._..,.: .�..,..�Y ,.. .��.,,,..,. . ..�._... .�u._�r,,,:,,.�..e...,�...:.�,....:.T..�...-a,�.,.�..��,.».......,....�,."....�.��,.�.�.. . ._ . ' � '� Prepared by rL�IPC Staff SCOPE OF SERVIC�S n. 0_�ac tives 1. To ass�.st a low-i.ncome homeowner when the 30-90 day waiting period required for processing the HItA grant is a grave inconvenience to the homeowner. 2. To assist in rehabilitation funding in cases c�here low-income homeoF�ners find ttiat Section 11S rehabilitation grants are not sufficient to complete the work properly�. � B. Operation 1. HRA has the responsibility and jurisdiction to carry out the Neighborhood Development Prograr:i in the Summit-University NDP area, including the processing of Rehabilitation Grants under Section 115 of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended, and 2. Model Cities has, under Title i of the Demonstration Cities and rietropolitan Development Act of 19b6, undertsken a prooram which includes authorization to provide supplemanta'1 Rehabilitation funds for owners in owner-occupied homes of the Model Neighborhood. 3. Supplemental funds will be made available to low-income homeo�iners when . arants are approved by iiR4, but when the grant would noC be available it*in:ediately for necessary emergency �oork; or, where title problems exist which prevent the applicant from qualifying; or, in instances where a Section 115 grant is not sufficient to cover all work required. 4. Model Cities shall retain sole distributive power over the Model Cities � Grant Fund and disbursements to hos:eowaers or to HRA escrow accounts will be made only at the direction of a comc:�ittee duly appointed by the chairman of Model Cities Planning Council to review and pass on applications for the Model Cities Supplemental Rehabilitation Funds. 5. Application for these funds would be made to either the HRA Rehabilitation Department or the Model Neighborhoad Rehabilitation Loan and Grant Committee. If the request flows directly to the community committee, the chairman of the co�rnnittee will refer the request to the HRA Rehabilitation ' Department which will provide the inspection and will send a report to the neighborhood co�nittee indicating in summary its findings and presenting its recommendations. ' Following the HRA Rehabilitation report, the Model Cities Rehabilitation and Loan Co�nittee will process the r�quest and direct the disposition of monies from the Model Cities Supplemental Fund. � . . C. Modsl Nei�zhborhood Rehabilitation Loan and Grant Committee 1. The rlodel Cities Rehabilitation Cor.:mittee will be comgosed of five members. One I'�iIPC member as chairman and frn:r other Model Neighborhood residents (no;�-1�NPC). 2. This cam,mittee will be appointed �or th� duration of the rirsC Action Year. 3. The corcmittee c•�ill meet every three weeks to process requests. OCher meetings will be called at the discretion of the committee chairman dependino on the �aorkload. 4. Four members �aill constitute a quorum. 5. Approval of any grant by the comr,nittee demands an affirmative vote of three � M�mbers of the committee. Requests for funds flow from HRr1 Rehabilitation Departu�ene or from the community sources. When the request flot�s directly - from the com,munity, the chairman will forward the requests to HRr�,. HiL'1 wi12 provide ttie inspection anJ will send a report to the t4NPC commitfiee, detailing its findinos and presenting its recomm�ndations. 6. The m.axim:�m grant would be Zimited to $1,000. _ 7. The chairman of the cor,imittee will comnunicate committee deci.sions to the t•iodel Cities accouritant �aho will act as� the liaison betwe�n the committ�e . . . . .. . :: _ ; _ -,.;: _ '}3:tij�-'t��:.�.,"i`i�ati"`:1`t;a.�:ttl'��tit'L= tt��.�' +C3"1�3t3T�v 'tttOttc?j ''LU"L"�lt!t`Tt1a�l�l"itI�1�i �li3iCf'UW11��'i' Li� to 1[2A escroca account as direeted . � � ', i . Scope of Services - 2 - Prepared by 1�L�IPC Staff 8. The cormiittee will give quarterly reports (December, March and June) of its transactions in writing to the Model Neighborhood Planning Council. D. Monitorin� and Evaluation ' The St. Paul Piodel Cities Program will monitor each supplementally funded project throughout the First Action Year. The projects will be monitored on the basis ; of planned versus actual achievement in terms of objectives, content and budget. An infornation system will be designed and implemented and will act as the �' mechanism for the monitoring process. Three to five projects wh�ich relate to problem areas of high concern to St. Paul will be selected for indepth eva lua t ion. � I . - � � � � � . i • _ . 1