256494 I _ OR161NAL TO CITY CLlRK �5��y ; ' CIT1( OF ST. PAUL �LENCIL NO. '� ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLVED, Tha.t the proper City officers are hereby authorized to execute Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the Independent School District No. 625, whereby the City will disburse funds as a part of its Grant Agreement from the United States Department of La.bor (Emergency Employment Act of 1971 - Section 6) and in accordance with the terms and conditions thereof. fORM 0� Di . ._... o tion Counsc;l N OV 2 3 197� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeaa Nays Butler ��V $ 3 1971 ve 19— Levine �n Favor Meredith Sprafka � yor A gainst .� Tedesco Mr. President, McCaxty �J$1.1SH� 197i Nov a't � � • : , f'� Section 6 ;� . , ������� . . _ ; . A G R E E M F N T THIS AGREEMENT, N,ade and entered into this ��day of , 197+, by 8nd between the CITY OF SAINT PAUL , a municipal corporation oP the State of Minnesota, hereinafter rePerred to as "City,r� and Inde� n n � - ool n; �,�-,-;�r No. 625 � ' . i hereinaf�er r�ferred to as "Sub•.Gra.ntee"; � , , � WITNESSETH: ' , WHEREAS , City has received a grant from the U. S. ! Depar_tmer�� oP Labor-Manpo�rer Administratfon, pursuant t . j to P. L. 92-Sk (Emergency �mplaymen� Ac� of 1971) , vhereby City is Grantee and will s.c� as Sub-Grantor Por th� purpose o� disbursing certain approved funds � � pursuant to the t�rms of the Gr�nt Contract; and� � • i � WHEREAS, It was •contemplated in said Grant AgrtemPnt � i that a third-party agr�ement would be entered into i ; � . • ; bet�reen City and Sub-Grantee for the disbursement � . ; , oP Grant funds ; I i NOh'o THEREFQRE� City and Sub-Grantee do mutually ' , agree s� #'ollows: � 1 T ! i Sub-GrBntee Will employ persons to Pill the positions i at the salaries applicable thereto as set forth in the E � i� attached scbedule (Xhich schedule is marked Exhibit � .. A) . I i � _ � � , � � , , .. • • ► � 4 . . � I I �; Sub-Grantee does hereby xgree to abide by all the �` i terms and conditions coatained in the �mergency � � Employment Act. .of 1971 P. L. 92-51� 9 the Conditions ; � Governing Grants under P. L. 92-5� , and all oP the � . . � E applicable policies , rules and r�gulations of the � U. S. Departnent of Labor issued pursuant to said i I � P• L• 92-5 . � ► � III � All employees hired by Sub-Grantee pursuant to this � Agreement shall be paid by the Sub-Grantee, end � City will reimburse Sub-Grantee in accordance W-i�'' � _- � �: the pertinent Grant Agreement referred to above. _ . It is mutually agreed that in no event �rill the City' s obligation to� reimb�z°se Sub-Grantee exceed r• the amount oF Federal funds received by City for / this pro3ect. All of the funds allocated to Sub-Grantee� pursuant to this ag�eement ' must be , �used for paying wages and employment benePi�s for participant� only, end in accordance With the attached schedule marked Exhibit A. IV . Sub-Grantee shall submit itemized s�atements to City� in form approved by the City' s Comptroller, and in eccordance vith all applicable Federal� State and local regu�ations . City will make payment to Sub-Gra�tee xithin 15 days after receipt, review and approval thereof. � Page 2 k • v For the purpose of this agreement , any and all employees of Sub-Crantee or of other persons � while . engaged in the performance of work or services required � . herein, shall not be considez°ed •employ�es of the Ci�y ; and any and all. claims that may ar might arise under the Workmen° s Compenss,tion Ac� of Minnesota on behalP o2' said employeesn hospitalization insurance coverages9 Socisl Security and pensfon psyments and benefits9 and any and all claims made by any thfrd party as a consequence of any act or omissfon o__�� the part of �he Sub-Grantee� shall in no way be � the obligation or responsibility of the City. VI . This Agreement shgll con�inue and be co�erminious � 1 to the Grant Agre�ment be�Ween City and the U. S. ' Department of Labor-Manpower Administration. City's � liability hereunder is limited to the amount of � , , Federal reimbursement to be received by City under said Grant AgreeMent9 and City may terminate this agreement if Sub-Grantee shall violate any oP the covenants , agreements or stipulatinns of this Agreement , or iP the U. S. Department of Labor should suspend or terminate its Grant Agreement vith City. � . �s�, : Page 3 ,, ' , } _ . —�-� � � , � ' VII � City ret�ins the right to monitor and modify Sub-Grantee�s programo through procedures simils.r �to those the Department of Labor �+ill use as per � Paragreph 4 of the Grant Agreement Conditions . YIII Sub,-Grantee shall hold harmless � protec� and defend Ci�cy9 its officers , agents and employees , from � liabi�lity of any ngture o� kiuds , including cos�s and expenses � for or on account oP any or all suits • or damages sustained by any persons or property . _ ;,�.> I r�sultin� in Whole or in part9 from the negligent � perPormance or omission of any emp2oyee� agent or representative of the Sub-Grgntee. IN WITNESS WHEREOF', The parti�s have caused this � , . ! Agreemettt to be executed tbe day and year first above Written. � • • , Countersigned: CITY OF SAINT PAUL Comptroller . Mayor Approved ss to form & execution: City Clerk . � Assistant Corporation Counsel � FORM PP 0 ED i �� � Eisst.C tion ounsel _ Page 4 E X H I B I T n THE SAINT PAUL PUBLIC SCHOOLS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT N0. 625 Emergency Employment Act of 1971 - P.L. 92-54 , Section 6 20 School Aides at $433. 00 per month TOTAL for 20 positions for 12 month period = $104 ,000. 00 TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS = $14 �040.00 TOTAL = �118,040. 00 o���,�,T�.�.R,� 256494 CITY OF ST. PAUL �+�� NO. . � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM n��r�o er COMMISSIONER �ATE RESOLVED� That the proper City offfcers are hereby authorised to exeaute A,gree�ent between ths City of Saint Paul end the Indeper�dent School District No. 6a5� whereby the City will disb�rse fur�ds as a part of its Grant �greemeat from the United States Department of Labor (Em�erge�cy �aployment A�ct of 1971 • S�ction 6) and in accordanc,e with the terma and conditions thereof. NOV 2 3 197� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co�m�1 19—. Yeas Nays But�er HOV � 31►971 d APP�°�cl lg— �°�e Tn Favor Meredit�h �r Sprafka A odAtTAt Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �� f