253264 OR161NAL TO CITY CLBRK r��v N�4 � CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOE NCIL NO. L2CENSE CON1MITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCI OLUTION—G ERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � /� � , �a� 23� 1�`jl COMMISSIONE `� —""" ATF W�REASs Proper notice has b�en reeeived as to change of officers 3.n St. Paul Ae�i.e No, 3�� Fraternal Order of Eagles� 113 West II�ii.versity Avenu jholders af On Sale Liquor License No. 7978, ��Piring January 31� 1972� therefore, be it RESOLVIDs That the officers eleeted at their annual election� Joseph Kostner, President; Peray Greer�bush' Yiae-preaident; Ed 5tarr (ineumbent) Se�retary; a�d Ray C. Randall (ineumbent� Treasurer; b� and the same are hereby approved. Oa S�,l.e Liquor Establ3ah�oent Change Officers Informally approved by Counail A�axeh 1s, 1971 Ap�, so64 MAR 2 51��� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays � � 5 �g�' Butler Carlson prone 19� Levine ?_In Favor Meredith Sprafka � yor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty MAR 2 7 1971 P_UBLiSH�ll � CITY OF SAI],�TT PAUL � � Capital of Minnesota "��� � � f � � �e a�t�nevtt o ccb�C'c �a et � � ADMINI3TBATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIRE PROTECTION Po[.ics DEAN MEREDITH, Commisaianer HEALTH RALP'H G.MER.RILL,Deputy Commiesioner DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN,Lieense Inapector Marcn 16, 1971 Honorable Mayor and City Councfil Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: Currently the St. Paul Aeri� No. 33, F`raternal Order af �,gles are holders of On Sale Liquor License No. 7978 and miscel laneous licenses, all expirin� Januaxy 31, 1972� at 113 West University Avenue. At a reeent annual meeting the followin� slate of officers were elected for the ensuing year. President: Joseph Kostner Vice-president: Percy Greenbush Secretary: Ed Staxr (ineumbent} Treasurer: Ray G. Randall (incumbent� Attached is a copy of their lettez of notification on this matter. 9ery t ruly �SOUrs� ���;� , h�` ` � License Inspector ` �., , � t��, � �,� � � � - � �t i 0 JOSEPH•KOSTNER, President �-��= �1 EI7 ST:1P.R. Sccmtan- i . v.a.,,�.r-.--- � q� ", \�� �.. _ fo����'��'��, \\?`` • L • ��� ����: � ' ` t, .,� - -_i - Salnt P�.ul Aerle lYo. 3� �.J� � ��- = FraterIl�l Order Ea les ,, . . g �,. 113 W.UNIVERSITY AVENtiE ';�����' ;��;; �:. - ST. PAUL, MIl`'NESOTA 551Y3 � .....,,.j� '!�,•� -,_ Office:Phone 2Z2-5142 �=� ''�"'' — Club: Phoae 222-9411 ��' � ...�, �8 Harch 9.1971. Mr.Daniel Mc Laughlln, License Inspector, • - � Dept. of Fublic Safety, lOth. & Mit1.n. Sts., � s st.Paul,r?inn. .557.01. Dear Mr.McLaughlin:- . In response to your request �re are listing here�i.th the present oSficers of Aerie #33 ,F4�aternal Order of Ea.gles: President: Joseph Kostner Vice-President: Perev Greenbush Secretar9: Ed.Starr � Z�reasurer : Ray G Randall: . The above officers srill serve until onr next election in June at which time there wi11 be one or more changes. Yours truly, . � F.0 .�3� Se � k I 1..,' • . . ___ ��"��" '�., '' _� J , �"�:-- ..�,. !�- 'i� • - .`� . . .''. �� _ �, � - � ✓ ��' - . - .�� ` �} .. . "?f.�ti. ,��:5 . - , ��� . - ,'`I�J�l i • � � a �xch 18, 19'jl. Son. D�era 1Mssedit�� Camsr. oF Publid Safety' 101 E. lOth. St.� St. Pau]., Minn. Attn; I�. D�an3e1 P. McLevghl.ia D�a.x' Sir: The City Cour�cil tod�y grarrted 3.nto,�nmaJ. appz�vva.t of th� a�plication o� the St. Pa,ul Aerie Na. 33: Fraternal 4rd�r of Eagle�, hold�era of On Sa1e Liquor License Na. 7978 and miace]laneous licenseffi, all expiring January 3�s �97�`s at �.13 Weet t�iv�ersity Avenue� for $ chang�e in otfic�rs �t i'►dl].e�rs: F's�f3dsat Jo�ph Kastner Vi.ce-�p�eaitient Percy G�csenbush 31lCretery Ed. Starr (iacum�b�nt) Tre�ur�s Ray G. R�ndal7. (inc�mo�ent} �ti11 Yran� Rteaa� pre��are the austomieuy r�aol�ttioaz? �� t� �; C�ty Clerk �