253468 ORIGINAL�'O CITY CLBRK �l� CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL N0. � �' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF W'�AS, t has been found necessar�r to change, modif�r and am�ead certain pmrtioas of' �the Pl�,ns and SpeeiS'3.cation� heretofare ap�prcrved Por the prvposed Repa3rs a�d Painting of the Wabasha �tr�et Bridge cyv�er the Mis�issippi River aa approv�d March 23, 1971, bq Connc3l ResaltYtion No• 253202; nc�x, therefore, upon the rec�aendation oY the Com�i.ssioner oP Pablic Works, be it � RESOLVED, That the Plaas sad Specif3.catioass for the above n�d improvement, as approved by t]se Co�ncil, be and. tl� same hereby changed, modified and amended in accardance tirlth Addend�n �to. l, �thich is attached te ead ma,de part of this Resolutiom and. of th�e afore�reat3oned Plans and Specifica,tirans; and that f`a�rther� all interested parties be nc�ti�i�d of this Addendma. � � .., _. . . ,� ! ;. L •.j` ) APR ? 19�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays °�� A e��PR ? i971 19� Carlson Levine Favor Meredith Sprafka ✓ � A gainst Tedesco � Mr. President, McCarty . 0 197� ����D AP R 1 � C ITY OF ST. PAUL �"�L��� � � DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Repairs and Painting of the WABASHA ST. BRIDGE N0. 6524 over Mississippi River (Pro�ect B-1002 S.A.P. 64-235-01 M.T.B.) Ap�il 7, 1971 ADDE1dDUM N0. 1 Refer to Special Provisions, Page 1 oP 1 (Proposal Form). �Add the following Froposal Item. "402.801 F�rnish and Place Rocker Pins One (1) Lump Sum" Refer to Plan Sheet No. 2 oP 3 of the Design Plans ' Substitute the existing plan sheet No. 2 of 3 with the revised plan sheet No. 2 of 3 dated April 7, 1971. Refer to Division "B" of Special Requirements Add the follawing paragraph: . "B-10 FURNISH AND PLACE ROCKER PINS" This work shall consist of removing the existirig pins and ftiirnish- ing and placing three rocker pins at pier No. 3, as showa on the � revised plan sheet No. 2 oP 3, dated April 7, 1971, in accordance with M.H.D. 2402, M.H.D. 2433 and M.H.D. 2471, except as modified ' belvw. B-10.1 Driv3ng nuts and pilot nuts shall be used during the • replacement of the pins. The Contractor shall submit his method of removing the existing pins a.nd placing , the new pins, along with any necessary drawings to the - City of St. Paul Brid�e Engineer Por his approval prior . to carrying out this work. B-10.2 The plans oP the existing brid�e are available for • examination in the office of the City Bridge Engineer. For the Contractor's information, it is estimated that the dead load Weight of the truss on each rocker pin is 150 tons. o��,�,�,�M,N,� 25346 CITY OF ST. PAUL F�uNC�� N� • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .�es�o e�r COMMISSIONfR �ATE 1i�IB f 3't h1�� Dtla lar�d O�c��rs�r *O al�m�,� ao'd�l�r' a�d +�rad arr�a�,a poar��e a� �e P�as � �p�eail���e 1Ms�t+ddr� �o�ed !�' tt�t peo9o��d �Mpatrs +p�d �i� v� t�r M� � � v� '�t 11�+�ai�rr�d ai�rrtr �t a�a�nrd 1i�ra�► 23: �971� tr� �1 �to3�►iat �b� a�3�3 �o�►, �lrr�etoar�, q� '�hr rtcc�rx�a#ia�n +r,�' 'wM Oo�aiNi+owMr tt�t �lb3,ic i�k�rlu�, b* it �� '�. lilM !'1�uRS �id 8pla�i�,ae��r► i� � #�N�lAi ��Ild la��: as � b7► �t �nail, � �rd f�► s� �' c��d� aodi!l�MK �d a�d i� �a�olt riWt � �+. li '�dch �� st#w►al�el,l to erd a�r p� c� f�is �sol�#au �a�Q os �t �lmt�i�rd $�n� �d '�r ,11l�n�s«; '� t�t lbr�twr, aL1. ia�r+��sd �es bt noA�Sti�d � � � �, COUNCIL�dEN Adopted by the Counc>> 19.�. Yeae Nays . �.-. APR 'T �97� Carlson � Approv� 19� Levine T� Favor Meredith ,Sprafka �'� Mayor AggjIIgt Tedeaco Mr. President, McCarty �� i . „ CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Re�airs and Painting of the WABASHA ST. BRIDGE N0. 6524 over � Mississippi River (Pro�ect B-1002 S.A.P. 64-235-01 M.T.B.) Ap�il 7, 1971 ADDENDUM N0. 1 Refer to S»ecial Provisions, Page 1 of 1 (Proposal Form). �Add the following Proposal Item. "402.801 Furnish and Place Rocker Pins One (1) Lump Sum" Refer to Plan Sheet No. 2 oP 3 of the Design Plans Substitute the existing plaa sheet Ro. 2 of 3 with the revised plan sheet No. 2 of 3 dated April 7, 1971. RePer to Division "B" of Special Requirements Add the follawing paragraph: . "B-10 FURNISH AND PLACE ROCKER PINS" This work shall consist of removing the existirig pins and furnish- ing and placing three rocker pins at pier No. 3, as shoxn on the � revised plan sheet No. 2 of 3, dated April 7, 1971, in accordance with M.H.D. 2�+02, M.H.D. 2433 and M.H.D. 2471, except as modified ' be la►r. . B-10.1 Driving nuts and pilot nuts shall be used during the � replacement oP the pins. The Contractor shall submit his method of removing the existing pins and placing the new pins, along with any necessary drawings to the - � City of St. Paul Bridge Engineer for his approval prior . to carrying out this work. B-10.2 The plans of the existing bridge are available for • examination in the oFfice of the City Bridge Engineer. For the Contractor's information, it is estimated that the dead load Weight of the truss on each rocker pin is 150 tons.