256514 ������� OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK . CITY OF ST. PAUL �oE Nca N�. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU IL SOL TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY 'j � � �r COMMISSIONE ATF WHERFAS� The City of Saint Paul by resolution� Council File No. 25�581i approved September 2' 1971.' vacated c�rtain str�ets and a11�ys; and WI�REAS� That por�ior� of Fara�raph A of said resolution as follcaws is in error: The East West alley a� that part of the North-South alley Northerly of the Northexly line of new Plato Boulevard as heretofore descxibEd. and dssi�x�a�ed. I,ine "A"; thexefore� be it RESOLVED, 7.'hat the por�tion o� Paragr�ph A of Council r�solution� Ccn�n�i7. Fil� No. 25558�, approved Sept�mber 2� 1971� &s set forth above be amend�d to read as follc�rs: The East-West a17.ey and that paxt of the North-South alley in Block 179� Robertsor�'s Addition to West St. Pau1� acc.� North�rly o�' the Northerly 13ne o�' new Plato Boul�vard as heretofore descr3bed and desi�nated Line "A"; and be it ,� FURTI� RESOLVED, Tlaat excep� as so amended in accord,ance herew3th� said prior resolution' Council File No. 255581, shall stand and be operai�ive as adopted.. ��� � � -� �Ssst `� .�, �r ' `" J 4bc.^„ � A ��ib ��l� Qi 4 ���� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler /� N � t�, 4 �9`� A�/ rove 19— / Levine _In Favor Meredith Sprafka Q� Mayor A gainat Tedesco �g�.{$HED ' � Mr. President, McCarty N� �i O