253417 o��.i s�,c�s c��� � , � ORDINANCE �J�� COUNCIL FILE NO. �� PRESENTED BY '`t�.��' `�'� ��I�� ORDINANCE NO � L� ^`�-t..� ��'�7 An ordina.nce amending Section 148. 12 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to Impounding of Vehicles. This is an emergency ordina.nce rendered necessary for the preserv- ation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section 148.12 (a) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, per- taining to Impounding of Vehicles, Sale of Vehicles, is hereby de- leted and the following substituted in lieu of and in place thereof: 148.12 (a Sale of Vehicle. If at the expiration of fifteen (15 days after mailing or publishing the notice provided for in Section 148.03 such vehicle is not redeemed by the owner or his agent, the Commissioner of Public Safety, by and through the Purcha.sing Agent of this City, sha.11 proceed to sell the same by sealed bid or by public auction, after first giving notice of such sale in a legal news paper within the City of Saint Paul, said notice to be published not less tha.n ten (10) days prior to the date of such sale as aforesaid, and said � notice of sale to include therein the time and place of such sale, stating further whether such sale sha.11 be by sealed bid or by public auction or both. Records stating, with reasona.ble certainty, the manufacturer�s trade na.me, vehicle identification number, license number� ownership, if available from the records of the Secretary of State� sha.11 be kept and available for public inspection at the place of sale. Determina.tion of whether the sale sha.11 be by sealed bid or by public auction shall be left to the discretion of the Purcha.sing Agent and the Commissioner of Public Safety, or agents or either. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordina.nce rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordina.nce sha.11 take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� AP� 2 0 197a Butler / Carlson b 7n Favor Levine /� ��i `' G� Spra.fka Against Tedesco APR 2 0 197� Mr. President (Mc y) Ap A ity Clerk ay �� Form approved Corpor�xion Counsel By PUBLISHED�i�.�9 7� � • • �.�f> t T7 I � � �.4rea Code 612 y.�'ct ��♦ v 9 �� � / 223-5121 '` °� / °i " � � �, � �� — ^t THOMAS J.STEARNS ARTHUR M.NELSON PAUL F. McCLOSKEY, JR. R.SCOTT DAVIES KENNETH J. FITZPATRICK CITY OF SAINT PAUL DANREL L. FEC E'RR First Assistant JEROME J.SEGAL KENNETH A.SKRIEN Special Assistant LEGAL DEPARTMENT JOHN C. McLAUGHLIN ROBERT C.HOENE 316 City Hall, St. Paul, Minnesofia 55102 A. KEITH HANZEL DANIEL A. KLAS Assistants Corporation Counsel TERRY F. SULLIVAN Invesiigafor Ma.rch 29, 1971 " �R���/V Chief R. H. Rowan �� Police Department �j�jQ �,0 Public Safety Building 19>> City of Saint Paul �,������ Re: Junk Vehicles �� Dear Chief Rowan: Pursua.nt to your request to the Corporation Counsel, we have prepared a draft of an Ordina.nce amending Section 148 . 12 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code so as to change the requirement for holding vehicles prior to disposition from thirty days to fifteen days . 'I'he 1971 State La.w referred to you by you in your letter is Cha.pter 32, La.ws of 1971, which amended Section 471. 196, Subdivision 1� of Minnesota Statutes. If you ha.ve any question, please contact me; otherwise the Ordinance is in proper form to be introduced to the City Council. Yours ry t y, J 0 J. S L pec 1 Ass' tant Corp ation ounsel JJS :er Encl. cc:Pete Regnier Prosecuting Attorney' s Office -� ISt �� � � � � 2n� Laid over to 3rd and app �Adopfied � Yeas Nays Yeas Nays � Butler �utler Carlson `�arlson � , , Levine �5!�A�� ��_Levine C!'-f Meredi+h e i \ � i Sprafka \ `�Sprafka Tedesco �edesco . . Mr. President McCarty liilr. President McCarty O