253490 f r Oeisinil to City C1erk' � � � f > > � -� �. � � DINANC � - ` ������ � � ,. � COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY • ^ ~' ORDINANCE NO .� An Ordinance granting to Northern States Povver Company, a corporation organized under the latvs of the State oz" rZinnesota, its successors, and ass�gns, �r�ermiss�_on to use the streets and �ther public property loca'ced �_n the City oz Saint Paul for the purpose of conveying and supply�.ng steam for a:rl purposes for a ter;n extending from the adopti�n hereof to December 31, 1972, or durir�� such lesser period as determined hereitz, prescri'ai ng rates wn-�ch 'che Company may char�e for such serv_�ce, and determining the amount wl�iich the Company shall pay to the C��J for the use ancl occupancy of i�� streets and other public property. --_ THE COUNCIL OF THZ CITY OI' SAINT P�1UL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. Northern States Power Company, a corporation organized under the la.vrs of the S�ate of P�Iiizneso�a, hereinafter designated as "Company" being a publ�ic service corporation supplyin� steam public u�ility service s"or all pL2rposes within the City of Saint Paul under Ordinance No. 11760, as amended, Vahich expired on December 31, 1g70, is, together with _Cts successors and assigns, hereby granted perm�ssion �o use the streets and other publ°�c property located in such .C�_t�y for such purpose for a term extending from the adopti�n hereof to the efi'ective date �of a franchise granted ta said Company pursuant to the terms and cond:Ltions of the newly approved City Charter of th� City of Saint Paul, c�rhich '�akes effect on June 6, 1972, but such term shall not extend beyond December 31, 1972. , ..�--�-. Section 2 . The permission granted he�rein shall extend to the Company� s use of a11 stree�s and public pr��erty now being used by �he Company in cor�nection with such service' and of such other s�reets and public property as may from t�me �o time be designated by the City Council. Such permission to use the streets and other public property located in such City shall include such use for �he purpose of con- structing, maintaining, and operat�ing a �ystem of pipes, subvrays and manholes iaith all o�her necessary appurtenances for carrying on the business of conveying steam to consumers for all purposes. ,—_._ Section 3. In locating its steam facilities, the Company shall in no way unreasonably .�nterfere w9_th the safety and con- venience of ordinary travel along and �ver said streets and public property nor interfere w�_th other uses to which such places may be put by the City of Saint Paul, and in the event it shall become necessary during the term of this permission to remove or relocate the physical property of the Company located within or upon any of the s�reets or public property in the City of Saint Paul because of SL1CY1 interference or use by the City, or as a result of any publ�_c improvement undertaken by the City, the Company shall, when s� advised by the Council, remove and relocate said facilities without cost to Yeas Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the Counci� Butler Caxlson Tn Favor Levine Meredith A gainst Sprafka Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved• Attest: � City Clerk Mayor �� �orm approved Corpor�,tion Counael By �.._�..,'. �` _ . , , , . . . � , . ' . r -' =f � .': � , . �e.�.���:�,�� Page � power and au�h�r��y, exerci_sable at :i_ts d_i_scret�_on, to adopt its resolu�ion ap_proving the subject rev:i_s=�_ons, new schedules, or ti�r5_�hdrawals and speczfying the effect::�_ve date �f the same as any da.te iAr�_th�_tz s�_xty (�0) days ai�er such f�_l�_ng by Company, but after publ_i_shed notice by 'che City Clerlt �f such fil'�_ng, prov�_ded that the date speci_i�ed by such resolu'cion shall be .requested in the wr�tten not�_ce filed by C�mpany. S�c�_on 9. The C�mparly shall i:i.le t�r�tiz �he C�_ty Clerk and rra-ith the Commissioner of Publ�_c Ut1lit:ies or other �erson des�_g- nated by the Council, cop-tes of all ra�e schedules, charges, forms oi co_��racts or agreemeni;s for the sale of steam, and rules and regulat_i_�ns pertai_n:�ng thereto, �frhich shall be �Le�t open by City �ff�cials .i or publ:i_c :i_nspect�_on. ��T�_thin ter� (10) days after the f�_lin� of sL�_ch rules and regulat'�ons or ame.nc�ments thereto, the C�_ty Clerk sl:all g=�ve published notice o" such i-�1_�_n;. Such rules and regula��_ons and amendr�zents �heret� tnrh.i_ch may be f�_lecl from t_i_me �o t_',.me by �he Compa,ny shall be reasonable, and the Council may, upon its ot��l� in��:�_at=i_ve, or upon e�i��on �U� any cu�tomer, f�_led Z�71��'1 'che C:�L�r Cler'� t��rif;h�n i_�itee�z �15� days o�' publication of the not=ice, rev�.etv suclz rules and regulat_�_�ns a.nd amenc�ments theret� and after a ?�ubl�.c hea.r_�_ng, enact a resolu�-i�n rev�s_�_ng s1_ich rules �,nd reg�tlations and a�nendments thereto w��°�_cl� it shall deem unreasonable. Section 10. Publ:i_shed not�.ce t�rherever requ�_red unc�er Sect�ions j, 3, or 9 a'o�ve shall l�e g�_ven b�T the C°��y Clerlc p one (1) �_nserti_on i_z� the ofz��c�_a.l neti�as��aper of the C:i_ty and by one (1� i_nsert��n _�_n a d aily ne��,rspa.ner of ger�eral c_�_rculation :tn the C�_ty. Sect:�_an 11. Tor the purp�se ��' assist'�_n� �he Cou��cil .�n the regula'c�_�n o� �he act�vities and ra�es of 'cr�e Compan�r as prov=l_dec� :i_n th_'�_� perra.-i.� �rdina�ce, �ne Co�lncil �hall appo�_nt a Publ�_c Util�_ty L�n��_n.eer ti{�i�i�. an adequate sta_f`.i as i��.11 time em,r�loyee� �o peri"orm tne du�ies that s��.cn regula�=i_o�z necess'_�ates. Sec�_i_on 12, Tize Company shall pa�r �?ze C�_ty d>>.r�_ng tlze term hereof arz ai�.nual amo��nt of uc� to ��,000 payable on l��ay 1 of 1Q'Tl atzd of 197?_, t•ah_tch sum ��za.11 be ti.sed to nay th�.t part o-° the annual salar�j oi i,he Ptz'�l�.c Ut��_1_�.ty T�.n��_rzeer, h'_s a.ss�_s�ant or_ ass_i_stants, cler_�_cal heln a.rid of_:['_�_ce ex�enses, ou.tN:i_c1e acc��_�n�a•ri�cs, a.ttorneJs, ac�v�_sorc, and consu�_'ca!��s ' :ieeM, reasonab7_y related f;� ti�e regl�.lat_+_�n �i ��1@ �Oi�lt��.i1�� �.'�s ra'ce scheclules, �.i1C� OtiZe1� ma�tea S al:C� ��E:Y'�.�i_�r,c uazclex° �i�=�_�, rerm-�.t orc'�_na;zce . I� as a resul� o� a C�mpan;rrate _r_�_1_;_ng silc}z exnenses dur:ing 197� exceed �'��,000, the C�nl�any sp.all a.dvance �zpon wr.i_ttiez� reqt�.esi. b�T �he Counc�l the l�??2 pa,�men� �r the _req�a_i.red amount there�.�. T}ze ainount ��' suc�z na.�ier�� or pa�n�len�s tihall be a11o�A�ec1 a.s a.�z �perat-�r��; ex}�e�,se o�' the Com�an�T �_n 'che Ci_ty �i Sa_n� Paul . Sect�_on 1? . T�ze C�rii��n�r sl�a ll i��le dvsing ea.cl_� m�n�h T.1i�h tl,.e Comin:�-ss".�ner of Pl�bl_i_c Ut�_l�_t.�_e�, or otizer_ nerson des�_gnated '�y �he Ci�y Counc_il, a report o�" thc number of cuc�omers, sales a.nd reve��ue� by clasw-es oi service for �he preced�.ng month based up�n �_f;S L�.�11�_ty operat_�_ons v��_thi_n tne C�_��r o,_ Sa�r�� Pa�_zl. . q � - . , �i► , . . . • i 'j-�a��-, 5 The Company shall also f�_le v:�_th the Corlm�_ssioner of Publi_c U��_1_tt�_es, or o�her �erson c1es�_gnate� by the C_�_ty Cou�lci_l, w�_th�_n three mon�hs after Januar�r l, 1972, a, c�mplete detailed s�atement on forms to be approved by said Comrliss=i_�r.�er or o'cher pers�n cover�_ng the u'c?_1_�_ty o1�er�.t�Lanu t�r:�_th�_�z the C�_t�r of Sa3_nt Paul i'or the pre- cedin� �rea.r _�nclud�_ng all revenues, expensec, and _plant _�_nvestment, together ti�r�_th sucn breal:dovan an�� analyses o� o�erat�n� statemen�s as the sa_i_d Cot,unissi.oner may r•equest . Tlze C�mm�_ss:ioner of Pl�bl_i_c Utili_tie�, or �ther person des_t�nated by �he C�.ty Council, shall have the r=ight to requ�_re add�tio;_�al informat�on coticern�ing oper- at�_�ns under �h�_s ardinance from _�me t� �ime �_n such form as may be prescribed by said Commi ssionC�r dcher• person, Any person or persons designa�ed for tha� purpose by �he Council sha.11 have the r�_ght, a� all reasonable t_i_mes and upon reasonable rz�t�_ce, to exam'�ne the bo�res of account, records, vouchers, d�_sbursemen�s, ra�es, revenues, con'cracts, pt�rchases, sales, and other transacti�ns bearing on and relevant to tl7e rates C�mpany charges and �he serv�_ce it prov�_des to �ts cus�omers �n the City of Saint Paul. Sec�i.on 1��. The Comp�.ny shall _i.ndemn'_fy and save the Cit,y ZA�hole and harm�ess fr�m a.�.y and a.11 claims for i�1jL�ry �r c�amage to �ersons or propert5r occas�_onecl by or ar��sin� out of the con- struction, ma�..ntenance, opera.t�on, or repa:ir o�' sa�_d transmiss�_on and di_�triUut�.on sys�em or by t�ze conduct of the Company' s busi_ness �.n �he City, Section 15. The Company shall have the r�_ght to nromulgate, fr�m t:i.me �o �a_me, such rules, regulat_�_ons, terms and c�nd�tions o�vern i.ng the canduct of _i_ts bus1_ne�s, not in conflict witl� th1_s permit orcl�_tzance, as shall be reasonably necessary �o e��able the Company t� exercise =�_ts r:i_glzts and perform ��s obl�_�at_�ons under this perm�_t �rd�nance, and to as�ure safe, adequa.te anc� cont�.nuous serv�ce t� �ts customers. The Company's �bl-lgation t� provide service �hall be l�mited to serving steam at existi.ng prezn-ises receiv�_ng s,�ch service and reasonable expansions thereoF, pr�v=i_ded that such serv�.ce can be rendered w_�_th steam praductifln facili�ies presen�ly operated Uy the Company. Other premises located on steam mains may be served pursuant to rules anc� regulations of theCompany vahich protect service to exis'c��ng premises ancl reasona.ble expansions there�:C. Sa-i d rules, regtzlations, terms, and condi�.i_ons shall be filed vr_i_�h the City Clerk. Sect�yon 16. The Company shall, vr�thin �h=i.rty (30) days after the iaassage, appr�val, and pub17_cation of this ordinance, file va�.tlz tlze Ci'cy Clerk of sa�_d City �_�s wr�_tten accep'cance �hereof �_n forr�i 'co be approved by the Corp�rat�_�.�n Countiel, and there�.n shall agree to ab��._de by, lseep, and perform all the terms, lim�_tations, condzt�ons, and pr�v�i.s_i_ons of th�.s ordinance. to C[b Clsrk ' • ' � , � • , � � � - , y � ORDINANCE � � � � ��,��� r COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO Page 6 Section 17. '�his permit herein graniced shall not be exclusive n�r irrevocable but may be terminated and forfeited after notice and hearing l�r any breach or failure by Company to com�ly t�rith any of �he terms, limitations, or conditions hereof. Section 1$. Th�_s ordinance shall tal�e eifect and be =in force thirty (30) days after its pa.ssage, approval, and publi- cation, and u�r�on its acceptance, a.s provided in Sec��on 16 hereof. MAY 13197�1 Yeas Councilm�n Nays Pasaed by the Counci� Butler✓ '�' Carlson Levine ✓ n Favor �Meredith �p�a gainst � MAY 1319�1 Mr. President (McCarty) Appro A tea : C' Cler�C Mayor �� Forrn approved Corpor�tion Counsel By �?tjBLIS�iLD MAY 1 5 �us1.�sH�D MA 7 �971 ► , . , y ''r�'� u� Page 2 the City of Saint Paul , and shall place the streets or public property in the same condition as they were prior to said removal or relocation. Any relocation or removal o£ the Company's facilities made necessary because of the extension through or into the City of a federally aided state trunk highway, included within the National System of Interstate Highways , shall be governed by the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 1969 , Section 161 .46. Section 4. The Company in the installation, maintenance, and operation of its facilities shall be subject to such reason- able regulations as may be provided by the Council , and no pipe or pipes or other appurtenances sha11 hereafter be installed or laid by the Company upon the streets and public property of the City, except upon application to the Commissioner of Public Works or other person designated by the City Council and written permission therefor granted by said Cornmissioner or person, subject to the approval, however, by the Council by resolution. Section S. During the term of the permission hereby granted, the Company shall pay into the treasury of the City of Saint Paul a yearly license fee of 8% , the monetary amount of which is to be measured by the Company's gross earnings during 1971 and 1972, and the payment of such amount to be made in quarterly installments on or before the 30th day of April , July, and October of each of said years , and on or before the 30th day of December of each of said years , so that the April 30th payment of the license fee shall be 80 of the amount of the gross earnings of the Company during the three-month period of January, February, and March of 1971 and 1972 ; the July 30th payment of the license fee shall be 8� of the amount of the gross earnings of the Company during the three-month period of Apri1 , May, and June of 1971 and 1972; the October 30th payment of the license fee shall be 80 of the amount of the gross earnings of the Company during the three•month period of July, August , and September of 1971 and 1972 ; and the December 30th payment o£ the license fee shall , if necessary, be based on a reasonable estimate of the gross earnings of the Company during the period from October 1 through December 31 , 1971 and 1972 � and shall be appropriately adjusted by an additional payment by the Company or a refund by the City of Saint Paul when actual gross earnings for such period have been determined by the Company. The amount of the license fee shall be allowed as an operating expense to the Company, and in calculating such amount, "gross earnings" shall be held to mean and include all sums received by the Company from the sale of steam distributed and used within the city limits of the City of Saint Paul . Section 6. The Council hereby prescribes the following schedules of rates contained in Appendix A attached hereto and made a part hereof. Such rates shall become effective as to °�'�' � � ������- °�11 bills computed from regular meter readings on and after the effective date of this ordinance, and shall remain in effect and continue in force until changed as provided herein. T' . . r4; � � . . ' 4 • ' � �,, pe'� - r�.:i"✓ie.J ek'V i. Page 3 Section 7 . The Council may, upon its initiative or shall upon the petition of the Company, review the operations and rates of the Company under this permit and after a public hearing, of which ten (10) days ' published notice shall be given, shall prescribe by ordinance , within one hundred fifty (150) days after the filing of such petition, reasonahle rates which the Company may charge for steam. Should it reasonably appear within one hundred (100) days after such filing that Council will be unable to prescribe rates within said one hundred fifty (150) day period� Company may request Council to authorize the schedules of rates pro�osed by Comp any in its petition to become effective as interim rates on all bills computed from regular meter readings after said one hundred fifty (150) day period, subject to the obli.gation by Company to refund to its customers any increases in rates collected under such interim rates which are in excess o£ the lawful and reasonable rates as finally determined. Action by the Council on such request shall be based on ec�uitable consid- erations , including the balancing of any potential harm to the public and to the Company. Rates contained in Appendix A hereof have been adjusted from previous rates to cover only the cost of increased gross earnings payments to be made to City under this ordinance. It is understoad that such action shall not preclude the Company from filing� in the calendar year 1971 , a petition requesting the review of its operations and rates as provided ab ove. Section 8. The Company may withdraw any rate schedule which has been superseded, may revise any existing rate schedule, or establish other rates , Providing such rates shall be reasonable and no existing customer shall be adversely affected thereby. Within ten (10) days after the filing of such withdrawal , revision, or new schedule by the Company, the City Clerk shall give published notice o£ such filing. The withdrawal , revision, or new schedule shall take effect sixty (60) days after written notice thereof has been filed by the Company with the City Clerk and with the Commissioner o£ Public Utilities or other person designated by the Council , unless the Council or any customer shall initiate by resolution or petition during the interim period a review of the filing, whereupon a public hearing shall be conducted upon ten (10) days ' notice published beforehand. After the hearing, the Council shall by resolution adopt, modify, or reject the withdrawal of superseded rates , revision of existing rates , or establishment of new rates . When written notice has been filed by Company of such revisions , new schedules , or withdrawals , there is reserved to the Council the � ��.:� � � (f�.�.�.� ��f � � �3�- � �l �" �J � � � Pa�e 3 .� .��� '�b 1? � .Section 7 . Th� Counc�_? mayF up�.n ::�ts izzitit�.tive or sha11 upori the peti.tion of i�h� Car�lpan5-, rcvieG�� tl�� ap�r�tions 4nd , rates of t�e Cet�lpan�T undEr. t��is pt�rn�i_t and after a pubiic hea�ing9 of which ten ( i0� ds�ysr publisheU �-zotice shal:� bc given., :-�ha11 �resc:ri_be by ordinan�� p z�;ithi.n. oa:�e 1iu1-�dred fift_y (7_50} days after the fzlin�, of s�,.c�i �e�_i_tic+n8 reasonable -r_ai�es t,�h�_cl� the Gom1��ny may chart e fcY- sted�;l� Sl-,ou1d �_1� �easo-���Iy anp���.r_ va?thin o�.ie hundred �1G�j days a.f:ter such ii.lir.g that Co�_z1�r_.;_"i. wi11 be Una.b:le to prescr:�.be r��.t�s �a�_thin said one ht�rz�red :i:i{tv (1�0) day period, Cc:npany may request Council to atatherize th.� schF��t�1es of r_ates proposed bjT Company in its p��>>_��.i�n to b�come e.f�ec:�ive as inter� iT� rates an al1 bi1ls cor!mpu�.ed f�:om regu]_ar.. meter. Te�aings a.fter �a�d one r�uz7�red fi�ty (7_50) day periads sul�ject to the cbliga- tia:� by Cemp����!y to refund to %ts custe.r!�rs any i��cxeases in x�ates r.ollected uric':er_ such izit.�rim r-ai.es �;�ixic�� are in �x�ess af the :�ac•wftizl and re�.sona�lc rat�s as final)v determinecl. Action by t'rie Co�.rrici_1 an sucil rec�uest� shalL be based or� equitable c�nside�'aLa_ons, incl_uciing tl�� b�.lanci-rig of any poi.enc.ial harm �o �he ptzbli_c. ax�cJ to t:��.e Com�ai�y. • Appendix A will contain the rates in effect on December 31, 1970. In view of the profit of the utility, no adjustment will be made for the increase in the license fee to 8%. Sec:i.ion 8 . The Compan;% rna.�' tti'1_f-�'3C�x�3.�-J any xate schedule �7}�ai,�?z ha.s be�n su.persedcdq may z-evis� a��y ez�is�in.g -rate scl��ed���le, er est�iblis�h. othr�r r_ates , provic�;_,.g �u.c��. rates shal:�_ be r_easc�;,�- ata1Q �nd r�o ex�sting cu.stom�r �,h�:,?.7_ i�e ��.d.ve�:sely a:��ecc�d the.relays �ti7��hi� t�z� (1()) c�.ays ait�rr ti�.�� i-i_i_ii�� of su�l� wit�i�ic3_ra�-�a�., a���� visi�n, or �-�ew scheclu�_� l�y th`� i',�rn��a_ny, the Cii:y �I��_,�. sh�.7_� �wt�c� ptlbl�sh��d notice `� 5u��t� i" v1.;_;�;. 7�1_�.� ����fi:�d��a�„�a)_., ��.vi_s:i_or�. or n�,�� schcdul� sh`�I.1 t�-�l::e .frc:��t s.i.�:i�y (6�) d�STs aftea� t�;:��_t.��n� notice tYic�:�c�of h��s� b�en iiJ_�c' b�� th4 Go�np�-�.ny �a�_th. tY�.G Cit�.y C:i_e��k anc; w�th the Co�nmissior.�er c� Pt:�b:��_� Uti7_il�ies or ct'tinr pe?_:�or�. des�_gnat�c� Ly t�he GaunciJ_; u�i1��::s the Council_ or any customc�r s1�a17_ ixli+�.� �.t� vy ,°es�1u�.�c�n or pe�ition d��.ri:-:g tl�ic� 7_-���.c�r�r��. p�,..a_od � ?:'P�ri rfh� O� th�=� f� �l i r,.�;; ��her��il1��x� � rt��b1 i.c hear.�_r� s�t�ia�_1 be co�.clu�t�d upon te,:l �l()� c!�ys � nc�t�i ye pubJ_i_shed b�forehax::� . After th� h.e.�ar.inhs i�h_�� C���r,c.:i_.�_ s���12 by r.e�o7_ution a�c�t:; r�,cc.i{y, or r_eject tl��� t��ithd_r���:�:_�.l af s�ipF�rs�ded rates , recisi.on c�f ��,:iuu., inb ratc�sp or ctitabli_�l�,.mel�� o� nec�r r_ates � GTh.e�:i hrrii�ten. noi:%c.c� h�.°,> b4�>��� filec h;T Compari;� ��� suck�. re�isiorz� F neti�,� sche�uleJ� or ��.?it}:1c�.��wals y th��re i_s reservF�?. t o th� Cau.-t,r:i I i�he ° a�� y � � Area Code 612 � �♦ ' 223-5121 '� °. a ,� 0 ''� °— a�9 THOMAS J.STEARNS �d' ^c ARTHUR M.NELSON PAUL F. McCLOSKEY, JR. R.SCOTf DAVIES KENNETH J. FI7'ZPATRICK CjITY OF SAINT PAUL DANRELN. FEC EIRR First Assistant JEROME J.SEGAL KENNETH A.SKRIEN Special Assistant LEGAL DEPARTMENT JOHN C. McLAUGHLIN ROBERT C. HOENE 316 City Hall, St. PaYi, Minnesota 55102 A. KEITH HANZEL DANIEL A. KLAS Assistants Corporation Counsel TERRY F.SULLIVAN Investigator May ai, i9�i Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk City of Saint Paul Dear Mr. Mar:hall: Res Council File No. 253489--Ordinanee No. 14788 - Ordinance granting certain rights ar�d privileges to Northern �tate� Power Company pertaining to the furnishing of electricity; Council File No. 253490--Ordinance No. 14787 - Ordinance granting certain rights and privileqes to Northern States Power Company pestaining to the furnishing of steam= Council l�ile No. 253491--Ordinanee No. 14786 - Ordinance gtanting certain rights �nd privileges to Northern States Power Company pertaining to the furni�hing of gas. The abc�ve-mentioned ordinancea were published without including the app�ndices prescribing rates. The�e three ordinances should be republished as soon a� practicable, in their entirety, together with th� appendices which contain the prescribed rat�s. Very truly yours, . /��� DANIEL A. KLAS Corgoration Counsel nAx:j a cc: Ma�or and Council . STEAM SERVICE � � � IAvailability^Available to co�nercial and industrial customers for general use j of steam service. Steam service furnished from low pressure mains is avail- able from September 1 to May 31, inclusive; and steam service furnished from high pressure mains is available the entire year. Rate'First 200 000 lbs of condensate per month @ �2.89 per 1000 lbs Next 300 000 " " " " " @ 2.�+8 " " " Next 500 000 " " " " " @ 2.12 " " " Next 2 000 000 " " " " " @ 1.75 " " " �'XC2SS �r n ri n n @ 1��5 ir rr n Prompt Payment Provision-'A charge of 5°�o will be added to net bill, computed at the Rate shown above, which charge shall constitute a discount from gross bill for payment within the discount period.. Monthly Minimum Charge—�10.85 net per meter. Fuel Clause=- There shall be added to or deducted from the net monthly bill computed according to the above schedule �.020 per thousand pounds of steam for e�:ch whole cent by which the cost of fuel is more or less, respectively, than �.30 per million Btu. The cost of fuel shall be the average cost of fuel used during the preceding twelve months by the Steam Production plants of Northern States Power Company supplying steam to its St. Paul distribution system and shall include the costs in FPC Account 501 - Fue L Gross Earnings Adjustment—Bills rendered under the above rate schedule shall be adjusted by Company over the period of this permit ordinance in an amount to alYow Company to recoup gross earnings payments paid to the City in excess of a rate of 5� on revenues based on meter readings during that period of the year 1971 which is prior to the effective date of this permit ordinance. � May 17, ig71 Northern States Power Gb. 360 wabasha St. . St. Paul� Minnesotct , Gentlemens Attention; l�ir, Thomas A. Connel�y, Di9ision 2�anaF;er �ncloaed tLre copics of three (3) ordinaucea aQopted by the City � Council �rnntin�; to N�rthern States Power Co� Electrle� Steum and Gas Permits� being Council Files 253�+II9, Ordinance No. 1�+788� 253�+�, Oz'�inance No. 1�+787� and 253�+91, Ordint�nce No. 1�+786. We cc�ll yotir attention to the condition� oi' tlie ord.�.n�,nces� a.nd p�,z�ticularly to the re�uirem�nt th-�t tl�e Compt�ny file� t�rithin thirty (30) day� af"te�r the passa�e, upproval a.ncj publication of the ordinance�i written acceptances in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counscl �nd s,�reeinu to abid�e by� keep r�7d per� form all the terms�, 13mitat�ons� conditlons �nd provieions of the ordinaacea. Very truly yours� City Clerk AO�ng � , . STEAM SERVICE Availability Available to commercial and industrial customers for general use of steam service. Steam service furnished from low pressure mains is avail- able from September 1 to May 31, inclusive; and steam service furnished from high pressure mains is available the entire year. Rate First 200 000 lbs of condensate per month @ $2.89 per 1000 lbs Next 300 000 " " " " " @ 2.48 " " " Next 500 000 " " " " " @ 2.12 " " " Next 2 000 000 " " " " " @ 1.75 " „ „ F,'XC2S5 �� '� " �� �� @ l.J+r� ir ir rr Prompt Payment Provision A charge of 5°�o will be added to net bill, computed at the Rate shown above, which charge shall constitute a discount from gross bill for payment within the discount period. Monthly Minimum Charge �10.85 net per meter. Fuel Clause There shall be added to or deducted from the net monthly bill computed according to the above schedule �.020 per thousand pounds of steam for each whole cent by which the cost of fuel is more or less, respectively, than �.30 per million Btu. The cost of fuel shall be the average cost of fuel used during the preceding twelve months by the Steam Production plants of Northern States Power Company supplying steam to its St. Paul distribution system and shall include the costs in FPC Account 501 - Fuel. Gross Earnings Adjustment Bills rendered under the above rate schedule shall be adjusted by Company over the period. of this permit ordinance in an amount to allow Company to recoup gross earnings payments paid to the City in excess of a rate of 5�0 on revenues based on meter readings during that period of the year 1971 which is prior to the effective date of this permit ordinance. � � � rTsp NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY MINNCAPOLIS, MINNESOTA Sa407 FILED � Ft., �-t FIL�D �ui� �� � 1: �±�: � � �„ ..� CI►Y CLERr('S OFFICE �TUr�;�'�2�y �'�9. :+i�i ` � I ST PNUL� ��li;f�!. C+.ZY CLE��C'S 6�=FICE ST P�UL, F46,d��, '�o the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: The undersigned, Northern States Power Company, does hereby accept and agree to abide by, keep, and perform all the terms, limitations, conditions, and provisions of Council File No. 253�go, being Ordinance No. 1�787, adopted by the Council and approved by the Mayor on May 13, 1971. NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY By Division Manager And��� Assistant Sec ry APPROVED AS TO FORM: � � Corporati n Counsel � 1 .3.. �.l�U'..q 7 NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 35401 FILE� �..,: �� � l� , ,, � ; ; F11_=D } �Tur{e "2�,, �.9��- ���� i � _.�;Y C! °.,��,S �'�_i�E '. S i "r',.`��� .`,I;;i.'. v. .,, ��,:_�',::'� C"FlG� . � ��.�,� ;, i F;;:.��� i�:,,�,. �o the Honorable Mayor and • Members of the City Council Sain't Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: The undersigned, Northern States Power Company, does hereby accept and agree to abide by, keep, and perform all the terms, limitations, condi'cions, and provis�.ons of Council File No. 253�+90, beii:g Ordinance No. 1�787, adopted by the Council and approved by the Mayor on May 13, 1971. NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY By � Division Manager And Assistant Sec ry APPROVED AS TO FORM: � � - Corporati n Counsel 4 , S�i� S���i . Availability Available to commercial and industrial customers for general use of steam service. Steam service furnished from low pressure mains is avail- able from September 1 to May 31, inclusive; and steam service furnished from high pressure mains is available the entire year. Rate First 200 000 lbs of condensate per month @ $2.89 per 1000 lbs Next 300 000 " " " " " @ 2.48 " " " Next 500 000 " " " " " @ 2.12 " " " Next 2 000 000 " " " " " @ 1.75 " " " Excess n �' n �i tt @ l.�5 �r r, tt Prompt Payment Provision A charge of 5°�o will be added to net bill, computed at the Rate shown above, which charge shall constitute a discount from gross bill for payment within the discount period. Monthly Minimum Charge �10.85 net per meter. Fuel Clause There shall be added to or deducted from the net monthly bill computed according to the above schedule �.020 per thousand pounds of steam for each whole cent by which the cost of fuel is more or less, respectively, than �.30 per million Btu. The cost of fuel shall be the average cost of fuel used during the preceding twelve months by the Steam Production plants of Northern States Power Company supplying steam to its St. Paul distribution system and shall include the costs in F1'C Account 501 - F`uel. Gross Earnings Adjustment Bills rendered under the above rate schedule shall be adjusted by Company over the period of this permit ordinance in an amount to allow Company to recoup gross earnings payments paid to the City in excess of a rate of 5�0 on revenues based on meter readings during that period of the year 1971 which is prior to the effective date of this permit ordinance. � _ / ` I� � Ist � 2nd-/ / , , _ � - . Laid over to �'�-L. �./! r 3rd and app —Adopted � ��" � _ YeasA Nays Yeas �Nays �` � .�l� �„��r�'�`��, Butler Butle � ; „ � Carlson �arlson Levine �5��9/`� Levine.,,,�` v'"� Meredith �#�leredith Sprafka �prafka � Tedesco ._ -► ' 't� Lrdewe- Mr. Presiden+ McCariy Mr. President McCarFy O . s�� s�vzcE ^ � "7l" �Availabilityr-Available to commercial and industrial customers for general use of steam service. Steam service furnished from low pressure mains is avail- able from September 1 to May 31, inclusive; and steam service furnished from high pressure mains is available the entire year. Rate�First 200 000 lbs of condensate per month @ �2.89 per 1000 lbs Next 300 000 " " " " " @ 2.48 " " " Next 500 000 " " " " " @ 2.12 " " " Next 2 000 000 " " " " 11 @ 1•75 " " " Excess " " " " n @ l.�5 n rr rr Prompt Payment Provision-�A charge of 5f will be added to net bill, computed at the Rate shown above, which charge shall constitute a discount from gross bill for payment within the discount period. Monthly Minimum Charge—�10.85 net per meter. Fuel Clause=- There shall be added to or deducted from the net monthly bill computed acr:ording to the above schedule �.020 per thousand pounds of steam for e�:ch whole cent by which the cost of fuel is more or less, respectively, than $.30 per million Btu. The cost of fuel shall be the average cost of fuel used during the preceding twelve months by the Stea.m Production plants of Northern States Power Company supplying steam to its St. Paul distribution system and shall include the costs in FPC Account 501 - Fue L Gross Earnings Adjustment�-Bills rendered under the above rate schedule shall be adjusted by Company over the period of this permit ordinance in an amount to al7�ow Company to recoup gross earnings payments paid to the City in excess of a rate of 5fo on revenues based on meter readings during that period of the year 1971 which is prior to the effective date of this permit ordinance. � 0 May 1'j, 1971 Northern Sta.tes Power (b. 360 wabasha st. . St. Paul� Minnesota • Gentlemens Attention: bir. Thomas A. Conrielly, �_.._.. Di�Iision 2�anna,�er �ncloced are copies of three (3) ordinaucea aQopted by the City Council �rr.nting to N�rthern States Power Co. Electrie� Stetua snd Ga$ Perraits� being Council Files 2�3�+II9, Ordinance No. 1�+788� 253�+;'�, Oz'dinar►ce No. 14787� end 253�+g1, Ordinance No. 1�+786. We cn11 your attention to the conditionc oi' ttie ord3.ziances� t�.nd paxticularly to the re�uirem�nt th-�t the Company i'i].e� 5•rithin thirty (3Q) dnys after the pAS���e� upprov�.l and public�tion of the ordinancea� written aeceptr�nces in a form to be approved by the Corgoration Counscl und e,�reeln� to �►bid�e by� keep ru�d per- form sll the termay 13mitat�.ons� conditions t�nd provin3ona of t,he ordinaacea. Very truly yours� City Clerk AO�ng STEAM SEftVICE Availability Available to commercial and industrial customers for general use of steam service. Steam service furnished from low pressure mains is avail- able from September 1 to May 31, inclusive; and steam service furnished from high pressure mains is available the entire year. Rate First 200 000 lbs of condensate per month @ $2.89 per 1000 lbs Next 300 000 " " " " " @ 2.�+8 " " " Next 500 000 " " " " " @ 2.12 " " " Next 2 000 000 " " " " " @ 1,75 " " „ Excess " „ „ „ " @ 1.45 „ " " Prompt Payment Provision A charge of 5� will be added to net bill, computed at the Rate shown above, which charge shall constitute a discount from gross bill for payment within the discount period. Monthly Minimum Charge �10.85 net per meter. Fuel Clause There shall be added to or deducted from the net monthly bill computed according to the above schedule �.020 per thousand pounds of steam for each whole cent by which the cost of fuel is more or less, respectively, than $.30 per million Btu. The cost of fuel shall be the average cost of fuel used during the preceding twelve months by the Steam Production plants of Northern States Power Company supplying steam to its St. Paul distribution system and shall include the costs in FPC Account 501 - Fuel. Gross Earnings Adjustment Bills rendered under the above rate schedule shall be adjusted by Company over the period of this permit ordinance in an amount to allow Company to recoup gross earnings payments paid to the City in excess of a rate of 5�0 on revenues based on meter readings during that period of the year 1971 which is prior to the effective date of this permit ordinance. a � � rTsp N O R T H E R N S TAT E 5 P O W E R C O M P A N Y MINNEAPOLIB, MINNESOTA 56401 FILED �Uii ZJ `� 1S i��'.! � j $ FIL�D P?a �'R Ci►Y CLE�h'S OFFICE �ur}�.;���Y �Z� �±►i � ST PN!JL� �,liii�. GliY CLER�'S O�FICE S i PKUL� E41;d�1. '�o the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: The undersigned, Northern States Power Company, does hereby accept and agree to abide by, keep, and perform all the terms, limitations, conditions, and provisions of Council File No. 253490, being Ordinance No. 1�#787, adopted by the Council and approved by the Mayor on May 13, 1971. NORTHERN STATES P4WER COMPANY By Division Manager And Assistant Sec ry APPROVED AS TO FORM: � Corporati n Counsel `�, .--,���, NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY MINNEAPOLIB, MINNESOTA :i5407 FILE� - ;, , Fil_=� �.� ��J �, �i; i , „ - ,t ,�� tTur�e '2�5:; �-.5��. ��; � i i !. . C! _. ;, S C"-����: .. �i' ;` :�� �� _ �� 'r,. �� .,�,.,.. �� CLi_r','.;'� �,=i=1 � .,i F,`;:,+!� i;'.;;:.'. �o the Honorable Mayor and • Members of the City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: The undersigned, Northern States Power Company, does hereby accept and agree to abide by, keep, and perform al1 the terms, limitations, conditions, and provis�_ons of Council. Fi1e No. 253�+go, beit:.g Ordinance No. 1�787, adopted by the Council and approved by the Mayor on May 13, 1971. NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY By � Division Manager And - Assistant Sec ry APPROVED AS TO FORitiT; . � Corporati n Counsel STEAM SEftVICE Availability Available to commercial and industrial customers for general use of steam service. Steam service furnished from low pressure mains is avail- able from September 1 to May 31, inclusive; and steam service furnished from high pressure mains is available the entire year. Rate First 200 000 lbs of condensate per month @ �2.89 per 1000 lbs Next 300 000 " „ " „ " @ 2.�+8 " „ „ Next 500 000 " " " " " @ 2.12 " " " Next 2 000 000 " " " " " @ 1.75 " " " �''XC2SS �r n 'i n i' @ l.�5 n rr n Prompt Payment Provision A charge of 5°fo will be added to net bill, computed at the Rate shown above, which charge shall constitute a discount from gross bill for payment within the discount period. Monthly Minimum Charge �10.85 net per meter. Fuel Clause There shall be added to or deducted from the net monthly bill computed according to the above schedule �.020 per thousand pounds of steam for each whole cent by which the cost of fuel is more or less, respectively, than $.30 per million Btu. The cost of fuel shall be the average cost of fuel used during the preceding twelve months by the Steam Production plants of Northern States Power Company supplying steam to its St. Paul distribution system and shall include the costs in FPC Account 501 - F'uel. Gross Earnings Adjustment Bills rendered under the above rate schedule shall be adjusted by Company over the period. of this permit ordinance in an amount to allow Company to recoup gross earnings payments paid to the City in excess of a rate of 5°�0 on revenues based on meter readings during that period of the year 1971 which is prior to the effective date of this permit ordinance. a S'I`EAM SERVICE Availability Available to commercial and industrial customers for general use of steam service. Stea,m service furnished from low pressure mains is avail- able from September 1 to May 31, inclusive; and steam service furnished from high pressure mains is available the entire year. Rate First 200 000 lbs of condensate per month @ $2.89 per 1000 lbs Next 300 000 " " " " " @ 2.�-8 " " " Next 500 000 " " " " " @ 2.12 " " " Next 2 000 000 " " " " " @ 1.75 " „ " �''XC2S5 n n ri �i �i @ l.�� n �r n Prompt Payment Provision A charge of 5°�o will be added to net bill, computed at the Rate shown above, which charge shall constitute a discount from gross bill for payment within the discount period. Monthly Minimum Charge �10.85 net per meter. Fuel Clause There shall be added to or deducted from the net monthly bill computed according to the above schedule $.020 per thousand pounds of steam for each whole cent by which the cost of fuel is more or less, respectively, than $.30 per million Btu. The cost of fuel shall be the average cost of fuel used during the preceding twelve months by the Steam Production plants of Northern States Power Company supplying steam to its St. Paul distribution system and shall include the costs in FPC Account 501 - F'uel. Gross Earnings Adjustment Bills rendered under the above rate schedule shall be adjusted by Company over the period of this permit ordinance in an amount to allow Company to recoup gross earnings payments paid to the City in excess of a rate of 5°�0 on revenues based on meter readings during that period of the year 1971 which is prior to the effective date of this permit ordinance. N � , STEAM SERVICE Availability Available to commercial and industrial customers for general use of steam service. Steam service furnished from low pressure mains is avail- able from September 1 to May 31, inclusive; and steam service furnished from high pressure mains is available the entire year. Rate First 200 000 lbs of condensate per month @ �2.89 per 1000 lbs Next 300 000 " " " " " @ 2.�+8 " „ " Next 500 000 " " " " " @ 2.12 " " " Next 2 000 000 " " " " " @ 1.75 " " " �'XC2SS rr i� n ii n @ l.tF5 ir n n Prompt Payment Provision A charge of 5°�o will be added to net bill, computed at the Rate shown above, which charge shall constitute a discount from gross bill for payment within the discount period. Monthly Minimum Charge $10.85 net per meter. Fuel Clause There shall be added to or deducted from the net monthly bill computed according to the above schedule �.020 per thousand pounds of steam for each whole cent by which the cost of fuel is more or less, respectively, than �.30 per million Btu. The cost of fuel shall be the average cost of fuel used during the preceding twelve months by the Steam Production plants of Northern States Power Company supplying steam to its St. Paul distribution system and shall include the costs in FPC Account 501 - �.iel. Gross Earnings Adjustment Bills rendered under the above rate schedule shall be adjusted by Company over the period of this permit ordinance in an amount to alYow Company to recoup gross earnings payments paid to the City in excess of a rate of 5� on revenues based on meter readings during that period of the year 1971 which is prior to the effective date of this permit ordinance. N ` ' ' STEAM SERVICE -- Availability Available to cormnercial and industrial customers for general use of steam service. Steam service furnished from low pressure mains is avail- able from September 1 to May 31, inclusive; and steam service furnished from high pressure mains is available the entire year. Rate First 200 000 lbs of condensate per month @ $2.89 per 1000 lbs Next 300 000 " " " " " @ 2.48 " " „ Next 500 000 " " " " " @ 2.12 " " " Next 2 000 000 " " " " " @ 1.75 " " " E'XC2SS �� rr �� �� �� @ l.�5 n rr n Prompt Payment Provision A charge of 5�o will be added to net bill, computed at the Rate shown above, which charge shall constitute a discount from gross bill for payment within the discount period. Monthly Minimum Charge �10.85 net per meter. Fuel Clause There shall be added to or deducted from the net monthly bill computed according to the above schedule �.020 per thousand pounds of steam for each whole cent by which the cost of fuel is more or less, respectively, than �.30 per million Btu. The cost of fuel shall be the average cost of fuel used during the preceding twelve months by the Steam Production plants of Northern States Power Company supplying steam to its St. Paul distribution system and shall include the costs in FPC Account 501 - F'uel. Gross Earnings Adjustment Bills rendered under the above rate schedule shall be adjusted by Company over the period of this permit ordinance in an amount to allow Company to recoup gross earnings payments paid to the City in excess of a rate of 5°�0 on revenues based on meter readings during that period of the year 1971 which is prior to the effective date of this permit ordinance. � i k _ � S�i� 5���.�i Availability Available to couIInercial and industrial customers for general use of steam service. Steam service furnished from low pressure mains is avail- able from September 1 to May 31, inclusive; and steam service furnished from high pressure mains is available the entire year. Rate First 200 000 lbs of condensate per month @ $2.89 per 1000 lbs Next 300 000 " " " " " @ 2.48 " " " Next 500 000 " " " " " @ 2.12 " " " Next 2 000 000 " " " " " @ 1.75 " " " E'XC2SS �r �� '� �� �' @ l.�-4.5 �� rr rr Prompt Payment Provision A charge of 5�o will be added to net bill, computed at the Rate shown above, which charge shall constitute a discount from gross bill for payment within the discount period. Monthly Minimum Charge �10.85 net per meter. Fuel Clause There shall be added to or deducted from the net monthly bill computed according to the above schedule �.020 per thousand pounds of steam for each whole cent by which the cost of fuel is more or less, respectively, than $.30 per million Btu. The cost of fuel shall be the average cost of fuel used during the preceding twelve months by the Steam Production plants of Northern States Power Company supplying steam to its St. Paul distribution system and shall include the costs in FPC Account 501 - Fuel. Gross Earnings Adjustment Bills rendered under the above rate schedule shall be adjusted by Company over the period of this permit ordinance in an amount to allow Company to recoup gross earnings payments paid to the City in excess of a rate of 5°�0 on revenues based on meter readings during that period of the year 1971 which is prior to the eff'ective date of this permit ordinance. �