253278 � ORIGINAL.TO CITY CLlRK �532'78 ' � . CITY OF ST. PAUL HLE NCI� NO. � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �" COMMISSIONE ATF WHEREAS� hapter 475, Minnesota Statutes 1969, provides that the governing body of any municipality issuing general obligations shall , prior to the delivery of the obligations , levy by resolution a direct general ad valorem tax upon all taxable property in the municipality, to be spread upon the tax rolls for each year of the term of the obligations, and said law also provides that the tax levies for all years shall be specified and such that if collected in full they, together with estimated collections of special assessments and other. revenues pledged for the payment of said obligations , will produce at least five per centum (5�0) in excess of the amounts needed to meet, when due , the principal and interest payments on the obligati�ns, and said law further provides that said resolution shall create a separate sinking �und for each. issue of obligations , and shall irrevocably appropriate the taxes so levied and any special assessments or other revenues so pledged to that fund or account; now, therefore , be it RESOLVED� That for the purpose of providing for the pay- ment of the principal and interest upon the �2�000,000 Water Pollution Abatement Bonds, Series 1971, issued and sold, as authorized by Resolution of this Council, Council File No . 252732, when and as the same mature , and for an addi- tional direct tax in an amount not less than five per •centum (5�0) in excess of the sum required to pay such principal and interest when the same mature , there is hereby levied on all of the taxable property in the City of Saint Paul, in addition to all other taxes, a tax for the payment of said �2, 000,000 of bonds, the following direct, annual , irrevocable taxes, to-wit: FORM APPROVED o,�.,. or,-r �p �-- � Asst. Corporation Cour�se� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler Caxlson Approved 19— Levine Tn Favor Meredith �yar Sprafka A gainst Tedeaco Mr. President, McCarty �� . �:.., _ , �_ ; r _ ������ �: Pabe 2 . Tax Required By Chapter 475, T'Iinnesota ]3udget Tax I'or Tax ror � Statutes 1969 in e:�cess Tota1 �'ear Principa]_ Interest of Principal an.d Interest T:�x 1971 $ - $ 51,031.25 $ 2,551.56 $ 53,582.81 1972 - 102,062.50 5 , 103.13 107 , 1G5.63 1.973 - 102,062.50 5,103. 13 107 ,1.65.63 1974 50,000.00 100,812.50 7,540.63 158,353. 13 1975 50,000.00 98,312.50 7 ,415.62 155,728. 12 1976 ' 60,000.00 95 ,562.50 7 ,778. 12 163,340.62 � 1977 60,000.00 92,562.50 7,628. 12 160,190.62 1978 6Q,000.00 8�3,562.50 7,478. 13 157,040.63 1979 60,000.00 86,562.50 7 ,328. 12 153,890.62 1980 65 ,000.00 83,437.50 7,421,88 155,859.38 1981 65 ,000.00 80, 187.50 7,259.37 152,446.87 1982 65,000.00 76,937.50 7 ,096.88 149,034.38 1983 65,000.00 73,687.50 6,934.37 I45 ,621.87 1984 65 ,000.00 70,437.50 6,771.88 142,209. 38 1985 65 ,000.00 67,187.50 6,609.37 138,796.87 1986 70,000.00 63,812.;0 6,690.63 140,503. I3 1987 70,000.00 60,312.50 6,515 .62 136,828. 12 1988 70,000.00 56,812.50 6,340.63 133,153. 13 1989 70,000.00 53,312.50 6,165 .62 129,478. 12 1990 75 ,000.00 49,687.50 G,234.38 130,921.88 1991 75,000.00 45 ,900.00 6,045.0� 126,945 ,00 1992 75,000.00 42,075 .00 5 ,853.75 122,928.75 1993 75 ,000.00 38,193.75 5,659.69 118,853.�+4 1994 80,000.00 3/+,125.00 5 ,706.25 119,831.25 1995 80,000.00 29,925 .00 5 ,496.25 115 ,421.25 1996 80,OOQ.00 25,725.00 5 ,286.25 l_11,011. 25 1997 90,000.00 21,262.50 5,563. 12 116,825. 62_ 1998 90,000.00 16,537.50 5 ,326.88 111,�364. 38 1999 90,000.00 11,812.50 5 ,090.62 106,903. 12 2000 90,000.00 7,087.50 /+,£354.38 101,941,88 2001 90,000.00 2,362.50 4,618. 12 96,980.62 ~ $ 2,000,000.00 $ 1,829,350.00 $ 191,4G7.50 $ 4_,020,817.50 • F.i��� I � � � `OR161NAL TO CITY CLBRK ' . � . � . , CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER �ATF age . be it I'URTHER RESOLVED� That in the event any principal and interest come due prior to the receipt of the proceecis of said taxes , it shall be paid prompi�ly, when due , OLlt of the beneral fund of the said City of Saint Paul , and reimbursement therefor sha11 be made when said taxes shall have been received; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That there shall be created a separate sinking fund, or a special account in the sinking fund, for said 4 obligations , and that the taxes received for the payment thereof are hereby irrevocably appropriated to said account , and that �he City Clerk be and is hereby instructed to file in the office of the Gounty Auditor of Ramsey County a certified copy of this Resolution, together tivith full information regarding the bonds for which this tax is levied, and the City Clerk is hereby ordered and directed to secure from the Gounty Auditor a certiFicate that he has entered the obligations in the tax register as required under the provisions of Ghapter 475, Minnesota Statutes 1969, and that the tax levy required for the purpose has been made ; be it F`iJRTFIER RESOLVED� That be�ore the said bonds shall be delivered to the purchaser, the Council of the City of Saint Paul shall obtain fro� the County ALiditor and deliver to the purchaser a certificate � of the Coi�nty Allclitor that tYie issue has been entered on his register and that a tax has been levied as required by law, in accordance with ttie provisions of Chapter 4'75, Minnesota Statutes �g6g; be it FURT�IER RESOLVED� That such taxes shall be collected and the payment thereof en�forced at �the same time and with and in like tuanner as other taxes of the City of Saint Paul , and when collected shall be used solely for paying the i.nterest and principal of said bonds t� en and as the same mature ; be it FURTIiER RESOLVED, That in compliance with and for the purpose specified by the pertinent provisions of said Ch� ter 475, Tlinnesota Statutes 196g, said speci�.l sinking fuiid in the nature of a special . aceount in the regular Sinking Fund of the City of Saint Pau], herehv is created. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council MAR � � 147�_ Yeas Naqs Butlex� Ve�MAR �� ����� 19— ---Caxlson , Levine� '"`° _Yn Favor --'112eredith r --fiprafka � A gainst �---Tedesco —��1GIr. President, McCarty PUBLISHEll MAR�„�„197; - �� o��,�,n,�.�,� 2532'78 ° CITY OF ST. PAUL .�uNa� NO • '` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM n�s�c w COMIAISSION� ^ATE 'WHEREA3, Chapter 475, Minnesota 3tatute� 1969, providee that the 6overning body oi any sunioipslity ie�uin� general obligations �hall, prior to the delivery o! the obligationa, levy by resolution s direot general ad valores taa upon all taYable property in the vunioipality, to be •pread upon the tax rolls Yor eaoh yesr oi the ter� oi the obligatione, a�d said law also provide• that th,e ta�c levies ior sll yeara ohall be •peoifiad and suoh that ii oolleoted in tull they, to��ther Mith estimated oolleotione oi spectial assesamente and other revenues pledged ior the psy�ent� of aaid obligations, Nill produoe a� leeat five per centum (5�r) in eaoess o2 the aaounte needed to meet, i+hen due, the prlaaipal and interest paym�nts on the obligatbns, and aaid laM further provides that rald r�eolutlon shall orsate a separate einkiaa iund ior eaoh ieene oi obltgations, snd ehall irrevooably appropriate the tazes so lsrie d a�d any speolal aesessments or other revenues so pled�ed to that Yund or 8000uat; now, therelore, be it . SESOLYEIy,° Tbet ior the purpose ai provjlin� �or the p�►- �ent oY the prinoipal end intsreet u on the �g,000,000 wetsr Pollution Abatasent Honde, 3erier l9�T1, i�aued and sold, a• authorised by Besolution of this Couaoil, Counoil F11s No. 258732, when and as the sane �atnre , snd ior an sddi- tional direot taz in an aaount not le�r than tiv�e pe r/ee�tu' (g'�) in e=oess ot the •nm required to pay suoh priaoipal and interest when the •ame mature, there is hereby leviad on all oi the tszable property in the City oi 3aint Paul, in addition to ell oth�r tazes, a taz tor the paysent oi seid �2,OU0,000 0� bonda, the tolloMing direo�E, a�anual, irrevooable ta�ces, to-Mitt CpUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co+�nc� 19_ Yeaa Naya Butler Carlson Approv� 19— �°�e Tn Favor Meredith � Sprafka AodAITAt � Tedeaco Mr. Preaident, McC$rty �� ;��;�.:: . B. _ ������ � . . . page 2 . Tax Rec�uired By Chapter 475 , Minnesota Budget Tax For Tax ror � Statutes ].969 in excess Total 1'ear Principal Interest of Principal and Interest Ta�: 1971 $ - $ 51,031.25 $ 2,551.56 $ 53,582.81 1972 - 102,062.50 5 ,103. 7.3 107 ,165 .63 1973 - 102,062.50 5,103. 13 107, 165.63 1974 50,000.00 100,812,50 7,540.63 158,353. 13 1975 50,000.00 98,312.50 7,415. 62 155,728. 12 1976 ' 60,000.00 95,562.50 7 ,778. 12 163,340.62 ig77 60,000.00 92,562.50 7,628. 12 160,190.62 1978 60,000.00 89,562.50 7,478. 13 157,040.63 1979 60,000.00 86,562.50 7 ,328. 12 153,890. 62 1980 65,000.00 83,437.50 7 ,421.88 155,859. 38 1981 65,000.00 80, 187.50 7,259.37 152,446.87 1982 65,000.00 76,937.50 7,096.88 149,034.38 1983 65 ,000.00 73,687.50 6,934. 37 145 ,621.87 1984 65,000.00 70,437.50 6,771.88 142,209. 38 1985 65,000.00 67,"I87.50 6,609.37 138,7�6.87 1986 70,000.00 63,812.;0 6,690.63 140,503. 13 1987 70,000.00 60,37.2,50 6,515.62 136,828. 12 1988 70,000.00 56,812,50 6,3�+0.63 133, 153. 13 1989 70,000.00 53,312.50 6,165 .62 129,478. 12 1990 75 ,000.00 49,687.50 6,234.38 130,92I.88 1991 75,000.00 45 ,900.00 6,045.00 126,945,00 1992 75,000.00 42,075.00 5 ,853.75 122,928.75 1993 75,000.00 38,193.75 5,659.69 118,853.44 1994 80,000.00 3�+,125.00 5 ,706. 2S 119,831. 25 1995 80,000.00 29,925.00 5 ,496.25 115 ,421.25 1996 80,000.00 25,725.00 5,286.25 111,011. 25 I997 90,000.00 21,262.;0 5,563. 12 116,825. 62 1998 90,000.00 16,537.50 5 ,326.88 111,864. 38 1999 90,000.00 11,812.50 � 5 ,090.62 106,903. 12 2000 90,000.00 7,0£37.50 4,854.38 101,941.88 2001 90,000.00 2,362,50 4,61�3. 12 96,980.62 $ 2,000,000.00 $ 1,829,350.00 $ 191,467.50 $ 4,020,817.50 � � 253�'78 �.. DUlLI�AA'R TO�RIN7�t . . . . . . . . � . • �CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNC�� N� � ' �OFFICE ,pF THE CITY CLERK .� . . COUNCIL.RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � ' � C.�OMMI�I�N� ' • eA� _,.,.,._...� Page 3. be it • FURTHER RESOLVED, That in the event any principal and interest come due prior to the receipt of the proceeds of said taxes , it shall be paid promptly, when due , out of the general fund of the said City of Saint Paul, and reimbursement therefor shall be �made when said taxes shall have been received; be it FURTHER RESOLVED� That there shall be created a separate sinking fund, or a special aecount in the sinking fund, for said � � obligations , and that the taxes received �or the payment thereof are hereby irrevocably appropriated to said aceount , and that the City Clerk be and is hereby inetructed to file in the of�ice of the Gounty Auditor of Ramsey County a certified eopy of this Resolution, together with full information regarding the bonds for which this tax is levied, and the City Clerk is hereby ordered and directed to secure �rom the County Auditor a eertificate that he has entered the obligations in the tax register as require d under the provisions of Chapter 4'75, Minnesota Statutes 1969, and that the tax levy required for the purpose has been made ; be it FURTHER RESOLVED� That before the said bonds shall be delivered to the purchaser, the Council of the City of Saint Paul shall obtain �rom the County Auditor and delive� to the purchaser a certificate � of the Gounty Auditor that tlie issue has been entered on his register and that a tax has been levied as required by law, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 475, Minnesota Statutes 1969; be it FURTHER RESOLVED� That such taxes sh all be colleeted and the payment thereof enforced at the same time and with and in like manner as other taxes of the City of Saint Paul, and when eollected ahall be used solely for paying the interest and principal of said bonds �ien and as the same mature ; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That in complianee with and for the purpose specified by the pertinent provisions of said Ch� ter 4'75, Minnesota Statutes 1g69, said special sinking fund in the nature of a special account in the regular Sinking Fund of the City of Saint_ Paul h„erebv is created. _ _. ..� COUNCILMEN _ , AdoPted bY the Coun 19_ ' � Y� Na,� � �aR � s �s��t � Butier� � � Carlaon . � Appro� 19— L�vine� . rr Favo� ✓Meredith , i �Spiafka /�/ ll�yor . `� A oninat ✓Tedesco _ ✓ Mr. Preaident, McCarty - . _ , " , , . . . �8 � ';� _ . . . � • FILED � � .� 2 7 �- "� . n. �-••-7 e �� �,l v U �Y o� t i� � � C('TY CL�P,��'S C=�iCE STATE OF MINNESOTA ) �'� �'t`�L� #��i�;fd. CERTIFICATION AS TO TAX LEVY ) SS AND REGISTRY OF BONDS UPON COUNTY OE RAMSEY ) COUNTY AUDITOR'S BOND REGISTER I, the undersigned, befng the duly qualified County Auditor of Ramsey County, do hereby certify that there was filed in my office on the 29th day of March � 19 71 , a certified copy of Council File No. 253278 adopted March 26, 1971 by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul levying taxes for $2�000,000 Water Pollution Abatement Bonds, Series 1971 as the same fall due and to pay and discharge the principal and interest thereof when due. � It is furttter certified that pursuant to Section 475.63 Minnesota Statutes Annotated that said bond issue has been entered and registered upon the County Auditor's bond register File No. 698 and that such tax for the payment thereof has been levied as required by law. WITNESS, my hand and official seal this 30th day of March � 19 71 THdMAS J. KELLEY COUNTY AUDITOR, COUNTY OF RAMSEY sy: Enter in Bond Register ; Deputy . • ..r-- . �lLFD �;'.'ri :�� ti 0<; �i`� ? i STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ��jY ��_i-_';;�'S Gr'riCE CERTIFICATION AS TO TAX LEVY ) SS S i P,'+��� ����+��• AND REGISTRY OF BONDS UPON COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) COUNTY AUDITOR'S BOND REGISTER I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified County Auditor of Ramsey County, do hereby certify that there was filed in my office on the 29th day . of March , 19 71 , a certified copy of Council File No. 253278 adopted March 26, 1971 by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul levying taxes for $2�000,000 Water Pollution Abatement Bonds, Series 1971 as the same fall due and to pay and discharge the principal and interest thereof when due. . ' It is further certified that pursuant to Section 475.63 Minnesota Statutes Annotated that said bond issue has been entered and registered upon the County Auditor's bond register File No. 698 and that such tax for the payment �hereof has been levied as required by law. . WITNESS, my hand and official seal this 30th day af March � 19 71 � � . • - TBQ�I►8 J. �SI.IRY � • • COUNTY AU ITOR, COUNTY OF RAMSEY By: . • - _ - . Enter in Bond Register Deputy� ; , � Fi��� . ,:-, , �,�, ; a , a , ,— , � � �� i ,� . � d �r .;� `; �^I ('I l:r)IrtC C:'-ri(�r; ,,;7Y ,:.._:,�� � , r��� S1� i'i;UL, i;ii;':. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) CERTIFICATION AS TO TAX LEVY ) SS AND REGISTRY OF BONDS UPON COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) COUNTY AUDITOR'S BOND REGISTER I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified County Auditor of Ramsey County, do hereby certify that there was filed in my office on the 29th day s of March , 19 71 , a certified copy of Council File No. 253278 adopted March 26, 1971 by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul levying taxes for $2�000,000 Water Pollution Abatement Bonds, Series 1971 as the same fall due and to pay and discharge the principal and interest thereof when due. • It is further certified that pursuant to Section 475.63 Minnesota Statutes Annotated that said bond issue has been entered and registered upon the County Auditor's bond register File No. 698 and that such tax for the payment �hereof has been levied as required by law. . WITNESS, my hand and official seal this 30th day of March � 19 71 � • . . - - THOMAS J. KELLEY . • COUNTY AU OR, COUNTY OF RAMSEY By: - - . - • . Ente in Bond Register , Deputy �� Mar ch 26� 19`j1 Hon. �"hrmta� K�12ey COtLT!t:'yr t�11C��I'�OY' C,�'JI.U°'t ?iOt1SC .iJ!:'F.:3.t.' :�'i;F w.": .'`�tt�^�.t:., '�eret� i.s €z c�rti�'�.�d co�y of �t resol.ution� C. ?'. .`'a3�i;-�, �.��p�ed. �.��r tlie City Cc�unciZ on Max��h ��i' 1)71a ]_�t.�,Tin,,; �.~a��es �:'c�r ��?e ;�a�,na�nt of ��,00(�,000 Cvater :�c�11�zt:ton ^b�tement Boncls' S�ri�s i971. :[�i c�x±:fc�rna�r�.ce �•*i�h tk�� �Le:�s c�i` �iz� .re�olut�.bri, 4�r� would. a.��7x•vci�:�;e vati�• �arav�.di^� u� �ti*wtil �ix �r.i;�.n�.1 ur c�tx�:�:).icate oz i�,inzz�. c°�x-�ir°ica:��e� to thc e1�:'€�ct that you hav€� �nterect ti�e �bZi;;��t�ar:s in 'the t�t ?°��;3.:��er �n1 tha�t the �a.x levy has b��n z;utde. Ver?,� truly �-attr�� CitJr Cl�rk � �,�F}��j�� �' Ma�r ch 31, 19'� Mr. �or�� Jmith II Harris Tru�rt and �m�v:t�� �ank 11.]. West Monroe St.reet Ch�.esgo;� Z11�t�is 6Q690 Dear Sir: Enalosed i� e, certit�.e�te o�' '3�mas Jo Ke11eyA Rarnsey County Auditcar�, �to the ef�'ec� that h� ha� �vi�d �ea �a pxovide for the pe4yment c��' prin��.�l. swcl in�ere�t on t,he bonds ds�crib�d 3n the certifiaate, Yery �ru�r yc�tx,rsa City Clerk �� ` .. ' �r±` � � S�►VE THIS RECEIPT • {` -` " CO ERI�6E�p'omestic insuranCe for registered mail is limited to (1) the v�aWe of the article at the time of mailing or the cost of re- plac "ent if lost or.•totally damaged, or (2) the cost of repairs. Covewa�e�'may not exceed the {imit fixed for the registry fee paid. Consult pos�rfiaster for additional d@tails of insurance limits and coverage for domestic registered mall. FILING CLAIM—Ciaim must be filed within 1 year from the date of mailing. Present this receipt and submit evidence of value, cost of repairs, or cost of duplication. FOREIGN COUNTRIE�—Consult postmaster as to insurance coverage on registered articles addressed to foreign couMries. _ . . . oro . ws-1�9902o-1� � . REGISTERED N0. �� ��� e oF va��e 's Special \ ��''� Delivery : v � \``i� Return � � '�,� `3� Reg.F�e i �� Receipt s /� � � �� � Handiing Restricted � Charga $ Delivery = �.�i�`:s �vSQO Postage i ff� ❑ AIRMAIL POSTMASTER MAILING OFFICE FROM •----°--°° -- ----�•�c:�.............••---•--•••-•_..._.__...•-•-..._...------•--••--•••- TO • ..__... .. _ ...-•••• • •- -•••••• -•. .... ....... . ...•_ .....•-••.. .... ._��� •----.���� -.1---- -���- -- - ----- --��-�R�---��-�---.�-:..._ � �—�s—�-� POD Form seos, oe e RE EI FOR EGISTERED MAIL � '�g-�-� _ ; �LEASE �U�t�';SE� '�;?. 11�E(S) INDiCATED BY CHECKED , „��C?'11RED FEE(S) PAID. ' ❑ S!�ow te tvno, �, :1a're and address Deliver ONLY � �vheee�d�s!i�_cry�c � ❑ to addressee � � �RE�CEIP�' i.eceiv�d:=�e rzaarribered a�•ticle described below. — _ -- — REGISTER N0. ,� SIGNATURE OR NAME OF ADDRESSEE(Murt alway.r 6e filled in) i . �i"-=?�_ CECTIFIED NQ. 1 2 SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSEE'S AGENT,IF ANY T ---—-------__— INSURED N0. 1 DATE DELIYERED SHOW WHERE DE (only if re ted) 3 � r c55-18-71548-11 347-398 cPo ��L o � 1�r/Yi��� ��� j� . o l�� � v _� � � 3. d��'�� --- � � ► � . , a: n •a��r��� � I Q�,,.,,._,� io y�eq o� p�r� s�y� y�e�ln pn�: spun p:iu�um% ualsioLlT :— ������ •ap�s lay�o uo (sj.ryao19 ���q> 'ld�a�az s�yl uo umoys '� � ,Cian��ap �o ssaippe ay� anrq o� io '6�an�Jap »msaz � ------,°—"`—�:,-- �— _. o� luem no.S 31 •motaq ssai��pi; pue auieu ,rno�i iuua � `��` � 3DIdd0'JNIL13A1'73O d0)ILIVW1SOd i � � �'' � � � n� V 9tl15 3W!,� . p UIOA OY�, � 31� 0 lltl d � � i � " 1 553NiSf1B"1tllJlddO 1N3W1Ltld3a 3�Idi0 lSOd