03-1121Council File # �,�` Green Sheet # ��Cqa� RESOLUTION CITY OF SA1NT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Refened To Committee: Date '-� 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lenora Taylor - Term expires November 30, 2005 Jean Vansiea - Term expires November 30, 2005 REAPPIONTMENTS Beverly Carroll - Term expires November 30, 2005 Margaret Tracy Moos - Term expires November 30, 2005 13 Merlyn Satrom - Term expires November 30, 2005 14 Sally Staggert - Term expires November 30, 2005 15 Arlend (Buzz) Wilson - Term expires November 30, 2005 16 Dolores Zeller - Term expires November 30, 2005 17 18 APPOINTMENT AS CHAIR 19 20 Jamie Warndahl - Term as Chair expires November 30, 2004 21 22 23 en��, ea� ays sen Requested by Department of: 24 ° eY ✓ 25 os om ,� o eman 26 arru � By e gen i / 27 m+ ✓ � Fo pproved iTy ey Z8 _ . AA� � _ RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves the appoinhnents and reappointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the Mayor's Advisory Committee on Aging. APPOINTMENTS 63- �� �\ � Green Sh@et Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � Departmentloffice/couneil: , Date Initiafed: MO — Mayrn's0ffice '17-DEG03 Green Sheet NO: 3009298 CoMact Person 8 Phone: Deoartment Sent To Person InitiaUDate Kurt Schultz � 0 's ffi z ��� A55ign 1 a or's Office De artment Director Must Be on Council qqenda by (Date): Number Z �� For Routing 3 or's Ofiice Ma or/Assistant Order 4 ncil 5 i Clerk Ci Clerk Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Appoinhuent of Lenom Taylor and 7ean Vansiea to the Mayor's Advisory Committee on Aging. Reappointment of Beverly Carroll, Mazgazet Moos, Merlyn Sairom, Sally Staggert, Arlend Wilson, and Dolores Zeller to the Mayor's Advisory Committee on Aging. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contrects Must Answer the Following Questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this personffirm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this personffircn ever been a city employee? Yes No � 3. Dces this persoNfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Advantages lf Approved: DisadvantageslfApproved: Disadvantages If Not Approved: " ToWI Amount of CostlRevenue Budgeted: Transaction: Funding Source: Activity Number: Financial Information: (Explain) o�-��z� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Randy C. Kelly, Mayor 390 City Hall IS Wesc Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, MN 55102 To: Saint Paul City Councilmembers Council President Dan Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Harris Counciimember Lee Helgen Councilmember Kathy Lantry From: Kurt Schultz Date: � December 17, 2003 Tel ep hone: 651-266-8510 Facsimile. 651-266-8513 •, �, _ - ��r ���`; �. , , , , . . ._,. 3�":.i, b � ��s� Mayor's Advisory Committee on Aging Mayor Kelly has recommended the appointment of Lenora Taylor and Jean Vansiea to the Mayor's Advisory Committee on Aging. The terms of these individuals shall each expire on November 30, 2005. Mayor Kelly has also recommended the reappointment of Beverly Carroll, Margaret Tracy Moos, Merlyn Satrom, Sally Staggert, Arlend (Buzz) Wilson and Dolores Zeller to the Mayor's Advisory Committee on Aging. The terms of these individuals shalt each expire on November 30, 2005. Mayor Kelly has also recommended the appointment of Jamie Warndahl as the Chair of the Mayor's Advisory Committee on Aging. Her term as chair shall expire on November 30, 2004. Attached is a copy of the resolution nominating these individuals as well as the applications for the new appoinhnents. Please remember that certain information on the application is classified as private and should not be released to the public. Feel free to contact me at 266-6590 if you have any question regarding the appoinhnents and the reappointments. Attachments cc. Mike Rossberg � 03 �iz\ AppIication for Committee, Board, dr Commission Please return to Mark Engebretson Mayor's Office, Room 390 Citq H�11 1S WestKelioggBlvd., SaintPaul, IvLN 55202 Phone;651-266-8533 Fax:651-2bfi-8513 Thc Minncaots Government Dsn Prac�iccs Acc (Minnoso�a St¢cutcs Cl�nyter 13) govcrn: the City't use of tLe iutormaiion concgincd in ihin applica�joa. Somc of [hc infurm4tjoa anught in thjs applicatioa is ptivsie daca uadcr chc ac�. The cequesced ;nfo�ma�ioa will be used by ehe appoiaiiag su�hori[y so aarry ouc tLe Ci[y't oftici3l appoin[mcnc responsibili[ies. You are not required to provide any inlormation. Howevor, failurc co answer chc spplieation qu:sFioqz may cause xAe appointin6 aulhori[y to rejecc your sppliaation. Tho msjoriiy of icnyns concainad in This application acc pnblie, ineludinp namo, sddress. omploym¢nt, ski�ls, training and azp:ricace, qnd are thcrefore avail¢bte [o a¢yoae requoscing it. Tho remaining itcros on �ha spplics�iun Form arc elaasitled as privaf e, The privatt data is nvaila6lc oaly [p you and to ot6ei per5ons i¢ thc City wEO, beeauac ofwork appignmcnts, rcnsonnbty re4uicc neoess eo the informacion. I�Tame Lenora Home address 764 Cottage Avenue East-Uncer St paut urt.* cc, �c ur<ca � u�q tpro z�p Telephones 651/340-0923 651/292-&710X202 651/?09-n4�a YlaaaelteladeAroaCodea nom< �vu<¢ , ';� E-mailaddress lenora.cavlor@comcasc.n- Planning District Council p8yne_phalen City Council Ward 6 Preferred mailing address Home Address 9LK'CI " CIiY ([0�0 L��l Occugation Psogr Manager � Place ofempleyment Comm_ un•ytv Ne;ahborhnnd F^ • g �e P ic Employment ac�dress 35 West Water Street, St. P�ul, MN 55107 � Committee(s) applied for Mayor's Advisurv Committes on Ap3i� What skills/training or experience do you possoss for the comq�ittee(s) for which you seek appointment? Please See Attached Sheet page I of 2 �3- t IZ.,1 Pcrsonal References Name G�this P Address 35 West Water Street, St. Paul, Pua;55107 Telephones 651/292-8710 r_ 201 ��,,,��� P1ee�eineludewreaCodes homc work oihcr TVame Eileen Tittle ' i Address _ 166 4th Street East, Suite 2Q0, St'. Paul. MN SS10Z Telephones 651/222-a31I i� � Please➢neludeqrtnCodes home qork ' other Name Judith Shalabv Address 3524 4th Avenue South, Minneanolis�, MN 55408 Telephones �������_ � Plea9einUudaArcaOodes huIDe WO[k athe[ Reasons for your interest in this parLicular committee Pleaae See Attached Sheet Have you had previous contact with xhe committcse for which ypu are making agplication? If so, �vhen, and under what circumstances? No In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the box applicable to you. This information is st:�ictly voluatary, � Whitc (Caucasian) [� tiispanic � �Black (African-Amcrican) � Asian or Pacific Islander � American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo � Male Female � I�ate of birth ��31 /45 Disabled: � Yes No � If special accommodations are ncedod, pleaso spccify None How did you hoar about thiS opening? Memo wa�, �axea re mv Fl acP �f a Tn a r page 2 of 2 �3- IlZ.1 Lenora Taylor Application for Committee, Boatd, or Commission Ad�imdum I was born and taised in SL Paul and have been a resident almost all my life. I grew up living wittt an extended fawily that included all ages and I have grown to appreciate what my elderly aunts, uncles and grandpazents have taught me, As I get older, I azn becoming more aware of the isgues facing people as they age: issues of vulnerabiliry and access to reSOUrces. In my cuaent �mployment, I often work with older clients providing advocacy, refeirals and assistance with access to housing services. I have had business training through formal education at the Univcrsity of Minnesota and through my employment in public relations antl housing services. I have good problem. solving skills, the ability to see an issuc from a variety of perspectives, good communication skills, and have worked with othars in ¢�nmittee aud group enviranments. I think being a member of this committee will hslp me become more aware of available resowces, become an advocate far needed resources that do not exisf, offer what Irnowledge T have gained to the St. Paut community, and help find ways to communicata inforaiation to cifizens_ 11/21/2003 14:42 6512278734 NEIGHBORI-�OD F�US N�V-19-2003 09�49 5T. PRUL PFS�IC & REC. PpGE 02 fi512927311 P.� ��� 6 RFCEIUFL� lpplication for Cornmittee, Board, or Commission NOV 2 A 2003 APPLICATION FOR (l4AYOR'S t;� �:,F MAYOR'S ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON AGING The Minncsot: GOrarnmen[ Dita PnetiNS Act (A[innesoti Stttu[ea Chap�er !3j �Or�cac thc Citry ust of thc {nfonnatton eonUined in cnis spptieatioa, Some ohhc Safocmacion toughc in tRi* xpplicncion is pelvate daw nnder t6e � Act. Tha tsQu��leJ iaCormation w;ii bt used 6y ihc appotatiag issefioriry �o eaRry out the City't ofOti�l appoiasneee �.��;.; ' resp6alibil{t{en_ You art nnt tCqYistd lo pmvid<sva ,AEormn�Iar. Ho..e._er, tailurc ro sr.s,.et she ¢ypfica2ic¢ questfons � may oanse the ap�oiqs[ng su[horitr to re)<et your xppi�ntiea Th� m�jon�7 of ifems eenxained in t61s •➢ptieaUoe:ta �,;.�;�p � ., pu6iie, iaalndla� aamc, addrea�, �mpl0ymcns, shl[z, craioina apd �xperi<nei, �nd ars tAertTU:e a�oilaSle ro snyone ';: �.� �� �' reques[in; it. TAe temaiqip6 itemi oo tAa �pptiaacion term s�e ClltiiTied as prirate. TGe p: iv��e daU i� �•u�sble aBiy {o ' r; you and w eth�r peteons in tre City w6o, b�aause of w�erk assi�emtptf, reseonably nquire se<est �o the information. :t ,;; : �-�- --� es.�., n• f o` v� S � e�t. - - Nnme �.. _ .-. n _ _ � Home address 'felephones a Plea<faetaJe rea a�n � E-mail address J�'1 Ptanning Bistrict Counci! Preferred mailing nddress O ccupat ion --L�-ti.�.i� Piace of employment � Employment address � Committee(e) nppIied for _ .n � �u' �rsz���i:va.���c � M �!i] a' •a� . � �.: � '!�' � �/ / �� / �5�� g�3� City Couacil Ward��_ �7 / 7 page ! of 2 What Bkills/training or experience do you possess for the COmmittee(s} For which y0n 6pek appointmeat? _ 11f21/2003 14:42 6512278734 I�IGHBORHODD HOUS IV�tJ-19-2003 09�49 ST. PHUL PFRIC 8 REC• PersoaalReferenees Name [ �}f�Vr S'� Addresa ���� �j�-� � Tcicphones PYeft�fnclndeAtssCedes 5em< Name , Addre F. i�: �. • 'k;':: � Telephoaea ;;ia(ri�'= . r1e.N .. S. �dIDG Addre Telep Plea+e Istlads Area Codfl 6ome PAt£ 03 b�1G7CfJtt r.w�f+-+ , " �� YI �, etber t� 3 L� i L� �''1��� --✓' �ovrn.�—u ttl��"� Havc you had prcviouA contact with tha eommittee Yor which you are making application? If A ao, whcn, and under what circumstaACee7 �/ I_ ., _..L rVl., !J' _�...Q_. �w�. A[w�.n. �n :n l'E�nrt/1iMs � ('i m�FPfiT � please t'o ens�Tre hat oommi�cea represt'nistlon roflects the makear of our community, tho box applicable to you. This iaformation i8 atriatty votuxtary. � White (Csacasian) Q Hispanic �Black (African•Americsn} � Asian or Pacific Islander � Ameritan Indiaa oz Alaskan Eskimo � Male Famalee� Date of bitth /a —�,.5-_.,S Diseblefl: � Yes No� . � P If special acenmmodaiions arc naeded, plesae specify,� ' -�� . .u K � r How did you hear about thi3 Oyening9 ���y—� p O� : page 2 of 2 �� .' . 5 wort o[¢cr Reasoas for your intorest in this particular epmmicroc �, yyy„Q �.�-��,����-�,