253290 04�IOINAL TO CITY CLRRK 253�9U CITY OF ST. PAUL �°NCtL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE AT� WHEREAS, The City Council has previously approved, by Council File No. 252744, the Comptroller's application for authority to dispose of records (Comptroller's Appl. No. 5, 2/24/71), and WHEREAS, The Minnesota State Archives and Records Service has by order dated March 17, 1971 (State Archives Appl. No. 71-101) under the authority of Minnesota Statutes 138.17, as shown on the attached copy, ordered that the records as shown on the application be disposed of by destroying them, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of St. Paul concurs in, authorizes and directs the destruction of the records on the aforesaid application, which application is ma.de a part hereof by reference. FORM APPROVED , w,r J:.:'R, Asst. Corporation ounse( MAR 2 6 �471 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ���1 But�er �1AR `� � Carlson � e� 19— Levine �_jn Favor � � Meredith Sprafka � Mayor Tedeaco A 8ainat Mr. President, McCarty �LIS�D AP R 3 t911 �� . � ARS Fprm 20-t't lrev.69) ti���'^� MINNESOTA S�AT� A�CHlVES A11� RECORt�S SEFiVlCE �j�9� , 117 University Avenue,St. Paul, Mi;�nesota 5510'f APPLICATION FOR AUTHQRITY TO DtSPOSE OF RECQRDS ltVSTRUCTIOfVS_ IVlake original and 3 copies. Complete items 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 14a, b, and c. Use reverse side of form to continue records description. If more space is needed, uise white bond paper similarily spaced.Send original and 2 copies to the above address. Retain one copy while your application is being processed. You wili receive as�approved copy of your application,which will be your authoriiy to dispose of records.The approved copy should be retained permanently. 1. TO: Mi�r►esota State Archives Commission FOR C�MMISSION USE ONLY 2. FROM: Ci.ty Comptroller St. Paul " � Application No. _ �/ —%G'/ Agency or Office Subdivision or Section 3—i� -- 7� 9. Date Received - 3. Quantity af Records: cubic feet 121 or linear feet 4. Locatian of Records: _Comptroller� b�1Set1 nt Vu il 10. The records listedonthis application are not eeded for p st au t purposes. � 5. Laws o�er than M. S. 138.17 that relate to the destruction or safekeeping of �_ the recards:Laws 1953, Ch. 46; M.S. b00.135; M.S. 465.63 � �, ��� S _�� 6. 1 certiiy that the records listed on this applica:ion are accurately described,and that Publi—e Examiner Dept. Date they ha�rse no further administrative, legal, or fiscal value for the current business of this agenz;y. � ��i ? 1���APPR�� � � � , i v,;J,i , r;�,/,_ <.�=�� ��''?/�;���. �,�, ,�; �' � -'%'� Public Examiner Date gency ea or ut onze �gnature Date �� �`�,� %' ''' i,_•..,;:... d� ..//(,i'� -���:,� �j 7. ! have apjsraised the records described on this application for their continuing value ACtorney General Date for histo;icai or other research, functional documentation, ar�d the protection of i f� �J`�E. ��C� j:f<,- � µ7,�� J� individuai rights and the rights of the government. �r�- S ate 'udito ; Date � � �� � ' �/�,!�%1,�,::, ��/L� �j I r e c o m m e n d: `_� irector, Minnesota Histbrical Society ' Date Destroy "stems f Retain in oifice of origin items 12. Under the authority of Minnesata Statutes Tr�nsfec to State Archives items 138.17, it is hereby ordered that the records Consider for transfer to °� te Reco s Center items listed on this application be disposed of as authorized in item 15. �� ��'�:�� e� ,� , . . State Archivist and Records Ad�ninist�ator e Commissioner of Administration and Date Chairman,State Archives Commission 13. ADOENt?UM � 14. Descrip�aon of Records- List each record series or type of recorci as a separate item. FOR Cort�li���ssioN USE ONL Y a. Item t.io. b. Nama of record,form numboes,content,arrangement,original or duplicate c. Inclusive Dates �5. Authorized Disposition WILL IdOT MSCRO�IT..d�i 3. �oucher Check Jacicet: Pravides nunieric search ahility of all payments. Has invoice and related p�per attache . �3uplicate of voucher check tissue (micxafilmed and original destroyed) . Not summari�ed. 1962 and I963 pestray 2. i�ioucher Check; Provides numeric search abilii•y of all p�yments. Shows payees endorser�ent. 19G2 and 1963 �eStCOy �Ygpl. S, 2/24/71 ' ARS Form 20-11 (rev.69) MINNESOTA STAl'E ARCNI�EES la�JD RECOFi�3S SERVlCE , 177 University Avenue,St Paul, Minnesota 55'!01 ��� APPLICATIQN FOF� AUTHORlTY TO DISPOSE OF RECORDS �� INSTRUCTIONS: Make original and 3 copies. Complete items 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 14a, b, and c. Use reverse side of form to continue records description. If more space is needed, use white bond paper similarily spaced.Send original and 2 copies to the above address. Retain one copy while your application is being processed. You will receive an approved copy of your application,which will be your authority to dispose of records.The approved copy should be retained permanently. 1. TO: Minnesota State Archives Commission FOR COMM/SSIDN USE ONLY 2. FROM:_City Comptroller St. PBUJ. � � APP��cationNo. 71 --/C'/ Agency or Office Subdivision or Saction 9. Date Received �'i� '^ 7� 3. Quantity of Records: cubic feet 121 or linear feet 4. Location of Records: _Comptrallers bas r�ent vault 10. The records listedonihis application are not 5. Laws other than M. S. 138.77 that relate to the destruction or safekeeping of eeded for p st au t PurPoses. 3`� therecords:La��s 7.953, Ch. 46; M.S. 6Q�.135; M.S. 465.G3 � �, i�'Y��—J S �� • 6. I certify that the records listed on this application are accurately described,and that Publi—�— �miner Dept. Date they have no further administrative, legal, or fiscal value for the current business of this agency. �% ? � � 11.�O�lM��APPR�� f � �� ;�_ �� ��� � 1�" , i ��;t � �! ,�'r�_,�.,�<,��� �/ ���/��-,, ,�/. ��j �� ` ' ' � � f i i � ?) Pub�ic Examiner � DaJ te gency ea or ut onzed S�gnature ' Date �� /'%' /'i .:-� ...,,... f''__'�__ � � �� . �- _��-,.,�w�__�- --/��/"�i 7. I have appraised the records described on this application for their con2inuing value Attorney Generr�t Date for historical or other research, functional documentation, and the protection o� �,%;� 'ls(�=� f��� x�r.�� �-_. ,�-� r(- '>I individual rights and the rights of the government. �;:t s gce udito Dste C' � l � � I recommend: �i�� . , �/�/, ,!�%�,/.f.� a �-/L- 7 ' irector, Minnesota Historical Socie� Date . Destroy items �""'� __ Retain in office of origin items t2. Under tne authority of Minnesota 5tatutes Transfer to State Archives items t38.17, it is hereby orderad that the records Consic�er for transfer t �e Reco�s Center items listed on this applicatian be disposed of as authorized in item 15. .� ���`_ �°` c� ? . Siate Archivist and Records Adminisirator te Commissioner of Administration and Date Chairman,State Archives Comrnission 13. ADDENDUM 14. Description of Records- List each record series or type of record as a separate item. FoR coMna�SS�oN USE UiVL Y a. Item No. b. Name of record,form numbers,content,arrangement,original or duplicate c. Inclusive Oates ��- Authorized Disposition WILL NOT MICROFZLM 1. Voucher Check ,Tacket; Provides numeric search ability of all p:zyments. Has invoice �nd related paper attache . Duplfcate of voucher chec�, tisscae (micro£ilmed and original destroye3) . Not summariued. 1962 ancl 1963 pPStroy 2. Voucher Checic: Frovides numeri.c search ability of all payrnents. Showa payees endorsement. I962 and 1963 �eSff6y App2. S' 2 j2�+I71 . /� DrJrLICAT[TO lRiii'RR �. CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNC�� NO . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL F4RM rRes�u.,r . COMMISSIONF� ^A� ti��3, '!4� City Cow�eil hu �r��riowl� �, tr� Caw�ail ?ils do. �'ik744, tilia Co�trotl�s's a�Iioatiaat tor �►thorit� to aitp�s ot n�orda (�Ptr�olt�r'� �1. Mo. �, �/�A/�1), a�d i�, Tbs ltiaa�oea atat�► A�d�iwa +�i �e�or�s ��ms� 1w by os�r �t►�d tr�rah 11, 19?x ��e+te� �sahi�st► ,R�#1, �o. 71w1t11) w�isr tba antlarit�► o! M�mssots 8�stutts 138.17', as s�t os t�t att,a�d �!'7s ot�lss�d t.mtt, t1r zt�s �1s sha�a os tlMt �►�lioatioa bu d�oaa�l . of 1r�r d�st�i� tL�, uoar tlrsr�fors bs it �Q.�, lLat t� �il of tlr� City ot 8t, � ��► in, ' aut.�ris�s ud dir�sts �hs �Satrueti+on at t1� �aorir +on t�r atozssaid a�l,iaatiaa, �hiob a�►iiaatios i� �s a prt haraof b� :ti'i�nnoa. MAR 2 61971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the ConnC�1 19_ Y� xa� Ir1AAR 2 6 1971 Butler Carlaon Appro� 19— ��e �in Favor Meredith � � Sprafka � �Y� Tedesco AS�at n�. ���a�t, ��ca�ty - ' ��