03-1098Council File # V✓ � 1 0 �p Green Sheet # _3 Q�) �o �/ � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul benefits economically in marketing and promoting state wide ariracrions and events taking place in the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul Marketing and Promotions has been asked to reimburse expenses for the White Bear Avenue Parade that the City of Saint Paul and the White Bear Avenue Business Association sponsored this year on July 10` 2003. WHEREAS, the costs resuiting from the event are listed inxattachment�hich is incorporated by reference; and '� WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council finds that such costs for events serve the public purpose of promoting the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, the event is free and open to the public and attracts families throughout the city; and BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council hereby allow the proper city of6cials who are authorized to pay amounts not to exceed $4,56235 from the existing Marketing and Promotions budget to the White Bear Avenue Business Association to further showcase Saint Paul as a great place to live, work and play Requested by Depariment of: Adopted by Council: Date /Jr.� . /7,a?D�3 � C Ap� � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 0 • ; tizen Service Office By: L � o b D pt.� of Fin nce -Form Approved by City Attorney 0 Q d � d y C d � x W d � � tC a m 3 c � a' L �6 d m .•�+ t � � � � i ; I ' � , I j � I ; , ; i ; � � , I ; �, 4 j ; I '�.,� i ' � ; ,� a; � ': � � �� i ' ' i i � i � i � I � i ui � I � � � � f0 I c G i I i i � � � i I �� i �� I I I t i I � �� � � �; � � � � i � J � "-� ++ �+ �' � .0 .r � I �-. I c� c� �— c c c � � a� a� a� !'o p� a� a� a� � o � vS �E�EI—•—�EEE +r i� � � c c c�I�� �� c;n �'L �: O N � c6 c6 f6 L- � tD t6 c6 � I V � � � ` '� � � �' � �,� (0 � '� 'C '� C � �n c>I� a°3 ���� c� � vi� � m G1 f6 C j(B (6 C C C O 3 O C C i G N 0 m W fn d W,W W N� W W W U ; d � M O O O O�O,O I� O O O O � � O'i f�lf� O O O O'O,� O O O O M w O O r d O O ln M 00�00�0 O O O N 00 M N d � O ti �� M O �[) � O� CO l a !� N; � Lp !� N N r �'�� c- � � i� L � I O j � � I � HJ EF1 � E!? Ef? E!3 f!-} � EF? E!-} EA � ff3 E!} I Ef) E!?' H-} i O ---- � � U � � � � i � � C � O � c�i ° �' a 3 � m, m � � � � � U � � i � v.c � ° a� U c�� � � L X p =im ' � � � p U''� �� � �,� a � c0 � > �' U; 3 = , Q I a. O � , C� �> m "_' � � "�d (�6 � N C �+ V a lY� V��� i � U�� R � i _ � � �, �.' ,> �cn � m�O c�IJ �jO � m a�c�;M 2 � 03- �.. � z � � a � Green Sheet Green Sheet �, 03-�1o9B Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �� � �DepartsnenUofficelcouncil: Dateinitiated: I MK - �azketing 16-OCT-03 Green Sheet NO: 3006814 Contact Person & Phone: Department Sent To Person Initial/Date KSy BuetOW � 0 arkeHoe � J. � /;- ' 266-8695 ,q��yn 1 arketin De artmentDirector ,��J fiAust Be on Council qqenda by (Date): Number Z � Attorne ♦ '12-NOV-03 For Routing 3 or's Office Ma or/Assistant Order 4 ouncil 5 i Clerk Ci Clerk ��'j����,� i.5 OF$ �/e� � '� Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Request to provide funds not to exceed $��C to WLi e Bear Business Associarion for the White Beaz Ave. Pazade �y�s�a. 3.r Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contrects Must Mswer the Following Questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this person/£�rm ever worked under a cont2ct for this departmenY? CIB Committee � Yes No I Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person(f rm possess a skill not normally passessed by any curtent city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): � White Beaz Business Associarion is asking for reunbursement for expenses paid towards annual White Beaz Ave. Pazade that took place on July IOth, 2003 AdvanWges If Approved: Small area neighborhoods wil] be able to continue providing events that are free and open to the public that athact families throughout the city ;� ; Disadvanta9es If Approved: C I, f `� y,.�� ^�., ... � ;;.-,,�,. ;;�f � V ��! ['(� (� ?^ � i'P � . . �n� v m,�.� �Cli V `i G0��7 � ✓ s __ , �,We,`s �8-w°`� 3�, t e s u e e o.dx xe wax Disadvantages If Not Approved: Events in smaller neighborhoods would cease causing not only econoxnic effects or e neighborhoods and businesses but St. Paul as a whole. Total Amount of - � -- . . Transaction• �000 CostlRevenue Budgeted: � � Funtling Source: G� Activib Number: 00252 Fi nancial 1 nfortnation: �� Fte±��;���t �ax;;gu� (Explain) �� � � � ���� I I o3-rDRg WHITE BEAR AVENIlE BUSiNESS ASSOCIATION ANCHOR BANK `� �� ��:GENEfiAL�FUNO ' � _ Z700E.7THAVENUE -_ - -" ' — -7355 GENEVA AVE k201 ' � - - NO ST. PAtJL, MN 55109 , • y^ �_ -� �' , _- rnn s512e - -' 7�'2�003 . - _ .: _ _ — _ _ _ ' _ _ _. _ . t5-882/96� � Y ` - ' a - � ' - PAY TOTHE �':='", �'— "--'� -_ � � OROER OF ` S" i 80 54 • Seven Hundred Eieh[v and �4/100':::.r..:..a>.>..:>.:..,...>:..:><:.r.<».s.:�.:.�:...,...:.....z>.:o-.=........_».....=����a,�s Sign A Rama . 2950 Whi[e Beaz Avenue Maplewood, MN 55109 MEM6 �' / v �. �' / ` L � - . a � a a �� a ./���� ' �aa G L � ��•003289ii' �:096008825�: -97���92446��' , f= r ° � c> � � W �Z �m;' ��s� � W� wW'_opaZ+O � £+�GO �a��oinW a '� ` 'S _ � _ , - �� .� c _ J .. � .�_ . . .._ . ' . - - -� - -=`�>� -_ +�: [ :•i ' `:t+ti i1{ 11-�'lti`m t•E3 �s�3'3l-�55 ! Y3G3�F3 ��'00�0� 78L� 5���' i � - — aN� y oaEx«�,-, w : .�y � � LPi ;� �1_? i:i �: �: �.:;!"`F_ .a . i e --�-'.' �� �` _ � ' �� ��3—v� 03-1 o�g yyu�rc aGAQ A�JE*!!!F S!lSSNccc ASSnCIAriny - . --� - GENERALFUNO �� : •. � - 1355 GENEVA AVE �201 . � � - - - CAKDALE. MN 55128 - � L, 1 75-882/9fi0 :� PAYTOTHE '_ � � ��'� � - � ' ' ORDER OF insN Printc - 5"247.63 Two Hundred Forty'Seven and 63/100"""***•'*""'::w DCLLARS Insry Pnnts Dave Fermoyle 1552 White Bear Avenue St Paul, MN 5� 106 MEMO � < �/ � i ^ 0 � " � ANCHOfI 9ANK 2700 E. TfH AVENUE NO. 5T. PAUI, MN 55109 ' • • a � °�,"'���� , , s _ � �sa �-i 1 M' ��'003290��' �:096�08825�: 97���92446��• i I ' � z � _ Q � m z p _ _ ._?�� -- :' �J3 }- �/ '� - = � �— o '__ :` — C1� � _ r � - .7 = � � S� c G .._ ` - ,`' _ �' 3290 7/?2'�OG3 � * ��'OD��� 24763��' � ' ii _ ,; ' I' ! i - '' r ' � : `_•:; ' N i_;: �..'`_: :Jil.._°i-1_::� ��� L„ �.�,•�y�yy.„�.�.�r.r�-5�.� .r T .�^<`�!':'^ +:t — :. �^� _ '-w�+°'JfS.e.c'�✓�k��.h � if.+iS :t.''�i��S�lTT��i..��-+K� oo (? = YJ'�!�@ �' - , i —`�4.+.�r�a `:ar�+?;� �ni i �,r�5+ I trv3 �',�S,it3cJ.3t7 .�� ��3'^a3 ' ..- , j � �� �.;.. �, 03 - �09$ � . .� -- - -; �_-:.:..=, . .-_ v _ - . . . _ _ _- _ — =-.� � • - . .. -. _ , _ • 3288 _ -� -`_"71VHITE BEAR AVENUE BUSiNESS ASSOCfAT10N ANCNOR BANK • -- - '-' -' — '�'f`'�':°`GENERAL FUNO - _ - - - 2700 E 7TH AVE�iIUE ' _ -. - - _-- -`={355 GENEVA AYE 5201 � - . _ . . NO. S7. PAUL, MN 55704 - _ " - -?-°„ 4 . . - OAKDALE. MN 55128 _ 7/ZZ/2003 _ - _ °_'a -° =r_ . _' '__' , - . � _ . - . 75-882/960 i - . = a`' "T :�._..'_- `_ -` ' _ • _-' =z_...-.-,v� = x= _� �— + - PAY TO THE.= .__---_ _ .--:. . . , . - ORDER OF �'���R tt W k � 4"S 1 i3 � :ti� P , -°'�Ei�hN-0neand 73/100+""xsra�arsaswssa�s++�xas��<»+.���s+xaaa�asyssasx>xs:assta�xw�rsssassaas�+a*rr*+.r+sa�ssasss::.>xxy pOLIARS l Button Works MEMO �` � � � '. �i'003288��• �;096008825+: � a $ s_R �o� e-i �� � � 9 7���9 2446��' ��'�0�0008 i 7 3��' '-_ ;__ .'1a �� '�i+�' 3./ 1 �� �- �� ti �� -,.���' � .. _- � , — ,.:� f, �` �'� ' . _ =' � I� _ . ��: _: s• .. -�..::. _ '»'_r..... �k���... _ .-A�.1`ll..y. , ' ?'� ; : _:-: _ ' =_- o , � ! —==__1___=_ _ _ � . j o�:.��;� iv.=� � � � T _ �. :31;r =-;?_,"._;: `�v�ie6. —' i i - •n< _ � � ' , � - _ �,,.., i `.� O � o � •_ C� I _ � � ' - t�l . ', '-' : � 1 . _ I , 3G°a'ar_,s3 " �. .-� > _� i b' ;�ti�+-i ". - � ° bs3 3;7;-t3tEiv7;=t3 =s3-' 4:-;3s7 �--� d3 � l04� E n �, _ .� 7 �- c�.�� .w -J oo- p � � so. ' _ .:�'-� ��,q �� , -� � $ {��"ry�� ' �"=' � - WHI1 C iSG4R AV�1�I�SUJ� ASSvC1ATiON /�-Jis��f��j ANCYOR BANK ' - - G'cNERALFUND --- -- -" - - �y� T700 E. 7TH AVENUE 1355 GE�IEVA AVE lY291 -- - -__-- ��_J%/ �Q ST. PAUL, LiN 5'a iC9 OAKDALE, MN 55728 -- -- _ " � , � - 75-88?J960 � PAY TO THE -' � � � _ oROe� oF nrr�� vraY " ���JG � , e� i sizoo3 � L �u 7�- � � -- —� . OCLLARS O�ce Max NE470 1"Qictv�-� Sci�'/lJ/1'�� ��•003279��• s;0960G8825+: : a �� ��c � � l`. _; NP 97 � ��'G��ODG��,7�� e r^.� o a � t�. • � , a� �a c � ��.,-. c V: 1M ' > c 'a x � �G �4 = uw o _ _ '� P - .+ .Q N� �r � Q � ry P_ Y- C') L� v C �+ O O +O 1 y+ ? T J-- .p V � � P Pl _ C C w x c _ -L in r+ O : _U � i m O _� [n i ¢ '-r� o e - Z c � '=' � ��-�", oi - c =_ � ' v x a� m ac :F x� � � � � � — $ � .-. C '_'_____-_ _ � _ c � = r' _' __—_-'_ yc p y y _��__�'___ � • .. s � . n m � ' �°' -' � -.'_3::-"?_= � � �=� . l 3a '..a c M�[l^ �w[ � j :'-' Y_3.: ':yj�� x C .^� �d aM-"`� -_ — - a W v d1 .v ` �� x ' . - - s� ' - �'�11 � F- FS _. __ .. _._. �I[ C.I ++ �-r p] � � �k ~ �f] G � Y"J S - rk Z ti _ 4�.-� �� 3 Yc iL L� c tY L� � � C [a + — C X x W< C C ! i l < ac� ` - �[ L Cl �G � CI y[ ]t 4 x f'u . y[ � � :R iL ' ' >' � -• � %� C T s " s m o � . . � ' a� .. � a ' a �+ �.-. � v - s c o s3.�� _!�,' __ , j s a �:y:'. � ' � �. � �fd� �•�i3;'H:'!Y�:',;� � � a x� ac z�: 7S� sz �:3 L�'=1S�S��3: c7 ��.�/''3 :;' �LJ �3 - /oqg WHITE BEs1R AVE�IUE SUSiNEBS ASSOClATiON ANCHOR SANK `� ' �� � � � GEtiE9AL FiJND 270� E Tri AVEVUE � � �' �� 1355 GENEVA AVE %207 _ NO. ST PAUL, MN 55109 • . _�,�OAKDAL. MN 55728 �5-887J9fi0 7/?9/?00� PAYTOTHE__� --'- " • ORDER CF ` Ct P�nl Pniir� Rand 5"I �0.00 � One Hundred Fiftv and 00/100*****:<...::_:_,_..._....:...�,.:........,:::.::::.....>.:.:._...>:.:.._......>:.>..:::..u���.>�s St Paui Police Band s . . ._ . . . " : 3 t ^ =y fr - ``\\`.__' , � ��o° ,,� C �� � w n•00329c�i• �:09E008825�: 97•��92L46��• ,�'G�0�0:500C;' r a � � � . \ � � �. � � �� _�� \. �_ ,� — ---.-.,..._...�.. _ "'' � � . �. ._���..;� ,�;� ��a%-.u�a, .... �` • Q � . vY :� :�Y� _.�<��.Sµ4. �� �-"_t .. � . iL 'l}n y .���) _ it , _ ;- ' �. - - - _ � - -- -: ' -� ;'_---''- ;Y.�.:`�.-:' _ . __ . . ._,_.. „ . 3: ..��,. _ ;J--=--..:::{;., d�� .a.:......,.. � �� . _ �. � �i.�=:�C jT�`=C=Jt�i.i, i��Ci=.�i.�'i; s�,�r ��a o-aeoo-,� r. s; � Oi 9ir 8! C^VGV�7 r `v� l : li �_ I_ °'J� �j -�n ���r� �� �. 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WHISE'BEAR AVE3VUE BUSiNESS ASSOCATiON - 6ENEAALEUNO _' _ ___ --' 135i GENEVA AVE x207 '� -- -�-_- _� - -OAKDAtG,MNS5728 ___'_',��}.>._ -" - - _ --.�.�-_-�"" .- ._ .. __ _ '. _ � _- _ TOTHE - -' - - ER OF 7 ��C Rrasc F2an�i Iack Brass Band 9 75282i960 � 03 - /098 3284 � 7/10l2003 5 **'7� 00 1 � 1 q- ��� � � � �3 �` ,�,� � ^''� '�" - � t ���,.�� �_= l! ��� hP ii•0032$4��' �:09600F�825+:_ .97���92�,46��• � S � � _� —f � �' � c [X G =: �� = i ,\- i i i � C � c - � � ��'�0��� 7 7 5����� I ''_ 3 ; ";- ! i == 1 j �_- � I ' - � �; '� _ b��T��z7S> �'=� c� y���� �� V:-�zsJ�. -- =o-y'-=-ia�oiiaci����i -` >ii�ocot��<;�'i�;� x�s� I (. ,�._,;_�,;,�., = � �i -' i `�7' :'1#'1";� �uCSk ' ±.c� ��±-�a��_u[aa i .�i =i3 4-:'� � _ I I _ � i 1� D3 - /098 WH17E`$Es1R AVE3VUE SUSiNE.':S ASSt^,C1AT3CN - - GENE9ALFUNU -_ -- . . � - 1355 G6`7EVA AYE x201 - , - ' _ _ OAKDAL, MN 55728 _ _ - � - 'O THE - [R OF CnS,.e A;r T2:no ANC}iOR 4ANK Z700 E 7iH AVENUE NO. ST. PAUL, MN Sa708 75aavsso 3276 G/ I 82003 5 :n; nn I'wo HuLdCed Thirteea and 00/100"*""�`""'**x'xsss:..::>ssss*+srss>*�ssaa*xxsssars<s:>satssassa:.xa�ss.+:.s>.>.s::s<:xxs. DGLLARS On-Site Air Temo � ) , - �-:i ;'+ li . .., . � - lP��]27 �.Q'�'l��Qt7t3�� � � - �a � $co S� M+ c � a�u� 2�,�,s»• ,�° QOG�GLt 2 i 3QQ,�� �' ` `'. J. . �:.. 'r ' - << � L-' ti Y C N O V i�i ` �Y �:, 3s,�'S�1:t?� � �l F� `� ''v'�-.�ii'.,-�i.�''.`.•7..�:'v� '� L�iG.�� � vh 7f}�. �_F'� I - x± i ' � I � � a • , , �rs � � ^, ,� . -__ -. - _ . . �'I � r� i_�=i; � �� ��'_�. __,. � ._ � 1 � !�ii 'I _ I' '� 'I '_ I = '� ' _ ;: �":.i �-= �_- ' iI � �-- e 03 - �a9g � . ._ - - _� - � - :_ _, _ ,- - - - - � - . � • i^ WNITE BEAR AVENUE BUS�NESS ASSaClATION ANCHOFi BANK • 3287 � - � - - -. � GENEflALFUND . -- -_ - _ Z700 E 7iH AVENUE - • ' = 7365 GENEVA AVE #201 - ' ' - - -_ - NO. ST. PAUL MN 55109 • - . � - . - Onicon�E. httd ss7 ze __ _ _ _ _ ° 7/2J2003 - -- -- �s-asz�sso PAYTOTHE : .. � --�- - - � - . ORDER OF � ct R�l' R rol � _ S"`� ��� " J '[�wo Hundiea For[V-EiP�}1[flnd0�/l��'"'*'xax�at+zxyxx�aatx>x,r>ss+yassxa��aaa'ssar+*a:sssat.s:sza.r�xaasa*..x: :�.aK�t>xs���LAftS Midwest Radio Rentals - _ � , s � L E S =s . _ � ����_�i��� �'m =��2� - � MEMO � ��•0032$7i�' �:096008825�; 97���924L6��• ��'4�0�02480�,�' C� ��� M M W ��� O u ' J �LL� � Uy N F w� ( � � � � J � N �° . �' I= dc� 6LO I=�ciY. LO ;�=.L � - S'?da gx�r O L i�: L-- �I . ��4���i ,�. y flC:S:: ^/_I ' _ i_ J � : 1�'��.j' - '��r.y�.i;u' J �i�u - ; < '.:'. ; ' � . . ' �I ° h_ ���`�r3,�.;>�.�v:ii3f-;3 :::,?-�:+a-�� �' _ � I i _ �� ,, � � — a - - - - . �� r ,,, --^-5!r ':7: - - '='il = )_�ti' _ _ 'j�? ;:; . _.�� ?::;. . --; '�� ;�'r'9 -:: �I s _x'.' '..; ' �iid� 7_:,i1 - ' i ' ' `��_ ' '" � L �;" i-i: - . _ ' "�= _ " ' ' t " _''$�_`.�.� V v: LG= s� r>�`?. ; S i�l�i - 3i3 Q-8C:3a3=1', ke � ' 3ti0�'� . � r��: , ' c�'.�? f < a3 / Dg8 �>K BUSINESS a� � ANCHOR BANK 3281 _: _ �-. GENERAL FUNO �-__� �. 2700 E. 7TH AVENUE ��-1355 GENEVA AVE iY101 .;,y. NO. ST. PAUL, MN 55709 .- "`°" .= O,°amAt.E,MN55128 . �_�,� ��`"�-'' ' - �/1/2003 - s ' �, � � '� 75A82/960 - �� fOTHE .'.-- _- � - - - iROF --- �Burke Wheeler&Assoc " 5 "69-?$ - °_,r' -° - - iIXSY-NIiIC Zlld �LSI�O O��YX � i####>x�Y33iii#�kiUA#i�fei>>tY�yi�#}>ititt#>tyftytiA��FYtilti\ii4#YY#YY#kf�fYY�itiii3ll�i}�;};WaYYXXi� DOLLARS Burke, Wheeler & Assoc. - lack M. Burke - '� 1355 Geneva Avenue North � Suite 20I -. - _ - Oakdale, MN 55128 M - -.- " n•003 28 L��' �:0960088 ��'0�000069 2B��' ! I, i ; IW ; i= � 's i a�° a, U c _, � � o ,� r =� �Y� �ffJ:� 2 Zto�2(n •,� =l �Qtn pQ' � -_i 7Z�om¢w �� ;L¢ oOWa=_� xw�oa�w-;. `�F'�c�ip�M1� �i �JWdOQ2 �.'-I _� •p3 ��� =j �- t� !¢ _ L � W y �i y Y i` _ :J 2 I� �I w � �O I m � � . ° i c i o I `wX 25�:_; �97••�9�2446�i' P � g�� 9�0 � 11t� r-, ?f?'=iF:�f]f)t)i?�::� t�::300i�fl� (=' n��T.. ��� � 1,l t� .`_; 7" .:i ,�.MI - k1` . _ �i::-:�^�u YV �V.��i�G. a3 /a`i8 BURKE, WHEELER & ASSOC. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 1355 GENEVA AVENUE N #201 OAKDALE, MN 55128 (651)738-4805 White Bear Avenue Business Association INVOICE 9601 Postage (187 pieces @ $.37) 69.19 $ 69.19 ,� � � /g � �.' �� � �o � TERMS: BALANCE DUE UPON RECEIPT. AMOUNTS OVER 30 DAYS ARE ASSESSED A 1.5°/a SERVICE CHARGE PER MONTH. a3-io5� �� -- ��� `�: � _ , � ° - �.;>� �'?��� _ . � �, �, � USINESS ASSOCIAT►ON ANCHOFi BANK L FUND r�- -' ;a � z700 E. 7TH AVENUE A AVElZOt a��'� �,�� NO. ST. PAUL, MN 55109 MN 55126 �'�"�y�-�' � 75-882/960 _ � -. ._ , s��� - -- - ��. �� �,nc. . . - . . 3280 6/18/2003 � � 3 '*69.I9 �satst��sasra��s� Burke, Wheeler & Assoc. � -- , Jack M. Burke .,:' : - . _ _- , _ .- -� _ -- � � 1355 Geneva Avenue Nor[h - a s Suite201 '=`�'--- - - 1 � ��8 Oakdale, MN 55128 �" , . .- . � J� � / m+ `������ ��� 0� 3 280�� �.0960088 2 5�: ;,;�:.9 4 9 2446�� .� � ��"''� • • • ���, • '00000069 i9�' t a � L °' O �Y� �(A xz,n�Z�n � oa �z�oa LQ �OWD =WJ�WJ� _��� �Wa�¢S =�i� �3 1 W Y s Q y �, w m ¢ � X u n. �= ' ' �_-- ' �: :" - - .+] Y , , A = t , 1 r . r w �=� _ �:-:a- �I'.;:i'r7 I �->� *•' :i::`-",3 �t��;;�;'�`: �:i � '.n .an� �n� n�'ac,� cn r�';: �3 �� � I � i o � I n ?i�3=�t_if3{}l}i_'� ) i�0'`-�::1 3 I I i i �' j� 'I : . i, i' �I � ¢ I I� = I I I �3-/a9� BURKE, WHEELER 8� ASSOC. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 1355 GENEVA AVENUE N #201 OAKDALE, MN 55128 (651)738-4805 White Bear Avenue Business Association INVOICE 9601 Postage (113 pieces @ $.60) Postage (4 pieces @ $.37) . :� ., $ 69.28 �� ,� 3 L �� TERMS: BALANCE DUE UPON RECEIPT. AMOUNTS OVER 30 DAYS ARE ASSESSED A 1.5% SERVICE CHARGE PER MONTH. WHITE BEAR � _`.� PAY TO THE � � ' _; ORDER OF - �:p.ptydec.F MEMO 1 03 /aq� , • ;� • 3294 7l29/2003 ' - _ s X=i oo un xaas�a�+w:araza�*�� L VUE BUSINESS ASSOCIATION ANCHOR BANK GENEAAL FUND _ �0 E. 7iH AVENUE . i GENEVA AVE N207 � NO. ST. PAUL, MN 55109 1KDALE. MN 55728 ���"' _ � - -_ , • 75-882f960 , �.`�-`'f_' �, , _ _ - z"_ � _ •,ln�+,,n (`6�h - � .....�.._�..._'........................�..��.............:..........:.: ..............x........... Powder Puff Clown Club a � _ r -� _? � � _��s ���-°; - a ��� _ - � " - / ►L -_ � _. - - - NP ��'003294��' �:096008825�: . 97���92446��' -r'00000L00�0��' e --+� � V C� � � �. � �� r � � _ a <<� �, �� C �=' V �� !J _ � _ :< i, ! iW � �� 3JI � _ ,; -; � �, _ _; �=� ���=� �'_ � i _ `I i - Vi � � oC:+� '-+t•l- tt4 '�7Pi�x''3 i3�4�#'; � � r t3 e9'�53;� �c."� ' '�'��.�. � I �; -'—=_== 1= ' � I f ' � , I ��fl.��� ' I `� �� z^-��� ����.-a - = ; .. � =_11 ' i�,l ;� _ , � LL, . � °_;' _ . I�__; �.lt u::rr1 �t-nCr.;n -r��.-� �-�.�=.=�1 \•I'� {i1'ltfi7 q.�T t�Cti7 l.'l��y�:.lLGG li'C.O �3''��H SItr�3:-3auEl HLI9£#T��°! ' ;!_ , ;� = •� � �� <'� .� ' WHITE BEAR _ " _�_i-.- a> >-'�' ._ . ' `:`'� _ _- -�_ TOTHE ��. ' ER OF ''' Pani � "-- GENEAALFUND -- 1355 GENEVA AVE i201 ;OAKOALE, MN 55128 , ANCHOR BANK 27W E. 7TH AVENUE NO. ST. PAUL, MN 55109 75A62N60 :" 3296 ' 7/29/2003 - � 5 '*I50.00 {i�kYYYYY��XYiF St Paul Clown Club �- _ _ .;5� r ' ��.e:,, ry�.. '.?.� , _, . ' �- ' - ` F 9 4 � ��'00 3 296��• �:0960088 2 5�: i � �s `��`�-���� ��� m r: `-9 7���9 2446��' ��'00000 15000��' �,_ � � � \ \ u 1' � � ' �- i 1= ' ;=-„ ��'� i` _, i�= ": i, �� -: �` : Ic ; s = Q :, i � _, N -1 Iw - I� _� I�— � ;: i� i�� I` ' >c�t'Jt''�t:.�t'��b'�C tiS� ��il�itld�1S I c:=:�G3-H96i� I u r•a ` :+rlw� 'tiQF4�hiN rc� e�ss�.=�fl�i3 �2-�-a-$c� f I 03 -/0� , , - - _ _ _ __ �y _ • � WHITE BEAR AVENUH BUSINESS ASSOCIATION ANCHOfl BANK `, `�Z93 - -," GENEAAL FUND = -_ ' � 2700 E 7TH AVENUE � - . - --1355 CaENEVA AVE i201 -' � '• NO. ST. PAUL, MN 55109 ' _ - - _ -: :OAK�ALE. MN 55128 _. - _ -.� � �"� 75-0825eA . 7/29/2003 PAYTOTHE "- �� � � .� ORDER OF . 3M f`I .� "- ('f� 1+ -� 3 i "50.00 - FiftY and 00/100*+*'�rrwsaxrsra�akax.*x*rss��rssxs*+assr+srrss�saa+rrssxisssi»++ia�s+srstsar+s:+atssrta>*x»�:ssxsassss•ssa�. DOLLARS 3M Clown Club MEMO ��`003293��• �:0960Q8825�: ' II 1 `2 . � � i F ��: � hP 9?•��92446��' ��'qQQOQ050����• . Y :1 J '� I � ; �; ' �> , i3 �� �= I � ='i �-; �� -�i I� ^I i� = � i � I I �'Y O �Q.'GO� P �. �' �Ai� i 1/S.rC .,, ��;: . .` -o r- =r .n t";� e% �, ',:. CY3 �,_^, ' ; _ "' €_5 o �,. . .�,.7 �: n- �-= �'. . t:, i3 � {`' E.;� �� � � �( 'L � (w'.a. � t " '�y . _, _ i,,-a� � o E:: ,.+ `� ` � 4 . O t SI.�t�..4}11 • R r �i � •{ � . 4'L a+�4 V 1 V . *-� ce dA., y .. � _ . Yr + �! eJ.=s� �� i�,�t'v�J ,�:cJ i i .� � i � t^, C � L7. � �I , - ��i= ! � '� � I=_.i I, ac�=x�i 5��=;�x,� sCac�t,�� S'7cISi gc�I.3 t3-8LiCiP=t�€€ �t30?� rs - 8 S2��c.4�.' - ! - r �_� ' E: C=�.3 �3f3'� S=���.G UL� i=.CK:� .. �lN.j Q'v4�lvQ �:�Jl £1?f� �i,�E � �SIEV�G'.G'� E BEAR AVENUE BUSINi � �GENEAAIFUND �' _,.� 1 -����1355 GENEVA AVE Y -._.. ,'��� OAImALEI�W 657: .� J , � ANCHOR BANK 2700 E. 7TH AVENUE NO. ST. PAUL, MN 55109 75�867J960 .- . 3299 -: 8/6/2003 S •'100.00 - - c . �- � = - - - - OOIIOO�iYi3A�1�it#ltYifttit4#i>1�Yititll�itii<i+t'Rtik4ikiifiifYtfitiii Hayden Heighrs Boos[er Club a<.`�4 �-.. `F"�-fi-�_Tf� � � " . �^ � ��� � � �� � S �. - ,£ �,.c.7 �s� _" ii. .. _ � � $ fi �`� �� 97!!�9 2446��•, ,+'000�� L0000��' __ � �i•003299��• �:096008825�: O WYZ�V o�� W ` � 8 . � WFOZaN �ow�=$ oap°5� a �. _ � c 0 wX I �� �� . 's � _ �, - _i � ;�=i __ J � � �� ; �-_! �..� 1,��-� ;� -1 i` ` °i u� ;" ;I �- �� � ,_> `_ i�" I` ' z � �c ( � er, �, � t:`. � c^ t G-•.-a--4 Ci�'.. _� G�,_�-' _� �, -,�=::, � c.; _ _ � � � _. -�G c � ;",- � 1:..`�=-s� s a' Iv"� a� �� er� a `. � � � re ci -� �� �, 89�T5�8I�38 � : £-9996—�960