256490 •ORI6INAL 7R CITY CL6RK � y . ° CITY OF ST. PAUL F�UNCIL N0, ����9+� ' � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ` � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATE RESOLVED� Tha.t the proper City officers are hereby authorized to execute Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the St. Paul-Ramsey Hospital and Medical Center, whereby the City will disburse funds as a part of its Grant Agreement from the United States Department of La.bor (Emergency Employment Act of 1971 - Section 6), and in accordance with the terms and conditions thereof. EORM VED: � .- _ C r orati Counsel COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Coun�OV a`3 ���� 19— Yeae ' Nays �91'� Butier N OV 2 3 „�;��,}�re,�, rove� 19— Levine T Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka � yor Tedesco ASainst Mr. President, McCarty PUBU�MED �97��� Nov a � .. . + a Y� . Section �,6 �� . ,�������1�c;�; A G R E E M E N T TTiIS AGREEMENT, Made and entered iz�to this day ..�....�_ oP , 197 , by and betWeen the � CITY �3F SAINT PAUL, a municipal corporation of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter �referred to as "City", and St. Paul-Ramsev Hos�,_ital and Medical Center hereinafter rePe�red to as "Sub•.Grantee"; WITNESSETHs YIHEREAS , City has recefved a grant from the U. S� ` � Department oP Labor-Manpower A�ministration, pursuant � to P. L. 92-5� (Emergency Employment Act af 1971) , xhereby City is Grantee and will act as Suts-Grantor for the purpase oP disbursing certain approved funds � i pursuant to the t�erms of the Grattt Con�ract; and ; WHEREAS, It was contemplated in s�id Grant Agreement �hat a third-party agreement �rould be entered into � bet�een City and Sub-Grantee for the disbursement af Grant fund� ; NOW� TH�REFOREo City and Sub-Grantee do mutually agree a� folloxs: I Sub-Grantee xill employ persons to Pi1Z the pa$ition� at the salaries applicable ther�to as set Porth ia the attsched schedule (xhich schedule is marked Exhibit . A) . L l I '' , ° 11 Sub-Grentee does hereby agre� to abide by all the terms and conditions cantained in the Emergency Employment Act of 1971 P. L. 92-5k, the Conditions Governing Grants under P. L. 92-5k, and all of the applicable policies , rules and regulations of the U. S. Department of Labor issued pursuant to said P• �• 92�5�e III All employees hir�d by Sub-Grantee pursuant to this Agreement shall be paid by the Sub-Grantee, and ----��� City vill reimburse Sub-Grantee in accerdance xith the pertinent Grant Agreement rePerred to above. It is mutual2y agreed that in no event vill the City' s obligation to reimburse Sub-Grantee exceed the amount of Fed,eral Punds received by City for this pro3ect. • All oP the funds allocated to Sub-Grantee� pursuant to this agreement , must be , . used for paying wa�es and employment benePits Por participants only9 and in accordance With the attached schedule marked Exhibit A. IV Sub-Grantee shall submit i�emiz�d ststements to City� in Yorm approved by the City's Comptroller, and in accordance .With all applicable Federal� St�te and loeal regulations . City will mak� payment to Sub-Grantee Withfn 15 days aPter receig� , review and approval thereoP. . Page 2 = 25649� DYrLICATt 7�0 lRIN7�It � " .- CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCi� NO � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM rRESerrEO e�r COMMISSIONEQ DA� RESOLVED, That the proper City officera ar� her�by authos-i�ed to a�cecute Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the St. Paul-Ramsey Hospital and Medical Center, whereby the City wiYl disburse fu�ds as a part of its Grant Agreement from the United States Department of Labor (F.knergency Exnployment A�ct of 1971 - Sectiotcl 6), end in accordanc� with the ttrms atyd coaditions thereo�. NOV 2 3197�i COUNCTLMEN Adopted by the Counci� 18._ Yese Nays Butler A o� Nov a 3 �s� �9— .� � Levine _�n Favor Meredith Sprafka �� Tedesco A S'��t Mr. President, 11�cCarty �� � . � v For the purpose of this agreement, any and all employees oP Sub-Grantee or of other persons , While engaged in the performance o� work or services required herein, shell not be considered �mployees of- the City; and any and a12 claims that may or might arise under the Workmen� s Comgensation Act of Minnesota on behalP of said employees , hospitalization insurance coverages � Sacial Security attd pension payments and benefits , and any and all claims made by any third . party as a consequence oF any act or omission ou�"' the part oY �be Sub-Grantee, sha11 in no way be . the obligation or responsibility of the City. YI This Agreeffient shall continue and be coterminious to the Grant A�ree�ent betWeen City and the U. S. Department of Labor-Manpower Ad�inistration. City's , liability hereunder is limited to the amount . of Federal reimbursement to be received by City under said .Gra�t Agreementf and City may terminate this agreement if Sub-Grantee sha�7 violate any oP the covenants � agreements or stipulatinns of this Agreement , or iP the U. S. Department of Labor should suspend or terminate its Grant Agreement with City. , ._ Page 3 . � , . . � � � � " �� VII City reteins the right to monitox� and a�odify Sub—Grantee�s pragram� through procedures sim.ilar to those the Department of Labor vill use as per Paragraph 4 of the Grant A�resment Conditions . YIII Sub-Grantee shall hold harmles� , grotec� and defend City, its officexs , agents and employees , from liability of any nature o� kiz�ds , including costs , � and expenses, for or on account of any or all suits i I � or damages sustained by any persons or property � resulting in Whole or in part9 from the negligent � performance or omission o�' any employeea agent or �I represetttative of the Sub—Grantee. '� IN WITNESS WHER�OF, The parties have caused this � . a Agreem�nt to be executed the da.y and year first � . ;� above aritten. � � Cauntersigned: CITY OF SAIIdT PAUL Comptroller Mayor Approved as to form & � execution: City Clerk .� Assistant Corporation Counsel � .EORM A V } I Asst_ . p io unsel , i Page 4 . � E X H I B I T A ST. PAUL-Ra�4SEY HOSPITAL AND MEDICAL CENTER Emergency Employment Act of 1971 - P.L. 92-54 , Section 6 10 - Custodial Workers = $455.00 per month TOTAL WAGES for 10 positions for 12 month period = $ 54 ,680 .00 TOTAL FRING� BENEFITS at 13. So = $7 ,382. 00 TOTAL = $62,062.00