253401 ORI6II�AL TO CITY CL6RK /'�i���� CITY OF ST. PAUL �o�NCa NO. ���'�" i . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , OUNCI _ RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE �� ATF WHEREAS, The Public U lities Committee of the City of Saint Paul ha.s considered the feasibility of granting to interested applicants the right, privilege, permission and authority to con- struct� install, operate and ma.intain a facility or system for the reception and transmi.ssion of broadcast programs by wire or cable, commonly identified as Community Antenna Television, within the City of Saint Paul, as more fully set forth in a resolution of said Committee attached hereto and incorporated herewith as Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, Said resolution recommends that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hold a public hearing on June 1, 1971, to con- sider certain factua.l matters relating to cable television and ma.ke certain factua.l determinations in accordance therewith; and WHEREAS, The Council of the City of Saint Paul finds and de- termines tha.t such action is a prerequisite to the proper regulation of Community Antenna Television and necessary for the protection of the citizens of the City of Saint Paul who ma.y utilize such service; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, tha.t a public Yiearing on the ma.tter of Community Antenna. Television service for the City of Saint Paul be held on June 1, 1971, to con- . :-_�.�.�.-..�- siH�r_such matters as will be set forth in a notice of hearing; and - - be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby authorizes and directs the Office of the Corporation Counsel to prepare such documents and materials as are necessary to properly conduct said hearing. FORM APPROVED: � l.� S _ .. __ . Asst. Cor�raiion Counsei COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council p►PR � �9.�� 19— Yeas Nays APR a ���.� Butler Caxlson 19— Levine �n Favor Meredith Sprafka L� .. or Tedesco A 8'ainat Mr. Preaident, McCarty ptJBLISHED APR 101971 �o � � � �. i— � �� X /� • � � PUI3LIC UTILIZ'ITS CO��TiITT]�L i��`� - • � ol� �I�I��� 4�.� CITY 01� SAINT PAUL COT�iITTEL R�SOLUTI:ON ; WHEREAS9 The Public Utilities Committee has consi_dered the feasibility of granting to interested applicants the right, privilege, permission and aui���ority to constructs install, oper- ate and ma.intain a facility or system for the reception and transmission af broadcast programs Uy wire or cable, commonly ider�t�ified as Community Antenna Te1�vi.sion, within tlze City of Saint Pau1; and TJHEREAS , Said Committee finds and determines� upon informa-� tion submitted, that the proposed telecommnunications system may constitute a public sexvice to the citi�erzs of said City; and WH�REAS9 Said Committee i'urth�r finds i�ha� proper regulation of said system Uy the City of Saint Pau1 is necessary for Lhe protection of citizens �aho may utilize such service; an.d �aHEREAS , Said Commii�tee further finds that cerfiain factL2a1 : . determ?nations must Ue made as a prerequis.�te to the prop�r reg- ulation of said system by the municipa�it�y; and j�TH�REAS , Said Committee furthe-r finds that a public hear_ing before the Cotmcil of the City of Saint Pau1 is nec�ssary �o the making of proper factual determinations cor�.cern�_ng the benefit, need and regulation o� such a systern; NOWg THEREFOR�y BE IT RESOL���D BY THL PUBLIC UTILITZES `� COMMITTE� OF THE CITY OI�' SAII��T PAUL: 1. That th� Com�'nittee hereb�T recorullc�ri.ds to tl�e Council of the City of Saint Pa1a.1 that a ptzblic hear_��_ng ve he7_d on June 1, • ,� 1971, to consicle-r the public need for the �proposed service, the �rates to be paid to the municipalitY9 the charg�s i�o be .made ta � the consumer, aizd other appropriate factual determinations . � 2 . That the Committee requests the Coux�cil o� the City of Saint Pau1 to authora_ze Lhe Ofiice o� the Cor_�ora�ion Counsel to prePare such documents and matexia]_s as are n�cessary i:o conduci� said hearing. Yeas McCazty �aSTS I3ut1�r �� �_Tn -L-avor -oved `" "'.,�,,.______, 1971 v Carl�on ✓�leredith �rAgain.si�� _ �/SPra�lca, Chai.rn�n Chair� � z