253295 _-- 5`3�9� co�ott� xo...2. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theundereignedherebq propoeeethemalcingof thefollowingpubliaimprovement by tha City ot aaint Paul�vis.: .........����.tts�Xi��._the.,.si�sw�.k..tul...th�..er�L..���..5,��..�1.�bgr�..s�.:..from,En�lewood,.Ave. to Hewitt..Ave��and by_ doin�.all_other.work.which.is..necessarq.and_incidental_to com— plete said improvement. Dated this.......���1�,......day of.....................�.a��k�...............-•---....... .... lg _o .......................... .. _ .... �.._...... ..._........ �Counailmsn. PRELIMINARY OItDEIt. WHEREA$, A written propoeal for the making of the following impmvement� vis.: reconstruct the sidewalk on the east side of Albert St. from Englewood.Ave. .to_ � ..............._..................................---................._......................__.............---.......................-•---............._.. __._. Hew�,�_�,_�vg_s,.,a}}d_]�y,_,do�},g„��1�„o$,h��„�pr�C„�hic�„is necessary,.and,.incidental to com— `.._. plete.said improvement:.............____ ....._. ..............•--.................._........__........._..................._...............---........_.........._ ................................•---••----._._.......__....................___.._..............._.._......_...................._....._..._.............-•----...................................._ having been preeented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul-----------------•----._......_.....---•-----•-•--...-••----------.................._. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commiesioner of Publio Worke be and is hereby ordered Bnd direoted: 1. To inveatigate the neceseity for, or deairability of,.the making of eaid improvement. 2. To inveetigate the nature, extent and ostimated coat of said impmvement� and the total ooet thereof. 3. To furnieh s plan, profile or aketch of said improvement. , 4. To etete whether or no�eaid improvement ie aekedl ifor on tthe petition of three ar mor�ownere. 6. To report upon ail of the foregoing mattere to the �ommieeioner of F�neaoe. Adopted by the �ounoil......................................M�R.�6.I�1.�j......... Ysse Counc i lmen But 1 er+�-- MAR 2 6 1971 Car 1 son Approved_......._._.._....---- _...................:......................._._ Levine--� Meredith Sprafka Tedes co..._.. •----••-• ...____,.. Mr. President McCerty �or. �000 i.aa � ,--� Pt�BilsxEa APR 3197t