256492 •• ORIGINAL TO CITY CL[RK CITY OF ST. PAUL FLE NCIL N0. �5s �,`� . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESEPITED BY COMMISSIONE ,�TF RESOLVED, Th.a.t the proper City officers are hereby authorized to execute Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, whereby the City will disburse funds as a part of its Grant Agreement from the United States Department of La.bor (Emergency Employment Act of 1971 - Section 5) and in accordance with the terms and conditions thereof. �pRM p RO �• or ti ounse4 �` NOV 2 319T"! COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Naya 197�� Butler - N OV 2+ 3 � �rov 19— Levine �� Favor Meredith Sprafka � ayor Tedesco ASainst M� Mr. President, McCarty �S�S�� N ov a 7 �� �� . . , � . , ' � ,• ' Section 5 � . r� ., +' � : i,F- �.-�� . ��'> '` il A G P E E M E N T ' � THIS AGREEMENT, Made and entered into this �^day oP , 197w, by and bet�een the CITY OF SAINT PAUL, a municfpal, corporation, o�' the Sta�e of Minnes�ta, hereiaaftex re�erred to� as "City", and Housing and Redevelonment Au�, horitv of �, e Ci�,v of S�,'int P��il ,,,�� h�reinaPter referred to as "Sub-Grantee"; I�, WITNESSETH : - WHEREAS , City has received a gs•a�nt from th�e U. S. -�� Dep�rtment oP LabordManpower Administratio�, pursuant to P. L. 92-5� (Emergency Employ�ment Act o�f 1971) , vhereby City is Gr�ntee �nd Will act as Swlb-Gr�ntor Por tbe purpose of disbursin� certain approved funds pursuant to the t�rms of the Grant Con�rac#t; and ' � WHEREAS, It was contemplated in s�id Gran�i Agreement that a third-party agre�ment vould be entjered into , . bet�een City and Sub-Grantee for the disb�,ursement I of Grant funfls ; ! ' NOW� THEREFORE� City and Sub-Gr!lantee do m�utually agree as follows: ' I Sub-Grantee vill employ persons�' to �ill t�e positions at Lhe salaries applicable therl,eto as set forth in the attached schedule (Which schedulle is mark�ed Exhibit A) . � i. S . �. . � . 1 1 . � �'�,. Sub-Grantee dass hereby agr�e to abfde by all the � terms and eonditions contained in the Emergency Employment Act of 1971 P. L. 92-Sk, the Conditions Gaverning Grants under P. L. 92°5�o and all oP the applicable poZicies , rules and regulations of the U. S. Department of, Labor issued pursuant to said P. L. 92-5k. III A3.1 employees hired by Sub-Grantee pur�uant to this . Agreement sha11 be paid by the Sub-Grantee, and City xill reimburse Sub»Grantee in accordance vith the pertinent Grant Agreement referred to above. It is mutually agreed that in no event vill the City' s obligation• to reimburse Sub-Grantee exceed the amount of Fed�eral funds rcceived by City for this pro3ect� • Al1 of the Punds allocated to Sub-Grantee� pursuant to this agreement , must be � used for paying wages and employment benePits for participants only, and i8 accordance vith the attached schedule marked Fxhibit A. IV Sub-Grantee shall submit itemized statements to City, ia form approved by the City's Comptroller, and in sccordance vith all applicable Federal. State and local regulations , City will make payment to Sub-Grantee �rithi�n 15 days efter receipt , revieW and approval ther�of. Page 2 v For the purpose of this agreemeat, eny and all employees oP Sub-Grantee or of other persons , while engaged in the performance of work or services required herein, shall not be considered employees of tbe City; and any and all c1�3ms that may or might arise under the Workmen' s Compensation Act of Minnesota on behalP of said em�loyees , hospitalization insuranc� coverages � So�ial Security and pension payments and " benefits , and any and all claims made by any third party as a consequence oP any act or o�ission on the part of �he Sub-Granteee shall in no way be ' the obligation or responsibility of �he City. VI T�is Agreement shall continue and be coterminious to the Grant A�r�ement betxeen City and the U. S. Department of Labor-ManpoWer Administration. City's , liability hereunder is limited to the amount oP Federal reimbursement to be received by City under said Grant Agreement � and City may terminate this agreement if Sub-Gr�ntee shall violate any of the covenants � agreements or stipulatinns oP this Agreement , or iP the U. S . Department of Labor should suspend or termfnste its Grant Agreement with Cfty. � • , _ Page 3 - � •' VII : City retains the right to monitor and modify Sub—Grantee�s program� through procedures similar to those the Department of Labor will use as per Peragraph 4 of the Grant Agre�ment Conditions . • VIII Sub�-Grantee shall hold harmless , protec� and defend City, its officers , agents and employees , from liability of any nature o� kinds , including costs and expenses , for or on account oP any or all suits or damages sustained 'by any persons or property � resulting in whole or in part� from the negligent � performance or omis�ion of any employee� agent or representative af the Sub�-Grantee. IN NITNESS WHEREOF, The parties have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first • f above Writtea. � ! i � � Countersigned: CITY OF SAINT PAUL i j Comptroller Mayor � Approved as to form & executioa: City Clerk Assistant Corporation Counsel � E ,EORM A P � � _ - psst. a ion C uns~t � 3 Page 4 � , ` . F. X H I B I T A HOUSING AND REDEVELOPT-1ENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL Emergency Employment Act of 1971 - P.L. 92-54 , Section 5 3 - Rehabilitation Advisor Trainee - $666.66 per month TOTAL for 3 positions for 10 month period = $19 ,999. 80 FRINGE BENEFITS = �2,700. 00 TOTAL = $22 ,700.00 DY�LIC*7's TO rRIMtR 255492. �.. CITY OF ST. PAUL �Np� NO . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM n��s�er COMMISSION� �AT� R�SOLVED, Tl�at t� prapar City of f icers are horebq authori�.ad to a�uut� Ag�ment bet�vesa tha City of Saint P�ul rmd tbe Howi�ag a�d Rsdev+�lopoont Authoritq af the City o! Saint Paul� vhex�tby th� City will diaburee fiaade aa a part of its Grant IM�raa�tt fraat th� Unit�d Stat�s Dagart�at of Labar �E�rg�cy Employma�nt p,ct of 1971 - Sactio� S) efld in accorrlat�c� with th� tsra�s ard coaditiau t�ean�of. Nov a 3 ��7�► COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Coiwc�'� 19— Yeas Naqe Bu�,� Nov a 3 �s7t Approv� ig— �°�e Tn Favor Meredit.h Yayor Sp��a' Avaninat Tedeaco Mr. President, McCarty �9 �