253267 s�y . '� 2�3�6`� ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK �V ~ CITY OF ST. RAUL FIOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICENSE COA�KITTEE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GE ERAL FORM PRBENTED BT � M&'rCYl Z3� Z97�. COMMISSIONE ATF W�Sa Rona,ld J, Carle has surrendered License No. C-9791 �xp3.ria�.g January 25� 1972� 3ssued to him for a Second Hand Dealer Gen�ral yicense at 625 IIni.versity Avenue becauae he was unabl� to open th3.s businea�s at this addrea� and Qannot : �ind a suitable location fmr the buainess at this time! r�quest�e refund of the fee posted for the license, therefore, b� it RESOLVIDs That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refun� to Ronald J. Carle the fse of � 75.�0 pos�ed for saa.d license and cai�cstl �aaid liaense. � CANCELLATION (Refund) (L3cense attaehed ti City �lerk�s Copy of Reeolution) MAILIPTG ADDxESS a �• � � 586 Blair Ave st. Paul, 1�.i.nn. 55103 MpR �5191� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas xays � MpR 2 5191�� Butler Caxlson . 19� Levine Favor Meredith Sprafka Il yor Tedesco Against 197� Mr. President, McCarty pUBLISH�%D MAR 2 ? ���