256522 µ � �'5���� ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK �t .,- CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� .� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ��E NO. !� NC RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF In �he Matter of h�.zardous buildings being that single family dwelling, ba�n ar�d garage kn�wn and deseribed as 1458 Rice ���eet n the �ity of Saint F'sul and aituated upon tho�e premi��s legally � des�r3.b�d as Lc�t 15, Black 2, J. J. Eiseru�a�qge�'s AdditiAn to S�.int . � Pat�1, according to the plat on file and of record in the office of c°� the Regi�t�r of �e�ds in �.nd for the County of R�.m�e�, itate of ��, .� l�innesota (et��. . w 0 4�TI3EREAS, Fci�°��ant to resolution, C. F. �To. �55953, aPProved Q � 4�tober 5, 1971, a public hear3r�g was duly held on 4�taber 1�, 1971, before the Cm�neil of the �ity of Saint Paul, �aid hearing pertaining , N to tY�e eondition of the structu��s loeat�d at 1�58 Ric� �treet, � Q Saint Paul, Mi�es�ta; and �THEREAS� �pon the faets pre�ented at the �a,id k�eari�g coflsisting of photographs, inspeetion reports and the reeommenda�ion� of the City Ar�hiteet, it is found and determ3r�ed b;� the �ity Counoil th�t aecordirig to the reeords and file� in the effiae of tY�� Regist�r of Deeds, the la�at r�e�rd owners ot' tl�e abo�e..de�eribed property are ehristise L. and Anna B. Dor�� and the I�am�ey Caunty �ard of Com�sissio�ers #�s t�� lic�nY�lder; ar�d that it i� further deter�3.ned t1�at �he abo�re_deseribed pre�a3.se� evnstitute Y�azard�u� building� �itY�in the definition of Mir�ne�ota �tatutes Seetion �63.15 for the following reason�s a�. The b�ilding, garage and barn are standing vacant, abandoned and are s�b�eet to bei�g e�tered by unauthorized per�0�s; b. �he �xterior eondition ot' �he br�ildings i� as folloxs s The rear por�h, siding, carn3ce, xindows, domr� and frames �,re de�a.y�d ar�d rotted; t�e fron� pore�i i� elvaed �►ith ratted sareer�s; the �a�►a�e and barn are sagging, decayed a�d rAtted thro�ghout and the barn i� oc�� of plumb over one �'oot and 3.s loaded with debris; c. The interior eondition af the sir�gle f�m31y d�elling is a� fallow�: 3'he firat floor b�c3�°o0� and bath ha�e loose and COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler Carlson Approved 19— Levine Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A gainat Mr. President, McCarty O - r �`~ �T�"c��, � �"� �i C �.�': ��C�;, falling pla�ter with rubbish beirig seattered throt�gho�t; �he eleetrie wiring throughout the house is in violation of the law a�d the pl�ambing, toilet and �ra�er h�at�r a�� not xorking; d. 3'he building in tMe above eondition is beyond reasonable r�epair; e. The building 3.s unt'it for humar� habitation in its present eond3tion a,nd the above corrections m�st be made in eompliance �ith the B�ilding Code and the Housing Code of the City of Saint Paul in order to rn.ake �he �ame habitable; f. The building constitu�e� a nuisance and a haaard to the p�ablic health, �afety and welfare be�ause of its physical da.mage, dilapidation and inadequate maintenance; g. �here is a ga�age and a barn on the pre�ises that are sagging, d�eayed and rotted throughout; �he barn i� one foot ou� of plumb and is loaded rvith debris; now, the�efore, be it RES�LVED, That in accordance with �Iinnesota Statutes Sections �63.15 through �63.26, and based upon the foregoing findings of the Citg Gouneil, the Coun�il of the City of �aint Paul does hereby make the f'ollowing Order: 4RDER 1. The owners of t1�e above_described property shall make the same safe and not detrimental to the publie peaee, health, safet�r and �elfare by having the said buildings and premises raz�d and the �a,�erials ther�from �emoved from ��ie prem3se� �r3thin thirtg (30� dags from the date of the service of this Order; 2. Ur�].ess such corrective action is taken to eamply with this Order or an answer served t�pon the City of Saint Paul and filed in the Offiee of the Clerk of the District Court 0f Ramsey County, M3nr�esota, witl�in twenty (24� days from the date of the ��rvice of this Order, a P�ation for Summar� Enforcement of thi� Order �o raze and remove the said building� wi11 b� made to the Ra�sey County IJi$trict Court; 3. In the event �hat �h� buildings are ta be razed b� the � 1 =5��2;�� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLlRK . - �• � CITY OF ST. PAUL ��E Nc�� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF �ity of Saint Paul pursuant to �udga�ent of the �i.striet Court, all per�o�al property or fixtur�es which ma� unreasonablg ir�terfere with the razing and removal of these buildings shall. be removed within ten (14� da�s f�om the entry of �udgm�nt; and if not so removed, the City of Sa3nt Paul sha11 r���aove and dispose o�' �ueh personal property and fixtur�s as provided by law; �. If the �ity of waint �'aul is compelled �o take any corrective a�tion herein, all �eee$sary costs expended by the City will be assessed a�ainst the above_deseribed real estate and Qollected as other taxe�; �,nd be it F�.THFR RESpbVED, That �. eertified copy of this resolutien and ineorpo�ated Or�er herein be s�r�red upon the la�t recerd owners of th� above_de�eribed property in the manner provided by la�r. Nov a 4 �g7� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeae Nays NOV Z 4 ��7� Butler A e — 19— Levine Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka � A gainat Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED NOV 2? �9�1 � t `l�..� Area Code 612 �'i �, -r THOMAS J. STEARNS � 223-5121 .���.—����. ARTHUR M. NELSON � _, ,�-'�'p` PAUL F. MC CLOSKEY, JR. �-/��'�-�`// R. SCOTT DAVIES ,�'��� PIERRE N. REGNIER DANIEL L. FICKER JOHN C. MC LAUGHLIN CITY OF SAINT PAUL ROBERT C. HOENE KENNETH J. FITZPATRICK A. KEITH HANZEL First Assistant TERRY F. SULLIVAN LEGAL DEPARTMENT /�ssistants JEROME J. SEGAL ROBERT W. MATTSON Special Assistant 647 City Hall, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Investigator DANIEL A. KLAS Corporation Counsel Ma.y 19, 19 7 2 Mr. Albert B. Olson Council Recording Secretary City Clerk' s Office Dear A1: Could we please have four certified copies of the attached Council Resolution/Order? Thanks. Yours truly, PAUL F. MC CLOSKEY, JR. Assistant Corporation Counsel PFM:jr Enc. ,, � � � 1 �`� ��- � S� � � . �' C� ' .-� . �- �� � � , ��?ez�t��� . ORIGINAL TO CITi CLERK ��� �� ��, pAU� � r,�r�_0�; {�(_ _�' : COUNCIL �Q� ; , , , ' FILE ; , � - OFEiCE OF TH� C(T`( CLERK ; • �C�JNC.� RESOLUTiON—G�R�E�AL FOR�A ' , ��� -- .� � ; � ./��a� `� �g�''r,c srr��!'a� i PP.ESENTED BY � ��... gk�,.���—rw•�'`°�'� •� DATF { COMMISSIONEIL ; : � � � In the t7atter of ha�ardous bu3.ldin�s being that sin�le � fami7.y dwelling, barn and garaoe kno��rn and described as 1058 R3.ce Street � n �he City of. Saint Paul and situa�ed upon those premiszs legally � � • , � described as Lot 15, Block 2, J e J. EisenmeC�a�'s .�dd�,tion to Saint � i� �^ a � � k'aul, according to the pl�t on file and of record 3.n the office o � � � �he Register of Deeds 3.n and for the County of Rarnsey, State of `�.� � Ninnesota (etc�, ' � . , ��o WKEREAS, Pursuan� to resolution, Co I+`o AIo. 255953, approved o October 5p 1971, a public hearin.g was duly held on October 1�, 1971, . � � . before the Council of th� Cit� of Saint Paul, said hearing pertainin.g � � to the condition of �he structures located a�C 1058 Rice Street, �;�Q Saint Paul, 1�irLnesota; and WHEREA.S, Upon the facts presented a� �he said hearing consisting of photographs, inspection reports and the recommendations of •the City � Architect, it is found and determined by the City Council tha� � aceording to the records and f3.les in the office of �he Regis�er of Deeds, the last record owners� of the above-.described proper�y"`are Chr3.stinz L. and Anna Bo Dorn� and the Ramsey County Board of ' Commissioners is the lienhOlder; �nd that it is furLher determined that �he above_described premises constitute hazaraous buildings wi�hin the dex"inition of Minnesota Statutes Section �463,15 for �Che fo1loV�ing reasons o ao The bu3.lding, garage and barn are s'�anding vacant, abandoned and are sub,�ec� to being entered by unau�horized p�rsons; , bo The exterior condi�ion of the buildings is as follows: The rear porch, siding9 cornice, windo�vs, doors and frairles are , decayed and rot'ced; �he froni, porch 3s closed with roi,ted screens; the �g�rage and barn are saggin�, decayed and rotted throu�hout and �he barn is out of p�.umb over one foo� and is loaded with c�ebris; c. The in�erior condition of the single family dca�lling is as follovrs o The firu� floor bedroom and bath ha.ve loose and - COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays . , Butler Approved 1g— Carlson Levine . _�n Favor Meredith � Mayor Sprafka _�gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty . - . c Y•+.;...�r:"'� ! . ' �'v �..� • - ��°����,�;. . falling plas�er with r�bb3.sh being scattered throughout; the ele�tric wiring throughout the house is in vio7.ation of th� law and the plwnbing, toilet and water hea�er are not working; d. The building in the above �condi'c1.on 3.s beyond reasonaUle repair; , e. The buildin� is unfit for human hab3tation in its present condition and the abave corrections must be mad� in � complianc� with the Building Code and the Iiousino Co�e of the _ City of Saint Paul in order to make the same habitable; f. The building constitutes a nuisance and a hazard to the public health, safety and welfare because of i�ts physical damage, dilapidation and inadequa�e maintenance; g, There is a garage and a barn on the premi��,��,hat are sagging, decayed and rot�ed throu�houic; the barn is one foot out of plumb and is loaded with debris; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That in aceordanee with riinnesota Stat�ztes Sec�ions �-63.15 throu�h �63.26, �.nd based u�an the foregoing f3.ndin�s of the City Council, the Council of the City of Sain'� Paul does her.eby make the following, Order: ORDER i. The owners of the above_described property sha11 make the. same safe and r.ot detrimen�al to tche public peace, health, safety and �reifare by havin� the said buildings and premises razed and the rnaterials tcherefrom removed from the premises w�ithin th3.rty (30} days from the da�e of the service of ichis Order; 2, Unless such corrective action is taken �o comply Vai�h � this Order or an answer served upon f:he City of Saint Paul and f�.led in the 0£fice of �he Clerk o£ the District Court of Ramsey Coun�y, Minnesoica, with3.n twen�y (20� d�.ys from the date of the serviee of this Order, a Mo�ian for Summary Enforcemen� of •th:Ls Order �o raze and remove the said buildings Y�i11 be rlade to th� Ramsey County Distric� Court; . 3. � Tri ttie even� that t;he bulldings are to be razed by t;tle RR(GINAL?(l.'ITY CLERK . ���l� �t r ' � CITY OF ST.� PAUL COUNClL N`?. r..���::�,`"�, �" �,' .�r QFFlCE OF TH� CITY CLERK FILE COUhlGiL RESaLU i 1C7t�--�ENEttlaL FORM � PFESENTED EY i COMMI55lQNER DATF �ity of Saint Paul pursuant to �udgment oF the �is'crict Court, all personal property or fi.x�ures which may unreasonably in�erfere s•r3.th the razing and remaval of these buildings sha�1 be removed within �en (l0� days frar.► the entry of �udgment; a.nd if no� so removed, the Ci�y oi' Sain� Paul shall remo�e and d3.spose . oi such person�.l proper�y and fix�ures a;, provided b�r lai�; . �. If the City of Saint Paul is compelled to �ake any - aorrective action herein, all necer�sary costs expended by the City �;7i11 be assessed againsic the above-described real estate �,nd cal7.ected as otYier taxes; and be 3.t , FITRTHER RESOLVED, Tha� a ce�tified copy of th:Ls resolu'�ion and incor�orated Oraer herein be served upon �he 1as� record � o�rners oz" the above_described property in �he manner provided by lawo - , � . �f��� � �� �"�� V COUNCILNIEN Adopted by the Council , 1:?_ Yeas Nays ' Butler P�OV � �� iu.�% ��_��,�u,(�tGG A j ec� 19— R Levine � . Tn Favor 4 �. Meredith - F`�'°'�` � -��T� ' Sprafl:a G A gainst Tedesco � Mr. President, McCarty ' _ ��� 2� ���� PliBLIS:��;.�i_____�____ — . �~-rJ � ,, i � �;� � 1TY OF SAINT PAUL, �� � � � �� n �, � - `� _ ,� � l ._„ Capita) of Minnesota I ����` � � � _ � '�a �� �' ' � '�� ��� �reefi�..�.� ;�# s �,;: „�,�� a � � i�1 - � � . , . .,, ��, s .: * T� ' -- �� � �� I'� ��'� �.,F;.,r�" �` x' ��.� y<. � ,:�� ��� , � _ '� �� ���„t , . . ,. ., . , , . .. _ < * �� �� �445 City i�ail� ��� � .� -�-., �;.,,�. �� � ��,� � � ;� '� �� ""`§�r ' � `t� �� a , �*$ �-�„�' -� ,�.� tss��� ,�rX��'�'A�: �^�� Jy,'�}+�"*§�' :�. °3`� � w, --� . �• �i ' y ' w - e �., ..� � (� 1 �"s? w. � �rr,�'il jP'�iSY ; � �N a � �..'. ��i.�$Fq.�em9PY� 'e�,�..4ic,lw'.. � _ . ryEt� ��� �'��„� �� lF¢4n j�}�' ��.,�'�,�„�,,,�y `�. '"�,�, � a BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS ROBERT L AMES, City Architect 445 City Hall, 55102 223-4212 October 14 , 1971 Honorable Charles McCarty, Mayor and l�mbers of the City Council Re: File No. 2146 1058 Rice Street Gentlemen: The Building Department is hereby submitting its report on the condition of the structures at the above location. The owner of record is Christine and Ann Dorn and the legal description of the property is Lot 15, Block 2 , J.J. Eisenmenger's Addition. A recent inspection indicates the following: Building Classification: Single family dwelling, Barn & Garage. Exterior: The rear porch, siding, cornice, windows , doors and frames are decayed and rotted. The front porch is closed with rotted screens. Basement: The basement is loaded with debris . First Floor: The bedroom and bath have loose and falling plaster, rubbish is scattered throughout. Second Floor: Is covered with litter. The electric wiring is illegal throughout. Plumbing, Heating and Electrical Systems : The plumbing has been frozen, the water heater and basement toilet are not working. There is inadequate and illegal wiring throughout. Accessory Buildings : The garage and barn are sagging, decayed arid rotted throughout. The barn is out of plumb over one foot and is loaded with debris. The subject property has been boarded up by the city since April 12, 1971 ������ 4�� � - � H,on�rable Charles McCaxt� and October 14, 1971 l�emher�. o� �- City Council (2) Inasmuch as the conditions outlined a}aove constitute a public hazard and the o�rner has made no attempt to satisfactozily zepa�,r the damage despite our warnings, it is the recommendation o� this bureau that this matter be referred to the City Attoxney���s of�ice for razing and removal through District Court proceedings, Ve tr � ..,, ��� � � � RLA/ged obert L. s cc: Messrs. P. McClosky City Archi,tect W. Shimek, Fire Marshal F. Staffenson, Health Bureau i o�:�,�,��,� . cmr oF sr. PAU� ��� � 2�55953 ; � . . ' " , OFFICE O THE CITY CLERK � `�`� COUNCIL RESO UTION-GENERAL FORM co�M�M�D N Vic T �,E Sevtember 30, 1971 WHEREAS the City Archite�t has requested the City CounciT to hold a public hearing to consider the advisability and necessity of the correction or wrecking and removal of the followi�ng described buildings , said structures having been reported to constitute a public !hazard: 'I Address Legal Description Type of Structure 1058 Rice Street Lot 1S Block 2 Hou:e, Barn and Garage J.J. Eisenmenger's Addn. � WHEREAS. it appears that the last known record owners of said buildings are as follows: Christine and Ann Dorn � _ , il � THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a public hearing be held by and before the Council of the City of Saint Paul in the Council Chamber of the Court Hous e in s aid city at 10:00 a. m. ori October 14� 19T7 to consider the advisability and necessity of ordering the correction or wrecking and remoival of said structures on the above described property inasmuch as said structures are reported to constitute a hazard to public health, safety and welfare; be it F 'URTHER RESOLVED, that the City Architect, on behalf of the City Council, notify by mail the record owners of the .property in qlxestion at:the last known adc1ress, . as well as o.ther interested pe.rsons of record, af the date and time of the hearing. � � 0 CT 5197� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Coun�� 19_ Yeas Naya sut�er O CT 5 197� � �onway . Apprnv� 19— Levine Tn Favar Meredith Sprafka � ' �� . AQaninat Tedeaco Mr. Preaident, M¢Carty � . • � --� ' ^�oe oct. 1�, 1971 Mr. De�i�l A. Kl�� c;orpora�ion Counsel �uildir� l�t�r Sir s �he �ity Council today reque ated that ycau prep�re e� re�olution ordering �he carr�ction or �ecking s�ri r�raaval af 'the h��ardaus house� barn and gara�e a� 10�F3 �tice St. V�ry� '�r�.1y' yours� �it� Clerk �