253433 HFt161NAL TO CITY CLHRK `
RE50LVED, That the ouncil hereby ratifies and approves the
action of the 5aint Pau1 Board of Appeals and Review for the
Housing, Building and Fire Prevention Codes at its meeting of
March 10 , 1971, pertaining to the property located at
116 West Blair Ave. , owned by Daniel Lewandowski, and described as :
West 1/2 of Lot 10 , Block 2, Fletcher's
5ubdivision of Brewster`s Addition;
granting an extension of time until Ju1y l, 1971 to ensure the
proper operation of the cesspool on a year-round basis , and
to install a hot water heater, a toilet and a sink; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the following requirements of the
Saint Paul Legislative Code be waived until such time as the
property located at 116 West Slai.�- Ave. be sold or any other
right, title or interest be transferred at which time said
waiver be nullifi.ed:
1. Install at least one additiona.l electrical o�tlet
in the kitchen.
2. Install a tub or shower in the bathroom.
� 3. Remo�e the outside privy.
-� 4. Install a sufficient number of electrical outlets
U in the basement.
� � 5. Repair the roof and cornice on the house.
^, � `_' 6 . Repair and paint the trim on the house.
� � ` 7. Remove the dilapidated shed at the rear of the property.
�- � 8. Repair and cl.ean the wood shed at the rear of the house.
� 9 . Pile all wood in the yard at least eighteen inches off
5 � the ground.
� 10 . Clean up all rubbish from the lot east of 114 Blair
and remove the dilapidated garage on this lot;
and be it
FINALLY RESOLVED, That the City Clerk is hereby authorized
and directed to transmit a copy of this resolution to the Ramsey
County Register of Deeds : APR 6 �97�
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19�
Yeaa Naya
� , A � APR 6 197� 19—
Carlson f
Levine ��n Favor
Meredith - �
Sprafka (, yor
A gainst
Tedesco Q �971
Mr. President, McCarty pUBLISHED --
. i
��r�,w�,��R,� 253433
RESOLVED, That the Council hereby ratifies and approves the
action o! the 3aint Paul Board of Appeais and Review for the
Housing, Building an8 Fire Prevention Codes at its meeting of
Marah 10, 1971, pertaining to the property lxated at
116 West Blatr Ave. , o�wned by` Daniel Lewand�ski, and described as:
West 1/2 of Lot 10, Bloak 2, Fletaher's
Subdivision of Brewster's Addition;
grantinq an e�ctension o� time until July 1, 1971 to ensure the
proper operation of the cesspool on a year-round basis, and
to install a hot water h�ater, a. toilet and a sink= an8 be it
FURTHER RE�OLVED, That the follawinq requirements of the
Saint Paul Legislative Code be waiv�d until auah time as the
property located at 116 West Bla�,t Ave. be sold or any other
right, title or interest be tranaferred at which time said
waiver be nullif��d:
1. Install at leaat one additional elect.tical outlet
in the kitchen.
2. Install a tub or shawer in the �bathrqo�n.
3. Remove the outside privy.
4. Install a sufficient number of eleatrical outlets
in the b�sement.
5. Repair the roof and eornice on the house.
6. Repair and paint the trim an the house.
7. Remove the di�apidated shed at the rear of the property.
8. Repair and clean the wood shed at the rear o! th• house.
9. Pile all w+�od in the yard st least eiqhtean inahes off
the ground.
10. Clean up a7.1 rubbieh from� tha lot eaat of 114 Blair
and remove the dilapidateck qaraqe on thia lots
and be it
' F=NALLY RESOLVED, That the City Clerk is hereby authoria�d
and direct�d to transmit a aopy of thfs resolution ta the Ramsey
County Reqister of Deeds.
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Cot�*+� ��R S ��9—
Y� Na,� A� 61971
Carlson Apprnv� 19_
�°�e � Tn Favor
� ��
Sprafka Againat
Mr. President, McCarty
. �
. • � - - ' � �
Countq of Ramaey se.
� Harx'�!.E�._Marshalla------------------•-------...._..City Clerk
� I+-----------------•-------••-
� of the Citq of Saint Paul, Minnesota do hereby certify that I have
� compared the attached copy of Council File No......2���3�._....................
as adopted by the City Council-------•---..AP.r�:_.6x----------------------19-•-n---•----
'� A ril 6
e�- and approved by the Mayor-----------------------P.-----------�..........---------...19..�:.--•----
� with the original thereof on flle in my o8ice.
� �
�` ----------------------------------------------•-------.._..--••----------•--•------.._..---•-•-•------------.....--------•---..__.....--
� ---•----•--------------•-•---•---•-.._..--•---•-------•--------•----.._...._..---•--------..._._.............._...------•----•-----•----
.�i'c ---------------------------------•-----._....------------------........----------...---....-•------------......-----------------•----...
►� ----------------------------•--------•----••--•-----------•--------...........---•-------•-•-•---------------•--..._..--------------•---
� ---------------------------•----•--------------•---•-------------......--------------------------------•----------.....---------------..
�_,� --------------------------•--..._._...----- --------..._.._....--------------------•-----....--------._...-----•----._..._....----..
� -------------------------------------•-•----------------.................-------------------....--------.._.............---._....---....
� ................... ..•------•------------------...----..._.._....-----------------------... ...---......-----------------------
�" � �;� F�°�" ��' ` re' I further certify that said copy is a true and correct copy of
` ssid original and the whole thereof.
�' WITNESS my hand and the seal of the City of Saint Paul,Minn.,
, ,
thie......��..................day of....._...-- ---•---�ril�._..-----------•----A 1 �1•...
� O - ---._ �. .--•----------• --......
-• ---- . . ...... ............. ._...
Citq C erk.
. .
� E y_—,. .,..'
C�sRIGh2AL TO CITY CLERK � c�ti� '� '.
� " C1T'�` C�€= �3'. ��eUE. Fo�wci� I`�C,7. S~� �
' C�rflC� Q"r €�� CiTY ������C
C�OUN�pL RES�Lt�TC��!—G�NCE:.�L Fc�Riv1
���.� �
PRESENTED 6Y ,!1���.� -y,�„��{� >. �t' '�,�f��'„���
COt�!MISSfONER �fw�,��,�_„�,�_����� te;•+ �r`�"� _DATE--
RESOLVED, That the �ouncil hereby ratifi�s and approves the
action of the Saint Pau1 Board of nppeals and Review for the
Housing, Buildirig and Fire Prevention Codes at its meetin,g of
March 10 , 1971, pertaining to the property located at
116 West Blair Ave . , owned by Dan.iel Lewandowski, and described as :
West 1/2 of Lot 10 , Bloc}c 2 , Fletcher`s
5ubdivision o:E Brewster's Addition;
� granting an extension ot time until July 1, 1971 to ensure the
c-i proper operation of the cesspool on a year°round basis, and
� to install a hot water heater, a toilet and a sink; and be it
�" I'ZiF�`I'i1E i I�i;50J.�V L' JJ� llld l. �i1c i:v�_iG'vTi'_1� Y'GGiLilremer.ts Of ��':�
�` 5aint Paul Legislative Code be waived until such time as the
� property locatec� at ll6 West Blai�� Av� . be sold or any other
oright, title or interest be transferred at which time said
� waiver be nullified:
1. Install at least one addition.al electrical outlet
in the kitchen.
2. znstall a tub or sho��er in the bathroom.
-�,\ ��� 3. Remo�re the outs ide privy.
" • =; 4 . Ins�tall a sufficient n,umber of electrical outlets
_ �,� :`_' in the basement.
� � , 5. R�pair the roof and cornice on the house. _
�� �' == 6 . Repair and paint the trim on the house .
`�`=�' � ' ` 7. Remove the dilapidated shed at the rear of the property.
. �,
�%-� �` 8 . Repair anc� C1ean the wood shed at the rear of the house .
<,, C�
9 . Pile al1 wood in. the yard at least eighteen inches off
� ij �; the ground.
! � 10 . Clean� up al1 rubbish from the lot east of 114� Blair
and remove the dil.apidated garage on th:is lot;
and be it � � �
F�NALLY RESOLVED, That the City Clerk is hereby authorized
and directed to transmit a copy of this resolution to the Ramsey
County Register of Deeds . �p� � ����
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19�
Yeas Nays �
� � ��- �PR � � s��
Carison ` � A��r�d 19—
„"'"f .."°•,,. «��,- ,.�...,�r,a,,,�,.
Levine ..�---� `'� �"' �
Tn Favor °�° � � ���
"'b',,�,,� -,�r�,�
Spra.fica (, � ��Yor
7'edesca - Against �
Mr. President, McCarty '''a�
�pri1 7, 13 t�.
Hc�n. �c7�ez�� G�.'bb�ns
�:r�nse,y County �Regist�r a�` �ed.�
Court ��.�tzs�
liear �3.r;
Tkie City Cc�unc3.1. directeel �z� tca �end y�,u the �.ttacllecz co,Py oj':'
Council r'il� ?53�+33s ��opted �pril 6� 1971� wa1v��.�� cer�ta�.za
r�qua.re�ents of �he Le�isl.�,tive Coc�e �e.r.t�.�.nin�; tc� p�°opert;� �t
116 '�,'. �31air �.ve.,� unt3.1. $u;� tim� �,s thc� propert�r be sold dr
ar�t ath�� ri�ht' ti�Ie or interest be trt��t'err�c2, at w�tieh
tizne said waiver b� nu113.�iec�� rn� mar�: i"u.11y described in the
Vex•y truly yours,
t;i�y Cl�rk