253491 Orlsinsl to Cib Clerk � ,. } � � , . ' R �� ` ORDINAN.CE �5, LA�4 . , ' ' � - . r'.a, � i V� t ' COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO Page 5 The Company shall also file with the Commissioner of Publ�c Ut�lities, or other person designa.ted by the City Council, within three months after January l, 1g72, a complete detai.led statement �n forms to be approved by sa_i_d Commissioner or other person covering the utility operations within the City of Saint Paul for the pre- ceding year including all revenues, expenses, and plant investment, together �a�th such breakdown and analyses of operating statements as the said Commissioner may request. The Commissi�ner of Public Utili�ies, or o�her person designated by the City Council, sha11 have the right to require additional informa.tion coneerning opera- t�ons under this ordinance i'rom time to time :i_n such i°orm as may be prescribed by said Commiss�_oner or other pel�son. Any person or pers�ns designated for that purpose by the Council shall have the righ'c, at all reasonable times and upon reas�nable notice, to examine the books of accol�nt, records, vouchers, dis- bursements, rates, revenues, contracts, �purcha.ses, sales and other transactions bearing on and relevant to the rates Company charges and the service it provides to i�s customers in the City of Saint Paul. _ _ ..... �� Section l� . The Company shall indemnify and save the City whole and harmless from any and all claims for injury or damage to persons or property occasioned by or arising out of the cons�ruction, maintenance, operation, or repair of said transmission and distrib- ution system or by the conduct oi' the Company�s business in the City. Section 15. The Company shall, within thirty (30) days after the passage, approval, a.nd publication of 'chis ordinance, file with the City Clerk of said City its written acceptance thereof in form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, and therein shall agree to abide by, keep, and perform all the terms, limitations, conditions, and provisions of this �rdinance. Section 16. This permit herein granted shall nat be exclusive nor irrevocable but may be terminated and f�rfeited after notice and hearing for any breach or failure by Company �o comply Vaith any of the terms, lim�_tations, or conditions hereof. Sect:ion 17. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after �_ts passa.ge, approval, a.nd publication, and upon its acceptance, as provided in Section 15 hereof. MaY 13 t971 Yeas :. Councilmen. Nays Paseed by the Council ✓ Butler '� Carlson / � n Favor / , Levine ✓ ✓ Meredith �_Against ✓ Sprafka � MAY 13 1g�� Mr. President cCarty) Appro A Ci Clerk Mayor �� �'orm approved Corpora�ion �ounsel.$y r ♦�i �3LI5I�L:17 MA �AY 2� I��� . �: '� , 6�,C,.JP�,�i���� . � ' � � .' 1 Page 3 Section 7 . The Council ma.y, upon its initiative or shall upon the petition of the Company, review the operations and rates of the Com any under this permit and after a public hearing, of which ten (10� days ' published notice shall be given, sha.11 prescribe by ordinance, within one hundred fifty (150) days after the filing of such petition, reasona.ble rates which the Company ma.y cha.rge for gas. Should it reasona.bly appear within one hundred (100) days after such filing tha.t Council will be una.ble to prescribe rates within said one hundred fifty (150) day period, Company ma.y request Council to authorize the schedules of rates proposed by Company in its petition to become effective as interim rates on all bills computed from regular meter readings after said one hundred fifty (150) day period, subject to the obligation by Company to refund to its customers any increases in rates collected under such interim rates which are in excess of the lawful and reasona.ble rates as fina.11y determined. Action by the Council on such request shall be based on equitable considerations, including the balancing of any potential harm to the public and to the Company. Ra.tes contained in Appendix A hereof have been adjusted from previous rates to cover only the cost of increased gross earnings payments to be ma.de to City under this ordina.nce. It is understood that such action sha.11 not preclude the Company from filing� in the calendar year 1971, a petition requesting the review of its operations and rates as provided above. There sha.11 be included in Company' s rate schedules purcha.sed gas adjus ment clauses which automa.tically provide for billing adjustmen:�`s to otfset increases or decreases in the purchase cost of gas to Company due to revisions in the town border rates under which.na.tural gas is purchased. Section 8 . The Company ma.y withdraw any rate schedule which ha.s been superseded, ma.y revise any existing rate schedule, or establish other rates, providing such rates sha.11 be reasona.ble and no existing customer shall be adversely affected thereby. Within ten (10) days after the filing of such withdrawal, revision, or new schedule by the Company, the City Clerk sha.11 give published notice of such filing. The withdrawal, revision, or new schedule shall take effect sixty (60) days after written notice thereof ha.s been filed by the Company with the City Clerk and with the Commissioner of Public Utilities or other person designated by the Council, unless the Council or any customer shall initiate by resolution or petition during the interim period a review of the filing, where- upon a public hearing sha.11 be conducted upon ten (10) days ' notice published beforehand. After the hearing, the Council shall by resolution adopt, modify, or reject the withdrawal of superseded ` � rates, revision of existing rates, or establishment of new rates. � ��,�a , . ' � • . ♦ , ' tY p�U N��( 'i. t � . �".3\� ��ek�'�l.r.6Y... Page � j��het� wrztten no�ice has been Filed by C�mpany of such revisions, ��ew schedules, or t�rithdrat�rals, there `�s reserved to �he Counc�_1 the power a�d authority, exercisable at �_ts discretion, to adopt its resolution anproving the sub ject rev=i_s_i_�n.s, nev�r schedules, or w�th- dratrJals and speciFy�ng the e:E'fective da'ce of the same as any date w�_th- �n sixty (60� da,;rs af�er such fi_ling by Cornpany, but a_fter published notice by the C�_ty ClerlL of st�c�� f�l�.n�, provided tha.t the date s�eci_�'ied by such resolution shall be reques�ed '��z the traritten notice fi.led bJ Comoany. Sec�ion �. The Com.�any shall f�le vaith the Ci_ty Clerk and with the Comm�_ssioner ��� }?�ab1�c Ut-�_lities. or other person des3.gnated by the Council, co�i_es of a11 r�.te scredules, charges, Forms af contracts or agreements for the sale of �as, anc� rules and regulat�ons oertaining thereto, which shall be kept open by Ci'cy O.ff�_c=i als for public inspec- t=i_on, ��1�?th�_n ten (10) da.ys after the filing of such rules and re�u- la�i�n� or amendments theret�, the Ci�y Clerlt shall give published notice of such filin�. Such rules a.nd regulat�_ons and amendments theret� wh�_ch may be 1'.i_led i'r�m time �o time by the Compa.ny shall be reasona'�le, and the Council may, upon -i �s oU�n in:it�_ative, or upon pe'cit�_on by any cl?stomer, filed wi_th 'che City C1erl� with3_n fifteen (15) days �f publicat��n of the not_�ce, rev�_ec,r such rules and regu- lations and amendmen'cs thereto and a:Cter a publ3_c hearing, enact a res�lution revising such rtzles and regulati�ns and amendments there�o �•�hich it shall deem unreasonable , Section 10. Publ-ished notice wherever required under Sections 7, 8, or Q ab�ve shall be given by the C�_�y Clerl� b one (1) i_nser�ion in the oifici�.l newspa�er of the Ci�y and by one (l� �_nserti.on Zn a daily neivspaper of general circulation in the City. Sect_�on 11 . For �he purp�se of ass�_sting the Council in the regulation of the ac�_i_v�_ties and rates of the C�mpany as provided in th�_s perm:�_t �rd:�nance, the Counci.l shall appoin.t a Publi_c Utili_ty Eng�.neer wi�n an adequate staff as full t�_me employees to peri'orm the duties tha� such regulation necessitates. Sect'�on 12. Tne Company shall �aay �he C�_ty during the term hereof ar� annual a.mount �.f up �o ?�35,000, pa.yable �n P�Zay 1 �f 1971 and of 1972, v,rh:ich surn shall be used to pay that pa.r� of the annual salary oi' the Publ�i c U�G1�7_��,r rn��_neer, his ass�_s�ant or assistants, clerical help and o:�f:�ce expenses, �u.ts�_de accountants, attorneys, advisors, ancl consultan�s ' fees, i�easonably related t� the reg�?lat�on of tlze Company, its rate schedules, and ot'_�er matters and operations under �his permit ordi_nance . If as a resul�E oz" a Company ra'ce fili_ng such e�,penses during 1971 exceed �>35,000, the Company sha11 advance upon written request by 'che Council the 1972 payment or the requ�.red amount thereof. T�1e amoL�nt of such �ayment or payments shall be allowed as an aperat�.ng exx�ense of the Company in the City �f Sa�.nt Paul. Secti�n 13, The Compa.ny shall fi_le dur�_ng each month witlz the Corr�tnissioner of Publ:ic Uti_lities, or other �erson designated by the C�_ty Co�.ancil, a report o.E' the number of customers, sales and revenues by classes o� services for the preced�_ng month based upon its ut�_1'�ty operat=i_ons with_i_n �he C��ty of Saint Paul. Oel�ind!o fCibr Qerk ' ! a� 4� +. ' • ������ � � - - O. RDINANC-� , � ' � COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY � � � ORDINANCE NO � . An Ordinance �,ranting to Northern States Power Company, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, its successors and assigns, permission '�o use the streets and other public proper'�y located in the City of Saint Paul for the purpose of conducting and supplying gas for all purposes for a term extending from �he adoption hereof to December 31, 1972, or during such lesser �period as de�erm;ned herein, prescribing rates which the Company may charge for such service, and deter- mining the amoun� which the Cflmpany shall pay �o the City for the use and occupancy of its streets and other public property. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. Northern States Power Company, a corporation organized under the laws of the S�ate of Minnesota, hereinafter � designated as "Company" being a publlc service c�rporation supplying gas for all purposes with3.n �he City of Saint Paul under Ordinance No. 11761, as amended, wh�_ch expired on December 31, 1970, is, together with its slzccessors and assigns, hereby granted permission to use the s�reets and other public property located in such. City for such purpose for a term extending from the adop�ion hereof to the effecti_ve date of a franchise gran�ed to said Company pursuant to the terms and conditions of the nevrly app�oved City Char�er �f the City of Saint Paul, which takes effect ori June 6, 1g72, but such term shall not extend beyond December 31, 1972. Section 2. The permission granted herein shall extend to the Company's use of all streets and public property now being used by the Company in connection tia�th such service and of such other streets and public property as ma.y from �Eime to time be designated by the City Council. Such permission to use the streets and other publ'Lc property located in such City shall include such use for the purpose � of erecting, installing, maintaining, and operating gas mains, and all other necessary appurtenances used in conducting, diatributing and supply�ng gas for public and private use and for the purpose of conducting said gas to and through said City. .� Section 3. In locating its gas facili�ies, the Company shall in no way unreasonably interfere with the safety and convenience of ordinary �ravel along and over said streets and public property nor interfere with other uses to which such places may be put by �he City of Saint Paul, and in the event it shall become necessary dur�ng the term of this permissi.on to remove or relocate the physical prop- erty of the Company located with�_n or upon any of the streets or public property in the City of Sa3_n� Paul, because �f such interference or - use by the City, or as a result of any public improvement undertaken by the City, the Company shall, when so ac��rised by the Council, remove Yeas Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the Counci� Butler � Carlson Tn Favor Levine Meredith Sprafka Againat Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved• Atteat: � City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corpora�tion Counsel By �.� � � ,���� � � � � � 118�� � ��� ► � � �A� Si b l� 1 Pag�. 3 Section 7 . The Council r�,._y, upon its iri.iLiatitTe or sha1..1 . upon th.e p�tition of t.he Cori�parry , re�riew i�l:e operati_o;�s and rates of the Com any under t}�is permit and after a public heurings af which tAn ;. 10� days ` publi_sr°�ed i.otic� s1�a11 be given, shail pz�sc�-i_Le �u.>T �rdinance , withi�z one h�..�ndr_ecl fifty (150� days ��te�: the ii ling of such p�titzon, rea.sona.biP rai�cs ��;hich thE� Cc�mpany ma.y char _e for gas . Shau1_d it rcasonab7_y aPpear wit�;in or�c hiandred (100� days arter_ suc.h f:i.linb that Cauncil Gail_1 be uizab]_e to prescri.be rates within sai_d one hundred f a.f ty (150 j day period� Co�npany m�y r�quest Cour�cil to autho�ize tl:c schedul_es of rat.�es proposed by �ompany in its peti_tic;� ro becorne effeci�ive as in�ei-im r_ates on a11 bills comp-,ited from rc�gular rneter rea.dings afi�ex- said one hundred fifty (Y50) da�� p��ric�d, subject t� the ob�_%;atio�_�. by Company to refund to i�.s ct�stomers any �_ncreases in rat;.es col_lected U.n�er such interim rates �ahic�l are i_n exce�s ai the lawful and reasonabl� rates as finally cietermined. Action by th<� Coun�.il ozz such requ�st shall be based on equita�le consLd-� e ra.tions s �_nclud:�ng the balancing of any potential harm to +ulzc� publ_ic and to the Cornpany. Appendix A will contain the rates in effect on December 31, 1970. In view of the profit of the utility, no adjustment will be ma.de for the increase in the license fee to 8%. � There sha11 be included in Campany` s rate schedules p��rcr�ased gas adju.stmer,.t cla_uses wh3_ch automatically provi�e for bi1l.�ng ad_j��s}�rnents to offset increases or decrcase� in the purcha_s� cost. �f ga_s i�o Compariy due to revis�_ons in zhe to�s�n borcier r_ates un�±<a-r �.,hi.ch ��.i�ux-a1 gas is puxc?�a.sed < Sec�ior� 8 . The Company may� wi.thdr.aw an.y rate sched.ule tiahich has been supers�ded, may revise a��y exist:i.n; rate schedule , 01: fstablish other rates , providing such rates shall be r.easoi:a.ble a.na no �xistin custamer sha11 be adversety affecLed thereLy. ���ithin ten (1_0� days after the filzng of �uch taithdra��al, r��- v?sioi:�; or new schedule by the Company, the City C7_e-rk sha11 give p�b7_ishec� notice of s�ch fil.in�;. The withdr.awal, re�%isicn, o�. ne�ti� sc}�.edule shall takQ effECt sixty (6C�) days after �aritten notic� i=hereof has been filed by the Comp�ny S,�itl� the City Clerk and with the Cammissiener of Public Utili�i.es or ot_her persoz.. d4sign�.ted by tl�.e Cou�zcilP unless the Coui cil or any custo�r�e�- s1�.a11_ �ziitiate by resolution or petition dur�ng the inter�._m period a review af the filingq ;ahereupon a public hearil-�b shal� be car.�ductecl u�on teri (10) days ` notice Tublished beforeha��d. Aiter the hearing, the Council shall by r�solution adopt, madify9 or reje�t �he withd�a`v��_1_ of sup�r�eded rates , revisian of exist.:.:ing r��tes, or esta?�xishmeni� of n.e�a ra�es . , : _ . ' a"��.�.�:..��n��.:�_ . � Page 2 and relocate said facilities without cost to the City of Saint Paul, and shall place the streets or public property in the same condition as they were prior to said removal or relocation. Any relocation or removal of the Company' s facilities ma.de necessary because of the extension through or into the City of a Federally- aided state trunk highway, included within the National System of Interstate Highways, sha.11 be governed by the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 1969, Section 161.46. Section 4. The Company in the installation, maintena.nce, and operation of its facilities sha.11 be subject to such reasonable regulations as ma.y be provided by the Council, and no gas ma.ins and gas service appliances shall hereafter be installed or laid by the Company, except upon application to the Commissioner of Public Works or other person designa.ted by the City Council, and written permission therefor granted by said Commissioner or person, subject to the approval, however, by the Council by resolution. Section 5. During the term of the permission hereby granted, the Company sha.11 pay into the treasury of the City of Saint Paul a yearly license fee of 8%, the monetary amount of which is to be measured by the Company' s gross earnings during 1971 and 1972, and the payment of such amount to be ma.de in qua.rterly installm�ents on or before the 30th day of April, July and October of each of said years, and on or before the 30th day of December of each of said years, so that the April 30th payment of the license fee sha.11 be 8% of the amount of the gross earnings of the Company during the three-month period of January, Febru.a.ry, and March of 1971 and 1972; the July 30th payment of the license fee shall be 8% of the asnount of the gross earnings of the Company during the three-month period of April, May, and June of 1971 and 1972; the October 30th payment of the license fee sha.11 be 8% of the amount of the gross earnings of the Company during the three-month period of July, August, and September of 1971 and 1972; and the December 30th pay- ment of the license fee shall, if necessary, be based on a reason- able estimate of the gross earnings of the Company during the period from October 1 through December 31 of 1971 and 1972, and shall be appropriately adjusted by an additional payment by the Company or a refund by the City of Saint Paul when actua.l gross earnings for such period have been determined by the Company. The amount of the license fee shall be allowed as an operating expense to the Company, and in calculating such amount, gross earnings sha.11 �� � be held to mean and include all sums received by the Company from the sale of gas distributed and used within the city limits of the City of Saint Paul. Section 6. The Council hereby prescribes the following �chedule of rates contained in Appendix A attached hereto and ma.de a part hereof. Such rates sha.11 become effective as to all bills computed from regular meter readings on and after the effective date of this ordina.nce, and shall rema.in in effect and continue in force until cha.nged as provided herein. � !� � . - INTERRUPTIBLE SERVICE Availability Available on an interruptible basis to a commercial or industrial customer whose maximum hourly requirements are in excess of 1000 cubic feet and who will agree (1) to curtail his use of gas whenever requested by Company, (2) to provide and maintain suitable and adequate standby facilities, and (3� to have available at all times sufficient standby fuel to maintain continuous plant operation during periods of curtailment in the delivery of gas sold hereunder. If customer agrees to confine the use of natural gas under this rate to the months of April through October in any calendar year, requirements (2� and (3� above shall not apply. Character of Service Delivery of gas hereunder shall be subject to curtailment whenever requested by Company, such requests to be made as far in advance as possible. Rate Priority Rate Monthly Maximum Day Mcf Monthly Requirements Classi- Per Minimum Requirements for at least six months fication Mcf Charge (See Note l� each year (See Note l� AA �.6092 � 51.50 More than 1000 cu. ft. per hour but less than 50 Mcf per day A .46�+7 155.00 50 Mcf or more but less than 200 Mcf BB .�+440 310.00 200 Mcf or more -B .�+234 620.oo " " " 11 5 00o to 9 999•9 c .4027 i �+�+5.oo " " " " lo 00o to 19 999•9 D .3717 2 685.00 " " " " 20 00o to �+9 999•g E .3304 6 ogo.00 " " " " 50 00o to 199 999•9 F .31�+g 10 325.00 More than 12 000 Mcf 200 000 and more Purchased Gas Adjustment In the event there is a change in the town border rate under which Company purchases gas sold under the above schedule, there shall be added to or deducted from the monthly bill computed according to the above schedule the product of the monthly consumption in Mcf and the amount per Mcf to the nearest 0.01¢ by which the town border commodity charge varies from 23.1�+¢ per Mcf. In the event the total variation is a positive amount, such amount will be multiplied by 1.087. Any revision in the purchased gas adjustment due to a change in the town border rate shall become effective on bills based on regular meter readings on and after 30 days from the effective date of the change in the town b order rate. In the event a refund is received by the Company from Northern Natural Gas , Company attributable to the cost of gas which has been sold by the Company `� (Continued on following sheet� , j d. � � • J � � INZ�RRUPTIBLE SERVICE (Continued) under the foregoing purchased gas adjustment clause, such attributable refund, multiplied by the factor 1.087, together with interest thereon, received by the Company will be applied as a reduction in the purchased gas adjustment until the amount of such attributable refund and interest has been expended. Such unit reduction will be extended over a period not to exceed twelve months. Monthly Minimum Charge If in any month customer does not use the minimum a,mount provided for herein because of Company's failure to deliver gas wholly or in part, the monthly minimum charge shall be reduced proportionately to the amount of curtailment during such month. Where customer agrees to discontinue the use of service during the period from November 1 to March 31, inclusive, each year, the monthly minimum charges hereunder will be waived during said period. Prompt Payment Provision A. charge of 5°�0 on the first �25.00 monthly plus l� on the remainder will be added to net monthly bill, computed at the rate schedule shown above, which charge shall constitute a discount from gross bill for pay- ment within the discount period. Unit of Measurement The unit of ineasurement shall be a cubic foot of gas at an absolute pressure of 30 inches of inercury, and a temperature of 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Heating Value From 975 Btu to 1025 Btu (inclusive� per cubic foot. If in any month, the arithmetic average of hourly total heating values of the gas is less than 975 Btu per cubic foot, the volume of gas measured hereunder during such period shall be decreased for billing purposes in proportion to the decrease below 975 Btu per cubic foot. Priority Classification Class AA shall have first priority. Curtailment shall begin with Classification F and progress to Classification AA. Term of Agreement Service agreement shall be for a term of not less than one year. Upon expiration of term, Agreement continues in force until terminated by at least thirty days' written notice by either party. Gross Earnings Adjustment Bills rendered under the above rate schedule shall be adjusted by Company over the period of this permit ordinance in an amount to allow Company to recoup gross earnings payments paid to the City in excess of a rate of 5�fo on revenues based on meter readings during that period of the year 1971 which is prior to the effective date of this permit ordinance. Note 1: Applies to estimated requirements until actual requirements have been �certained. Note 2: The ,above rate schedules for interruptible service are also subject to �mpany's contract with Northern Natural Gas Company from whom the gas contem- plated to be sold hereunder will be purchased. .� �� �_ � . ; • �! �-' �� �_� � , LARGE GENERAL SERVICE Availability—Available to commercial and industrial customers with requirements of 50 Mcf or more per day. Rate.-- ,Demand Charge---$3.61�+ per Mcf per month of Billing Demand a -plus- Commod.ity Charge r- First 2 000 Mcf per month @ �.�+957 per Mcf Next 3 000 " " " @ ,�+337 " " Next 15 000 " " " @ .3924 „ " Next 30 000 " " " @ .361�+ " " Excess " " " @ .3�+08 " " Purchased Gas Adjustment In the event there is a change in the town border rate under which Company purchases gas sold under the above schedule, there shall be added to or deducted from the monthly bill computed according to the above schedule the sum of (l� the product of the monthly billing demand and the amount per Mcf to the nearest 0.1¢ by which the town border demand charge varies from $3.061 and, (2� the product of the monthly consumption in Mcf and the amount per Mcf to the nearest 0.01¢ by which the town border commodity charge varies from 23.14¢ per Mcf. In the event the total variation is a positive amount, such amount will be multiplied by 1.087. Monthly Minimum Charge The Demand Charge Prompt Paymcnt Provision A charge of 5�0 on the first �25.00 monthly plus 1°�0 on the remainder will be added to net monthly bill, computed at the rate schedule shown above, which charge shall constitute a discount from gross bill for payment within the discount period. Determination of Billing Demand The demand in Mcf for billing purposes shall be the greatest daily consumption in Mcf during the month for which bill is rendered, but in no event shall the demand to be billed be considered as less than the daily demand in Mcf Company agrees to deliver as specified in the contract between Company and customer, nor less than the demand previously billed hereunder. Heating Value Natural gas with a nominal heating value of 1000 Btu per cubic foot. , Gross Earnings Adjustment Bills rendered under the above rate schedule shall be adjusted by Company over the period of this permit ordinance in an amount to allow Company to recoup gross earnings payments paid to the City in excess of a rate of 5°�o ,on revenues based on meter readings during that period of the year 19'71 which is prior to the effective date of this permit ordinance. Note: Gas consumed under this rate schedule must be separately metered from '�" customer`s other firm gas requirements. N GIIVERAL SERVIG`E Availability Available to any residential, commercial, or industrial customer for general use of natural gas service. Rate First 2 000 cu. ft. per month @ �1.910 per Mcf Next 3 000 " „ „ " @ .878 " „ Next 5 000 „ " „ " @ .774 " „ Next 390 000 " " " " @ .764 " „ Next �+00 000 " " " " @ .743 " " Next 1 200 000 " " " " @ .713 " " Excess " " " " @ .682 " " Purchased Gas Adjustment In the event there is a change in the town border rate under which Company purchases gas sold under the above schedule, there shall be added to or deducted from the monthly bill computed according to the above rate schedule the product of the monthly consumption and the amount per Mef to the nearest 0.1� by which the average annual town border purchase cost per Mcf to Company, based on the number of days use of the contract demand necessary to serve the total General Service requirements, is more or less than the average annual town border purchase cost per Mcf computed on the same basis and on town border rates consisting of a demand charge of $3.061 per Mcf per month and a co�nodity charge of 23.1�+ cents per Mcf. In the event the total variation is a positive amount, such amount will be multiplied by 1.087. The average annual town border purchase cost per Mcf shall be computed with the use of the billing demand units and annual volu.mes of natural gas purchased from Northern Natural Gas Company for resale to General Service gas customers served by Company in its Minnesota service area, ad.justed to reflect normal temperatures, for the calendar year preceding the change in the town border rate. In the event a refund is received by the Company from Northern Natural Gas Company attributable to the cost of gas which has been sold by the Company under the foregoing purchased gas adjustment clause, such attributable refund, multiplied by the factor 1.087, together with interest thereon received by the Company will be applied as a reduction in the purchased gas adjustment until the amount of such attributable refund and interest has been expended� Such unit reduction will be extended over a period not to exceed twelve months. Monthly Minimum Charge �2.15 Heating Value Natural gas with a nominal heating value of 1000 Btu per cubic foot. Gross Earnings Adjustment Bills rendered under the above rate schedule shall be adjusted by Company over the period of this permit ordinance in an amount to allow Company to recoup gross earnings payments paid to the City in excess of a rate of 5°�0 on revenues based on meter readings during that period of the year 1971 which is prior to the effective date of this permit ordinance. GAS YARD LIGHTING SERVICE Availability A.vailable to any residential, co�nercial or industrial customer for unmetered gas yard lighting when such customer is using gas service at the sa.me location for other purposes. Metered gas yard lighting service will be billed on the applicable rate schedule. Rate �1.63 per lamp per month Special Terms and Conditions l. Customer shall pay for the entire cost of installation including the piping from the service to the yard light. Company shall own and maintain the piping from the service to the yard light. G`ustomer shall own and maintain the yard light. 2. The gas lamp may be either a single or double mantle installation. 3. The orifice will be sized to a #71 drill size. �+. Pressure will be set at !+ inches water column. 5. Yard lights with larger orifices or pressures higher than 4 inches water column will not be permitted on this rate schedule. Gross Earnings Adjustment Bills rendered under the above rate schedule shall be adjusted by Company over the period of this permit ordinance in an amount to allow Company to recoup gross earnings payments paid to the City in excess of a rate of 5�0 on revenues based on meter readings during that period of the year 1971 which is prior to the effective date of this permit ordinance. � , , INTERRUPTIBLE SERVICE Availability Available on an interruptible basis to a commercial or industrial customer whose maximum hourly requirements are in excess of 1000 cubic feet and who will agree (1) to curtail his use of gas whenever requested by Company, �2) to provide and maintain suitable and adequate standby facilities, and (3� to have available at all times sufficient standby fuel to maintain continuous plant operation during periods of curtailment in the delivery of gas sold hereunder. If customer agrees to confine the use of natural gas under this rate to the months of April through October in any calendar year, requirements (2� and (3� above shall not apply. Character of Service Delivery of gas hereunder shall be subject to curtailment whenever requested by Company, such requests to be made as far in advance as possible. Rate Priority Rate Monthly Maximum Day Mcf Monthly Requirements Classi- Per Minimum Requirements for at least six months fication Mcf Charge (See Note l� each year (See Note l� AA �.6og2 $ 51.50 More than 1000 cu. ft. per hour but less than 50 Mcf per day A .�+647 155.00 50 Mcf or more but less than 200 Mcf BB .�+�+40 310.00 200 Mcf or more B .�+234 620.00 " " " " 5 00o to 9 999•9 c .�+027 1 4�+5.oo " " " " lo 00o to 19 999•9 D .37i7 2 685.00 " " " " 20 00o to 49 999•g E .3304 6 ogo.00 " " " " 50 00o to 199 999•9 F .31�+g 10 325.00 More than 12 000 Mcf 200 000 and more Purchased Gas Adjustment In the event there is a change in tne town border rate under which Company purchases gas sold under the above schedule, there shall be added to or deducted from the monthly bill computed according to the above schedule the product of the monthly consumption in Mcf and the amount per Mcf to the nearest 0.01¢ by which the town border corrunodity charge varies from 23.1�+¢ per Mcf. In the event the total variation is a positive amount, such amount will be multiplied by 1.087. Any revision in the purchased gas adjustment due to a change in the town border rate shall become effective on bills based on regular meter readings on and after 30 days from the effective date of the change in the town b order rate. In the event a refund is received by the Company from Northern Natural Gas Company attributable to the cost of gas which has been sold by the Company " (Continued on following sheet� . , INZ�fiRUPT2BLE SERVICE (Continued) under the foregoing purchased gas adjustment clause, such attributable refund, multiplied by the factor 1.087, together with interest thereon, received by the Company will be applied as a reduction in the purchased gas adjustment until the amount of such attributable refund and interest has been expended. Such unit reduction will be extended over a period not to exceed twelve months. Monthly Minimum Charge If in any month customer does not use the minimum amount provided for herein because of Company`s failure to deliver gas wholly or in part, the monthly minimum charge shall be reduced proportionately to the amount of curtailment during such month. Where customer agrees to discontinue the use of service during the period from November 1 to March 31, inclusive, each year, the monthly minimum charges hereunder will be waived during said period. Prompt Payment Provision A. charge of 5�0 on the first �25.00 monthly plus l�o on the remainder will be added to net monthly bill, computed at the rate schedule shown above, which charge shall constitute a discount from gross bill for pay- ment within the discount period. Unit of Measurement The unit of ineasurement shall be a cubic foot of gas at an absolute pressure of 30 inches of inercury, and a temperature of 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Heating Value From 975 Btu to 1025 Btu (inclusive� per cubic foot. If in any month, the arithmetic average of hourly total heating values of the gas is less than 975 Btu per cubic foot, the volume of gas measured hereunder during such period shall be decreased for billing purposes in proportion to the decrease below 975 Btu per cubic foot. Priority Classification Class AA shall have first priority. Curtailment shall begin with Classification F and progress to Classification AA. Term of Agreement Service agreement shall be for a term of not less than one year. Upon expiration of term, Agreement continues in force until terminated by at least thirty days' written notice by either party. Gross Earnings Adjustment Bills rendered under the above rate schedule shall be adjusted by Company over the period of this permit ordinance in an amount to allow Company to recoup gross earnings payments paid to the City in excess of a rate of 5°�0 on revenues based on meter readings during that period of the year �97� which is prior to the effective date of this permit ordinance. Note l: Applies to estimated requirements until actual requirements have been ascertained. Note 2: The above rate schedules for interruptible service are also subject to Company's contract with Northern Natural Gas Company from whom the gas contem- plated to be sold hereunder will be purchased. � , LARGE GENERAL SERVICE Availability Available to cormnercial and industrial customers with requirements of 50 Mcf or more per day. Rate Demand Charge $3.614 per Mcf per month of Billing Demand -plus- Co�nodity Charge First 2 000 Mcf per month @ �.�+957 per Mcf Next 3 000 „ „ „ @ .�+337 " " Next 15 000 " " " @ .392�. �, 1, Next 30 000 " " " @ .3614 " " Exce s s „ „ " @ .31+08 „ " Purchased Gas Adjustment In the event there is a change in the town border rate under which Company purchases gas sold under the above schedule, there shall be added to or deducted from the monthly bill computed according to the above schedule the sum of (l� the product of the monthly billing demand and the amount per Mcf to the nearest 0.1¢ by which the town border demand charge varies from $3.061 and, (2� the product of the monthly consumption in Mcf and the amount per Mcf to the nearest 0.01¢ by which the town border co�nnodity charge varies from 23.14¢ per Mcf. In the event the total variation is a positive amount, such amount will be multiplied by 1.087. Monthly Minimum Charge The Demand Charge Prompt Payment Provision A charge of 5�0 on the first �25.00 monthly plus l� on the remainder will be added to net monthly bill, computed at the rate schedule shown above, which charge shall constitute a discount from gross bill for payment within the discount period. Determination of Billing Demand The demand in Mcf for billing purposes shall be the greatest daily consumption in Mcf during the month for which bill is rendered, but in no event shall the demand to be billed be considered as less than the daily demand in Mcf Company agrees to deliver as specified in the contract between Company and customer, nor less than the demand previously billed hereunder. Heating Value Natural gas with a nominal heating value of 1000 Btu per cubic foot. Gross Earnings Adjustment Bills rendered under the above rate schedule shall be adjusted by Company over the period of this permit ordinance in an amount to allow Company to recoup gross earnings payments paid to the City in excess of a rate of 5% on revenues based on meter readings during that period of the year 1971 which is prior to the effective date of this permit ordinance. Note: Gas consumed under this rate schedule must be separately metered from customer's other firm gas requirements. N . �__ ; l�rea �ode 6I2 � y p1TY p� O� J �� � 223-51?I R`���+� pd �+k...;�;�'r -�i � �� < � '-�' �b THOMAS J.STEAF.NS �O '�c ARTHUR M. NELSQN �.. PAUL F. McCLOSKEY,JR. R.SCOTT DAVIES KENNETN J. FIrLPATRICK C���� � ;� ����� ���� ANREL L. FECKERR first Assisfant JEROME J.SEGAL KENNETH A.SKRIEN Special Assistant . LEGG�C DEPARTM��T JOHN C. McLAUGHLIN ROBERT C. HOENE 3i5 Cify Hall, St. Paul, PAinneso�a 55102 A. KEITH HANZEL k1ANIEl A. KLAS Assistants Corporation Counsel TERRY F.SULLIVAN Investiqator i�a� 2,1, 1971 Mr. Harry �,. Marsh�all City Clerk .' Ci�y of Saint Paul Dear I�r_ . I�arshall: � R�: Council FiI� No. 253483---Ordinanc� No. Z4788 - Ordinanc� aranting C'�'Y't�la1 righ�s and privil�c�es to �iorthern Stat�s Poc,rer Ce�xnganv per�aining to the furnishing of electricity; , Co�zncil �'ile Ido. 253490--Ordinance No. 1�787 - Ordir�anc� granting cer�air� rig��ts a�d privileges to ATorthera�s States Potrez Company pertaining to the �uxn�shing c�f steam; Cauneil File I�o. 25'�•31-�-4�-dix�aY�e.e No. 1�786 - Ordin�nce gr�n�ina ��x,�aii� rigla�:� and privileges to Nox��.h�rn States l�oc��r �ompany gextazning to #.h� fura:is��ia�g af gas. T�� ahave-mc����ic�n�d Qx�c�in�nc�� ��x� p�abliskied wi�hout incltxdinr� th� app�ncxice� �x�scr.a..i��r�c� rat�s. ����:�e �l��e�� ordinaz2ces s�.ouZd �� �e�u3ali�h�d as scoaz «s �•rac�ic:�a��.�, y� �ix��� c�r�ti�e�.�,� to�e�.he�° vri{�:� th� ����ndi��s ianiGh cc��-��.�:i.n i���� �:��scrz.}�c�: rates. �tTEa'"V' �I..LLS_� �Q`.'!�S o �'� 6 /q �+ �{ � � r . N�„F'` „lj:��,%i4 y�,s��°'�°`se;f�'`� �1���.��;.�� [i� ���e�'"�,� �i�d.���.�1.�1.\..,_:.}�I. `,s�c.JA.lb1�..J1+� I}13I�Y�Ei cc: �:Gy�z �nc Gc��aac��. � „:.t�-:=.a., , _ !." .`` • � �O� r t � GIIVF�tAL SERVICE '- L � � Availability *-Available to any residential, commercial, or industrial customer for general use of natural gas service. Rate-First 2 000 cu. ft. per month @ �1.910 per Mcf , , Next 3 000 " " " " @ .878 „ " Next 5 000 " " " " @ .774 „ " Next 390 000 „ " " " @ .76�+ " " Next 400 000 " " " " @ •743 " " 1Vext 1 200 000 " " " " @ .713 " " Excess " " " " @ .682 " " Purchased Gas Adjustment--�In the event there is a change in the town border rate under which Company purchases gas sold under the above schedule, there shall be added to or deducted from the monthly bill computed according to the above rate schedule the product of the monthly consumption and the amount per Mcf to the nearest 0.1� by which the average annual town border purchase cost per Mcf to Company, based on the nusnber of days use of the contract demand necessary to serve the total General Service requirements, is more or less than the average annual town border purchase cost per Mcf computed on the same basis and on town border rates consisting of a demand charge of $3.061 per Mcf per month and a couanodity charge of 23.1�+ cents per Mcf. In the event the total variation is a positive amount, such amount will be multiplied by 1.087. The average ar^ al town border purchase cost per Mcf shall be computed with the use of th� ling�c�emand units 'and"annua�. -v�']:.ume�'�of natural gas purchased from Northern zral Gas Company for resale to General Service gas customers served by Company in its Minnesota service area, acljusted to reflect normal temperatures, for the calendar year preceding the change in the town border rate. In the event a refund is received by the Company from Northern Natural Gas Company attributable to the cost of gas which has been sold by the Company under the foregoing purchased gas adjustment clause, such attributable refund, multiplied by the factor 1.087, together with interest thereon received by the Company will be applied as a reduction in the purchased gas adjustment until the amount of such attributable refund and interest has been expended� Such unit reduction will be extended over a period not to exceed twelve months. Monthly Minimum Charge� �2.15 Heating Value—Natural gas with a nominal heating value of 1000 Btu per cubic foot. Gross Earnings Adjustment-Bills rendered under the above rate schedule shall be adjusted by Company over the period of this permit ordinance in an amount to allow Company to recoup gross earnings payments paid to the City in excess of a rate of 5°�0 on revenues based on meter readings during that period of the year 1971 which is prior to the effective date of this permit ordinance. � / `.....-�\. r ! , �.!""�'i.� . ( • I 1 GAS YARD LIGHTING SEftVICE � Availability Available to any residential, co�ercial or industrial customer for unmetered gas yard lighting when such customer is using gas service at the same location for other purposes. Metered gas yard lighting service will be billed on the applicable rate schedule. Rate �1.63 per lamp per month Special Terms and Conditions 1. Customer shall pay for the entire cost of installation including the piping �-- from the service to the yard light. Company shall own and maintain the piping from the service to the yard light. Customer shall own and maintain the yard light. 2. The gas lamp may be either a single or double mantle installation. 3. The orifice will be sized to a #71 drill size. �+. Pressure will be set at !+ inches water column. 5. Yard lights with larger orifices or pressures higher than 4 inches water column will not be permitted on this rate schedule. Gross Earnings Adjustment Bills rendered under the above rate schedule shall be � adjusted by Company over the period of this permit ordinance in an amount to allow Company to recoup gross earnings payments paid to the City in excess of a rate of 5°� on revenues based on meter readings during that period of the year 1971 which is prior to the effective date of this permit ordinance. � � � 1�SP F���ORTH ERN STATES PO W ER COM PANY r � �_f,; +'�� � MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 93401 �;��� 23 � 19 ,1�� � ► c!TY CL�P,i:�s o�ric� ST PAUL� l;l;;�d. June 25, 1971 To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: The undersigned, Northern States Power Company, does hereby accept and agree to abide by, keep, and perform all the terms, limitations, conditions, and provisions of Council File No. 253491, being Ordinance No. 14786, adopted by the Council and approved by the Mayor on May 13, 1971. NORTHERN ST ES POWER CO ANY By / . Division Manager And � a Assistant Secr y APPROVED AS TO FORM: Corporation ounsel � , F�� I�[�ORTH ERN STATES P01'tiIER COMPANY _ r ; � � • � MINNEAPOL19t, MINNESOTA SS401 . �� ;� �y ; i� ' � :; L� v � � , --, ,,,. �..-,�� .._';l' C�. :;; � ��-���,_ :,��y ,, ,:�i F; � c�i:.,,. June 25, 1971 To the Honorable Mayor and . Members of the City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: The undersigned, Northern States Power Company, does hereby accept and agree to abide by, keep, and perform all the terms, limitations, conditions, and provisions of Council File No. 253491, being Ordinance No. 14786, adopted by the Council and approved by the Mayor on May 13, 1971. NORTHERN ST ES POWER COMPANY By � . Division Manager And ,� � � Assistant Secr y APPROVED AS TO FORM: . � Corporation ounsel � GIIVERAL SERVIG`E Availability Available to any residential, commercial, or industrial customer for general use of natural gas service. Rate First 2 000 cu. ft. per month @ �1.910 per Mcf Next 3 000 " " " " @ .878 „ " Next 5 000 „ „ " „ @ .77�+ " " Next 390 000 " " " " @ .76�+ " " Next �+00 000 " " " " @ .7�+3 " " Next 1 200 000 " " " " @ ,713 +' " Excess " " " " @ .682 " " Purchased Gas Adjustment In the event there is a change in the town border rate under which Company purchases gas sold under the above schedule, there shall be added to or deducted from the monthly bill computed according to the above rate schedule the product of the monthly consumption and the axnount per Mcf to the nearest 0.1� by which the average annual town border purchase cost per Mcf to Company, based on the number of days use of the contract demand a necessary to serve the total General Service requirements, is more or less than the average annual town border purchase cost per Mcf computed on the same basis and on town border rates consisting of a demand charge of $3.061 per Mcf per month and a co�rnnodity charge of 23.1�+ cents per Mcf. In the event the total variation is a positive amount, such amount will be multiplied by 1.087. The average annual town border purchase cost per Mcf shall be computed with the use of the billing demand units and annual volumes of natural gas purchased from Northern Natural Gas Company for resale to General Service gas customers served by Company in its Minnesota service area, acljusted to reflect normal temperatures, for the calendar year preceding the change in the town border rate. In the event a refund is received by the Company from Northern Natural Gas Company attributable to the cost of gas which has been sold by the Company under the foregoing purchased gas adjustment clause, such attributable refund, multiplied by the factor 1.087, together with interest thereon received by the Company will be applied a.s a reduction in the purchased gas adjustment until the amount of such attributable refund and interest has been e�ended. Such unit reduction will be extended over a period not to exceed twelve months. Monthly Minimum Charge �2.15 Heating Value Natural gas with a nominal heating value of 1000 Btu per cubic foot. Gross Earnings Adjustment Bills rendered under the above rate schedule shall be adjusted by Company over the period of this permit ordinance in an amount to allow Company to recoup gross earnings payments paid to the City in excess of a rate of 5°�0 on revenues based on meter readings during that period of the year 1971 which is prior to the effective date of this permit ordinance. GAS YARD LIGHTING SII�VICE Availability Available to any residential, colmnercial or industrial customer for unmetered gas yard lighting when such customer is using gas service at the saxne location for other purposes. Metered gas yard lighting service will be billed on the applicable rate schedule. Rate �1.63 per lamp per month Special Terms and Conditions l. Customer shall pay for the entire cost of installation including the piping from the service to the yard light. Company shall own and maintain the piping from the service to the yard light. Customer shall own and maintain the yard light. 2. The gas lamp may be either a single or double mantle installation. 3. The orifice will be sized to a �71 drill size. 4. Pressure will be set at !+ inches water column. 5. Yard lights with larger orifices or pressures higher than 4 inches water column will not be permitted on this rate schedule. Gross Earnings Adjustment Bills rendered under the above rate schedule shall be adjusted by Company over the period of this permit ordinance in an amount to allow Company to recoup gross earnings payments paid to the City in excess of a rate of 5� on revenues based on meter readings during that period of the year 1971 which is prior to the effective date of this permit ordinance. � , , INTERRUPTZBLE SERVICE Availability Available on an interruptible basis to a co�nercial or industrial customer whose maximum hourly requirements are in excess of 1000 cubic feet and who will agree (1) to curtail his use of gas whenever requested by Company, (2) to pr�vide and maintain suitable and adequate standby facilities, and (3� to have available at all times sufficient standby fuel to maintain continuous plant operation during periods of curtailment in the delivery of gas sold hereunder. If customer agrees to confine the use of natural gas under this rate to the months of April through October in any calendar year, requirements (2� and (3� above shall not apply. Character of Service Delivery of gas hereunder shall be subject to curtailment whenever requested by Company, such requests to be made as far in advance as possible. Rate Priority Rate Monthly Maximum Day Mcf Monthly Requirements Classi- Per Minimum Requirements for at least six months fication Mcf Charge (See Note l� each year (See Note l� AA $.6092 $ 51.50 More than 1000 cu. ft. per hour but less than 50 Mcf per day A .4647 155.00 50 Mcf or more but less than 200 Mcf BB .�+�+40 310.00 200 Mcf or more B .�+234 620.00 " " " " 5 00o to 9 999•9 c .�-027 1 �+45.oo " " " " lo 00o to 19 999•9 � D .3717 2 685.00 " " " " 20 00o to �-9 999•g E .3304 6 ogo.00 " " " " 50 00o to 199 999•9 F .31�+g 10 325.00 More than 12 000 Mcf 200 000 and more Purchased Gas Adjustment In the event there is a change in the town border rate under which Company purchases gas sold under the above schedule, there shall be added to or deducted from the monthly bill computed according to the above schedule the product of the monthly consumption in Mcf and the amount per Mcf to the nearest 0.01¢ by which the town border commodity charge varies from 23.1�+¢ per Mcf. In the event the total variation is a positive amount, such amount will be multiplied by 1.087. Any revision in the purchased gas adjustment due to a change in the town border rate shall become effective on bills based on regular meter readings on and after 30 days from the effective date of the change in the town border rate. In the event a refund is received by the Company from Northern Natural Gas Company attributable to the cost of gas which has been sold by the Company " (Continued on following sheet� � � INZ�RRUPTIBLE SEftVICE (Continued) under the foregoing purchased gas adjustment clause, such attributable refund, multiplied by the factor 1.087, together with interest thereon, received by the Company will be applied as a reduction in the purchased gas adjustment until the amount of such attributable refund and interest has been expended. Such unit reduction will be extended over a period not to exceed twelve months. Monthly Minimum Charge If in any month customer does not use the minimum amount provided for herein because of Company's failure to deliver gas wholly or in part, the monthly minimum charge shall be reduced proportionately to the amount of curtailment during such month. Where customer agrees to discontinue the use of service during the period from November 1 to March 31, inclusive, each year, the monthly minimum charges hereunder will be waived during said period. Prompt Payment Provision A charge of 5�0 on the first �25.00 monthly plus l� on the remainder will be added to net monthly bill, computed at the rate schedule shown above, which charge shall constitute a discount from gross bill for pay- ment within the discount period. Unit of Measurement The unit of ineasurement shall be a cubic foot of gas at an absolute pressure of 30 inches of inercury, and a temperature of 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Heating Value From 975 Btu to 1025 Btu (inclusive� per cubic foot. If in any month, the arithmetic average of hourly total heating values of the gas is less than 975 Btu per cubic foot, the volume of gas measured hereunder during such period. shall be decreased for billing purposes in proportion to the decrease below 975 Btu per cubic foot. Priority Classification Class AA shall have first priority. Curtailment shall begin with Classification F and progress to Classification AA. Term of Agreement Service agreement shall be for a term of not less than one year. Upon e�iration of term, Agreement continues in force until terminated by at least thirty days' written notice by either party. Gross Earnings Adjustment Bills rendered under the above rate schedule shall be adjusted by Company over the period of this permit ordinance in an amount to allow Company to recoup gross earnings payments paid to the City in excess of a rate of 5°�0 on revenues based on meter readings during that period of the year 1971 which is prior to the effective date of this permit ordinance. Note l: Applies to estimated requirements until actual requirements have been ascertained. Note 2: The above rate schedules for interruptible service are also subject to Company's contract with Northern Natural Gas Company from whom the gas contem- plated to be sold hereunder will be purchased. � LARGE GENIl�AL SERVIG`E Availability Available to commercial and industrial customers with requirements of 50 Mcf or more per day. Rate Demand Charge $3.61�+ per Mcf per month of Billing Demand -plus- Co�odity Charge First 2 000 Mcf per month @ �.�+957 per Mcf Next 3 000 " " " @ .�+337 " " Next 15 000 " " " @ •3924 " " Next 30 000 " " " @ .361�+ " " Excess " " " @ .31+08 " " Purchased Gas Adjustment In the event there is a change in the town border rate under which Company purchases gas sold under the above schedule, there shall be added to or deducted from the monthly bill computed according to the above schedule the sum of (l� the product of the monthly billing demand and the amount per Mcf to the nearest 0.1� by which the town border demand charge varies from $3.061 and, (2� the product of the monthly consumption in Mcf and the amount per Mcf' to the nearest 0.01� by which the town border corr�nodity charge varies from 23.1�+¢ per Mcf. In the event the total variation is a positive amount, such amount will be multiplied by 1.087. Monthly Minimum Charge The Demand Charge Prompt Payment Provision A charge of 5°� on the first $25.00 monthly plus 1°fo on the remainder will be added to net monthly bill, computed at the rate schedule shown above, which charge shall constitute a discount from gross bill for payment within the discount period. Determination of Billing Demand The demand in Mcf for billing purposes shall be the greatest daily consumption in Mcf during the month for which bill is rendered, but in no event shall the demand to be billed be considered as less than the daily demand in Mcf Company agrees to deliver as specified in the contract between Company and customer, nor less than the demand previously billed hereunder. Heating Value Natural gas with a nominal heating value of 1000 Btu per cubic foot. Gross Earnings Adjustment Bills rendered under the above rate schedule shall be adjusted by Company over the period of this permit ordinance in an amount to allow Company to recoup gross earnings payments paid to the City in excess of a rate of 5� on revenues based on meter readings during that period of the year 1971 which is prior to the effective date of this permit ordinance. Note: Gas consumed under this rate schedule must be separately metered from customer's other firm gas requirements. r GIIVERAL SEftVIGE Availability Available to any residential, commercial, or industrial customer for general use of natural gas service. Rate First 2 000 cu. ft. per month @ �1.910 per Mcf Next 3 000 „ " „ " @ .878 " „ Next 5 000 „ " " " @ .774 " „ Next 390 000 „ " " " @ .764 " „ Next 400 000 " " " " @ .7�+3 " " Next 1 200 000 " " " " @ .713 " " Excess " " " " @ .682 " " Purchased Gas Adjustment In the event there is a change in the town border rate under which Company purchases gas sold under the above schedule, there shall be added to or deducted from the monthly bill computed according to the above rate schedule the product of the monthly consumption and the amount per Mcf to the nearest 0.1� by which the average annual town border purchase cost per Mcf to Company, based on the number of days use of the contract demand necessary to serve the total General Service requirements, is more or less than the average annual town border purchase cost per Mcf computed on the same basis and on town border rates consisting of a demand charge of $3.061 per Mcf per month and a commodity charge of 23.1�+ cents per Mcf. In the event the total variation is a positive amount, such amount will be multiplied by 1.087. The average annual town border purchase cost per Mcf shall be computed with the use of the billing demand units and annual volumes of natural gas purchased from Northern Natural Gas Company for resale to General Service gas customers served by Company in its Minnesota service area, adjusted to reflect normal temperatures, for the calendar year preceding the change in the town border rate. In the event a refund is received by the Company from Northern Natural Gas Company attributable to the cost of gas which has been sold by the Company under the foregoing purchased gas adjustment clause, such attributable refund, multiplied by the factor 1.087, together with interest thereon received by the Company will be applied as a reduction in the purchased gas adjustment until the amount of such attributable refund and interest has been expended. Such unit reduction will be extended over a period not to exceed twelve months. Monthly Minimum Charge �2.15 Heating Value Natural gas with a nominal heating value of 1000 Btu per cubic foot. Gross Earnings Adjustment Bills rendered under the above rate schedule shall be adjusted by Company over the period of this permit ordinance in an amount to allow Company to recoup gross earnings payments paid to the City in excess of a rate of 5°�0 on revenues based on meter readings during that period of the year 1971 which is prior to the effective date of this permit ordinance. GAS YARD LIGHTING SEftVICE Availability Available to any residential, co�nercial or industrial customer for unmetered gas yard lighting when such customer is using gas service at the sa,me location for other purposes. Metered gas yard lighting service will be billed on the applicable rate schedule. Rate �1.63 per lamp per month Special Terms and Conditions 1. Customer shall pay for the entire cost of installation including the piping from the service to the yard light. Company shall own and maintain the piping from the service to the yard light. Customer shall own and maintain the yard light. 2. The gas lamp may be either a single or double mantle installation. 3. The orifice will be sized to a #71 drill size. �+. Pressure will be set at !+ inches water column. 5. Yard lights with larger orifices or pressures higher than 4 inches water column will not be permitted on this rate schedule. Gross Earnings Adjustment Bills rendered under the above rate schedule shall be adjusted by Company over the period of this permit ordinance in an amount to allow Company to recoup gross earnings payments paid to the City in excess of a rate of 5�0 on revenues based on meter readings during that period of the year 1971 which is prior to the effective date of this permit ordinance. � , , INTERRUPTIBLE SERVICE Availability Available on an interruptible basis to a commercial or industrial customer whose maximum hourly requirements are in excess of 1000 cubic feet and who will agree (1) to curtail his use of gas whenever requested by Company, (2� to provide and maintain suitable and adequate standby facilities, and (3) to have available at all times sufficient standby fuel to maintain continuous plant operation during periods of curtailment in the delivery of gas sold hereunder. If customer agrees to confine the use of natural gas under this rate to the months of April through October in any calendar year, requirements (2� and (3� above shall not apply. Character of Service Delivery of gas hereunder shall be subject to curtailment whenever requested by Company, such requests to be made as far in advance as possible. Rate Priority Rate Monthly Maximum Day Mcf Monthly Requirements Classi- Per Minimum Requirements for at least six months fication Mcf Charge (See Note l� each year (See Note l� A.A $.6og2 � 51.50 More than 1000 cu. ft. per hour but less than 50 Mcf per day A .�+647 155.00 50 Mcf or more but less than 200 Mcf BB .�+�+�+0 310.00 200 Mcf or more B .�+234 620.oo " " " " 5 00o to 9 999•9 c .�+027 1 445.00 " " " " lo 00o to 19 999•9 D .3717 2 685.00 " " " " 20 00o to 49 999•g E .3304 6 090.00 " " " " 50 00o to 199 999•9 F .3149 10 325.00 More than 12 000 Mcf 200 000 and more Purchased Gas Adjustment In the event there is a change in the town border rate under which Company purchases gas sold under the above schedule, there shall be added to or deducted from the monthly bill computed according to the above schedule the product of the monthly consumption in Mcf and the amount per Mcf to the nearest 0.01¢ by which the town border commodity charge varies from 23.1�+¢ per Mcf. In the event the total variation is a positive amount, such amount will be multiplied by 1.087. Any revision in the purchased gas adjustment due to a change in the town border rate shall become effective on bills based on regular meter readings on and after 30 days from the effective date of the change in the town b order rate. In the event a refund is received by the Company from Northern Natural Gas Company attributable to the cost of gas which has been sold by the Company " (Continued on following sheet� � INTERI�UPTIBLE SERVIG`E (Continued) under the foregoing purchased gas adjustment clause, such attributable refund, multiplied by the factor 1.087, together with interest thereon, received by the Company will be applied as a reduction in the purchased gas adjustment until the amount of such attributable refund and interest has been expended. Such unit reduction will be extended over a period not to exceed twelve months. Monthly Minimum Charge If in any month customer does not use the minimum amount provided for herein because of Company's failure to deliver gas wholly or in part, the monthly minimum charge shall be reduced proportionately to the amount of curtailment during such month. Where customer agrees to discontinue the use of service during the period from November 1 to March 31, inclusive, each year, the monthly minimum charges hereunder will be waived during said period. Prompt Payment Provision A. charge of 5°�0 on the first �25.00 monthly plus 1°�0 on the remainder will be added to net monthly bill, computed at the rate schedule shown above, which charge shall constitute a discount from gross bill for pay- ment within the discount period. Unit of Measurement The unit of ineasurement shall be a cubic foot of gas at an absolute pressure of 30 inches of inercury, and a temperature of 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Heating Value From 975 Btu to 1025 Btu (inclusive� per cubic foot. If in any month, the arithmetic average of hourly total heating values of the gas is less than 975 Btu per cubic foot, the volume of gas measured hereunder during such period shall be decreased for billing purposes in proportion to the decrease below 975 Btu per cubic foot. Priority Classification Class AA shall have first priority. Curtailment shall begin with Classification F and progress to Classification AA. Term of Agreement Service agreement shall be for a term of not less than one year. Upon expiration of term, Agreement continues in force until terminated by at least thirty days' written notice by either party. Gross Earnings Adjustment Bills rendered under the above rate schedule shall be adjusted by Company over the period of this permit ordinance in an amount to allow Company to recoup gross earnings payments paid to the City in excess of a rate of 5°fo on revenues based on meter readings during that period of the year 197� which is prior to the effective date of this permit ordinance. Note l: Applies to estimated requirements until actual requirements have been ascertained. Note 2: The above rate schedules for interruptible service are also subject to Company's contract with Northern Natural Gas Company from whom the gas contem- plated to be sold hereunder will be purchased. � LARGE GENERAL SERVIG`E Availability Available to commercial and industrial customers with requirements of 50 Mcf or more per day. Rate Demand Charge $3.614 per Mcf per month of Billing Demand -plus- Coimnodity Charge First 2 000 Mcf per month @ $.4957 per Mcf Next 3 000 „ „ " @ .�+337 " " Next 15 000 " " " @ .3924 „ " Next 30 000 " " " @ .3614 " " Excess „ " „ @ .3�+08 " " Purchased Gas Adjustment In the event there is a change in the town border rate under which Company purchases gas sold under the above schedule, there shall be added to or deducted from the monthly bill computed according to the above schedule the sum of (1) the product of the monthly billing demand and the amount per Mcf to the nearest 0.1¢ by which the town border demand charge varies from $3.061 and, (2� the product of the monthly consumption in Mcf and the amount per Mcf to the nearest 0.01¢ by which the town border commodity charge varies from 23.1�+¢ per Mcf. In the event the total variation is a positive amount, such amount will be multiplied by 1.087. Monthly Minimum Charge The Demand Charge Prompt Payment Provision A charge of 5°�0 on the first �25.00 monthly plus 1°�0 on the remainder will be added to net monthly bill, computed at the rate schedule shown above, which charge shall constitute a discount from gross bill for payment within the discount period. Determination of Billing Demand The demand in Mcf for billing purposes shall be the greatest daily consumption in Mcf during the month for which bill is rendered, but in no event shall the demand to be billed be considered as less than the daily demand in Mcf Company agrees to deliver as specified in the contract between Company and customer, nor less than the demand previously billed hereunder. Heating Value Natural gas with a nominal heating value of 1000 Btu per cubic foot. Gross Earnings A.djustment Bills rendered under the above rate schedule shall be adjusted by Company over the period of this permit ordinance in an amount to allow Company to recoup gross earnings payments paid to the City in excess of a rate of 5°�0 on revenues based on meter readings during that period of the year 1971 which is prior to the effective date of this permit ordinance. Note: Gas consumed under this rate schedule must be separately metered from customer's other firm gas requirements. « GENERAL SERVIG`E Availability Available to any residential, commercial, or industrial customer for general use of natural gas service. Rate First 2 000 cu. ft. per month @ �1.910 per Mcf Next 3 000 " " „ " @ .878 " " Next 5 000 " " " " @ .774 " „ Next 390 000 „ " " " @ .76�+ " " Next �+00 000 " " " " @ .743 " " Next 1 200 000 " " " " @ •713 " " Excess " " " " @ .682 " " Purchased Gas Adjustment In the event there is a change in the town border rate under which Company purchases gas sold under the above schedule, there shall be added to or deducted from the monthly bill computed according to the above rate schedule the product of the monthly consumption and the amount per Mcf to the nearest 0.1� by which the average annual town border purchase cost per Mcf to Company, based on the number of days use of the contract demand necessary to serve the total General Service requirements, is more or less than the average annual town border purchase cost per Mcf computed on the same basis and on town border rates consisting of a demand charge of $3.061 per Mcf per month and a commodity charge of 23.1�+ cents per Mcf. In the event the total variation is a positive amount, such amount will be multiplied by 1.087. The average annual town border purchase cost per Mcf shall be computed with the use of the billing demand units and annual volumes of natural gas purchased from Northern Natural Gas Company for resale to General Service gas customers served by Company in its Minnesota service area, ad.justed to reflect normal temperatures, for the calendar year preceding the change in the town border rate. In the event a refund is received by the Company from Northern Natural Gas Company attributable to the cost of gas which has been sold by the Company under the foregoing purchased gas adjustment clause, such attributable refund, multiplied by the factor 1.087, together with interest thereon received by the Company will be applied as a reduction in the purchased gas adjustment until the amount of such attributable refund and interest has been e�ended. Such unit reduction will be extended over a period not to exceed twelve months. Monthly Minimum Charge �2.15 Heating Value Natural gas with a nominal heating value of 1000 Btu per cubic foot. Gross Earnings Adjustment Bills rendered under the above rate schedule shall be adjusted by Company over the period of this permit ordinance in an amount to allow Company to recoup gross earnings payments paid to the City in excess of a rate of 5°� on revenues based on meter readings during that period of the year 1971 which is prior to the effective date of this permit ordinance. GAS YARD LIGHTING SERVICE Availability Available to any residential, co�nercial or industrial customer for unmetered gas yard lighting when such customer is using gas service at the same location for other purposes. Metered gas yard lighting service will be billed on the applicable rate schedule. Rate �1.63 per lamp per month Special Terms and Conditions l. Customer shall pay for the entire cost of installation including the piping from the service to the yard light. Company shall own and maintain the piping from the service to the yard light. Customer shall own and maintain the yard light. 2. The gas lamp may be either a single or double mantle installation. 3. The orifice will be sized to a #71 drill size. 4. Pressure will be set at 4 inches water column. 5. Yard lights with larger orifices or pressures higher than �+ inches water column will not be permitted on this rate schedule. Gross Earnings Adjustment Bills rendered under the above rate schedule shall be adjusted by Company over the period of this permit ordinance in an amount to allow Company to recoup gross earnings payments paid to the City in excess of a rate of 5°�0 on revenues based on meter readings during that period of the year 1971 which is prior to the effective date of this permit ordinance. N , INTII�RUPTIBLE SERVICE Availability Available on an interruptible basis to a commercial or industrial customer whose maximum hourly requirements are in excess of 1000 cubic feet and who will agree (1� to curtail his use of gas whenever requested by Company, (2� to provide and maintain suitable and adequate standby facilities, and (3� to have available at all times sufficient standby fuel to maintain continuous plant operation during periods of curtailment in the delivery of gas sold hereunder. If customer agrees to confine the use of natural gas under this rate to the months of April through October in any calendar year, requirements (2� and (3� above shall not apply. Character of Service Delivery of gas hereunder shall be subject to curtailment whenever requested by Company, such requests to be made as far in advance as possible. Rate Priority Rate Monthly Maximum Day Mcf Monthly Requirements Classi- Per Minimum Requirements for at least six months fication Mcf Charge (See Note l� each year (See Note l� AA $.6og2 $ 51.50 More than 1000 cu. ft. per hour but less than 50 Mcf per day A .�+6�-7 155.00 50 Mcf or more but less than 200 Mcf BB .�+�+�+0 310.00 200 Mcf or more B .423�+ 620.00 " " " 11 5 00o to 9 999•9 c .�+027 1 �-�+5.oo " " " " lo 00o to 19 999•9 D .3717 2 685.00 " " " " 20 00o to 49 999•9 E .330�+ 6 ogo.00 " " " " 50 00o to 199 999•9 F .31�+9 10 325.00 More than 12 000 Mcf 200 000 and more Purchased Gas Adjustment In the event there is a change in the town border rate under which Company purchases gas sold under the above schedule, there shall be added to or deducted from the monthly bill computed according to the above schedule the product of the monthly consumption.in Mcf and the amount per Mcf to the nearest 0.01¢ by which the town border cormnodity charge varies from 23.14¢ per Mcf. In the event the total variation is a positive amount, such amount will be multiplied by 1.087. Any revision in the purchased gas adjustment due to a change in the town border rate shall become effective on bills based on regular meter readings on and after 30 days from the effective date of the change in the town border rate. In the event a refund is received by the Company from Northern Natural Gas Company attributable to the cost of gas which has been sold by the Company `' (Continued on following sheet� INTERRUPTIBLE SERVICE (Continued) under the foregoing purchased gas adjustment clause, such attributable refund, multiplied by the factor 1.087, together with interest thereon, received by the Company will be applied as a reduction in the purchased gas adjustment until the amount of such attributable refund and interest has been expended. Such unit reduction will be extended over a period not to exceed twelve months. Monthly Minimum Charge If in any month customer does not use the minimum amount provided for herein because of Company's failure to deliver gas wholly or in part, the monthly minimum charge shall be reduced proportionately to the amount of curtailment during such month. Where customer agrees to discontinue the use of service during the period from November 1 to March 31, inclusive, each year, the monthly minimum charges hereunder will be waived during said period. Prompt Payment Provision A charge of 5°�0 on the first �25.00 monthly plus 1°� on the remainder will be added to net monthly bill, computed at the rate schedule shown above, which charge shall constitute a discount from gross bill for pay- ment within the discount period. Unit of Measurement The unit of ineasurement shall be a cubic foot of gas at an absolute pressure of 30 inches of inercury, and a temperature of 60 degrees Fahrenheit. • Heating Value From 975 Btu to 1025 Btu (inclusive� per cubic foot. If in any month, the arithmetic average of hourly total heating values of the gas is less than 975 Btu per cubic foot, the volume of gas measured hereunder during such period shall be decreased for billing purposes in proportion to the decrease below 975 Btu per cubic foot. Priority Classification Class AA shall have first priority. Curtailment shall begin with Classification F and progress to Classification AA. Term of Agreement Service agreement shall be for a term of not less than one year. Upon expiration of term, Agreement continues in force until terminated by at least thirty days' written notice by either party. Gross Earnings Adjustment Bills rendered under the above rate schedule shall be adjusted by Company over the period of this permit ordinance in an amount to allow Company to recoup gross earnings payments paid to the City in excess of a rate of 5f on revenues based on meter readings during that period of the year 1971 which is prior to the effective date of this permit ordinance. Note l: Applies to estimated requirements until actual requirements have been ascertained. Note 2: The above rate schedules for interruptible service are also subject to Company's contract with Northern Natural Gas Company from whom the gas contem- plated to be sold hereunder will be purchased. � , � . LARGE GENERAL SERVICE Availability Available to co�nercial and industrial customers with requirements of 50 Mcf or more per day. Rate Demand Charge $3.614 per Mcf per month of Billing Demand -plus- Co�rnnodity Charge First 2 000 Mcf per month @ �.�+957 per Mcf Next 3 000 " " " @ •�+337 " " Next 15 000 " " " @ •3924 " " Next 30 000 " " " @ .361�+ " " Excess " " " @ .31+08 " " Purchased Gas A.djustment In the event there is a change in the town border rate under which Company purchases gas sold under the above schedule, there shall be added to or deducted from the monthly bill computed according to the above schedule the sum of (l� the product of the monthly billing demand and the amount per Mcf to the nearest 0.1¢ by which the town border demand charge varies from $3.061 and, (2� the product of the monthly consumption in Mcf and the amount per Mcf to the nearest 0.01¢ by which the town border commodity charge varies from 23.1�+¢ per Mcf. In the event the total variation is a positive amount, such amount will be multiplied by 1.087. Monthly Minimum Charge The Demand Charge Prompt Payment Provision A charge of 5°�0 on the first $25.00 monthly plus l� on the remainder will be added to net monthly bill, computed at the rate schedule shown above, which charge shall constitute a discount from gross bill for payment within the discount period. Determination of Billing Demand The demand in Mcf for billing purposes shall be the greatest daily consumption in Mcf during the month for which bill is rendered, but in no event shall the demand to be billed be considered as less than the daily demand in Mcf Company agrees to deliver as specified in the contract between Company and customer, nor less than the demand previously billed hereunder. Heating Value Natural gas with a nominal heating value of 1000 Btu per cubic foot. Gross Earnings Adjustment Bills rendered under the above rate schedule shall be adjusted by Company over the period of this permit ordinance in an amount to allow Company to recoup gross earnings payments paid to the City in excess of a rate of 5°�0 on revenues based on meter readings during that period of the year 1971 which is prior to the effective date of this permit ordinance. Note: Gas consu.med under this rate schedule must be separately metered from customer's other firm gas requirements. r GENERAL SERVIG`E Availability Available to any residential, commercial, or industrial customer for general use of natural gas service. Rate First 2 000 cu. ft. per month @ �1.910 per Mcf Next 3 000 " " " „ @ .878 " " Next 5 000 " " " " @ .774 " " Next 390 000 „ " „ " @ .76�+ „ „ Next �+00 000 " " " " @ ,743 ++ " Next 1 200 000 " " " " @ ,713 " " Excess " " " " @ .682 " " Purchased Gas Adjustment In the event there is a change in the town border rate under which Company purchases gas sold under the above schedule, there shall be added to or deducted from the monthly bill computed according to the above rate schedule the product of the monthly consumption and the amount per Mcf to the nearest 0.1� by which the average annual town border purchase cost per Mcf to Company, based on the number of days use of the contract demand necessary to serve the total General Service requirements, is more or less than the average annual town border purchase cost per Mcf computed on the same basis and on town border rates consisting of a demand charge of $3.061 per Mcf per month and a commodity charge of 23.1�+ cents per Mcf. In the event the total variation is a positive amount, such amount will be multiplied by 1.087. The average annual town border purchase cost per Mcf shall be computed with the use of the billing demand units and annual volumes of natural gas purchased from Northern Natural Gas Company for resale to General Service gas customers served by Company in its Minnesota service area, acljusted to reflect normal temperatures, for the calendar year preceding the change in the town border rate. In the event a refund is received by the Company from Northern Natural Gas Company attributable to the cost of gas which has been sold by the Company under the foregoing purchased gas adjustment clause, such attributable refund, multiplied by the factor 1.087, together with interest thereon received by the Company will be applied as a reduction in the purchased gas adjustment until the amount of such attributable refund and interest has been expended� Such unit reduction will be extended over a period not to exceed twelve months. Monthly Minimum Charge �2.15 Heating Value Natural gas with a nominal heating value of 1000 Btu per cubic foot. Gross Earnings Adjustment Bills rendered under the above rate schedule shall be adjusted by Company over the period of this permit ordinance in an amount to allow Company to recoup gross earnings payments paid to the City in excess of a rate of 5�0 on revenues based on meter readings during that period of the year 1971 which is prior to the effective date of this permit ordinance. GAS YARD LIGHTING SEftVICE Availability Available to any residential, commercial or industrial customer for unmetered gas yard lighting when such customer is using gas service at the sa.me location for other purposes. Metered gas yard lighting service will be billed on the applicable rate schedule. Rate �1.63 per lamp per month Special Terms and Conditions l. Customer shall pay for the entire cost of installation including the piping from the service to the yard light. Company shall own and maintain the piping from the service to the yard light. G`ustomer shall own and maintain the yard light. 2. The gas lamp may be either a single or double mantle installation. 3. The orifice will be sized to a �71 drill size. 4. Pressure will be set at !+ inches water column. 5. Yard lights with larger orifices or pressures higher than 4 inches water column will not be permitted on this rate schedule. Gross Earnings Adjustment Bills rendered under the above rate schedule shall be adjusted by Company over the period of this permit ordinance in an amount to allow Company to recoup gross earnings payments paid to the City in excess of a rate of 5°�0 on revenues based on meter readings during that period of the year 1971 which is prior to the effective date of this permit ordinance. � INTERRUPTIBLE SERVICE Availability Available on an interruptible basis to a commercial or industrial customer whose maximum hourly requirements are in excess of 1000 cubic feet and who will agree (1) to curtail his use of gas whenever requested by Company, (2� to provide and maintain suitable and adequate standby facilities, and (3� to have available at all times sufficient standby fuel to maintain continuous plant operation during periods of curtailment in the delivery of gas sold hereunder. If customer agrees to confine the use of natural gas under this rate to the months of April through October in any calendar year, requirements (2� and (3� above shall not apply. Character of Service Delivery of gas hereunder shall be subject to curtailment whenever requested by Company, such requests to be made as far in advance as possible. Rate Priority Rate Monthly Maximum Day Mcf Monthly Requirements Classi- Per Minimum Requirements for at least six months fication Mcf Charge (See Note 1� each year (See Note l� AA $.6og2 $ 51.50 More than 1000 cu. ft. per hour but less than 50 Mcf per day A .�+647 155.00 50 Mcf or more but less than 200 Mcf BB .�-�+�+0 310.00 200 Mcf or more B .4234 620.00 " " " " 5 00o to 9 999•9 c .4027 1 �+�+5.oo " " " " lo 00o to 19 999•9 D .3717 2 685.00 " " " 11 20 00o to �+9 999•9 E .3304 6 ogo.00 " " " " 50 00o to 199 999•9 F .31�-9 10 325.00 More than 12 000 Mcf 200 000 and more Purchased Gas Adjustment In the event there is a change in tne town border rate under which Company purchases gas sold under the above schedule, there shall be added to or deducted from the monthly bill computed according to the above schedule the product of the monthly consumption in Mcf and the amount per Mcf to the nearest 0.01¢ by which the town border commodity charge varies from 23.1�-¢ per Mcf. In the event the total variation is a positive amount, such a,mount will be multiplied by 1.087. Any revision in the purchased gas adjustment due to a change in the town border rate shall become effective on bills based on regular meter readings on and after 30 days from the effective date of the change in the town border rate. In the event a refund is received by the Company from Northern Natural Gas Company attributable to the cost of gas which has been sold by the Company `� (Continued on following sheet� � ' IN'I�RRUPTT�LE SERVICE (Continued) under the foregoing purchased gas adjustment clause, such attributable refund, multiplied by the factor 1.087, together with interest thereon, received by the Company will be applied as a reduction in the purchased gas adjustment until the amount of such attributable refund and interest has been expended. Such unit reduction will be extended over a period not to exceed twelve months. Monthly Minimum Charge If in any month customer does not use the minimum amount provided for herein because of Company's failure to deliver gas wholly or in part, the monthly minimum charge shall be reduced proportionately to the amount of curtailment during such month. Where customer agrees to discontinue the use of service during the period from November 1 to March 31, inclusive, each year, the monthly minimum charges hereunder will be waived during said period. Prompt Payment Provision A charge of 5�0 on the first �25.00 monthly plus l� on the remainder will be added to net monthly bill, computed at the rate schedule shown above, which charge shall constitute a discount from gross bill for pay- ment within the discount period. Unit of Measurement The unit of ineasurement shall be a cubic foot of gas at an absolute pressure of 30 inches of inercury, and a temperature of 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Heating Value From 975 Btu to 1025 Btu (inclusive� per cubic foot. If in any month, the arithmetic average of hourly total heating values of the gas is less than 975 Btu per cubic foot, the volume of gas measured hereunder during such period shall be decreased for billing purposes in proportion to the decrease below 975 Btu per cubic foot. Priority Classification Class AA shall have first priority. (;urtailment shall begin with Classification F and progress to Classification AA. Term of Agreement Service agreement shall be for a term of not less than one year. Upon expiration of term, Agreement continues in force until terminated by at least thirty days' written notice by either party. Gross Earnings Adjustment Bills rendered under the above rate schedule shall be adjusted by Company over the period of this permit ordinance in an amount to allow Company to recoup gross earnings payments paid to the City in excess of a rate of 5� on revenues based on meter readings during that period of the year 1971 which is prior to the effective date of this permit ordinance. Note 1: Applies to estimated requirements until actual requirements have been ascertained. Note 2: The above rate schedules for interruptible service are also subject to Company's contract with Northern Natural Gas Company from whom the gas contem- plated to be sold hereunder will be purchased. � LARGE GEN�RAL SERVICE Availability Available to co�nercial and industrial customers with requirements of 50 Mcf or more per day. Rate Demand Charge $3.61�+ per Mcf per month of Billing Demand -plus- Commod.ity Charge First 2 000 Mcf per month @ �.4957 per Mcf Next 3 000 " " " @ .4337 " „ Next 15 000 " " " @ •392�+ " " Next 30 000 " " " @ .361�+ " " Excess " „ " @ .3408 " „ Purchased Gas Adjustment In the event there is a change in the town border rate under which Company purchases gas sold under the above schedule, there shall be added to or deducted from the monthly bill computed according to the above schedule the sum of (1) the product of the monthly billing demand and the amount per Mcf to the nearest 0.1¢ by which the town border demand charge varies from $3.061 and, (2� the product of the monthly consumption in Mcf and the amount per Mcf to the nearest 0.01¢ by which the town border comanodity charge varies from 23.14¢ per Mcf. In the event the total variation is a positive amount, such amount will be multiplied by 1.087. Monthly Minimum Charge The Demand Charge Prompt Payment Provision A charge of 5°�0 on the first $25.00 monthly plus 1°� on the remainder will be added to net monthly bill, computed at the rate schedule shown above, which charge shall constitute a discount from gross bill for payment within the discount period. Determination of Billing Demand The demand in Mcf for billing purposes shall be the greatest daily consumption in Mcf during the month for which bill is rendered, but in no event shall the demand to be billed be considered as less than the daily demand in Mcf Company agrees to deliver as specified in the contract between Company and customer, nor less than the demand previously billed hereunder. Heating Value Natural gas with a nominal heating value of 1000 Btu per cubic foot. Gross Earnings Adjustment Bills rendered under the above rate schedule shall be adjusted by Company over the period of this permit ordinance in an amount to allow Company to recoup gross earnings payments paid to the City in excess of a rate of 5°�0 on revenues based on meter readings during that period of the year 1971 which is prior to the effective date of this permit ordinance. Note: Gas consumed under this rate schedule must be separately metered from customer's other firm gas requirements. N GENERAL SERVICE Availability Available to any residential, commercial, or industrial customer for general use of natural gas service. Rate First 2 000 cu. ft. per month @ �1.910 per Mcf Next 3 000 " " " " @ .878 " " Next 5 000 „ „ " „ @ .77�+ " ,� Next 390 000 " " " " @ .76�+ „ " Next �+00 000 " " " " @ •7�+3 " " Next 1 200 000 " " " " @ .713 " " Excess " " " " @ .682 " " Purchased Gas Adjustment In the event there is a change in the town border rate under which Company purchases gas sold under the above schedule, there shall be added to or deducted from the monthly bill computed according to the above rate schedule the product of the monthly consumption and the amount per Mcf to the nearest 0.1� by which the average annual town border purchase cost per Mcf to Company, based on the number of days use of the contract demand necessary to serve the total General Service requirements, is more or less than the average annual town border purchase cost per Mcf computed on the same basis and on town border rates consisting of a demand charge of $3.061 per Mcf per month and a commodity charge of 23.1�- cents per Mcf. In the event the total variation is a positive amount, such amount will be multiplied by 1.087. The average annual town border purchase cost per Mcf shall be computed with the use of the billing demand units and annual volu.mes of natural gas purchased from Northern Natural Gas Company for resale to General Service gas customers served by Company in its Minnesota service area, ad.justed to reflect normal temperatures, for the calendar year preceding the change in the town border rate. In the event a refund is received by the Company from Northern Natural Gas Company attributable to the cost of gas which has been sold by the Company under the foregoing purchased gas adjustment clause, such attributable refund, multiplied by the factor 1.087, together with interest thereon received by the Company will be applied as a reduction in the purchased gas adjustment until the amount of such attributable refund and interest has been e�ended. Such unit reduction will be extended over a period not to exceed twelve months. Monthly Minimum Charge �2.15 Heating Value Natural gas with a nominal heating value of 1000 Btu per cubic foot. Gross Earnings Acljustment Bills rendered under the above rate schedule shall be adjusted by Company over the period of this permit ordinance in an amount to allow Company to recoup gross earnings payments paid to the City in excess of a rate of 5�0 on revenues based on meter readings during that period of the year 1971 which is prior to the effective date of this permit ordinance. GAS YARD LIGHTING SERVICE Availability Available to any residential, commercial or industrial customer for unmetered gas yard lighting when such customer is using gas service at the sa.me location for other purposes. Metered gas yard lighting service will be billed on the applicable rate schedule. Rate $1.63 per la,mp per month Special Terms and Conditions l. Customer shall pay for the entire cost of installation including the piping from the service to the yard light. Company shall own and maintain the piping from the service to the yard light. G`ustomer shall own and maintain the yard light. 2. The gas lamp may be either a single or double mantle installation. 3. 'I`he orifice will be sized to a #71 drill size. �+. Pressure will be set at !+ inches water column. 5. Yard lights with larger orifices or pressures higher than 4 inches water column will not be permitted on this rate schedule. Gross Earnings Adjustment Bills rendered under the above rate schedule shall be adjusted by Company over the period of this permit ordinance in an amount to allow Company to recoup gross earnings payments paid to the City in excess of a rate of 5°�0 on revenues based on meter readings during that period of the year 1971 which is prior to the effective date of this permit ordinance. � . , INTERRUPTIBLE SERVICE Availability Available on an interruptible basis to a commercial or industrial customer whose maximum hourly requirements are in excess of 1000 cubic feet and who will agree (1) to curtail his use of gas whenever requested by Company, (2) to provide and maintain suitable and adequate standby facilities, and (3� to have available at all times sufficient standby fuel to maintain continuous plant operation during periods of curtailment in the delivery of gas sold hereunder. If customer agrees to confine the use of natural gas under this rate to the months of April through October in any calendar year, requirements (2� and (3) above shall not apply. Character of Service Delivery of gas hereunder shall be subject to curtailment whenever requested by Company, such requests to be made as far in advance as possible. Rate Priority Rate Monthly Maximum Day Mcf Monthly Requirements Classi- Per Minimum Requirements for at least six months fication Mcf Charge (See Note 1� each year (See Note l� AA $.6og2 � 51.50 More than 1000 cu. ft. per hour but less than 50 Mcf per day A .4647 155.00 50 Mcf or more but less than 200 Mcf BB .�+�+�+0 310.00 200 Mcf or more B .�+23�+ 620.oo " " " " 5 00o to 9 999•9 c .�+027 1 �-�+5.oo " " " " lo 00o to 19 999•9 D .3717 2 685.00 " " " " 20 00o to �+9 999•5 E .330�+ 6 ogo.00 " " " " 50 00o to 199 999•9 F .3149 10 325.00 More than 12 000 Mcf 200 000 and more Purchased Gas Adjustment In the event there is a change in the town border rate under which Company purchases gas sold under the above schedule, there shall be added to or deducted from the monthly bill computed according to the above schedule the product of the monthly consumption in Mcf and the amount per Mcf to the nearest 0.01� by which the town border commodity charge varies from 23.14� per Mcf. In the event the total variation is a positive amount, such amount will be multiplied by 1.087. Any revision in the purchased gas adjustment due to a change in the town border rate shall become effective on bills based on regu lar meter readings on and after 30 days from the effective date of the change in the town b order rate. In the event a refund is received by the Company from Northern Natural Gas Company attributable to the cost of gas which has been sold by the Company `� (Continued on following sheet� , � INZ�UPTZBLE SERVICE (Continued) under the foregoing purchased gas adjustment clause, such attributable refund, multiplied by the factor 1.087, together with interest thereon, received by the Company will be applied as a reduction in the purchased gas adjustment until the amount of such attributable refund and interest has been expended. Such unit reduction will be extended over a period not to exceed twelve months. Monthly Minimum Charge If in any month customer does not use the minimum amount provided for herein because of Company's failure to deliver gas wholly or in part, the monthly minimum charge shall be reduced proportionately to the amount of curtailment during such month. Where customer agrees to discontinue the use of service during the period from November 1 to March 31, inclusive, each year, the monthly minimum charges hereunder will be waived during said period. Prompt Payment Provision A. charge of 5°�0 on the first �25.00 monthly plus 1°� on the remainder will be added to net monthly bill, computed at the rate schedule shown above, which charge shall constitute a discount from gross bill for pay- ment within the discount period. Unit of Measurement The unit of ineasurement shall be a cubic foot of gas at an absolute pressure of 30 inches of inercury, and a temperature of 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Heating Value From 975 Btu to 1025 Btu (inclusive� per cubic foot. If in any month, the arithmetic average of hourly total heating values of the gas is less than 975 Btu per cubic foot, the volume of gas measured hereunder during such period shall be decreased for billing purposes in proportion to the decrease below 975 Btu per cubic foot. Priority Classification Class AA shall have first priority. G`urtailment shall begin with Classification F and progress to Classification AA. Term of A.greement Service agreement shall be for a term of not less than one year. Upon expiration of term, Agreement continues in force until terminated by at least thirty days' written notice by either party. Gross Earnings Adjustment Bills rendered under the above rate schedule shall be adjusted by Company over the period of this permit ordinance in an amount to allow Company to recoup gross earnings payments paid to the City in excess of a rate of 5°� on revenues based on meter readings during that period of the year 1971 which is prior to the effective date of this permit ordinance. Note 1: Applies to estimated requirements until actual requirements have been ascertained. Note 2: The above rate schedules for interruptible service are also subject to Company's contract with Northern Natural Gas Company from whom the gas contem- plated to be sold hereunder will be purchased. � Y ♦ • A � LARGE GENERAL SERVICE Availability Available to commercial and industrial customers with requirements of 50 Mcf or more per day. Rate Demand Charge $3.614 per Mcf per month of Billing Demand -plus- Co�rnnodity Charge First 2 000 Mcf per month @ �.�+957 per Mcf Next 3 000 " " " @ •�+337 " " Next 15 000 " " " @ .3924 " " Next 30 000 " " " @ .3614 " " Excess " „ " @ .3408 " " Purchased Gas Adjustment In the event there is a change in the town border rate under which Company purchases gas sold under the above schedule, there shall be added to or deducted from the monthly bill computed according to the above schedule the sum of (l� the product of the monthly billing demand and the amount per Mcf to the nearest 0.1¢ by which the town border demand charge varies from $3.061 and, (2� the product of the monthly consumption in Mcf and the amount per Mcf to the nearest 0.01¢ by which the town border corrnnodity charge varies from 23.1�+¢ per Mcf. In the event the total variation is a positive amount, such amount will be multiplied by 1.087. Monthly Minimum Charge The Demand Charge Prompt Payment Provision A charge of 5°�0 on the first �25.00 monthly plus 1°� on the remainder will be added to net monthly bill, computed at the rate schedule shown above, which charge shall constitute a discount from gross bill for payment within the discount period. Determination of Billing Demand The demand in Mcf for billing purposes shall be the greatest daily consumption in Mcf during the month for which bill is rendered, but in no event shall the demand to be billed be considered as less , than the daily demand in Mcf Company agrees to deliver as specified in the contract between Company and customer, nor less than the demand previously billed hereunder. Heating Value Natural gas with a nominal heating value of 1000 Btu per cubic foot. Gross Earnings Adjustment Bills rendered under the above rate schedule shall be adjusted by Company over the period of this permit ordinance in an amount to allow Company to recoup gross earnings payments paid to the City in excess of a rate of 5°�0 on revenues based on meter readings during that period of the year 1971 which is prior to the effective date of this permit ordinance. Note: Gas consumed under this rate schedule must be separately metered from customer's other firm gas requirements. � i�a,y 17s 1g71 Northern S-tates Powex Ca. ��0 t+�8lbt3.5a�i�t :�t:. St. 1'&til.� �I�i.�tle'30tc�, �ntl��:en; tltt;,een�3:on: i�ir. Thoivas �,. Gbnnel].�ry �� DiY3.�ion �Yi�n�,�;er ��.c�.as��l := � ;fa:�,:s c3f �:�.r.ue. 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