253497 � , , X , �... _,.. _ _ . ., r �� . , '.5• ' . , ��.�R'.j, ' '. � . . ' . . � � , . . . . " . . .< J .;y._... � . . . . . . 1 .. FINAL ORDER � . couivciL �� rro. Bq File No �� In the Matter of �tf�a� a�r siiw��lc sn ti[i � s#,i� � 3�s3r �► 1ei�t #tw �rtlt � s�r 1�Et�e� �+t a�i 6� �ri� iti at�k � fs �c� as�i fra�tsl to � asti i�r�. ;r;,:- under Preliminary Order- � approv� �1�+�+��� Intermediary Order approv�l , A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heaxd all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is w e�s= ar� � w !i� +� �l�ie o� Z,ta=> >e �ciw ls+�s 1itl1� � to YltMlMe+� �es�t a�i �j irrir� all � �oe� riri�dt !.� � a�ii t�ci�Csi t0 a��t�1 uL� !�'s'�Ow�aot, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. ftESOLVED FLTRTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby in.structed and d�irected to prepaxe plans and specifications for said imprnvement, and aubmit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and direeted to pra ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. COUNCILMEN �` 8 �7� Adopted by the Councit Yeas .._ Nays APR 9197� -�ON AAArov :` '.;E -� � :'�ITH �7 �.`=KA T*► Favor J._�C(9---- r :.;..�a�rY -�S�at pR 1 ? 191! �i PUBLISHED A " ;,`. - ; • k Dist. No. 3 • S.S. Larrq Ho Drive - Ruth St. to Winthrop St. �5��'Q' j �7/ �FFICE OF THE COM�iISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS 25�g�4 REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Sl �`�/ � «:� � �y � �� � ,,,� �.�� Feb. 18th. 19 71 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Sto Paul; The Co�mnissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council known as Council File No> 252420 approved Feb. llth. 1971 relative constructing new sidewalk on t�e south side of Larrq Ho Drive from Ruth St. to Winthrop St. and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete said improvement. and having investigated the uoatters and things referred to therein, hereby reportse 1, The estimated cost thereof is $4.40 per lin. ft. for standard sidewalk 5 ft. wide �nd $5>30 per lin. ft. for standard sidewalk 6 ft. wideo 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part thereofe 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works g 4< Ymprovement is asked for upon petition ,���h15161>>8 � ���,\�'L 9� �p� � FFB� �N Commissioner of Public Works � �c� 9� co OFA ° �, �,F������� ti� � F 1,°� 2� 0 62 � � � C � � �� � � � Melville R. V. and Irene M. Sahyun 39 Warren St. St. Paul, Minn. 55119 C1erk, City Council City of Saint Paul St. Paul, Minn. April 7, 1971 To the City Council: We oppose Preliminary Order 252420 which proposes to constru�t new sidewalk on the south side of Larry Ho Drive f rom Ruth Street 1_ to Glinthrop Street for the following reasons. l. Present pedestrian traffic density on Larry Ho Drive does not justify sidewalk construction; nor with only two single f amily zoned lots per block on Larry Ho Drive, will sufficient pedes- trian traff ic be generated in the forseeable future . 2. To the extent that pedestrian traffic may occur on Larry Ho Drive, it can better be served by a sidewalk on the north side of the Drive ; pedestrians on the north side of the Drive would not ha.ve to cross intersecting streets and could take advantage of the contiguous, scenic Battle Creek Park. 3. The present residents of the affected segment of I�arry Ho Drive are generally opposed to the proposed construction of sidewalk. 4. Adequate sidewalks exist on all intersecting streets in the affected area, so that no house, present or f uture, on Larry Ho Drive is without sidewalk access. We hereby request the Clerk of the City Council to read this letter of objection to Preliminary Order 252420 at the public hearing on said order, scheduled f or 10:00 a. m. , on April 9, 1971. ������.�2���G��� ��...� /�- � MelvilTe R. V. Sa yun Irene M. Sahyun RE; File no. S'9318, p.. 2 . � � ����/ ROGER R. LENZMEIER C� ATTORNEY AND COLINSELOR AT LAW 7B0 NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL BANK BLDG. �S � ��� 55 EA9T FIFTH STREET ST. PAU4 MINNESOTA SS1G1 (612) 227-6661 March 22, 1971 Commissioner Rosalie L. Butler Department of Finance 113 Court House Building St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Re: File S9318 PAGE 1 Dear Mrs. Butler: I received your "notice" advising me of a hearing on. April 9,1971, concerning the construction of a sidewalk on the south side of Larry Ho from Ruth to Winthrop. At present, it appears as if my schedule will not permit me to be present at the hearing; however, I am very interested and have been in communication with Commissioners Tedesco and Carlson on the matter. Copies of that correspondence is enclosed. I thought that yourrecent comment to suspend the construction of new sidewalk this season for the reasons that you indicated were realistic and timely. The prime reason for the need of a sidewalk in the area is due to the new Junior High SchooL. The present proposal is that sidewalk be constructed on the south side which is the side on which homes are located. My question continues to be that it would make more sense to put a sidewalk or "walking path" on the north side. The north side is, I believe, County' property and no homes are located on that side. A diagram is enclosed for your convenience. The boulevard on the north side is covered with weeds and dirt; whereas , the boulevard on the south is meandering, maintained lawns. A sidewalk on the s�� side would be another strip of destructive concrete . It' s obvious that students will "drift" down the street area as they have to cross to the north to get to a contemplated foot bridge. This will be dangerous and my proposed sidewalk as outlined would curtail this probability. My proposed � ' ' ' Page 'Itao March 22,1971 sidewalk would also be a step toward making Battle Creek Park, a reality. Commissioner Tedesco advises that there are no plans to put a sidewalk along North Park street but this is a "must" as the mud in that area during the recent thaw was ankle deep. This should be a joint city-county matter. Thank you for reading my comments. � Yours very truly � � � Roger R. Lenzmeier RRL:pb - _ - - , , _ . , , • i i ' I . . . , . � , ' . , , . ; , j , .. _ ___ _____��_-_---..- �_.__._. . . � . Y �._" -"_ . . _. .^.- -.+�.�.��._.___ / .��' . . ' l. / " ...�....s.,:.�. ..... .... .. .. ... .. . • I! ... ..%4 , 1 . i . 1 � r ��,� / ,,' . / ` • 1 � . � 1 �V \ � �/ \ ,�'1` 1 . � �) ' 1 � . 1 � j �� 1 , „ ' .��; . :. _. _.. _. '_`__._.—. _ "____.'___ ' . / C ST �:1 ' . , . 1 �- ( � r �.�i 50 I I . . - " I- � ` �� _ �� : .'r ° ' � ' � �v '.i� A �b I.N �� �� I � � � �f � �� �� � E��6 �� /� � ��__ � e�o �o SJ� ��• i � f �F� � �-�. I � F°��° S 3��`��1 '/, I , � � . 1 . n ., I Ir- � �, ,i� ��� . .� � �� ' �- -?�=�"i-1`_ �"`- ,:�: t�z�z�;�,,/ � �, •j - " „ � . . 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'�+daa��sa� 1�scea�tly, � r�i� �+��+d a� �m��' +�►�o�r+�+es !� �l�r �p�r�t�me�e o�' �u�►�,ir� �lor�cs �wa� ����At,� +�, �z ° ��ty +c�r #�s ��� si� �►� ��r '�. ��as ie�q�sis�s�d +�# �� �►� �fl �e �aao� Fe�� �t�r �.su�err�a ��d �e� , 3���►r�rd �ha� � ��.�� �.�t �+�t�rpw���;g i��tf�a,� i.� sid�mt�c �►� t� s+�� ��.d� �a� L�s,�► � r�st cn� T�1�p��r+arp z: .'� �ntia�t�.+�n �►i �r+d��s�� t�t�'�i� �'oar t� ,�r► . . �ior � ��,,� � sa► w�i�i�� �� „p+� aa a �+�e�,rsic�� �� �� �1�� r�3��� � �s�s ae� �ar ��r b�e � �a� +��a�ell�� pc��,�.�na► t� �ui� t�a s��lk �pa�c�e�t �a �est�ties a�►�d ��3�t1L�� � t�a �r a�v�rs+�cu �ral�s i�a 1� ar� i�a►lv�cd,. �r ��;p�� aa�r es �Ec�ll+a�s c�� � .���.��, .�,�:�,� �� �►�;��, �.��;� � � ���� ��� �� ��� � �x� � �����a bg � tid�a�C lae�a+t�►a ct�.r��, (�+� � b�����ad a� � ra�a� si.+d� +�f �z�ry i�o arr�td b� tb� �ty, I b��.i+�rtre� �.s ��er+�d ritt� +��ls !.� tt� �r tim� «► +� +�i�� b�� m��► . b+� a� aa�s+�t ,��tt�tr tt�sn a 1��►�.Iit� aa�d it �ld ��t �ri� �C�a� �aa�,n� or� �bu�h* �'il�11 `�9► .��Eltis�� ���'���. tc) A oide�� � �e Qa�rth a� �i � bi t1�e ba�i��� rrf atili:ing �h� rr�o�dN:d +�s�ea �+�r a �1&�.r�� pa�k •c�a1 bri�8 pa!�l.�t ��er t� it'� i�+�s bsau�y. �d� Ther� �r� b+�e� r�wAay P�►'c�l+�► '�o ��ne �tgir��tn,� to du�r �+��.i.�d ��rie into t� �+� #�a �i�d rf,i»� a aid�talli�rt, �t aw�r ee�tail �h�r b�aw� �'�+t a�,d+�- walk'r p��tars�cs ao��r ar+a�ua� st�e ��►1�g�a1 qu►3�1t. ., ; (e) '� pri��� d�ivr�ay►s ab�+G�tng 1�aca�p� :��► on �► ,: ao��h r�� �►��a��t � h�►�rd � �h�r a��a�; aQ�c�►1- childrren; �rl�t�r��, ths�.ror a� r�o �xi�ra�r�► ca t� �o��h aid�« {�') '�he e3.�lk a�A tk�e ncrrt� s��e �c�ld aa�n,�c� Kit�i ths �dn��►t+�d fc�ot b�i�gs arr+er the �r�ek i�s�l�, I eaul�d anume,�s�s addf�ic�aal a�va�ag�� !'or a ralk �a ��► �r� •ids ret�wr� thar� the sauth �i�d� 'b�ut yau�«r� prc�b�'�ly mose faa�.liar �.tt� �C�m tt�sa �. I havar +�al�ued �.� t!� �SchcM►1 Diatr�t" �nd u,sderstsnd �t thia matt�r is `nat ai.Ch�,� �thair pz+�rin�e» Anytt�iag tl�at yea� might ba able t� dc r�lati�e �o thfr m+�tter a�ouid b►� app��iated. 3'han�C you. "�oura very► trn�.�r : �►�er R. Lec�:�waarei�a� �t.:pb � , _ , , < , _ - — - --_ __ _ _ �_ ``T Y O. � �a6 � 2 ► .� 0 a Y�~ a� iB ^C RICHARD A. SCHNARR �,ITY OF SAINT PAUL ROGER M. CONWAY Chief Engineer Deputy Commissioner Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENTOF PUBLIC WORKS 234 City Hall & Court House 55102 WILLIAM E. CARLSON Commissioner January 28, 1971 Mr. Roger R. Lenzmeier 780 NW Natio�fal Bank Bldg. 55 E. 5th St. St. Paul , Minnesota 55101 Dear Mr. Lenzmeier: - Commissioner Tedesco has referred your letter to me regarding the plan for constructing a sidewalk on the south side of Larry Ho Drive. It is the long-range plan of the city to construct sidewalk in all areas of the city which do not now have them. It is partly . necessary because of the danger in forcing children to walk in the streets on their way to and f�om school . The city could be held liable for injuries to children in the street if we do not provide sidewalk. This is one of the reasons why we will probably - have to construct a sidewalk in the area where you live. . Very truly yours, , , /"' , 1 � � ��-/�,� . _- �,��' ` � Will arn E. Carlson Comnissioner ef Public Works WEC:ddr ���-..o R�cFrz R. Lr_r��r��ir-_rz ATTORNEY l�.Nf� COLIN;C�.(!R AT LAW 70❑ NORTt IbVEG�ERN NA-i-I['�lAL_ 6qNK OLDO. �_> rnr�r ri�`ri{ � nzt Er . �r. r�nu�., MiriNr,cirn �siot [61:'.) <:?7-G[G1 I'eliLuary 15 , 19%1 T0: Commissioner_ Wi_11�_�m ]� . C�r_Isori D��ar. Lm�nt of_ Pul�i_:i.c WorL:s 234 City IIa.l1 & C�urt Ilouse St. Paul, Nlinnesot�� 55102 Re : S idewa llc on La rry I10 Dear Commission�r: Thanlc you for you7- let.ter ot ,Tanuary 2�3 , 1_971 whi_ch was in r�sponse to m�r tet.tet� i�c� Cotrn�li��,sioiir�r. Teclesco coticern.�ng . l�lans to inst_-al� a sicl�w�llc orl t�li�� Sou�ii sici� ��= Larry �io. i am taki��g the 1�_lierty of �ncle�sini; � �:lcetcll �,f wh�;t I woulc.� consid�r� to be �� ��r_�rctic<i�_, cco��omic , fa1--sigllteci a��Pro�ch to t11e matter; yei�, it ��_ivcs Clie sale�ty tliat you �neutionecl. L'irst, the evistin� siuew�i?lcs �;oi_n� north are �d�qu;�t� anu will L�e t;.�e r�ute o� tL;� sttider��= . Ycu inciic�tE�ci tL1e nec�d of a s_�de�•�a1�1c fer the s�f�ty oL tl�e stucl�nts . I agree but • to1���� �_ wi11 the na�t�_i,-al ir���icicnr�y o1� i.:iie stuuent �r� wf1�n IZ� �ets to L�1-r_y IIo ual�zcll he l���s t�, ct_css . I su1�<<<i.� tfl�t t�1� n�tu�-<�l t�enclene� w�_11 l�e t�� "j<I}� �-✓��ll.l:" . 7:f tl�r� r,icle�:��� 11: wc�re on CIZe no.r1_h :�i�l,� , iL wc�u1�1 scc;n cls if tllc t�ilcl.cnc;� �:t� ulu bc - � fio crose directl � to tllc not,tl� ut tlie cr_osswallc oi1 which they had been walkin; anci �avoid "jay walking`' . I al.�o understand t1�i�t t11�� schoo�l_ 1�us lor kinder•�arten chi:i.dren is gu�_t�i� i.o tr���c1 on 1_,airy I�Io i.n a wcs �erly clirection pic.king ti�e cl�i.lclr-�n up Ft-�m t.hc nprtii side , ubviousiy, these infaczts ���ou1d have more protcction i� a side�aallc were on the nor�h s ic�e . , , .. . Pa ge 'I�ao F�b rua ry 15 , 19 71 C�mmissioncr Tedesco advisecl th��t therc ai'� "1on;-ran�e" � r,7_ans for � �oof_�-pai-h tl�rot�i�lz 1S��i:ti_� �recic. Ii '-1z�s �aele t�� ��ccur, it ti��,�u]_�l oiZ7_y ����c,���� 1c��ri_c�.l. �[ i�rit ti�e1'c i,c ;i�1��,��,li: a.�oun�a t1;� i�eri;���.��t�r oL Ll�r� ]'��r1c o�� Nori-L, �.1��Lk ��n�_i t�l� nol-�h ;i_c?e oi I�a�ry ��io . L�]hy n��t m�?lcc � star� �:>i, this "»a?"?:" no�.� '�y I�ll?�t111� i=47L' �1C1���Iz311C5 LCI� ��S Z j���V i OL1S�y 1C1�11C�3teC� � t�"1e ' bou] eva�-cl �n the i��rLi�-s ��_cle oL L,:�7°r'y �I1� is cover��c ���ith � T��c»ds i.n f-11e sun,��nc�r. r�ncl �1 si_cle��r�lk ���oul�i be �n i�,�ro��e�rent , � �i�r�r_e . Py i�hc s�ar��c �Colc�n , a siuc�:��J.1: c�n �L�e south side � . �-���ul.d ca�;na�e tlle �`���pe�lr�u-icc of �1�e �reen 1u,•�ns ����,d ciamage t��e a�n�a ial�ce of �L1�� �Lea , �, i�?e are fi_nally r��;�]_��_ziug i_n nr��,:era_c�� th� fc11� of our contirnsed . r�estructi�n of berii�t-y by concLete ��nd bI�`�c'::-top . IL n,av b� ���� that conclicions �•��_7_]_ r�qu i_�-c� �a s�_�1c��,��1':� on the s��ut�z sid� �f T,arr�� I�o ?�ut I w�u1��1 a�»�-cc i_��t�� �:�11 asl�ccts to be considcred ��rior to <�ctic��� Uein�� talc�n . �l'h��i�lc you. � � � Yours ver_t; truly � �`� , ''} ,� a Roher R, Lenzm��ier. �; .; � RRL:pb f j r ec : I�Ir. Victor. J. T_e��e�co E " Depa�tment oi Par_ks � Recreation # R�msey Counl=y Cora�t TTouse � SL . P�U�_ � �Ili11lC'.JOC�] _ � i��tr . Thomas J. 1,ellev 1?amscy Countp .�ucli_tor � R�mseS� Count�� ��ourC Ilottse � St. P�3ul , T�li.iine�ot� � , DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA I 13 Court House,b5102 ROSALIE L. BUTLER, Commissioner Phone:223-4646 March 23, 1971 Harry E. Marshall City Clerk BUILDING Attention: A1 Olson Dear A1: Attached you will find a letter in opposition to the sidewalks on the south side of Larry Ho Drive from Ruth Street to Winthrop Street. The public hearing is scheduled for April 9, 1971. Please present this letter to the Council and include same in the Council proceedings of that date. Yours truly, �� r �+.ur- � �.!t/ Pau . Desch Supervisor of Assessments c.c. Roger R. Lenzmeier �� v4, . •�� � a. ��5� � 9� CITY OF SAINT PA.UL OFFZCE OF TFiI� Rossi.r� L. Bo�rLmmx COMMISSIUNER OF` FINANCE Loi�M. POLLARI �~�=�t�A�� UYP�TY C�i0A1M[B6ION4t April 8, 1971 i Mr. James J. Wirth 49 Nelson Street St. Paul, Minnesota -55119 Dear Mr. Wirth: i I want to acknowledge and thank you for your letter of April 7 � pertaining to proposed sidewalk construction. ; i A copy of your letter is being submitted to the ci.ty clerk to be read at the hearing on the proposed sidewalk. I Very truly yours, � Lois M. Pollari Deputy Commissio er of Finance • � cc-City Clerk _ s �' at�.��: j `��"� . � . . _,� �. ; . �._• _ �. ; , ,u..Me.`�,. " � > "; '' ;', Apri�. 7. i971 _ Mr. Vict�r T�desco, C�mn�issiaiiF:r 1'arks and 1'laygr�unds Mrs. R�salie Butler, Comsnissi«ner of Finance Mr. William Carlsen, Comr�issi�ner c�f Public Works As the contract buyer oP Lot Fighteen (18�, $lock Twe (2), Seuth Ba�ttle Craek Heights, at the carner @f Larry Ho Drive and Cutler Street, I w�uld like to express my dis�,pproval �f the preposed side— walk installation an the South side of Lapry Ho Drive from Ruth t• Winthrop. If sidewalk must be installed without petitian of the pro— perty •wners, I we+uld rec�mraend it be inst�.11ed on the N�rth side �f the street for the follewin� reasans: 1. School children iiould not ha�.ve te crmss intersections �t every street. 2. The Nerth side wmuld afford pe�ple walking a better view of the park. 3. It wmul� improve the appearAnce �f the park. At present,weeds and. dirt dominatti� th�; area in the imr��diate vicinity �f the curb. 4. It would fit in with the future plans fer a bridge across the park a.re�.. 5. It �r�u1d nrovide present property owners a bit more `privacy, especially witlz Pxpanded use of the park. As it is im�essible for me tm be at tYie hearing I would apprPCiate your c�nsideratian �f my views at that time. Sincerely, � � �.�V�� James J. Wirth 49 Nelson Street St. Paul, l�iinnes�ta < �=� . e � . � �: �z, �` ��3 �f �} 7 ��� � �^rY,� _ " .�''1 . . . . ?9_' . � l���y�' . . CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE Roaersrs L.Bvm�x COMMISBION�R OF FZNANCE Lois M.Por.r.Axi Co�ot[xecoxst � Dsevrr Com�a�eecoxs� April 8, 1971 Mr. Bill Hoskins 41 Cutler Street St. Paul, Minnesota - 55119 Dear Mr. Hoskins: I want to acknowledge and thank you for your letter of Apri1 6 pert�:ining to proposed sidewalk construction. A copy of your letter is being submitted to the city clerk to be read at the hearing on the proposed sidewalk. Very truly yours, Lois M. Pollari Deputy Commissioner of Finance cc-City Clerkrs . .�� �.. : ., . ..;; . ��. . . .. �, r •K � i J , . BILL HOSKINS � . � 47 CUTLER STREET ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55119 � � � . . . . . (612) 735-3641 � . � � � � . �. �,pril 6,].g 71 R�gali.� L. Putler CoiAmiasion�r of Finance 113 Courthouge at . PaUl, Mirnc��cta 5�102 Re: FILE S93).8, �a�� i De�r Commi��ioner: Becau�e of w pricr camrnit�ent T will �e un�.bl� to att:end Lhe a�ril 9, 1971, riearir��? or� �r reliminary �rder 252420 reg�rdin� the canstructican of ne�r �idewalk on the tne �outh sicle of ��rry Ho Driv� fror� Ruth atrp�t to :�'irlthrop ;;t.r�et . :iowRVer, I w�uld lik� t,o �ubrr,it �a,; �o�ition for the rec�rd. I� 1;� ap�;�arent tri�t ttie rea�on act,lon i� bein�, taken i� for the purpo�e of proper fo�t��th� to the new pattle CrQek Junior Hi�,h �chool. a�ith thi� I do not diaa�ree . Ti��re �re, h�wever°, 4�NCr�.l pc�inta th��t I tnink the C�unci� *�hould con�id�r �efor� anp dec"aic;n i� r��ched: 1 . ?'hP r���,�ority oz t.he �roper�ties on the South �idE� of i.�rrv :30 �rive from Ruth ,�treet to y�'inthron h�.ve teen c�uite r�autifu].ly devela��d without al.dewaZks . n nsw �iidcaYnr�,l.ls ��rilt r��uire considera�le ex�aens� t,o tYie�e l��:ndowner� for reconst,ructl�n of' *.heir pr��ertiea �n a�r3ition to the co�t of the �idewalk. In rny *�articular ca,q� when thi� ig �dded to a 40� increr�ae in �ro�?ertv t�.xes it recomes a pror�ibit3ve burden. 2. ThP IVorth �ide of Larry Ko vrive i� t�.e aouthern boundary Uf �attle Creek F"ark. '�hen the str�et wag ingt�lled a ��ride atrip a wid� s�rip wa� �raded Ievel witn th� cur1�, m�kin� it idedi for economiaa2 �idewalk con�truction . This strip ls now ��ithout �ra�a and �ecornP� an ungl�htly patch c�i �reeds in the a�mmertime . h p�r;�on dew�rin� to wdlk along t.he park i� forced to wa1:�c 3n the street . F�c�au�€� of th� condition of the North side of Larry Ho Drive I;eo�,ls :l�ve t�ken to u�1.na it for tr�.9h diaposal . �idew��l�s �.nd �addir.{� �nould redue� this �racticE. �r.��a ., '�._ . _�. . _' ' _ i'Fy.. ?e, ',.�i+l.. :.�� i „'l''�'�+3.,� -1. :�'��� . . . . . . . .` _�- I,�+r� ' }'a�;e 2 - Ro�a.lie L. �utler 3. ti $�G�SYl�i� cri t,r,�� ivort.r �"_de of Larr,y �-:o drive w�u�d connec� dirECtl.y wit ;� ?:.r:e sidew�lh on thP E�.at, aide of �uL� �treet -�r.r_ ���e -�ro,�oaed foetbrid.ge over B:�tt�e Creek �it '�s�intnr^r� a'reet, . ,�li':h no drivewaya to crc�� thP s:de:r�In it �*ould �e c�n�icierably a�fer for the �cr:oo 1 chi l�rer. . In �u�m�r�,y, a sidPw�ll: 0:7 t.�;�= �vorth �ide of Larr;� :�o Drive all t:.e wav frcw hut'� atreet to ,'•;c.'ni,�,h± Roa� wo�?d v:�Qtly i.r�pr�ve the anpe�.r�nce �f �n�.� accrU� t� T+��tt le Creek rdrl�, and at the 9a;ne ti�e T�rov3d� *•t�F ��.f��± ��at�n f�r .c;.col cnildren to reach t}�e new �at,tie preek Jur.�or :i��:h ;;chool. r� Qidewt�.lk located un the South side will, to ��ut it�verv c�or7�stiv, �ean mc�tly ad3ed work �nd consiaerable exc;enQe �o the Y.:�o;;ertv awners at t�� n�ost � ri�;p�ro�ri�te ti�e p�;±.:3ik�l� . I would li:�e to iavite yc�u to i��.�e � *.ri^ througY� t:ze area under c�n�lderati�n �f y:�ur :,c:��adule r�ermif:s and, in dnf• ca9e, ur�,e y �u t,o r��co:�ra�nd t�,:t t:=�e Cou��ty in�tall t.:,e �idewalk� on ±he park pro,��rty fnr t.>� rer�efit of �11 citizeris . 1'nanx ycu rur y:;ur c�r��sicieratl�n . Very truly vour9, ,..�_ � (�-c� (�� . � � � r � Z� 3 � _ April 7, 1971 St. Paul, Minnesota City Councilmen: I would like to express my coneern and opposition to the proposed construction of side�walk on the south side of Larry Ho Dr3ve as set forth in Preliminary 0rder 252420. I fully appreciate the necessity oP a sidewalk where need actually exista and have installed sidewalk on the Ruth Street Side of my lot locally lmawn as 2026 Larry Ho Drive at the time of purchase in October, 1970. One of the factors inPluencing r,r�y choice o� this lot was that pedestrian traffic on the Larry Ho frontage was minimal--in fact with the exception of the paper boy all ped.eatr3an traft'ic currently uses the north side of Larry Ho Drive. 7�is can be readily veri�'ied by visual inspection since a psth is Worn by the traffic on the north side of the street. Construction oF a sidewalk on the north side of the street woul.d meet the need expressed by the present tra�'fic, be more beneficial in view of the future opening of Dattle Creek Junior High School, provide a means of en�oyment of the beauty of Eattle Creek Park to those walking, and continue the privacy currently en�oyed by residents oP homes located on the south side of Larry Ho Drive. Since this proposed improvement was initiated. by the Departmen� of Public Works and not by affected property vwners and in vie�w oF the lack of present pedestrian traffic to ,justii'� this pro3ect, I request that it be re�ected. Very truly yours, �� Larry . Kemp ���� �� ��� �E,���c �-..._...-. 3 9 c�J��-,�,. .��- � __� — _ � O�� � �-- '_ .... ^ .. . �. _ . • y � . � (���, N1�. S5° l � � � � � z� � ' : � � "' � � �� �„ '°.�:`�'�'' ' ,.:' �� Ll. � I r� � � ' ¢ � l '�:tjaf`���' �� � • j. o "��^�i r ,< _ _ � -. _ ___---�� ;c �, + ,.�-_:._ ....... � , �_ __ —. ���11 _ t� /� � 4 /� t�,,. c�,�'�i , �r � � ��� '�� ;� � �\ � �•:,���!`�� '.� � � }����. � ���• � �� '; • ,a � r„�.�> . + � ' y Yl � , � �,� ,.� -- --- Ge-u��,� _., �$' '� .... .�I ,� �.. , � � � ��"�n{� . �V\��� .� / � � . �� y'i��° 6 ' ��- \� �� � C� `V,."'..._ �� �,� � . � . �. t u.=.,�, l�l�-n-. 5 S j d z �� � I , v�., ,;� R� �� � � �� ^� �,;; �i� � �,aa ��, ��; �, ti ,�j , �. . �i �ie�. f � �r � \ 1� ,���� --� � � y � G,� i `�.� �.�,F O'�r��( !� 1 / :"'� = , � a',t � �' �, �"� 6 �;, fi �-� , ,_ ._���,,, ,., �. ���'� � . � ; ' G/L,�,;, ��-Z�i Z �'� �.a�,� /,.,,�u �r,�.l/a1� .(�, � , � G , , � a �� ���L� �/� �L-�/ v/�.�d� ' � p�. ��/ �-�'- ;,� � �-�� � �''�� ��/ . , �� .