256517 �5��1"� c��� xo.............. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theundereignedhereby propoeeethemslcingoithefollowingpubliaianprovemant by the City oi Ssint Psul,vis.: ' Con,d�na...�ad...tak,�.�aa..�as�m�r�t...i�n..S�...Latld..t�s:P..�.S,�X...f.S?C..�h�..�.1.g�g�.,,����s and f i 1 1 s,�_,.i nci ud i ng ri�ht of removal_ of lateral su�Qort from subject_ land or rema�nder thereof, occasioned by ' exr.aucati.s���he.c.�.af Qx...�A.ns�r.s��aon..�zf...�inu�s...ira...xhe..ar.�.di.ns..�c�.sl..�uxf.�.�i.s!s.wi tn, bi tumi nous material _the All�_in.6LK....2j..Butterfield..Sxndicate No. 1 from Grotto. St . to St: Albans. G-1997 ....._............. ..... ....... .o. ......................... ... .... ........ ..... ....:..............__._ DstedtLie........................dsy of.........................................................................»..._, 19 ....... ........Ro�er.M:..Conway..............._.._..... ........__» Counailmaa. PRELIMINARY OItDER. WHEREAB� A written propoeal for the making of the following improvement, vis.: C�em,a..a,nd...tak,�..an..�.as�ment---i.n...th�..�a�ad_n�ss.ax�r..f.�r...�h�...�.1 o.R��...�u��..�a�...f.�JJ.�.�...�PS 1 ud i ng riahx..a�...r.emax�l...Af....l.ax�.r.a1...su�Rark_f.r.o.o�..suk,i.�cx...lan�..�.�..xe��.i_��gr....�hgreofs..occasione�i by excavations.thereof or construction_of .slopes in the,.grading_and .surfacing with bituminous . material,_the,Al,ley,._in.,BLK:_„2,�__Butterfield..Syndicate_.No:.__1_.from,_Grotto.St:...to._St. Albans. G hs�been preeented to the Counoil of the City of Saint Paul................_.._......-•---•-••---._ ...............w_....._...... t6erefore, be it R.ffiOLVED, That the Commiseioner of Publio Worke be snd ia herebq ordered and directed: l. To investigate the neceeeitq for, or deairability of,.the making of eaid improvement. ' 2. To inveetigste the nsture� extent and eatimated cwst of Baid improvement� and the total ooat theseof. 3. To furnieh a plan, pmfile or eketah of said improvement. - 4. To etste whether or no�eaid improvement ie asked gor on�,he petitioa of three or more owners. 6. To report upon sU of tlie foregoing mattere to the �mmieeioner of Finsnoe. Adopted by the CoanciL.._................��-•�.�..�.7�--......--••----......... Yses � � N OV 2 4 197i Councilman n�� toved.........._............ ................................ ����J� Me�re�d i tl����- dit � Ett+cr�sirrr� Tedesco � ._................... ................. Mr. P re s i de n t B�rre- �� 83'�r• �000 �-s� O PU�LISHED � �:'�;� NOV � 1971