253418 OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK �53�1�
PRESENTED BY �� 9pri1 6� 1971
RESOLVEDs That�pl3�ation for the transfer of On Sa7.e I,iquor License issued to the
St. Paul Hotel Co. at 339 Wabasha Str�et to the 803 Development Co. ( a
corporation� at the same address and their application for Sunday-On-Sale
I,iquor� Hot�l (296� Rooms rnd Tavern Licenses at the same addr�as be and tht
same are hereby granted on the eonclition that withi� _l�days of thi�s
date said 803 Development Co. (a aorporation) shall comply with all
requirements of the Bureaus of Fire� Health, and Police�and the Licen�ss
Inspeator pursuant to the St. Paul Legislative Code and all ot�er applicable
ordinances and laws.
APR 6191�
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19—
Yeas rTaya APR 6197�
Carlson � 19r
Levine Tn Favor �
Meredith ---"`
Sprafka V
Tedesco A 8ainst
APR 101971
Mr. President, McCarty ��j��� �
' CITY O�' SAI1�.T PAUL � ��1�t
" Capital of Minnesota � o; , � �
.,��� ���
eLJe artrnevct o u��'c �a et .���
p � ,�,� ���
ADMINIBTRATION Tenth and blinnesota Streets �'�� FIRE PROTECTION
roi.[cs DEAN MER.EDITH,Commiseioner H�ALTa
RALPH G.MEHRILL,Dsyaty Commissfoner
DANIEL P.MeLAUGHLIN,Lteense Iaspector
April 6, 1971
Honorable Mayor and City Council
Saint Paul, Minnesota
Gentlemen and Madam:
The new owner-corporations and applicantss are �oined b3�
the present owner-corporations and licenseee ir� making the following
applications for tranafer of licenses and new miscellaneoue licenses
ae follows.
St. Paul Hotel Co.
d/b/�, Hotel St. Paul
�63 St. Peter Street
Transfer of On Sale Liquor License No. 7834 and Sunday-On
Sale Liquor License No. 9178, both expiring Januaxy 31, 1972, from
the licensee, St. Paul Hotel Co. at 363 st. Peter Street to the
applieant eorporation, 803 Development Co. (a corporation) at the
same address. The 803 Development Co. also makess application for
Hotel (400 Rooms), Tavern, and Catering Licenses for the same address.
This application is made as effectine May 1, 1971 and they
will continue to operat� the hotel as Hotel St. Paul.
St. Pau1 Hotel Co.
d/b�a Lowry Hotel (Not in operation at the present time)
339 W�basha Street
Transfer of On Sale Liquor Lic�nse No. 7954r expirin�
January 31, 1972 from the licensee, St. Paul Hotel Co. at 339 Wabasha
Street to the applicant corporation, 803 Development Co. (a corporation)
at the same address. The 80� Development Co. also makee application
for Sunday-On-Sale Liquor, Hotel (296 Rooms� and Tavern Licensea for
the same addrees.
This application is made as effective April 1� i971 and th�y
will continue to operate the hotel as the Lowry Hotel.
- s
The sole officer of 803 Development Co, (a Qorpo�ation)
is Robert E. Short hold3ng the offices of President and Treasurer.
He is also the sole stoekholder of the corporation.
Jarmmin & B�11, Inc.
1906 Stillwater Avenue
(Not in operation at the present time)
Transfer of Of� Sale Liquor Lic�nse No. �464, expiri.ng
January 31, 1972 from the licensees, Jaxomin & Bell, Ine. at 1906
Stillwater Avenue to the 803 Properties Co. (a corporation at
333 w�,basha Street which is on the West side of the 8treet at the
intersection of Fourth Street, or the northwest corner o� Wabasha
and Fourth Streets.
The 803 Propertiee Co. also ma,kea application for
Foodstuff-Original Container, Off Sale Malt Beverage and Ci�arette
Licenses for the same location.
This is a new type of busineas for this location. It was
licensed as a drug store from1923 to 1957 when the laat licensee,
Walgreen Co. holding the licenaes from 1926 to 1957, went out of
The sole officer of 803 Propertiea Co. (a corporation)
is Robert E. S hort holding the officee of President and Trea�urer.
He is also the sole atockholder of the Qorporation.
Attached are eopies of the corporations informal
applications and supportin� papers.
Very truly yotare,
��.,� ��.� �:,
Licer�se Iaspector
_ . . r�:Y�'.. ��.
' � �6"��
� �
:. ,�
f�oT�l �
• Telephone Area Code f,12 • 222-4114
� Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
� - - �: �,.__-��7 2'i, , � ��,�, : :
% The F,i•ecutive Offices
April 2, 1971
Honorable Council
City of Saint Paul
Court House
Saint Paul , Minnesota 55102
The St. Paul Hotel Company hereby requests that
you transfer the On Sale Liquor License for the
premises commonly known as the Hotel St. Paul to
803 Development Co. , effective May l , 1971 .
Very truly yours ,
� ��) ,�,`7
BY;' �z y�-��- �s'%- - .�`,
�( I ts Secre*tary-Tr�as rer
. . �
�ta �9�
1. �ppliaa�ion �or Li uor License Lia�n�e
2. Name of applicant
3. Busines� address �� pR� ��tQ� �esidence
4. Trsde name, iP any
5, Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp�Retail Liquor �ederal Tax Stamp��wi,11 be ueed.
6. ±� what floor looated fi�gt Number of roomis uaed
`7. Between what aroas streeta �,���rth R, �ifth Which ��de of atreet WeSt
8. Are premises now oacupied_��'Hlha� business ���.��, � Ho�,r loug
9. Are premises now unoc�aupied�_Haw long vaeant Previous Uae �
10. Are �rou a new ov�mer�_Have you been in a similar businesa before Y8S
VPhere A�iAOiljitil3�S �flhen cin�e 1 AF�i
11, Are you going to operate thia buainess personally ye8 t
If not, w3�o w�ll operate it
12, Ars y�u in sny other business at the presen� tim� Ypy�
13. Have there been any aomplaints againat youx operation of this type of pl.ace Na
�flhen �here
14. I3ave you ever had any lioense revoked N� yPhat reason and date
15. 8re you a citizen of the United States yeS Native Natural�:zed
16. where vu�sre you born Minneapoiis Date of birEh Sept. 1917
, ���
17. I am married. My (wife's� (husband'a) name and addresa is iOri Sh02't
18. (IP marra.ed female) my m�iden xu�me is
19. How long have you lived in. St. Paul
20. Heve you evrer been arreated NO Viulation of what oraminal law or ordirianoe
21. Are you a registered voter in the City of �t. Paul Yes � No•
.._. .
(Anawer full�r and aomple�ely. These a lications are thofiou hl oheoked aad an
falaification wi11 be oausa for denial.
` , .
22. Number of 3.2 places �rithin two blocks �
23, Closest 3ntoxicating liquor p7,ace. �Jn. Sals I,�ry t3ff Sa1e MOUdr'y
24, Nearest Church A$��Dtion �tea�st school. __ Assur�,�tion ,,,_
25. Number of booths Tables Chairs Stools
26. What occupation have vou followed for the pa,st five Srears. (Give names of' emp7.oyers
and date s s o emplo�red.�
Hotel erator and baseball tearn awner
2l, Give names and addreeses of t�ro peraone, residents of St. Pau1, llQinn., who cax� giv9s
information concerning you.
rlame doseph J. Dudley Address_W-12E0 First National Bank Building
Name Honorable Harold Schultz ,�aarss� Court House
Signature o App iean ''
Sta te of Minne s ota�
County of Ramsey )
_ ROb@� E. S�iQ2't being first duly sworn, deppses and says
upon oath that he has reac�the foregoing statement bearing his signature and l�,ows
the contents thereof, and tt�at the same is true of' Yhis awn knowledge except aa tm
those m�ttera therein statod upon inf'ormation and belief and as to those mattera
he bel�ieves them to ba t�?!e,
Signature af Applieant
Subscribed and sworn ta before me
this� day of � � 19`�
Nota 1 c, Ramse snn sota
JO`�F^H J. D!'r��_E
M� C 'S91oY1 67cplt'9S ; Rums�:�r County, Minn.
� ! , 1974.
My Commission Expi��s ov.
(Note a These statement forms are in duplicate. Both copies must be flzlly filled out,
notarized, and returned to the License Division.�r
� Ft�R
Res _�_Sale �.,/ � � o (Z License
l�ame of a pplican� � p���t�� ��
Business address ���� ��e�
Are you the sole owner af this business?��g IP not, is it a par�nership?
corporation? �y�s , other4
�thers interested in business, includs those by loan of money, property or otherwises
Name None Addre s s Ho�v
If a corporation, give its nar�.e. 80S D�eveloprnent Co. •
- �
Are you interested in any way in any other retail beer or liquor business? xeS
As sole o�mer? YeS PArtner? Stockholder?
Otherwise? (Through lo�n of money, etc. Explain�
Address of such business and nature of interes� in sams T Arr•9nr�}�;j�(�{p]� Fx'RYIC��
8� D� : ,
_ �.. , � ,
_�� , /L,�_�_.......
<.-.-. .S-i ��ture � app ican
State of briinne s ota�
County of Ramsey �
Robert E. Sh01't being first duly swc�rn, deposes and says upon oath
that he has read the foregoing a fid�vit bearin� his aignature and knows the oontenta
thereof; that the same is true of his avan l�.ovrledge, except as to those xna�ters therein
stated upon information and belief and as to -those matters he �elieves them to be trtze.
843.�E�E �NT�." l: _._-_
.,,... � - �
S.� ture pplican - -•-
Subscribe�and swo to before me
this 2 �``� day of�{,�,�� 19�_
N r ublic, Cuun y, innesota
My oommisaion expires JOSEPH J. DU�@EY
Notary Pub!i� �.r�^��,;� Co���ty, Minn.
1�!!�• , - ;, ' , ' �1.
s�� � a�rn�sa�
�Q a„�� �� being firat duly av�orn, doth depoae
and say that he m�kes �hia affidavit in Qonnaction with applioation Por
" Ori $�le" liquor lioense (" nn Sale" mslt beverage lioense) in the City
oP Saint Paul, Minne$ota; �ha� your affiant is a reaident of the State of
�Hinnesota and has resided therein for �_ years, mon�h�,
and ia now and haa bsen for the time abave men�iuned a bona Pide reaident of
said Si�te and that he naw resides at � Merilane
� A dre$�
Minne olis , �inne a ota,
C a.t y or ov�.
$ubsaribed and swo�n to before �
this � � n�� day of�� 19---�-�-
a blic, Ramse oun y, Minneao
My co�.issiDn expirea
�jct=;Yy pu,.,,';c, R<,;,��'=`� 1974i
Rnv C^mrr;ission Exp;r�s Nov. 16;
, .. _
�� R.cabc�r}E. Shnrt..
Reaidenoe Addres� A j�IIE'.�i�A-n.Ri �i1'IIlE;R�l.0113'3T..I1l1���30t8.
Lioen�ea $0� �V��..OP1T.@Ylt C0.
Addx^e$e of Buai.nesa � f,��
I heraby �pply for a 3pecs�.a1 Sunday Liquor lioen��o
I have a � t � Hote1 (cx^oss oat one) lioense with
seati.�g oapac�ity for � peopleQ
Signed �
State of MS.nne aota)
County of Rams�y )
being firat duly �rorna depoee�
an says upon oa h tha he ha� rea the fore�oing a►ffidavit bearsng hi�
�ignature and �l�.iows �he eontents thei9eof�, tha� ��e sam� is txtxe of hi�
own knoevledge, exaept a� �Go tho�e �ttera therein s�ted upa�n inf°o�°mati�n
and be�lief and �a to �hose maf,�ter� he� bel.ievea �h.em �o be t�ues
Sig ture of �pplic�a�
Subaoribe and avrorn � befarye m�
this � n� day of � � 19
N ot i a s o a °rtne s ata
My o�miasio¢i expire� �.9
NotarY P• �."" � � , "aur:ty, Minn�
. i_o, 1974,
�- i �';
�,_.;,`s, �
�,f�� F �
, �-�►: -� �� �, ���
� -- I
f�OT�l �
• ;'� Telephone Area Code 612 • 222-4114
% Snint Paui, Minnesotu 55102
'".� ._ !�l:_�(.` liri_ �.;� ..� , �
� The E1�eciitive Offices
April 2, 1g71
Honorable Council
Ci ty of Sa i nt Paul
' Court House
Saint Paul , Minnesota 55102
The St. Paul Hotel Company hereby req�_iests that
you transfer the On Sale Liquor License for the
premises commonly known as the Hotel Lowry to 803
Development Co. , effective April l , 1971 .
Very truly yours ,
. �
�,` �,/
BY .•c���-� ; _� ��� �
! Its Secretery�Tr asurer
Da te^�— L. ...�g-aG.:.�..
1. Application for On Sa1e Liquor License L�Qen�� r
, , �,�
2. Name of appl�cant _ g03 T2evelo��ent C�.
3. Business addre$s Hr,tp1 r.nmrv Resid�noe
4, Trade x�am�e, if any
5. Retail Beer Federsl Tax Stamp X Retail Liquox �'ederal Tsx S�amp ���n,11 be u�ed.
6. f� what floor loQated �irQ} Number of roaans used
7. Between �rhat csrosa straets Fourth and Fift� �ich eide vf atreet �eSt
8. A,re premises n.ow oacupied Y��Yliat businesa s�Ge Haa�r ].ox�g
9. Are premises no�r unocsaupied I�aw long vacant Prev3.ous Uea
10. Are �rnu a new o�rn.er . B8 I�►ve you been in a s3.m�.lar bueinesa beFore Y�
Wkiere Mi�1n�e,3?Q.�s �,.,When siMCe 19E5
lI, Are you going to opere►te this business personally YP� ,.
� M ��ww�
If not, who wi11 operate it
12, Are you in any other busineas at the present tima Yes �
13, Have there bsen any oomplaints against your operation of this type oP place N�
YYhen �Ifhere
14. Iiave you ever had any licsense revok�d_No TAhat reason and da�te
15, Are you a citizen of the United States YggbTa�ive Naturalised
16. Where w�ere you born ,�j��pjis U�te o�e b�rth Sep.ta 1917
17. I am �rried. My (wife 's) (husband's) name and addresa is Mar�.�n �'"�or±
18. (If married femaie) my m�iden x�ame is
19. How long have you lived i.n St. P�ul
20. Have yoa ever boen arreated �o Xiolation of what orim3x�a1 law or ordixiaaoe
21. Are you a registered voter i.n �he City of S�. F'�ul Yes � No.
_ . . ,....._.
(An.s�uer fully and oompletely. Theae a lications are thorou hl cheoked and �a
falsification wi11 be oause for enia .
22. Number of 3.2 places within two blocka ' " • .
23. Glasest intoxicating liquor p7�aae. Ch�. Sale Gallivans �'�' sale �pies
24. Nea re s t Church Asswr-�ti�c.uz Nea res t scho oi Gsurr:r�ti on
�— •—^-- --•---•.�
25, Num.ber of bo�ths Tables C�,i�rs Stools -
26. What occupation have you follo�vled for the p�,st five �rears, (Give namea of' employers
and date s s o employ�d.)
27. Give names and addresses of t�ro persons, residents of St. Paul, �4ir3n., vuho �an gi�e
inf ox�tion concerning you. ,
PTame JpsP�11.�.�11��.�IA� Address �_1��Q F�r��...�j$ i�p�..���..��
�a�_�onorable_Harold S�h tZ Address �ourt House
Signature o App iean
Sta�e of �inne s�ta�
County of Ramsey )
Robert E. ShOrt being first duly sworn, deposss and say$
upon oath that he has read the foregoing statement bearin� his signature and la�ows
the contents thereof, and t'_zat the sama is true of hia o�m knowledge except as to
those ma�ttsrs therein sta=;od upon inf'ormation and belief and as to those matters
he belioves them to b� �r���.
Si�nature of AppliQant
Stibscribed and sworn to before me
this��,r-y`i day of l' 19�_
Nota �Iic, Ramsey C�unty, Miz�ne a
�S7 COtiIIi119810ri 87Cp1Y'@S Notarv Pub!i^. Rameny County, Minn.
My C•,�_.„i;�i -. F.,.,:..�_ ;.�-:.. 7 6. 1.Q?4.
(Note g �hese statement forms are in duplicate. Both eopies must be f`u11�r filled out,
natarized, and returned to the Licenss Divisicra.�r
. F4R .
Rs: `�_Sale G./ Q v ..� License
Name of applicant j�}�� E. ShOr�
Business address LoWry Hote�.
Are you the sole owner oP thia business? YPG. If not, is i� a partnership?
corporation? y� , other?
�hers interested i.n business, include those by loan of money, property or otherwiaet
Name �g P Address How
If a corporation, give its name. R,(1S ,�u811�nGSYIt �:G�.
�re you interestad in any way in any other retail beer or liquor business? y�fi
As sole oaraer? YQS Paz^tner? Stockholder?
C�therwise? (Through ioan of monay, etc. Exp]»ain)
Address of suah business and xiature of interest in same L�earnington Hotel, Francis
L'rake Hotel to
Signature �f app ican
State of Minneaota�
County of Ramsey )
Rol_�rt F.. Shc�rt being first duly sw�rn, deposes and says upon oath
�that he has read the foregoing affidavit bearing his signature and �na.ows the contents
thereof; tha,t the sams is true of his arm �iwsled�;e, except as to thosa ma��ers therein
stated upon information and belief and as to those matters he believes them to be true.
- �C.
�Signa�e of a ppl3,cant�
Subseribed and swo to before me
thisi���°� day of(�� 19 �1
N y ub ic, County, i sota
My co�ission expires 19
JOc,F�H J. D�.!C!-`-'�
�±y, ti;inn.
Notary Pu"'i��, �"'���'�� � N�v.�16� 1974�
..., r�mmi�slun Er.piYa�
_ Ftobert F. �S'h� being first duly sworn., do�h depoae
and say that he m�kes �hia affidavit in oonnection�vith application for
n On �le� liquor license {"�� �,�e" mslt beverage license� in the City
of Saint Paul, Mirinesota; that your affiant is a reaident of the State uP
�dinnesota and has resided therain. Por ' ,r�� � years, mon�ha,
and is nau�r and haa been for the '�im�e above mentioned a bona Pide resident of
said State and that he no�av reside� at 8 Merilane
A drssa
Minneapolis , Minneaota.
City or ov�.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
thi� - � day of � 19��
blic, Rams ounty, Minnes a
M com¢nis�i�n expirea
J05�Pri J. D!1 DL��Y
Notary Pu�'.ic, Ru��,�.;:�.i ��c�.:,;ty, P"�,,"
]�ty Commission Expires N�v. 16, 1°74.
. `
� , . �
�a� R�nbert�. Shor.x.r
Residenoe Sddres� g Meril�ne� Bli neg�li�a1 M nnes�c�ta
Addx�ea� of Buaineas _ ����
I heraby apply for a Speo�,a1 Sunday Ziquox° lioenseo
I have a���m Hote1 (cross oat one� lioenae with
aeati,n.g oapavity for ��_ � peoplee
......--� „
�03 I�E� �",.,.. ,
Signe� ,, �. � . _ - ��._....
$i�te oP Minne aota)
C o�mt�r of �►msey )
being fira� di�l�r �wo�^rta deposes
an aays upon o�th tha he ha� x°ea the faregoing affida�it beax°a.ng hi�
eignattx�°e and �l�oars the csontents the i�of� that �he sam�a ie �x^txe of hi�
rnm knoar].edgeo exoept ae �to tlio�ei matters there�. stated up¢�n 3.nf°o�°matie�n
and belie� and �a to �hose matter� he� believes �hem �� be truee
..-� '�
�����,�, � , � °
.;;:=--'� �.�,: ,.�..�......_...
ighature of s►ppliea�t
Subaeribe�and awo to befar�e me
�hia �x day ofl�� ` 19��
N ioa se tqd °x�.nes
oa�nnissiom e$p.l���i.r a. �uo��r 19
Notary "t�1,!i:�, R:rm�--i i'nu,ty, Minn.
IJ�y Con:n:iasi:;n E;<r,',�::. i:�v. 16, 1974.
^o -che Honorable Charles McCarthy, Mayor of the City of
St. Paul, and to the Honorabie Members of the City
Cou:cil, City of St. Paul, Minnesota
I�c is hereby requested that the present St. Paul off-sale
iiGUO-r license issued to Jaromin & Bell, Inc. , a Ninnesota
cornoration, be transfer-red to the 803 Development Co. , a
Ninr.esota corporation. The undersigned, Bert J. Friedmann,
who resides at 1210 Watson, St. Paul, Minnesota, is .the
sole stockholder of Jaromin & Bell, Inc.
DATED this � �� -<- day of April, 1971.
• -_ ���� � •';-��y''�✓��"r"�����., ���.�
Bert J.�''�Friedmann - sole stockholder of
Ja-romin & Bell, Inc. , a Minnesota
. • ���" ���
�te_ d'l.,•?�.,_,.�.,.,.�g....�.,..
1. �,ppliaation for .,u�,..K, � L3c�nee
2. Nams of appliaant 803 Prop�s�tils Co.
3, Busine�a addresa 333 wabuhs St. Residenoe
4, Trsde xLam�e, i� any
5. Ret;ail Beer Federal Taz Stsmp��RQtai1 Liquor Federal Tax Stamp���urill be usad.
6. CRi v+rhat floor loaated First Number oP rocuns uaed
7. Bet�w�een wh�t csruss stree�s_ ,+�, �. R��, yPhioh sic3e of street �.■t
8. Are premises now oaoupied�Yrhat bu$�.neas Hc�,r long
9. Are premises now Wp.00cupied�o�y lang vaoant Previous Use
10. Axe you a aew o�mer��I�ve you been in a aim3.lar buaineas before �.,,
Where Mpls. �en �ina� 196g
11, Are you going to operata thia business personally T'�� ,
If not, v�o will operate it
12, Are pDU in any oth.er buainess a-� the present tima��
13� Have there been any oomplaints againet your operation of this type oP plaae
9�hen�� �here
14. Itave you ever had any lioense revoked_�_yPhat raason and date
15. Are you a citizen of the United St�tes�_Nstive Naturali.zed
16. ll�h.ere �rere you born Mi�1a�s�olis Dste of birth S�tpt. 191�
17. I am �rried. My (wife's) (husband'aj name and address is 1L�rioa Shor�
18. (If married �'emale) my m��.den n�sme is
19, HOVV long have you 13.ved in St. Paul
20. Have you e�v�er bean �rrested �O Vio3.atiori of what crimir�l lax or ordin�►aae
21. Are you a registered voter in the City of S�. PI�u1 Yes No.
(Ans�rer full and avm le�el . These a licat3.ons are thorou hl che�aked ata� ett�
a aifioation wi11 be cause for enia .
22. Number of 3.2 pla�ces within two blocka ' ' .
23. Closest intoxicating liquor p]aae. �bn Sale (���� �}�'P Sa1e gappi�� Y_
24. Nearee-� Church A�sumntion Nearest Sehool_ _ ��u��on
25. Number of booths Tables Cha,irs Stools
26. �iihat �ccupation have vou followe�d for the p�st five years. (Give names of emploSiers
and date s s o employ�sd,) .
27. Gi�e names and addresses of tvvo peraons, residents of St. paul, Mir3n,, �io can gi�re
infora�tion concern.ing you.
I�t�ma Jese� J._Illi�y Address W�126� F�r�t Natiob.°.�,.�.ki. B.:��
_ ,
Name_ gonorabia Harnld Seh�lt� .�ddress__Ga�t _Houaa
803 Prop�rties Co.
' �—_ _
'gnature o App�.iean
Sta te of' Minne s ota� .
County of Ramsey �
being first duly sworn, deposes and says
upon� oath that he has read the foregoing statement bearing his signature and l�a,c�urs
the contents thereof, and that the same is true of his o�sm imowledga except aa to
thase �tters therein sta�ed upon information and helief ar�.d as to those �ttera
he beli.eves them to b� -�rt�a,
�zgnature of Applicsantf �
Subacx°ibed and sworn to before me
� .
this�� day of 19�
Notary ic, Ramsey oun , Minn.es a
My C ssion expires��` ,�� � '`'J T(,
(Notes �heae statement forms are ix� duplicate. Both copzes mus� be fully �illed out,
x�otarized, and returned to the Licensa Division..jr
� � FDR•
Re: ptr Sals��o= License
Name of applicant Rob�st i�. Short
Business address y���l
Are you the sol� ovmar of this business��_. If not, is it a partnershig?
corporation? �� , other?
t>thers interested in business, include those by loan of money, property or otherwises
Name �� Addre s s Hov�r
If a corporation, give its name._ ���_��tjl� �
9re you interested in any vray in any other retail beer or liquor business? ,,,,�
As sole o�m.er? y'e� Partner? S�ockho],der?
Otherwisa? (Through ioan of money, eta. ExpJ,a9.n�
Address of suah business and nature of interest in same �i���„ u�+.j,��8��
Do�ske Hotel� Downtawner do Holid�y, all in Mituieapoii•
80; Propertiee Co.
�Signature of app ican'�-
State of MSnne s ota�
C ounty of Ramsey �
being first duly sw4rn, daposes and says upon c�ath
that he has read the foregoin� affidavit bearing his signature and lrn.ows the contents
thereof; that the same is true of his rnTn l�ovrled�e, except as to those mmtters therein
stated upon infarmation and belief and as to -thase matters he believes them to be true.
ignature of applicant
Subscrib�and sworn to be�ors me
this day of 19��
Notar ublic, e County, i sota
�y c�ission expires /'„� 19 ���
.. . ,
__ Rnt,�r� F� ,i�_ being first duly aworri, do�h depoae
and say that he me►kea this affidavit in csonneation with application Por
"_^�� SQls" liquor lioense (" Sale" me►lt baverage lioense� in the City
of Saint Paul, Minneaota; that your aPfiant ia a residsnt of the State Af
Minnesota e�nd has resided therein for � years, mon.�hs,
and is nanv and has bsen for the time above rnention,ad a bona Pide resident of
said State and that he now resides at
� resa
, I,�inne a ota.
C it y or ovm
80� Properti�s Co
1 _'
$ubscsribed and sworn to before ms
thi� J day of .�.r/ 19�
o y blic, County, M' esota
co�nnission e�cpirea - � '7 ( `
/ �
April 5, 1971
`I'he Honorable Nl�,yor and CRt� Cauncit
��.amsey County Court �ouse
�aint �'aut, i1,-:inne��ota 5�1(l�
�'lie unrler�i�ned r�presents 8a3 .U�vetcaprnent Lp, anci F3�3 �`rc�perties Co. �303
��velo�ment Co, cswns the real estat� ane� p�rcaperty commanty known as the St,
?�aut ��otel a�d th� Lowry Hotel.
Tk�is is i:� �d�rise you that $03 T}eveio�m�nt Co, h�re}ay �°equests the City Councit
to tr�.n��e� �h� on-sate liquor licenses now awned by t�a� �t. �.'aua �3ot�l Co. at tile
�-.owry arad ��. :�=�aul ��mtel� to �303 1=ievetoprraent Co, at ��ie a��r� locations. Ttlis
is to furta�.er advise �r,u that 803 I�evelopmc�nt �o. tlas pu�c�la�es� aa�d licenses from
t.ze St. �au� Hrstel Co.
�503 �='ropertie� �o, rias purehased t:�e li�uor License awned 3�y �T��°�r�a�z and �eti,
Inc. ancl cequests t��e .G�,ty �t�uncil to tr�nsfer said off-sale tiqu4Y° tfcen�e to 333
�+�Tabash�. �Lr���t, :��a� i'a�xl, �'�inn�sc�ta.
£03 �evel�pment Co. l�as Lea��� t�z� space known as 333 ��abast�a �treeLy �aint �'aul,
h�i.nnesota, to 803 �'rcz�er�i�s Gea.
i/v�� r�s��ctiul,ly reque�t txz� Councit tc� �rant thE�e requ��ts.
[�es t re�arc��.
��r�� truly yours,
J�,��pil J. .i�adley
222-078 t
1�pril l, 1971
:��ir. Daniel ti1c Laughlin
License Inspector
Public Safety Building
St. ��aul, �linne5ota 551�1
i�-�: �303 1:3evelopm�nt Co. -
Un-sale liquor license app��caticros
803 i��roperties Co. -
C1ff-sale liquar lfcense application
Dear Mr. �2cLaughlin:
In keeping with the diseussians that �ttorney Joseph J. Dudley
�zas had this week with you as to the subj�et lic�nse appifcations, I
anz pleased to enclose for your file reference the following c�ocuments:
(i) .�!� xerox co�y of the Articles of Incorpc�ratfon af each of
these two applic�.nt r.ompanies. You will nc>te th�t e�ch i� a Minnesota
corporation and that 8�3 Development Co. �ras chart+�red on February Z,
I971 and that �03 T'ro�erties Co. was chartered on I��arch 23, 1971.
(2) A xerox copy af the 13i11 of Sale that SU3 D�velopment Co.
received from the St. �'au1 �Totel Campany covering th� latter'� op+�rating
as�ets includin� among ott�er thfn,gs its two on-sale l�guor licena�e (crne �
at the Lowry klcrtel and the other at the St. �'�ul I�otel).
(3y A xerox cvpy of the k'urcha8e Agreemer�t that was entered
into on b�half of 803 Properti@s Co. by Josep� J. Dudley on February
25, 19?1 with Jaramin and �3'e�i. Inc. and Be�°'� 3. Friedmann evvering
the off-aa�� liquor license now own�d by thes� named e�ller�.
Ths sole of€icer af each of these #wo corparati�ng as of the
license mp�licatit�n hearin� d�te of Aprfl 6�thh will be Rob�rt E. Short
who is the ��'r�sident and Treasurer of each comp�ny.
Rob�rt :�. SMort is the owner of all the out�tandin� capital s�oct�
r�f each of these two corporations either directiy Qr through his whc�l�y-
owned cor}�orations.
Sincere yo ur ,
�iRB/�f Will.iam �. Busch
ec: Joseph J. Dudley, Esq.
Mr. Robert E. �hort