253356 e ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �5335�
PRESENTED BY April 1� 1.971
RESOLVED: TM.at application for the transfer of Oa Sale LiquOr and Sunday-O�-Sale
Liquor licenses issued to Tom's Bar, Inc. at 41.7 Unive�sity Avenue tc
The Castaways� Inc. at the same address and their application fer
Restaurant, Off Sale Ma1t Beverage and Cigarette Licenses for the same
address� be and the same are hereby granted on the sondition tha,t
within � days of this date�,d applicant shall comply with a1.7.
the requirements of the Bur�au� of Fire� Health,and Paliee and the
License I�.spector pursuant to the St. Paul Legislative Code and
all other applicable ordinances and la�s.
APR 119�
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci 19—
Yeas Nays � 1 �g
Carlson ove� 19�
Le�ine � Tn FAVOr '
Td --- ---
✓ A gainst
APR 31971
� �fyY ���� PtTBLISH�D
Mr. Vice President Meredith
. �,
Cagital of Minnesota
eUe art�nevct o ub�C'c �a et
p �
ro�cs DEAN MER.EDITH,Commissioner HEALTH
BALPH G.MERRILI.,Deynty Commissloner
DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN,Liten�s Inspeetor
A�ril 1, 1971 `�J����
Honorable AZayor and City Council
Saint Paul, Minnesota
Gentlemen and Madam:
The Castaways, Ine., is joined by Tom's B�.r, Inc. ir�
making application for the transfer of On Sale Liquor License
No. 7982, expiring January 31;: 1972� and SuMday Or� Sale Liquor
License No. 10544, expiring March 15, 1972, from Tom's Bar, Inc.
at 417 University Avenue to The Castaways, Inc. at the same
The Castaways, Inc. also make appl.ication for Restaurant,
Off Sale Malt Benerage a,nd Cigarette Licenses for the same location.
The Officers of th� �pi�e� corporation axe James E.
Bergman� President and Treasurer and Milton D. Price, Jr. Vic��•
president and Secretaxy. They also are equal stockholclers in the
This location has been licensed for a similax business
since Nove�ber 1963. The pre��nt licensees� Tom'B Bar, Inc., have
held the licensea since November 1966.
Mr. B�rgman is owner and operator of the J. E. Bergman
Builders, Inc. Mr. Price is a practiaing attorn�y,
Very truly yours,
���� `� �
License Inspector
�� �
J �
March 31, 1971
Mx. Daniel P. McLaughlin
License Inspector
City of St. Paul .
St. Paul, Minnesota
Re: Castaways , Inc.
Dear Mr. McLaughlin:
This will confirm our discussion of yesterday relative to
the financial details involved in our acquisition of the stock
of Tom's Bar, Inc.
As I indicated, Mr. Kirchgatter had purchased the stock
from Mr. McMurray by assuming a note running in favor of Don
Evans, Inc. in the approximate amount of $32,000 .00 .
On March l , 1971, the outstanding balance was slightly in
excess of $17,280 plus two payments in default with a third
payment due March 15th.
At this time, three rent payments of $450 were also in
default payable to Clark's Submarine Sandwiches , Inc.
In addition to the foregoing, approximately two years ago
Mr. Bergman and myself guaranteed a note from Tom's Bar, Inc.
and Don Kirchgatter with the Summit National Bank in the
principal amount of $12 ,000 . On March lst, apprQximately $8 ,600
remained on this note and the March lst payment had not been made
and the note is in the process of going into default.
Due to the above complications and under agreement with
Mr. Kirchgatter, he assigned to us the stock of Tom' s Bar, Inc.
at which time we paid him $200 more or less as termination pay.
At the same time , the total amount owed to Don Evans , Inc. and/or
Clark's Submarine Sandwiches , Inc. (Clark Armstead and Don Evans)
was slightly in excess of $21 ,000 . We settled out the balance
owed under the purchase agreement, past due installments under
the purchase agreement and back rent by payment of the sum of
$17,000 . We are in the process of transferring the note to the
Mr. Daniel .P. McLaughlin
Fage �ao
March 31, 1971
Summit Nationai Bank to the new corporation. In addition, there
was approximately $3600 owed to liquor distributors and an unk.:own
number of outstanding bills for various services which will run
approximately $400-$500 .
' Summing it up, then, it would appear that we have paid or
are faced with liabilities in the following amounts :
1} Don Evans, Inc. and Clark's Submarine Sandwiches, Inc. :
$17,000 .00
2) Summit National Bank: $86(10 .
3) Contingent liabilities and unpaid bills of approximately
$4 ,000 .
I trust that the above is satisfactary for your purposes .
Very truly yours ,
; �,
/ ` v . �� -
M. �D. Pric , Jr. , Secretary
: � /c2����; ���/
Mr. James E. Bergman,
Mr. M. D. Price, jr.
305 Degree of Honor Bldg.
Sfi. Paul, Minnesota
� Re: Prior Agreements and Contracts Pertaining to Tom's Bar, Inc. .
I herewith tender my r.esignation as officer and director of Tom's .
Bar, Inc. and hereby relinquish all rights to the stock held in my name
in the corporation, Tom's Bar, Inc.
I do ttu�tl�er reiinqrxr�l� a�� a�r� a�l clai�s tha� I rr�a� have against
Tom's. Bar, Inc. •
I do hereby irrevocably assign all my stock in Tom's Bar, Inc. ,
a Minnesota corporation, to James E. Bergman and M. D. Price, jr. ,
their heirs and as signs.
` � ,
�� '`� '" '''� /' �`' -
� / � �� � '�� ` L
� �G�� �. L. . � � � L 6 ^� !i:-'� L �
Donn E. Kirchgatter �' �
�'�e March 30 19 71
1. Appliaati.on for Transfer of on sale liquor Liaenae
2. Name of applicrant Jamea E. Bergman �j�,G�� ��. �
3. Bu$ineas addresa �17 Un�.versity Ave Residence1105 Payne Ave. 7��� ��7�_c�
4. Trade na�, if any he Castawa s, xnc.
5. Retail Beex Federal Tax Stamp Retail Liquor Federal Tax Stamp x wi7,l ba used.
6. (�i what floor looated FirBt Number �f rocm�s used �o
• Weatern and
7. Betvueen what orass straets�ArL,�,�del }Whioh aide of atree�t North
8. Are premi�es now oaoupied yes �Ihat bus�.nea� on sale liquorA� long 5 years (approx)
9. Ars premises �oyrr unvacupied��How long vaeant Previous Uae
10. Are you a new ow�er Y�8 Have you been in a aimilar busineas before no
�iere �11hen
11. Are yoa go�.nng to aperste thia buainess person�ally Manager to work directly under
app cante
If not, �a mill operate it
12, Are ynu in any other business at the pa�es�nt ti�ee yes
13. Have there bean any aomplaints against your operation of this type oP place �
�Yhen Where
14. Have you ever had any lioen�e revoked no TNhat reason and date
15. Are you a oitizen of �the United States yes Native X Naturalized
16. 1Nhere v+rere you borxi St . Paul, Minn. Aate of birth August 30, 1135
1?, � am not �rried. My (wife �s) (husband's j name and address is
18. (If married Pemale) my z�iden n�zne is
19. �r long have you livad i.n. St. Paul 35 years
20. Have yon ev+er been arrested yes Viulation of what orim3.x�l la�r or ordin�e►aoe
traffic misdemeanor
21. Are you a registered voter in the City of S�. Paul x Yes Ro•
(An.svuer �ull and aom letel . Theae s lications are thorou hl oheok�d and an
laifi,cation wi11 be cauae for denia .
22. Number of 3.2 places within two blocks two
23. Closea� intoxicating liquor p]aos. �'hi Sale � b��k �3f'f Sa1e _ � b1 a�k
24. Nearest Chureh 4 ht � ks Nearest School 3� blocks
25. Number of booths 4 Tables 8 C�irs 22 Stools 14
26. What occupe,tion have vou followed for the pas� five yaars, (Give names ot' employera
and date s s o employed.)
J. E. Bergman Builders, Inc. President (awner—o rator)
1105 Pa e ve.
St . Paul Minne:�ota.
27, Give names and addresses of two peraone, residents of St. Pau1, �inn., �ho ct�n gi�s
in.formation concerning you.
Name Jerry Stein Address American Nat ional Bank, St. Paul
�a� Warren Schaber .Ad ess 991 Payne Ave. , St. Paul
� �
S' ure of App can
Sta te of �5.nn.e s ota�
Cotanty of Ram.sey )
James E. Bergman being first duly s�rorn, depoaes �nd says
upon oath that he has rea the foregoing statement bearin.g his ai�nature and l�ows
the contents thereof, and �hat the sam�a is true of his own knowledge e�cept as to
those �-�ters therein at�ted upon information and belief and as to those matters
he bal�.aves them to b� �rt�a. ��
i � ,� ,�._../
S'� ure of AppliQant
Stabscx°ibed and sworn to before me �
this 3Oth day of �rch 19�,
N ry P ic, Raru.sey unty, I�i.nnesota
o=-,� i 7���:.'.r��i�;^;�i7.��f�'�
My Co�unission expires ry��'pu'����, Ram�ay Cr,r y, Mfnn.
� . xeues . ov. ,��,
(Notea �hese statement forms are in. duplicate. Both copies mus� be flally filled out,
notarized, and returned to the L,icense Division.j�
Re= _�_Sa1e licZL,or License
Name of applicant Jam� E. erg�,n '` I'n�s ���-
Business address 41 �_rt�ivprc;t-„r, v��,, „�ai- _ n�,�1�
Are you the sole owner of this business?_�_. If' not, is it a partnership7
corporation? x cor,�oration , other?
�thers interested in business, include those by loan of money, property or otherwiaea
Na Addre s s How ✓� l�iw. '(e�et,.
�ilton D. Price, Jr� 1154�ummit Ave. 509G sto�k o�erahip
If a corporation, give its siame. R+�g r�ASt�wa�s_ rns�
.�re you interested in any way in any other retail bear or liquor business? no
As sole owner? Partner? $tockholder?
Cltherwise? (Through ioan of' money, etc. Explain�
Addrsss of such business and nature of i.nter t in same
.ri /;;'��'iJ
Si ure of appZican,
State of Minne s ota�
Gounty of Ramsey �
James E. Bergman being first duly sworn, deposes and says upon oath
that he has read the foregoing a fid�,vit bearing his signature and knows the contenta
thereof; that the same is true of his ovrn knov:rledge, except as to those ma�ters therein
stated upon information and belief and as to t o matters he believes �hem to be true.
� 1� �
Si ture of applicant
3ubscribed and sworn to before me
this 30th day ofMarch 19 71
Notary lic, ey uun�y, a.nneso'�a
�Iy ccmrmission expires NotaryPublir],�amseyCounry, Minn.
m ss�on E�'piF�s Nov. 11, 1976
s�� � a��rn�so�)
__ :rames F._ RE,r�man being firat duly sw�orn, doth depoae
and say that he m�kes this affidavit in Qonneotion w ith application for
" On �le" liquor lioenae (" Sals" mslt baverage licanae� in the City
of Saint Paul, Minne�ot�; that your aff�.�int a.s a resident of the State of
Minnesota and has resided therein for _ �g years, � mon�ha
and is nae� and has been for the tiaue abave m�ntioned a bona Pide resident of
eaid State and that he naw residea at
� dress
St . Paul
, �tiixine a ota.
�it y or own
� � ��
3ubscribed and s�orn to before �
this 30th day a�March 1971
� ,
o�ary 'c, Hamsey County, Minnesota
My c ssion expires i n,';�i ; ,r .,_ �� -
r�uF,�y r�:�.���, n�;;,� .��, ' - � - �:�. �
; �,_ _. ��: . �.. . , _..
Date March 30 �.9 71
1. �,pplioatiot� for r afer of On sale licxuor license L3.cease
2. Nams of appliaa�.t ilton D. Price, Jr. (/. � ��ic.
3. Bus�ne�a address 417 University Ave Residenoe 116� Summit Ave
4. Trade name, i,f +�ny s cor o�ation
5. Retail Beer Federal Tax Stampw Retail Liquor Federal Tax Stamp�x�wi11 be used.
6. Qn �vhat flo�r locsated girs�t Number of rooans uaed Two
7. Between wh�t. arosa atreets est�run�el y�Thioh side of street North
8. Are premisea now ocoupied v�'IMh,a� business� on ssle l icruor Ho�r long 5 years (approx)
9. Are premi�es noar txn.occupied Ho�,y long vacant Previ�,ou+� Uae
10. Are �ou a new o'aner ..yes Have you been, in a'aimi].ar business before no
VPhere �flhen
11. Ars you going to opere�te tha.� business person�ally Man{�qer to work di�ectiv under
If not, v�o �rill operate it sppl icants
12, Are you in any other business at the present tima_ ye$
. -.-_.,_
13. Have there been any aomplaints against your operation of �hia type oP plaae�w�
�hea Where
14. Nave you evsr had any lioense revoked �o �Phat reason and date
15. Are yoa a aitizen of the United Statea yes Native x Natu�ali�ed
..�.�.. -.�.r..,.....,.
16. 1Nhere vu�are you boz�r� ��. � u�l, Minn. Date af birth November 20, 1927 �
17. I am married. �y (wife's) (husband's) name and addresa is
6lenna Millard Price
18. (If m�rrie d �em�le� m� ms iden name is
19. �ow long have you lived in S`�. P�u1 43 years
20. He,ve yoa ev+er been arrested y�g �iolation of what orimixlal lava or ordine�nee►
traffic misdemeanor
21. .�re yoa a registered voter in �he C�,ty of St. Paul yes Yea No,
(Answer �ull �nd aom le�el . These a liaations are thorou hl cheoked an� ��
lsifiaation wi].1 be cause for enia .
� y � ,
22, Number of 3.2 places within two blucka two
, 23. Closest intoxicating liquor plaoe, �7n. Sa3e �i block �fl Sa1e � block
24. Nearest Chureh 4 blocks Nesrest Sohool 3� blocks
25. IvTumber of booths 4 Tables 8 C�irs 22 Stools 14
26. YVhat occupation have vou followed for the psst five y�ears, (Giva names of employers
and date s s o employ�ed.)
Gearin, Price, Melzarek & Jensen
305 D� ree of Honor Building, St . Paul, Minn.
2l. Give namea and addresses of two peraons, residents of St, paul, Mi.nn., who can give
in.fox�►t2on concerning you.
T�1ame Hart N. Cardozo, Jr. �,ddress 833 Goodrich Ave. St. Paul
Name David S. Nicholson .Address 743 Goodri Ave. St. Paul
��� � � -- � ,
Signature o App ican
Sta te of Mi.rm.e s ota�
County of Ramsey )
Milton D. Price, Jr. being first duly sworn, deposes and says
upon c�ath that he has rea the foregoing sta�ement bearing his signature and lrnows
the contents thereo�', and that the same is true of his o�m l�owledge e�Qept as to
those matters therein atated upon informst3.on and belief and a9 to those matters
he bel�_c��res them to be �x°�!e.
� ���� 2
Signature af Applioa
Subacribed and sworn to befors me
this 30thday of March, 19 71
Notary lic, Rams y County, Minnesota
BEi`fll C.�Sl�l�DaE.F.
My C o�n,i s s f on e xpi rs s pob public, RamsoY�����`y. ��nn.
1/ CARIrtI tt(nn cpire :'7.'Y.�191�
(Note a These statemen.t forms are in duplicate. Both eopiea mus� be fully filled out,
no�arized, and returned to the License Division.j"r
Rs� ��Sale ,�l,or License
Name of applicant Milton D. Price Jr. I' .�s.z
. V•_�u,: .
Business address 417 University Ave. St . ;:���ul
Are you the sole owner of this business�_. If' not, is it a partnership?
corporation? Corporation , othex?
�hers interested in busxness, include those by loan of money, property or otherwisea
Na1�Tames F_ A P� 50�ock ownership
p,._r,c�man Addres s 1105 Pavne Ave.St .
If a corporation, give its name. The Castaways, Inc.
Are you interested in any way in any other retail bear or liquor business? NQ
As s ole avmer? Partner? St ockholder?
Qtherwise3 (Through ioan of money, etcs. Ex�lain�
Address of such business and nature of interest in same
�'� �� �G :.
Signature of applican
State of Minne s ota�
G ounty of Ramsey )
Milton D Price, Jr. being first duly sworn, deposes and says upon oath
that he as read the foregoin� a fid�;vit bearing his signature and la�.ows the contents
thereof;, that the same is true af his oym l�.avrledge, except as to those matters therein
stated upon infox•rnation and belief and as to thoss matters he b 'eves them to be true.
Z :� ,.
igna ure of appl3can
3ubscribed an.d sworn to before me
this �p� day of March 1971
No ary ic, ey County, innesota
�y cc�rc�ission expires ., , r^ ' ' 19'
, i.. . . ., ..i .
. � ' • ' �
s�� oF �n�so�,)
M il t on D. Pr ice, Jr be�,ng first duly a�rorri, do�h depoae
and aay that he mskea this af#'idavit in conriection with application Por
" On $a1e" liquor lioense (p S`ale" mslt bav,srage lloense� in the City
af Saint Paul, Minnesota; that your a�'fi.ant is a resident of �he State of.
�innesota and has resided thersin for 43 years, 4 mon.�hs,
and ia naw arld haa been for the time abc�ve mentionsd a bona Pide resident of
said State and that he nvw resides a� 1154 Summit Ave, St . Paul, Minn.
� ddress
St . Paul , Minneaota.
Cit y or o�:
/ ���,� •
Subscribed and s�rorn �o bef ore �
this 3'.Jth day of March 19 71
otary blic, Rame y County, �dinneaota
My co�¢niasion expi,rea
BcTTY.L': _ ,
Notary Pi�ol�c, Ramsey Ccu^ty, Minn.
p,�v C�mmission Ex;,i-ss i'�o`�. li. 1916