253426 �`� ���� , ` - 25342s : . , . FINAL ORDER �OUNCIL FILE NO.� By File No s�� In the Matter of r.�,owrtt�.�,� ti� slEiwalt �t betl� ��t � �r�t O�e+�r Ms1�rN !x'+� i�isi�i M�w �s � �w�ae rut � Mit� �2! etl�s w�lc �i !s t�s- � as�r ai la�a�til e� aw�'t+� isi�i i�+�r��l�t� _ . under Preliminary Order- 252334 approved 3a■rar� 27, 2!'�1 Intermediarq Order approvPd , A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully conaidered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is t� t�rts�et dr ai�t1� � i�rti �t�irs! 1fo�t Crsw Mr�ci ts� � iar�rs !o � 1�s ad Ir� i�f� a!� atY�s w� rkl�cY is � aw�i ft�i- iitat t�s �a � f�eo�t, � i�s+r pM aM s�tieia�t �nrd si�- tM�llts fe�t �iK,'� and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHEft, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and clirected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city oflicials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. � APR 61.8� COUNCILMEN U �`� Adopted by the Councit �11T1 rn \ Yeas ��Nays CARLSON Approv LEV{NE � � P,"+.__.R�DITH S N RA FKA Tn Favor rEO�sca ''° McCARTY � T� C�T� APR 10 1971 AroA1I1$t PLi7��Oi1ri� \ 8.1 * Dist. No. 2 . - '� ' �- . � B.S. Mt. Curve Blvd. - Raadolph Ave. to Jefferson Ave. f�Z� �J���` ' � ���J �� OFFICE OF TAE C�Ml4ISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORRS s _ Y� y,�- REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ;. _:� � �^` ^�4 , :� ,,` � 5� ' `�� � �L� �r�'' 9 �o� i�� �� To the Coaimissioner of Finance of the City of Sto Paulo The Commissioner of Public Works, having had uncier consideration the preliminary order of the Council knowa as Council File No. 252152 approved Januarv 27th. 19 71 relative to reconstructine the sidewalk on both sides of Mt. Curve Blvd. from Randoluh Ave. to Jefferson Ave. and bv doins all other work which is necessarv and incidental to co��lete ,�aid imurovement. and having investigated the matters and thinge referred to therein, hereby reportaa lo The estimated cost thereof is $4.40 per lin. ft, for standard sidewalk 5 ft, wide aad $5.30 per lin. fto for atandard sidewalk 6 fto wicleo 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part thereofo 3. Inftiated by the Commnissioner of Public Works g 4o Improvement is asked for upon petition �03,1 ¢S6� . �'�.� FEB 19n � Commissioner of Public Worka '� 'O ti � ca _... N DFP�: � � �,: 4� �2���0� � � �9�y� Z6t8