253442 OR161NAL TO CITY CLBRK ������� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa �°' O FICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COU IL RES U N—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONE ATF RES4LVEA� That the Council hereby concurs in the a,ward of the Purchasing Cc�m3.ttee and hereby awards contract for flzrnishin� and deliver3n� TWfl (2) TRUCKS WITH D�J�.' B�XES (ZN'TF�RNATTONAL MODEL 1b00 TRUCKS WTT�i GAR WOOD BOI1Y AND HOTST) tb t3�e Departament of Publie Works� Mt�.eip�l Equ�pment, 891 North Da,le Street� uaint Paul� Minnesota to TNTERPTATTONAL HARVES2'ER CC'�KPANY for the total cost of $10�149.90� (less trade-in allowance f�o.r one (1) 1964 Ford Dump �ruck and one (1) 1963 Tnternational Dwaap Truck at $650.00 each)� in accordance with bid specifications therefor and th� Formal Bid #4486 of said bidder� sueh bid bein� �he lowest meetin� specif'�.cations. F. B. #448b Req'n 0521 Cocle: ]22(� 35� ��� APPRC�VED AS TO FORM: APPRWED: �tJRCI�SING Cf�+MITTEE t _ ;% � ,�„�-�' � . � � ��� � y r-' CORPORATION S�EI, COMPTRDI�LLER � � � PURCHASIN GEt�T APR 61971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19—. Yeas Nays �-� PR 6197';� Caxlson Appro 19� Levine �n Favor Meredith Sprafka t/ Against Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty AP R 10 1971 3/25/71/Pranke/jo ���� .� ��