253360 OR161NAL TQ ClYY CL6RK ��y�()�n � CITY OF ST. PAUL �LE NCIL NO. " �� °+.j� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU IL OLU N—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATE Northwestern Bell Telephone C�npa.ny �uburban District Eh�.neer 2000 West County Road B2 St. Paul� Minnesota 55113 ��' Resolved that permission be and is hereby granted to the Northwestern o►w' Bell Telephone Campa.ny to make necessary excavations for and to pla.ce and Q,� hereafter maintain underground canduit together with necessary mantioles and lateral conduits to intersecting streets and alleys. On Dunlap Street fran University Avenue to Th�nas Avenue. All work to be in accordance with the attached plans as approved. The Telephone Company to pa.y cost of publication incident hereto. O � eeRO G��\�J\ ... . •�o � �c0 c o a Pss � APR 11S�b1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays er A�t� 1 1a� Carlson A prov� 19— Levine J Tn Favor wR,. _�xr�exe�riiir-- Sprafka J ayo A gainst Tedesco :"".�.�.,�-a�-�.,. . �, Mr, Vice Pr`�esident tvteredit AP R 31971 PUBLISHED �