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� `"�p.��8� ORIBINAL TO CITY CL6RK � � CITY OF ST. PAUL H�E NC�� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL ESOLUTION ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE pTE RESOLVED, that the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement entitled, "Metropolitan Fire Service Training Center Joint Powers Agree- ment, �� whereby the City of Saint Paul, the City of Minneapolis and any other interested municipalities shall join together in the operation and funding of a training facility for firemen. A P v ' � Asst. Corporation Counsey . . APR 8197�1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Naya .��--- APR 81971 Carlson ro 19— Levine �j Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka v a or Tedesco ASainat Mr. President, McCarty APR 10197+1 Pvs�s� �� , ,. . . . � � �: /^ar�g'^� � ,.... ����:��� � � . . � T�1L;7�RC)POL:I_`I'A\T I'IItI, Sl�?�R\r:I Ci; ��J�A1 N II�TG Cl�,'N'P1�Tt. � JO:I'N`)' POIv1�:iZS Ala1ZL;I��,�11�:NT THIS �IGI�I�Lr1�NT, r�iade and ez�j;cred in�o as of' � , 1971 , by and l.�et��reen tl:ie CIT�' OI' MINNrAPOLIS , Miiinesot:a, a nnani c�.�.�al corporat�_on, tl�e CITY Ol�' SAIN`I' PAUL, riin�leso�;a, a m�iiz:i cipal co�°l�o�°atio�7, �a1.�d �;he ot,her goveri�mental uni.ts o� the State o� Tliniieso�a signa�;oiS� here�Lo (he��einaf�Ler some�,imes co1].ec�:ively i�ei'errecl to as "Pai�ticipating Tlunicipali t..�_es" ) : S�;I TNESSL�l'II: j�'HTH.EAS, The Par�;icipating Aliznicipalit:ies serve 1�lieii residen�,s b3� pro�Tidin� fii�e-protecti.oil ser. �-ices �or �Lhe conser�Jation oi' life , pror�ert.y, anc� l�esou.rces; ancl �dI�ER.�AS , The Pai tici.pati�z� Tfuriici��ali�:ies, are desirous o� pz°o�ridiilg a high-quality �ii e-pr. o�Lectioii se�eice to tl.leir residents; and � ��'I�ERLAS , As a resu.lt of such clesi�°e �;he Par. �;ici.��at;ing riuni.cipa.lities have iii�Testigated and studiecl hotiv suc11 ser�Ti.ces inight 1�e better. providecl ; and � � l�'I-LEI�EAS, . t•ile Participating Altxnicipalii,ies ha��e :found tliat • � tliere is a1i absence of adequate fiie sei�rice traii�izig faci.lities . �;o serve i;l�cii fii e-fighting uni�Ls an.d t;hat �;hez�e is an urgent, need !'oi such ' 1'acilities; aiici ��?IiLR.�AS , Tl1e Participatirig Tltuiicipali�Lies a�°e Z��i.1_ling �o esta.l�lis31 fire ser��ice i;raining cei2i;er iacilities ��tir�suail�; to �:lle provisioris o:f tliis Agi,eemel�t; alid. 1JHI?R�AS , 7'he Par�t:ici.pa�t,i_i�� rlurii.cipal.i_�(;:i es , }�ursuant �i.o rii.r�nesc�ta Stat.u�tes , Secti_o�z 1f71 . 59, ha��e 7_egal autliot°:i. t;,y to c�ll�,('1" lllt0 t;�l].S 1lgrec�uer�.t, ai�cl l;o do a.iicl pe��:i'oi°�u t,lie l;l�i.��gs herein agr eed. 1�01�', `I'IICRI�,'1�01ZT,, Iai coals:i.c3cra�;�.�n o_f �,liei.z� �nt.��,uti1 covenzi.n l,s , . i:l�e P��r L:i cipat i �ir; T1ui�ic:i ��a] :i_ i,� es ��l�;re�e as �fol].o�t�s : , . . ,- . � . .��._. .�_.—�t"°� �.. -—�_ --� ` ""— ? ..� .� ,�.�„�.�.�.r� r.,."�.�:7�;�,,7�,,.�'--:. 1.,�..�r—�_�—� —�su_ ,r,-a.�rr�--�^.�> � -s" �'e.�'�-'i.-`r� .+�.�,�„_va E'. .+� yL�r www r �.,,m.,:e�4n7"^zr . .._-c�. .�..._- . . +..e^�ra-a ,. ��"„aa�e � +aE"- .h..�,.�_uawa.`�"'�°':��""�. �� ,,.�,r � .,,"7'�' _ ,�, .: ... ..�.,..��.. �w�...�. ._ ...._. .. , . . . _ . ..... :,-. - =' _�,. _ .. :-:... ,._.,.;...�.. ........� . . . . - . �.. .. . . ' .: . -.. . - � - . t R . � . / - �l.il..i�l�.� �.):` .�. • 1�cl I°� ].('.S The iniLial par�;ies liel°e�;o ��;��ce th��.� aiiy counLy, ci.ty, villa.ge, tot��i�, bor-ougll, o�° other political. si.11�cli��i.sion of t,l�.c Sta�;e of Minnesot;a (each o:f z�•1�icli is l�e��ein foi coil�reiiience referred to as a "mtanicipal_i ty" ) , w}iic}i is »o�v or ma�J l�.erea�'�;er Ue permi�,�Led l�}T la�a �Lo joiii herein on a joint or cooperative Uasis , ma,y do so at ai15T tiiTie o�� ti°o��i t:ime t;o ti_me b5� �ccel��,ance of: 1;he pro��isions of thi.s agreeinenl� ancl i,he s��ecific t.erins . � agi eed u��on un.c�er provisioiis of Sec�Lioii j . l . SECTlON 2 Mef;�°opol i tan Fii�e Sel°vice Ti a.i.nin� Cen-t;e1° l3oard 2. 1 Lstablishmeiit. There is hereb�� estaUlis)led the "Me�;ropoli_�ail I�'ire Ser�Tice Trainiilg Cerite�� I3oard" , S�hose meilil�er- . ship shall Ue appoiiited in accorclance ���ii.h the 'provisi.o7is of thi_s sectioil aiZd ���liose du�t;ies sllall Ue �;o caiiy ou�- tlie pur•poses contairied hel�ein. . 2. 2 Voi.in� R.ep��esentation. Participating 1�1ui�.icipal.ities shall eacll be entitled �l.o �cTotes on tlle l�oard in accozdai�ce i��i�,li � �;he iollot��irig populai,ioil classiii.ca�t,io11; . ' � Under 2� , 000 popizlatio��, 1 ��ote, 2� ,000 to 74, 999 popul.ation, 2 vol;es , : 7� ,000 to 14�, 999 a�opu_latiozi, 3 votes, 150,000 to 21i9,999 popiila tio�1, ,• 4 vo tes , Over 249, 999 poi�ulat:ion, � ��o�:.es . 2. 3 r1e�i�l�e>i�sl��iJ.�. T17e nwube�� of i�uei��bci•s oz1 tlie I3oai,c� �iiay v�i°y �nd t]�e a���i egatc ni.inll,>ci� ol me�nl�e��s shall. l�e depei�clen�: u1�on t1�e i�uml�er of Pai�icipating A�1uu:i.ci.p�i7_i ti es and t�l��oi� �,l�.c �iwul�er o1' memi�ei°s appoi_nt;ed l�S� cacli Pai�t,:icipat;i.»� r7tinici.����lity �;o c.as�; tl�ei.r respect� ve ��c��;e oi� vo�tc�s . Eacl� Pa�°i,ici}�ai;in� _ ' „ ' � � �...,,��„_.._� ,:. ,�:�:- ;,.,...-_.. �� .-�,.�.� �,�.�,�,�-�-�,.�.-._.,�=:..�.�.....,�.-.�.�-�.-.:- � ' ` —���,�!�c,�� w�.�.��-"'� „�`."'` ?`�` — -- ...,..:'F.,"*�*�.»•.' '�-� f .-P "'°"a"" -,-�, .�,�„"— ",p�'�q"�—�.,.�.�'��` ..'"P`s''�gi."..�!, "�".;+�,',sR-u`�"ae�a+"'��'J�^+.YV''^r¢�i, . � . � � r°�'.. .. � ���. � � Afu��ic.il��alil,y s11a11 ap�,o��ii.; one or nlore mei;llic�rs l;o �L]_ie 13oard , i,�tzic).1 ir.�n�t�ers sliall l�e en�;i�,le.cl �t;o. Llie ntunl�ez• or votes l�i•e- desig�ia�;ed �or eacli such liiembel by -(;lie al,��i oJ�ri��. �e aZ�poin tiz�g nnzni.cipa.]_ii,y; p��o��ided, l�otae��er, th�,t eac}�i meml���r so appoii�ted �ntzst have �� 1111]71I11U111 oi' one vo�;e aaid 1;11�,�; �the aggrc�ate ril.unUer of ��otes for al1 of �;lie �iieml�ers appointecl by a Pai�ticipat.i.ng Municipality entitle�i to have moi e tllan orle vote shall no L e�ceed i;lle ni�m}�er of t�otes to �,r}Zicli the Parti_cipating Mtiilici.pali�.ST i_s eni;itled. . . 2. 4 Teriit. Tl�e me�ubers oi tlle Boai�cl sl.�all n�t ha�-e a �i�ed tei m but shall serve at the pleasure of:' the Pai ti_ci��a�Ling Munici- �a.lity appoiilting such member �;o the 13oard. M�mbei ship on �l�ie Board as az1 appointee o:f any Pai°�ici.pati_ng T1linicip�]_i�;y and the nwnber oi' vo�;es au�;horized shall be e�Tideiiced U�T z esolution oi' the gover�ii.zig body ol �Lhe appoin-(;ialg munic�_pali.ty. - 2. 5 ZTacaiicies . A vacanc�T on the 13oard shall_ be filled b3T the go��e��iling bodS� of the Par�Lici.patiii; Municipali.ty whose membershi�� position on tlie Boai�d is vacant. �2.6 Conipei�satioil a,ncl ra��enses._ The I3oard an�mbers shall not be entitleci to cornpel7sation. or rei.mblirsetnen-t foi ezpenses �� .� incuri ed at�;endiiig meetings e�cel�t to the e�tent (;ha�(: a Partici��atizlg r�unicipality might de�;ernline to: compezlsate or i°eiml�urse the � e�:penses of �;he illen�bei oi" me�iibers it appoints , in i�tliicl� case tlie ol�ligatio�� to malie slzch payments siia].l be tl�a�L o�' 1;1�e a��l�i°ol�riate nnanici.pal.ity and not �hat of the 13oa1•d. . 2. '7 Of1'icel°s . Tlie I3oat�d sl�all e.lcc t; fi om i�l,s me�nbers3ii�� a c;iaii°�uaiz, \':LCC',—Cllc'i,]_l��naii, seca�et;��.r��, �(;�°e��st.ire��, assis�Lan�; treasurer, and sucli oi;ller ofi'ice��s as it deeans necessaa��r to re��sonal�ly ca�°ry oi.it �i�l�.e pul�poses oJ' tliis I��;reen�ei� i;. A1_]_ Suc.,l� oI"�'icers s)���11. ]iold o1'i'ice 1'or a �(;erm o1' or�e yea�- ��nd tantil. � t;l�e�.r• cll.ily elect;ed st�ccessors 1�.<z��e l�cerl sc�l.ected l.�y (;lic Ro��rcl , . . � , , --� ��..,�._ - � .�.�- ____ -�.-,-...�-.- ��..> _ ,�_____ �e�+ , .-.^ Y.�p�*.+:..}a 'r'T!M�.'s�v�,�_�'t�,�_�-'�'� -a-'"`'.�a.•.z}b,�.'4'°`�..`rT� s�o-�t""`�,'�;�«;t�" wa'••`'„"Ya"T..".�°'"g'=`�r�s�.r '�",'z�,_°�.3 `�^�+"'�ai«+m�.{ -_ � � . � 4,':.- . . . f ' � �. An o1'I':i_cei° �na�� ser�re oa�i1.�� zvli.i.l e <3 ����:u11�.��>>:� 01' i;l�e 13o�1:r��1 a>>��i n�a.y � � be i°e���l��i�.iLeil i;o �a1i c�if'i.ce. A. va.ca�nc�r in arl o_f:i'ice sl�i�il:l_ �be �'illed �'rom the trie»il�e��sl:iil� oi �tlie l3oa��d uy e]_ec�tio�:i :Co�° tl�i�. � � reniailidez� oi tlie tz�ie�pi�-cd �;eri►3 0l stzc.�)1 of:fic�. 2. 8 l.ioi�iz�j�. A major:ity o1' �.lie ��otes autl�ori_�ed �;o l�e cas� by Poard members siZall constitlate a cjizoru;u. 2. 9 T1ee�,in�;s . Regu.lar� meet;ings of �;he I3oa1�c1 sl�all �,�e held at leas�L oTice eacli mo�ith oil a clay selected b3T the Boai�cl. Specia]_ meetings ma�� be held ai� i;lle call o� i:lle cl�ail°man o�° l�y an5� »le►l�bers having a total oi' �Ll�i ee ��o�Les by gi��i3ig riot less th�n five clays ' s��ritten notice of i,lie �,i�ue az�d place o:f such n�eeti�lg. 2. 10 Eli�ibili_�y j,o Vote . A I3oaz°d �nenil�er sYiall iio�t; be eligible to �Tote on bc�li�,l� o� liis Pai�i.ci.��atizig Tluizicipal_i�L�� during the ti�ue �Lhat such rSui�icipalit,y i.s i_ii� d.e�ault on any._ . contril�ution payable to �Lhe Boaid to fin�nce its acti��ities � under the provisions o� �;l1is Agreemeii�L. Duriilg. �Lhe eai.s�;ence o� such cle_f'aul.t, the vote of stzch viembel° sl�<�11 not be counted as aii �eligib]_e �Tote for �lie purposes vf tliis Ag�°eemerit. I� . � a Pai ticipatiiig Mu�licipali.t�� i emains ii2 de�al.�1�L for a period � - � of more i�lian oile year ori an�T financial con�ri_1�u{�ioii to i;lie ; Boarcl required undei the �i;ezms ol' i;his Abreement, the meml�ership ot sucli Pai-i;ici��atin� Munici��ali�;y au�i,omaticall3� sli��.11 be terminated. 2. 11 �l te�°na�te rlenibers . Al terna i:e meml�ers �Lo the I3oai c� � anc� the nuuiber o� votes au�l�orized for � sucl� al�erna�Le may bc designatecl by appropria�i-e resolu�t;i.on oi tlie respect;i��e Pari,i cipating Tlunicipal_ities i'iled ���ii;h �(•]�e J3oa�°d. 'Pl�c al�i,e�,z�ates ma}�, a�l; any v�ee�;ii�� o:C tlie l3oard ��-liere tl�e regt�la.i• iiicu�ber� i s abse�l�L, � atte�id arid vote oil l:�el�alf o:[' 1;he ]'arti.ci.J�atin�; Tltzili.ci.��al:i.ty � ]ie ��ep�:°esc�iif,s. T1' a Board �ucml,�er is al.so an oi':Cicel° ol � �ti�� � 13oal�d , t;lic al�;ei°r�ate shal.] aiot; l�e er� t;i�t.lec� 1;o sei���c� as suc:�l� o:fi':i.cer. � �� • , -_._�.�_�..,...� :�-..�.- ''_�.-�,. �-.�_.�� ---�'".`.r"�"�+ . ---�-�--�--�-.-,�-�_ -�...� r ie �.--`.?�w--+L�q«�c:^;�x�.....�vP- _ .ee3vMC*,'�:.^�..�;+^�.a,7F�'�� �e�.. -�"`.e���'.� '*,a�,Y*.'PfR+S*4�!r.."5 3*tiffi'"'�:�,-."�^-�Cx'"S4�i°+?al`�'�'4§x'"'�`Ag�`���'�--..T.°r"C�'�nw,+�*'wax�� . - �" i. 2. :1_1 (f1 ) t'i1��t�, '��1c�ct�i.r���:. 1;'i.�t;lii�i j0 d����s t:�1't.ei�� t;lie ezecu�t.iori � � � o� �;liis Agz eeme�l�t; l��r Tliiiilea��olis ��.ri�l Sai_n�t P��til , eacli Ya��i;icipa��iii� Municipa7_ity sliall a���l�oin�(; i�ts nie��il�er ol� nie�ul�ers , as t,lie a��pro- priat� case ma�r be , and a.d.�ra.se the Presiderlt of �;lie Meti�opol.itan Section of the Lea�ue oI' Mi��izeso�;� A1l��licil�a.l.ii.ies in iar. itinb, oi' sucl� acLion. The Presidezl�: ol t;lie T1e�ro Sec:tion t�as agreed, a�ter receiving sucli notice :t'1-om rlil�neapolis ancl Saini, Pai.i]_ , to, mal�e arrangemeilts �ol� tlie fi��s1; ii�eetirlg of tl�ie I3oard no�t � ].ess than 1> cla�Ts �;liereal't;er arid to notil'y each membei of. i;]ze ti�ne aiid pl�ce o:f sucli meei,izig. The Presic?ent has also indica�;ed liis �,�illiil.�,ness to act as ten�poi�.r,y chai_i�iiai2 a l, such mee t;ing un(;il a chair�na-n 3�as. been elected by the Board. This sectioiz 2. 11 (A) of tl�is Agz•eenlent is for the purpose oi' facilit�,i,iiig �b.e firs�: organiza.tioria]_ mee�;ing o� the 13oarcl, and a��;er s�zch meeting lias been 11e_l_c� sliall automa.ti_call_y ex��i_t e and shall iaot thereai'�;er be a pari; o� t}iis Agi eement, . . SLCTION 3 Purpose � , It is the pul�pose oi' tl.ie pal�ties i�o this Agreei.iezlt to < � pro�Tide :Cor. �Lhe acquisitioz7, constrtict;ioii, equi��pi.�.1g, ai�d . opeiation of a i'ii�e service training cen�t;er tacility �'or use by Pai��ici_��ati.ri� MLUlicii�alities ai�d b�T a.n.5� othei• �nun.icipali�;y • desi_��ing to coni,ract for i�;s use �vi�thou�t; l�ecoming a , Par�;:i.cipating Muni.cipali t;y. 7:n gene�,al , L,lie f.acili•t�r ma�r iiicll�de an admi.ili.st,rai-iofi �� bui_ldiilg, ati apl�arai,us Uuilc�ing, and the fol.lo��zing: . 1 . A system oi roac�s :I'or dri�rci• �.ra.inir��� pt.irposes. 2. �iie fire �t.ra:i.nin; l�u�_:ldiilg (sim�ila�;ed �d�vc].li.n�;) . 3. One fi�°e �,r���i_nill� l�ti:i :lding ( si_ruulal;ecl. me�•caii�,_i_.le} . li . 11 con�l�i�iati_on di°i_11 t,oZ��er. and s:imlzlated lii�;li-rise Uuilding. . ) , , , , .�.,�..,,., --....._..a.- -�.> � a -� ---.-� --�. �-°�--. _ �- �.._.__.�__.._Ve.�.-==--�-_---�-.--_:.-.�.�_- --�.:-„� i�... -� .�.�.-. --�----�. �,.�yF_;rg�.r,_".....�"r�.�.���'"`.s%.•�3t�..�"�"--�cn.r,.'°'.".R��'�Sar^�'�., ^S�:'^--�""_'.��"�".�"`- c�."�'°�°'°—"�v'"'r,a� :::"�F'�^ry�.i?qy�'«r�G,.:'�-u.--tG+.,�¢e.l.�-'rq .Y'."'zt� ' �. r. j. A ��o.lati_le :l �.c�i,l:i �ls ar'ca., � � C. A volai;ile gas are.� . . 7 , 11 "maze" b�zi_lcli�i� :for �nasli ti°aii7:i_ng. 8. Pumper test ��it. 9, Car rescue �,rea. 10. Forcil�le en�;ry liouse. 11 . Fire e��in.gu:i.s3�mezli�. ai ea (fire exi,iri�;lais}ier dcmonstt�a tion} , . 12.. �lecti�ica]_ fi,l°e p�°ol�lem a�°ea. 13. Pond. 14. Feiicin.g. � 1�. Ligh�;ing. 16. Parl�ing. The above descripti_ons ai e n.o l; int,e�lded �Lo be rest•i i_c�i;ive on the I3oard ' s jud��Iler.It aa�cl detei�iii�za�;ion oi_ �aha�; the facilities slloulcl con�;air1 , and are intended to act onl.y as a guideliiae � based ul�on tl�e existi�lg studies aiid recommelicia.tzons ioi sucli �acil_ities . The Boald ma.3� niake adclitioils �;o or dele�,e lrovi 1;he above guideline at i�ts disci e�;ion an.d pursizant to i_�(;s jud�;meiit � 1J1�;I1 i esa�ec� to the needs o:C Pal ticil�a t:ing Tlwiicipalities in o��der 1;0 }�ave an economical , cozll�eilieiit, �.lzcl etfect;ivc traiiiiilg : center facility. SLC`l'1=0N 4 Boa��d 1'o��•ers aild Dt2i,ies . • 4. 1 Pro j ect Locai:.i on. Tlie I�oai,d �uay selecl, and acqtzii e . by ��ul�chase, le�,se, or othcr means ��, �si�;c or si (;es upon �,�h-ich �;lic :f��,cilit�T is to be construc�t-ed or it ma�� acquire e�isti.ng �i'aci_li -ties , oi Uo1;li. h . 2 Const.riici,:ion . `1'l�e T3oa�°c1 ma�- conl;r,aci; 1'0l° 1.lie a.cqu:isit:ion, con.s�,��ucl;i.on , <:incl ccluil�iuent, oi Sucli lacil..it�� ol j'�.ci.].i.t:ies . �I�. 3 ]?�up7 ov�i�er�.i;. 'C'lac ]3a��rd ma5� em��lc��r a direc�i;or �>>d. siich � otl�_cl�• pe�°soils as �.t deems ii�cess��a�•y to o,r�an.iie �L11��� :Iac:i_.l__i_ty �_�n�1 G � � . � ._�. __ —.,.��—.e -.m, ^�n�r��y ��.�.. �1��+���w�,r� ��v 1 ?Qr�.� �...,y o� s ,T -� _v�.-+.rw+ti�+.: w�...4�r� ^'��p�.�„�r'i'�c' i r:�w'";^�q^ s+e-z��^�r , ,....,r� sn .:.�,..Y�sn3^�em .•.+�'�'s'�q�"t-g,..u.`�:nG..,°�°°'�*''�,$v TLS�i;�r "4;�;..5^.,p„ ";lrw,tf'"g�,y.i�., 'R'7+�s 4'.,�^Y +w"�.�,`� °�' ;�.- "^�.,�'�x�l7F� . . �. ' t: . � n�ay emp:lo�r sucl� pe���sor�5 as �Lr•e ri����essarSr t,o o��erat,c �ncl i�����:i_i1�,�ii�i Che iacility or i1; may enLcr =in(,c� coiii,racts `ci1,Ii l�ri.�-aLe org�i�i:i_�a- tions , i�Iie S�af;c ol Tlinrieso Ca or. politic�l sul�c�ti��i_sioiis o� tl�e �� sf;ate fo�° its opei°ation and n�a i.n t;eiia»ce , tapo�:i siicll �;e�°ms a�1d coilcli- tioils as it deems necessary to car. ry oiit its duties ancl 1;he puiposes of this Agreement. 4. �i Conimi�;tees . The }3oard ivay appoi.3lt sucl�i comiiii_i;tees as it dee�iis necessary. Tlle comini i;tees so apl�oii�tecl maSr include non-Boa7d members . 4. 5 R.ules a��.ld Ite�;u]_atic�ns . `1'lie I3oai°d m���r prescribe a�1d. pi omtilgate sticli rul.es and r. egtilations as it deems necessarST oi eapedi_en� to carry out its clui;ies a�lcl t1�e purposes ol tllis Agi eement. The Boa��d �ua5r ria tee schedl.iles at�cl charge any ��ersoii, cor��ora�:ioi1, municipa.lif;y or or��anization. ioi usizib the faci]_ities. 4. 0 Reco�liii�edations . T]Ze l3oa��d maS� reconimencl cliaiiges ii1 � this Agi eement �Lo tlle Pai ticipatiilg Tltiiiici.paliti es . . 4. 7 Gii'i,s; Gz�ants; Loa»s . 'Plie I3oa�°d ma�� acce��t �;if1�s , grants, or loans oi' money or other propei t�T �i om �;11e United S�:ates , �, the State of Minnesoi;a, or �.n;�T persoa� or en�i;ity i'or tlie Z�uiposes ciescribed he�°eiil, may eilt;er into any i�easonable agree�i�en�L requii ed �. in coni�ection thei e���itl�i, ma}T con�ply t�ith an}� la��Ts oi regulations app]_icable tlieret;o , anci �i�ay l:iol.d, tise aild dispose o� st.�cll money or pl opei t:S- i�i accol°dance t��i t,Ii �Llie �Lerms oi' tl�e gi ft, gi an�t, - loan or agreemenl; i elati.iig �,liere�;o . , 1i. 8 Ani�lial Accoi��its and Riid�et. The l3oaid sliall �ual�e a :I'iiiancial accouil�;in.g axid i eport to ii;s Parti.cipa Li.ng T1tzilici- palities in Janiza�°y or Iiel�rtzary oi' eacli ��ea2� ar�c� a7l ol :it;s � l�oolis , l�cl)O1 ts , and i ecords s)���11 l�e a�-ail.able ":foi• a�1d o��e�i t;o e���mi.na�Cion l:>y ii;s 1'ar�,ici.��ai;ing T1�.�ni.c�-��al:it,i.es a�; all a�e�,sonz.�l.�le 1;:i.�n e s. 4 .9 I�'i_nv�ci �:i:l_ T�1ai�ters . Tlie 13oarc� �uay co:llect ai�ici r°eceive mol�c>�s , s�il�ject to tl��> prov:iszo�is of f�,h:is Agrecmcni, , �'��o�u i�ts � , 7 - . _.d._..._.... _ .....�,- _. .,�,,.. -.� _ ._ -..,...4..._.�,-.��.�. -.._,.�=-r,-.��_�,.=-.=�.,� `�'°� -�,. �-�---.o..�..-.v. �,,,� _ �" `w°""""4..�R- r„�'�-��'��',e.,a°±ir""��:�..'*"j'rs.w�F-.,..�n-,��.�':a�E�,� --'"t`'��r;x..:+�"'�,r,�..,.a��:nwac 'M�*"w�•.GF'a. "y�^!°t;��++e..�'.�*SWnc..i��xe�'�S.,ja"�r"�, �a'�a"�.',-.+E�ir..e�.._.�. . -. . � _ . . �< . � , � � 's men�l.�c>>°s ancl f���oni any o tl�c�� solu���es a����ro��c�l by i.hc 1_3c�ar��i ��n<1 ; . i�; may inctir e�perzses aricl �nake ea�l,,e.r�ditt.u�es �iecessary ��.r�cl iiicicieii�.a]_ �tio �;he e�'�ec�;u�,tion o:C Llie pt.irpo�es oi tliis 1lgreemenL. liuzici.s � may be expezided u�� the I3oai°cl in acco�°cla�lce �,�i. (,li pr�ocedla.�°es estal.�lished llerei�.7. Or�ders , cl:iec}cs , a�1d dz�ai'i;s sha]_]_ l�e sig�zed U3� tl3e chaii�ma» ol �Tice-chaii�mari ai�d t11e ti easur. er o�� assi_sta�li� t.reasui°er. Othei° legal. inst��u�nents shal.� be executed on behalf ar t11e Boa��d bSr �;he c��ai.imail anc� secretary. `The act..i�rit:ies o� tl�e Board s)iall be i'ii�ianc�ci by paymez��s of � �;li.e 1'articipatii2g Municil�alities and ai1S� other soui�ce �utliorizecl l�urs�zant• to t�iis Agreement. Prior �o JizlST 1 o:f each S�e�.r, the l3oard shall prepare a proposed ailnual budget foi �(;1ie ne�t enstzing caleiida�° year sho���ing estima�;ed eapenses of oper�.tioii, main.�ena.nce, repair, ca��it,a]_ eapenditures , and est•�_mated incoz�ie froln ��,11 sourccs.. . (o�;he� �;haiz amolznts to be allocateci to Participating Tit�nicipali�t;ies - a�ter tlie l�udget is appro�red) , �,�l�ich budge�; s)ia�1 Ue submit�;ed to i�he Parti_cipatii�; Municipal.ities f'or re�ri.e��T. The Par�;icipai.ing Municipali�l;ies shal.l ins�;ruct �their appointees i;o the l�oard . as to ho�a �o �Tote on the btidret. It �;he �uajority ol the ]3oa��c1 �ro�;es eligible i:o vote on the budgef vote in favor of it, it a -. shall be deeiued appl�oved. If tlie budget c�oes �iot i�eceive a - �I�ajority of stich �Totes , it sliall be r. evised arid i°estzbmi tted i;o tlie Parti_c.il�at;ing rlunicipalities as often as necessaa�y ux�til it l�as received the �equired iiuniber o� vo� es. AL �;lie �;izne oi ��re��aring �he proposed. annua]_ bucl�e�, Llle ]3o�id s1�a11 also � pi epai°e a 1'i��e-y2a�� capi�al e���eilcl:i.t.tiz es l�ttcige�t and progra�ii ���31ich � � sh�ll be sitl.�m:iLted i�o �tl�e Pa�°ti_ci.pa�;irig �ilinic:i ��ali�Lies 1'or � i.�ifo�°mai;i_on aaid plarii�ing purposes only. ° . �t. 10 Cc>>�tract,s . I�To �uciul��r� or cinl�lo��ee oI' t;).�c� l3oar�cl sl��Ll1 i�e d:i_rectl�r oz� i�ndirec�L7_y iiite��estec� iii ai1�r coiitrac�; n��c�e 1���� � � tlte ]3oa�°ci . l���erSr c�onti°a-c-t foi_° t,li�� pui�cl.���.se or sale o:[' mc��cl�tuldise, t�i�� i;e��iaJ.s , or ec��ti.l�meni� 03� _for a»>T l�.i �icl o:C cc�7�s t,i-i�ct,:i c>>1 �ec��^lc . , . . . . . �, ' _��°�` °'_.,=��� --�_"" =""-•...f==!.."'° �'�-�.-_ ---^-�,�,T-�•----'�-�. '�;...A _ °" _ � ��°�"-`��" �"f�"�,'.r,�z°",�^r...,;'.`�. �r�"..�`.`='^_="`� ..,="°'a�'.�"`°"'.,'°'°�'� • #.�.'"uf .� ,.�.rr+�, �ee..::FrM- g...c»,�.hr�-;',:t'�•v�-•. tis�.- .�^^rr-:,..y�.�� , t��.t-:.., t +� a�«A -+ �,:�°`�iF . r .. , . . • � i ,. ur�cle�°�l,al:en 1_���� �:lic �13�a�°�( sliall_ l�e le�; i.n acco�-dance ���ii�,}1 �;l�ie � la���s govei�iii��7 cities oI' �;l�e 1'irs-t class , �i. ]_1. Geaie����l . Tl�e I3oard ma�� �;al�e ��.1]_ sl�cli o�;lle.r actions as are reasoi�al�ly necessai}T to ca��l°y out �;he ��uiposes of �Lhis Agr. eement. ji, l2. Ini l;ial O�,cr�ati.n� r�znds. At or at aiiST �;ime a1'ter tlie i'ii st 13oai d mee�;ing, �;he Board masr l�repare az1 opei a (;ing l�udge�i�, no�L �;o exceecl � , i'or the purpose oi' provictii�g :Ciu7ds to opei°ate tlie Boal°d' s l:�tzsiness until �;he fii st aiiiiiial l�lzdget � has l�eeil prepai ed and a}���roved. The tunds f'o�� s��.ich buclget shall be paia by the Particit�at;ing Munici_pa�ities wi�thin 30 days aS�;ei call of the l3oarct aiicl eacli Participa��=i:1g rluizicipalities ' shar. e sh�ll l�e de�ermined in accordance ���i_�;li the rorinlzla usecl to dei;ermi�le �he capit��l fund co�ltributions by �;he Participai;iilg I�Tunicipalities , as sucl� �ornlula is set �orth in 5ection 5 . 1 . � SECTION 5 , � Finailcirl�; ' 5. 1 Capi_1;�1_ Cos�;s . Foi �lie purpose of provicli_ng sulficieiit funds �o carry out the purposes of tliis Agi�eenienl;, �the capital .costs as !may fi�om �tim.e to i�ime be incui�red (costs of acqu=i.rizig, CO11S�;1"UCtlll� and equipping tl�e �acilities) sl�.all be ap�?or�-ioned Uet���eeiz the Part.icipa�ing Municipalities on the follo�,�ing basis : Oiie-lial� o.f �lze capi�(;al cost�s sliall be apporti.o�ied among ' �;lle Par�icipai;i_n� AZttni_cipalities :in �tlie p��oportioil tliat eacli Pal°ti.cip��,tin� Mt.inici_pa]_:ity' s populal;i.o�1 l�ears i;o the a�grega�:e popiila�;ion of all Paiticipa�Lin� r1�i�lic� p��.lii;ies . I�or tliis purpose the po��ul��t.i_oii ol each Pa�• ti.cipat.�.��g A1tu:lic:il�ali�;yr sh.a.l.l be tlie pol��ulatioil estini�te �nost r•ecent,ly ��tiU.l..i_slicd by tl�e T1e�Lropol.ii,an Cotznc;i_]_ . Oale-h�lli' or �;I�e ca�,:i.t;�.l cosl;s sl�<zl:L l�e ��.����ort;ioiied an�or��, i;l�c Pait7_ci����1;:in� T1ui�ic:i-]:���1if;ies i_n �,l�ze l�r��l�or�l,io�i �(,h�t �ac)i . ' . , - �� � ' . ; � � • ' , w,�.... -- -.a- ,w. -�... ._ � -.. �...,_. -�. ---�- --�-... -�.A—�..�,. --, -�",�-----r�.�..�.....'�_.---�-.—.-.r-..-_� �� :.yT —�.-r. -,�-�--•�.e--•--••-^---••"�r-'.. _ ,�i±3:•�,,,'z"-F¢'yt"q....�e!�' ^•ti°, '°_...c,.�-. � �..a. M-`��MF�., *!tF�.=r�..+"'„'-,•+nr�fi."�'*�":C"��*'u�r^��t».+�^�'� [�.{,a�-,�w , .. wA" ... . _ r�.:�.="�'�"�s+'"�- ....-r -«� --+!ti,w �"t.. '�'�� s. .'�`'�,q�-.'- ;, . . Prit�t:ic;ip��,1,=i_ng i�Iun�icil�a_L��i i;y� ' � r�5se5sed �ralne r,>1' i,���ablf� �°ea]_ proi�cr�t,�r l�eai s �;o tlie a�;tri�e��� i;e a;�sesseci �•��1u�� oi� (,��tal�le z°e�:L_7_ est,ai�e �'or all �Ll�e Par�,.icil��t;ing rliuiic.�:i.l�a.li. t:i.c;s . Su�}� 1'i�ures sl�all be accordi_l�.g to tlic; most recer�t assessecl valizes of slacl� real es�•ate. Suc}7 ��aS�ments sliall be paZTal_�lc� in not moi°c �lian 5 annual instal.l�uen�(;s. �l'he cost to �,ny other munici_pa1:i_t�- Ueconiing a 1'arti_ci.pa�ing � Municipa.l_itSr shall be on a comparal�le l�asis ; tliat i.s , �, Pari;ici.pating rltzrliei��aliL�T' s sllare oj' t.he capi.�l.al csost ���ould be cletei�mi�led as :Collo�,7s: Tlia� perceiit of one-halt' of �L•]le capii;al cost as i.i;s popula�;ion bears to t�he tof,al_ population of a1:1 Partici pa t;znb T1u1��.cipali Lies p_lus that pe�°ce�1t of oz�e-lialf o� �Llie capif;al costs as i_ts assessed valuatioii bears to tl��e tol;al ass�ssed valt.i��. Lion of all the Pari;icipatiilg rllznicipali�;ies ; pi ot-ided , hosvevc�l°, t11a�; tlic� total oi' such amot2nts sli�,ll be l�ayab_le o�ily z�=}.Zil� suc)i muilic�_l�al.ity i.s a Participa�;ing rlunici.l�alit�T and s}�iall be l�ayal�le in ilot more t1���2 5 annual install�nezits , as agreec� upozl b5T tlie Board and tl�.e golTez•ni�ib body o� �)�e prospective Part:icipatin�; �luiiicipality. Iiz �Lhe e�Teiit such municipali�;�r ceases f;o be a Pa���Licipatirig .� rlt�riicipalit.y, i t tvill liave no obli ga,t,ioii t;o malie sucli annual i�zstallmen�t;s . . . � . Each �Li�l�e a nez�� intznici��ality beco�nes a .��artici_pating u�embe��, �Llie ��ro-rata share of the capi.tal cos�s sl.zall be i�ecomputed as tliotig}:i the cosi:s �,e�°e be=i_ii� appor ti.oiied fo1, the :Cirst ti_uie in oider �t,o de�(;erinine each nuta pai tic:i.•pat,ing u�enll�er ' s sl,ai•c. � As a i�esult or a ne��� mt.in.icipal:i_�,�7'.s becoini.ng a mei��l.�er, 1;lie otlicl I'ar�;icip�� tin� rluiiicipal it;ies ' slia.re oj' crii,ital c�os't shotz�.d. 1J(;� Y'P.dt1C(�d.. An a��J�ro��ri.ate k�ort;i.ort of c,ac:J:i aiirii.ia� 1�a���reri�C oi� tl�e nci,� l�ar l,:i.cipat,in� �uerul�er sl���l.l l�e reiinl.�i:�rsed to i;hose P���°{;:i_ci.��atir�� Tltzriic:i }��l.it:ies ci� L:i. l,_l.ed i,c� a do���ii��-ar-d �tclj�zst,inc.�i�i; o:C �(,lie.i.r• shaz�c c�i' c�a1�i�La.l . cos f�,, • � I O _ '��''�^"�r�b'� �1 '°qR�� 1 � '°i� '�a'� ����'�^4� °��r^Y�.."+^# '�d"��'�aRn.'�r+� "� . �ws�r _+����r. /�rYi�r�v� +a�� •�+aT��w4 Y. . �s�awrfw�'• m./y++� - �'*ag'�°'„�,'-^.,^+�•a.;�'--"°'�— '�',�q�. '�----"u�°-;� ;.�ca=�s rr-��"„���-�,r�'�.�:��`�"+�.',—,�.,i",z'a.,,;�s=,�" - -� —�•-_ �w. r �+>. .::.--��St� `:"�qc..+.._r:°,tc . -.�'s'^"`�-.r.r ".ri-ai��;,; .�E,-T'}'u°.'F.i'L,° e�°.'-;�. _ ,, . . �, . � 5 . 2 (31�erai�: in�� E>: ���n5c�s . Ol�ei�ai,i�nr;� rui�l nit�:i.n�(,e���ti.ncc± et����n��s � � sl�i��,l.l be co<<erccl l�}� d:irect cli�.3r•ces, -(;o �i.�i�e oi•�a.ri:ira t:ioris u.s_ing � the ��aciliti�s , includ:i.ilg Part:i c:il�at,ing r�itir�icip�ll:i_�,ies , i�or�- � partici.pating �nunicip�l iti.es , ar�c� otl�ei or•�,ani.iai,i_on;; on �Lhe l�asis of usage, and, i� tlie t;o-tal of sucla cllarges is ��ot sufl'icient i,o co��ei such expenses , the dii'ference sl�all be ���I�orti.oned amoi�� tl�e Participa�i,ii.��, T1i.�.ni_cil_>ali�;:i_es i_r� the ptopori�ion �;liat the "use" 1'ces paid l�y each Pa��t;icip�� l;ir�g rlunicipa:l.i f;y for use of� the �aci.lit,ies dui�ill�; t;I1e �rear slzc}.2 cteCici�;s tivere i.ilc�urre<l bear 1;0 1�1�e to tal fees collec�;ec3 duriilg sl�ch yea�° i�o�� use o:I' t11e faci7_ities l�y all l�ersons . It �vill be �;he I3oarci ' s responi- bili_t�r �;o set up reaso�lable fee scliedules for �he various types of use to co�Ter i,he opei�a i;irig and ma.intenance costs , ��rliich sclledules shall lie less :for Par-t,icipating 1�1tz»icipali ti.es tl�an 1'or othei• users oi' �he i'acili�Lies . . > . 3 I�epoz°ts. The 13oa��d sllall furnisl.i monthly activity � aizd i'i_ilanci_al statemen�t;s �o the participatir�g Municipali�ies � rela,�;i�re to the operai;ion of the facilities , and sl�a]_1 inclucle theieiil sucli reasonable de�;ail as �,l:ic Partici.pa�ting Aluiz`icipalities may requi_i�e. : �. 4 Pa�Ttne�i�(,, Payments by tlie Pai ticipa�;i_i1g Municipaliti.es i;o �1;lie l3oard ioz� �;he purposes coi2t;ai_ned he3�c;in si�.al]_ be viade upon call oi' the Boa�°d iii i,�ril;i�ig made no�; I.ess tllail )0 da3�s in advailce of tlie call da�,e ii1 �,he case, o� l�aymen�;s foi capi tal cost-s and not less tlian 30 d��ys in ad��aaice in tlie ca.se ot all. otlzer necessary pa��ments. SI�CT]:0\ 6 �� � - Dtt�•a t::i_ai1 � � � Tlie I3oai,d sllall be o:C conti_�lt�i�.1g � dtz�,ai.;i_o�1 1'�7, as loi�g as � tl�c��°c ai�e t�,ro or mo����� P�r-Li_cil�al,in�; r9i.an:ic� pali�(;ies .� �tirithd�x�a;aa:l. . 01' aa►>> P�Zrt,i.c:i.l�ai,in�; Tlunici�,a]__i 1,�� a1; t,l�e c.a�ci c�:(' ai��r <,�tlenci�.17• ��c�a.i� m�ty l�c� <tcc.o�n��:l� sl�c�c� l>>> j':i.l :i>>rr; �,�r'.i. t Leii iic� l,i ci� ��';i (,li �,l�c� . - . . - . ]3«�ir�i ��ir•.i ��i- �i,o Sc�� l�e►ul�et° 1 o�t' �i,li<z.i�, ��ca�1•, ���.i ��.� nt!; >>����i� i,c�c ��,1' .r,�i i,)i- � � � � � � I :l . _._,_.�,. :. ,,,.,, _ _ ,._., _r____ _ ......,.,_._.w..� �,-_._.__� -.. �,- .._ty.��°"�-'".`� .� `""'?"'""':"�'�"_"'_.�_� .-,�-�--�•—.,��'�v'....� �+a,'�^'--w�T��?.,.-:--- ..,6�""'�g-"-r �:�.:cv .exww.:y�,„ '�.-xr�"� rx _ :"'� i '�.a _ i . .a .�.�'"�.� r.�� r.FS-y.. , _ . , � � , � .: cl����,�al at tl�e e��d of t.lte �-e,:�.�° . T�lenil�ez sl�ii�� sli�i:L�t <zls�� l�e i;e7���mi_n��.tccl u.l>on the i'ailure to pa5� amounLs i�c�.qt.i:ired �hercuil�lei� :f'or• a I:�ex�•_i.od. of one year. Ii a Paiti_ci��ai�ing ATi:ui:ici��ali_�,y ti,�ithd�-�at�rs 1'��om the 13oarci befa.re dissolu�i,ioil 01' the }3oa�°c1 , oi, if b�T r�eason. of defai.i]_t in paymenl;s rec�ui.recl i;o be made to �;he T3oard tlze meml�ei— ship of' tilc ivt�nicipali ty is auto�na Lica1J_y tex-uii_nai.ecl , slich muilici.pality slial7_ Y�ave no clai_�n �,o Llle asset.s of tl�e l3oard e�cc>p t as specif ied in p�o��isions o:f Section 7 . STCT10�? 7 Disso]_ut:i.on , T1.Ze Board sJiall be dissolved unclei either o:f �t,}le :follo�ving condi�;io�ls : l . Upon �the unaniTiious a�;reement o:� al_l Pai��;ici_pa�ting T'Iunici_palities , or, 2. UZ�on t)Ze member•sl�ip of tl.ie I3oarci l�eizlg ��edizced to less than �;�.To l?arti.ca.pa.t.in� A1tzn:icipal_iti_es . Upon dissolution, all pz•opei t,y of i�tie 13oa��d sllall_ l�e sold and. tl�e proceecis thereo:f , togethel, ���i_th i�toneys on li�rid after �a�Tment of all. oUl.igations , sliall be dist;ril�u-1,cd. Sucli di_s- � tril�utio�l of I3oard asse�(;s shall be macle in praportion to the to�.a1 contribuf;i ons to the l3oai�d for capi�;al costs � n;ad.e by a11 past or pzesent Partici13at:i_rig TTu.nic_ipali.t;ies. � src2�lo�T � �, Ame�ld�neril, � • This A�reeinen�t �uay l�e aniended b5� uiza,ni_nious agree�neilt of. tl�ie Par�;:i_cipat,i�.lg A7�.i�iic:i��a]_i_t,ies. A�neiidnl�ni;s sh��7.7_ �l�e e��:idenced b3� ap}�1°o��3r� ate ��esoltiti_ons of tlic go�-erni.n�; boclies o1' ea.cli � o:i` t;l►e 1'al,ticipat:ia�g Tlitriic.� i.pa].it�.es �i]_ed �, i tli �t}ie 13o�.r�d arid. � slia)..1. , :il rio el�'ec�l�,ive d�,i;e i s co��� i;�ined iil �i:l�e aule>>cinic?�l�t, . l�ecolu�� ef.f'ect,_i_ve �:is o:f' i;l��e da�Le a] 1. stic]► :f i ) :i r���;� l��a.��e l�c±cia � c;c�m��1 c Lec3 . � . . � _ . . � `, . "t"' ._--^`---...-=.�.- ._.-���--:,. =.`...=-� �.._ ---r.•-�--s-••- ,�-,-°•� ""° ._.__-.°--�--�-,---°-T.�..�,; `��' �.-, _� -- _- 'r..�°„^=^x., :.,-��.°;�';".'}` ,.�.�-�"`�•°--".,i•=+�*- x...+z^.�"�+rc-,�,,.a,r.�..-+F;...��.;� ,. .�.:;"�RF'�t ,-.-�e,.��- �'?a 'v±" _ "'3.F'S+�r-:,:a^^ a-w� ""�..'_.,..�?3�;i ":✓,.a-+c'�a:: , ,..m, -,.,w-sRC , ^ . � � � , • � I:R 1�'l_"l'�I;SS Tti'Itl�_;l�l.?U1�, i;Jle 1��.rties l�ie��e t�� ll��vc ���ecta i.ed 1.}�i<; A.grc�ement as o� tlie �da�r �.n�� year i`i.rst abo��e t��ritten. CITY Olj' :�iIIv1�?I;APOLIS A��p�°o�-ed as to :forni azid ].egality �y c�. �y l�t��1-����T �_�;s ���a l�,s A11a Its C1T�' OF SA7=NT P!�UL Appi oved as �t;o form and legalii;y l3y - TI�3-o i Assis�,ant Corporation �ou�lsel Cit�r Clerl� . Cornmissioriei of I'ul�li� Safety � . Countersigiled: : City Co�vp tr•oller or�� Appro��ed as to forn� a�.Id legality . ���� . Its Atto�°i1e}T AiZd I i;s . And - lts I ; -�..�.0..-4. --- ...�,.- -� .�,,.- ._ -.,..- _... -.��.�._.�,� �.. -.�..�. _..��.,.. �._.±.-.�..-.-�--�--.--.�,��-...,..�"'.-.�.� � -�.,. ....� --.�--� --�- . -._ ^r"v'k°.-�:'�;"^":�°"...iy..�r'°�a"�, ._,. _ ,�. , w�;,�. n„�---•�,'��-m;.�r�, �rc,�.. snx ±++4��a^�."g„ �_y�'n�,�--;,•.:-.r.,� 7�wym!;::-a�'�^- ;� s€,�.,�.�,-,� =�tcm,��.tassar.�;�. . ,g'. ... : . _.�.>,^K'+T'"o�"'�'"�;.'.�►'�-,."s-x?i�'7' "3.;�.-r'�9 ��ym - . "i - _