253275 i
OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK � /_��`'�5
CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa ^' �'
WHEREAS, The Ho sing and Redevelopment Authority of the City
of Saint Paul is a public body organized and existing under the
Municipal Housing and Redevelopment Act of the La.ws of Minnesota
1947, Cha.pter 487; and
WHEREAS� Under and pursuant to said Laws, as amended, the
Authority ma.y ma.ke request upon local public bodies for use of
services offered by said local bodies to facilitate its areas of
operation; and �
WHEREASt The Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City
of Saint Paul has requested tha.t the City of Saint Paul ma.ke avail�
able its Department of Purcha.ses to aid and assist the Authority in
purcha.sing and assume certain purcha.sing responsibilities for said
Authority, as more fully set forth in an Agreement attached hereto;
and �
WHEREAS� The Council of the City of Saint Paul finds and deter-
mines tha.t it is practicable and expedient for the Depari�►nent of
Purchases to assume purchasing responsibilities as set forth in the
attached Agreement; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby
accepts and approves the request,,of the Housing and Redevelopment
Authority for the services of tlie Purchasing Department and authorizes
and directs the p�roper City officials to execute said Agreement on
be3�alf of the City of Saint Paul.
. �'OR�,7 ���0 .
Asst. Corpo�ati�s� i:ounsel
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� �R a 5 �g�r 19—
Yeas Naya
Butler A rove �� � 5 ,97� 19�
Sprafka 1� Mayor
Tedesco A gainst
Mr. President, McCarty �97�
MAK 2 7
Yt�a���v _._
r �
a •
THIS AGREEMENT, Made and entered inta this day
of , �9710 by and bet�ti�een the HOUSI�IG AND
corpordtion or�anized and existin�; under tlie provisions of .
t�linnesata Statutes9 Chapter 487 � herei.naf.ter called "Authori�y",
and CITY OF SAINT PAUL , a municipal corporation of rhe State
of A4innesota, actin� thraugh its DEPARTA9�NT OF PU�CHAS�S ,
hereinat�er called "Ci�y";
I�HERE�tS, The Authority is a public Uody� corporate and
politic, du�.y ox�;anized and existing pursuant to tl:z P�:�nicipal
Housi��g and Redevelopmen� Act , being Chapter 487, Laws of
1�linnesota I947, as amended, (h9innesota Statut�s , Section
462.411 to 4b2e716) ; and
{4F�EREASs Under 1�linnesata S�atutes , Section 462.445 (2) y
the Authar�.ty is given the power "o . . so far as �racticableq
to use the sexvices c,f Ic�cal public bodies � in its area of '
- op�ration , such local public bodi.es , if reques�ed, to make
such services �vail�ble"; and
WHEREAS, It is now deemed practi.cable and exp�dient
to bath par�ies fox the Dep��tmc�nt of Purcl�ases p puxchasi.ng
for Lhe City of Saint Paul and County o£ Ramsey, to assume
certain purchasxng respon�ibila�ies for the l�u�hority ;
I�ZOj�9 TE�ER�FORE, In considera�ion o� the mutual 'bene�its
and advanta�es herein provided far and of the mutual covenants
and promises :
� �_ .� . __ . : _ �_ < . . ___ _ _
� Authori�y hexeby agre�es ta compensa�e Ci.ty on an anntzal
basis f.or the salary of �wo buyers in the sum of Ni.ne Thousand
and no/I�0 Dollaxs ($9 , OOQ. QO) per �nnum each ancl one secrEtary
in the sum oi� Pi.ve Tliousand Ei�IaL Hundred and no/100 llollars
($5 �800. 00) per annum, payable a� the City may direct . The
Authority further a�rees �o provide rhe following:
A. Necessary specifi.cations for p�oposed pt�rchases
wi.th timetables for advertisem�nt � openin� and
reportin� of bids ; � . •
i • '
O � �
B. Purchase of. incidental items amoun�in� to less than
Twenty-Five Dollars ($25, 00) on account ;
C. Reparts and recomrnendations regarding production
quality ;
D. Emergency purchases and contracts as required under
the provisions of Minnesota Statutes0 Section 4G2 . 461 ,
Subdi.vision 2 ; and �
� E. Upon submiss�.on o� invoice by the Ci�y, payment for
postage expenses .
IT .
City hereby ag�ees in consideration of the above comp�n�
sation to p7C0�ri.de �Lhe followin�:
A. The Git�� a�;rees at i�s expense to expcdz�iou� ly
pxocess Authority xec�tbests far puxchasese performin�
alI actians necessaxy to Ia�a as to adverti�ement �f
bidsP ta r�ceive � open and tabulate bid� where
requxxedq and to proinp�Iy fill_ purcl;ase rea,uest� ar
repax� l�ids within the ti.metables reQues�ed by thc
Autlioxity; .
B. The City agrees �o b�.I2 the Au�harity for the
� Autharity's share of bulk purch�sesp
C. The City agrees to provide upon request general
i.nforr�a�:zan as ta pu►rchasing on behal£ o£ the
�_: <. :. , _-. - -
DQ Upon filing wi.th the Department of Purchasin��such
af�irmati.ve acti.on guidelin�� as are rec�uired by �he
. Depa�tmen� of Housing and Urb�.n D�v�lopmen� ` the Ci�y � �
agrees ta observe �uch gui.delineso Ci�y fur�her agrees �
to ma�.ntain adec{ua�e recor.ds to meet the rsqua.rements
� of the ��iditors of the Departrnent of Hous inp; and Urban
Developmenti and to adhere to �he Depar�r�ent `� inventory
can�rols if and whert a centra2 supnly syst�m is e�taf�lxshed ;
E. Tl�e City agrees to provide at yearly i�l�erval.s during
the term of tliis Agx�eement or renewal thereof a review
and eval.u�tion of �he purchasing system! which review
and evaltiation shall include tlie �;eneral effi.czericy
of tito system, the ne� savi.ngs reali.zedr and the averp
head prog�am casts ; and
r. The G�.Cy a�;g e�s to hire twa additional buyers and
one secretary to carry au� the tern�s of thi�
Agx�eemento sa�id employees to be hired in accordance
with establ�.shed City h�ring prac�:ices . It is
understood and a�reed that such personnel shall be
emplayees o� the City for all purpo�es � and that
the City shall be responsible to the Authority far
services pravided by :such personnel in carrying out
the terms o� this Agree�r,ent.
III6 � •
City an� A�athority agx°ee �I�a� the following pur�hases
and contract� �hall b� 3nd are res��ved to the Autha�i�y:
Ae Purcha�es on G�neral Se�v�.ces Admxni.stratian
5ch��ules ; and ,
B. Puxchase� on kidu�i.n� A�sistance Administrat�.on
Cansal�cl�r�d Si�pply Cc�ritracts ; and
� C. Con�rzc�s far constiruc�ion of or c�cmolitian or
improt�ements �� �edl prap�rty and for perso��al
services .
� ��
This Agrc-e�nent sh�Il be far u period of one year from
the date of er.ecu��vn a?�d m�y be xeneweci for pez�ioc�� af one
year tl�ereafte�. Eith�r p�rty r�v.y termi.n�rr.e thi� A�;�°eem�nL
at any tir�e by . servzce of. caritt�n notice of terr►in�.4i.on .«hich � _
shail. hecoMe e�°fect�.v� IIIQ days af�er �ec�z�t �h�x-r�c�s. In
the e��en� th�.t a xevi.esa and eval��a�i.on under ��rr�.cle T I-E
of this A�reer�ent indi.catesro th�t �he serv�.ce� provided by
the empAoye�s }�ired under Arti.cle II•F are no� justifzedA
Cit�r a�r�es Lo �eiml�ur�e Authority �a� such port�on o�f �he
compensa�ian pxovic�ed zn Ar�zcle � as �aas no�: provided to .
the Authori�y� In �he ��rent thc Sa�rklaad justifies �hc
hiring of additional personnel , the City ma�ro with the agree�
� men� of Autliority � hire such personnel as the parti.es agree upano
All matt�rs in daypute under tliis Agreement shall be
s�ttled by axbitration xn accQrdance with t1�e "pravisians then _
. � �
obtaining of the standard forms o£ arbitration procedure of
t3�e American Arbi�ration Associatian. This A�reement shall
be spscifi.cally en£arceable under the px�vailin� statu�ory
�.rbitratian Iaw of tlie State af Atinnesotiap and jud�ment upon
t�e award rendered may be entexed in the court of the forum,
state or Federal , having jurisdiction. The decisions of the
a�bitrators shall be a condition precedent to the ri.�ht of any
2e gal actiono City and Authorzty hereby agree to tlie full
p�erfoxmance of the covenants contained hex°ein.
IN WITNESS 14t�ERE�T'p The parti�s her.efo have caused th�se
p resent� to be executed «s of �he day and year first above
�ritt�n. "
Hausing �rtd Red�velopment Authority at �he Cit� of
�aint Paulo A4innesata .
., r.
• gY ,.�I J '
C����n � �
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'�.�:� .�il:��' �'�--
� � � . �
��ecre�ary �
� . Ci.ty of Saint Paul
1�4aycrr -- ._ . _
. . . «
ity Zcr :
Countersigned thxs day
o f , I�".`�,.. ` .
ity Comptro er
� .
) ss
On this day of ,
1971 , before meo a .nota:ry public witfii.n and -o�r s ic ounty,
personally appeared Charles Po 1�9cCar�y , Harry E. 1�4axshall ,
and Lou A�c3�ennao ta me personally Icnown ! �vhpp bezng cach by
me duly sa:orn , did suy that they ax� respec�YVely the D1ayo�,
the City ClerkA and the City Camptralle� of th� City af S�.int
Pau1B Mi.nnesota, named in ttie fare;oing instrument $ and that
t]Ze �eal affixed to said instrutnent is the s�al of til�e City
of S�int Paul , and t}��zt said instruxnent ��as signed and sealed
. ir► behalf of S�.�a c��y af S�.in� Pat�I hy autha�ity gran��d
pursuant to farmal resalution of the Counci.I af the Cgty of
Saint Paulp Counc�i F�,le No. p pa5�ed and al�pzoved of �
;the day of o�"�"and the ��id t��fa}yor` Ci.ty
;Clex cT �an� City Cnr.�ptraf�er acknoktledged said in�tru�ne��� to �
be the act and deed of said City af Saint P�uI � pursuant ta
said re�olutione .
.. _ _ _ r - <, . � .-. - -