253224 # Oritinal to Cits Qerk , � ` ORDINANCE �5��24 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � �°� AN ORDII�AWCE 6RANTING PERNISSION T@ BURLINGTON NORTHERN, INC. , T0 C�N�TRUET, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN TWO 3 INCH UNDER6R�t1ND TELEGRAPH- TELEPHONE CONDl11TS IN WACOUTA ST. AT NORTNWESTERN BELL TELEPH�NE CO. , MANHBLE N0. 1�0, THENCE 15 FEET IN A SOUTHWESTERLY DIRECTION TO THE ST. PAUL UNION DEPOT C0. DRIVEWAY. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES �RDAIN: Section l . That permission and authority a�e hereby gra�ted to Burlington Northern, Inc. to construct, operate and maintain two 3 inch underground telegraph-telephone conduits at a depth of appr.oximately 4 feet in Wacouta St. , starting approximately 150 feet southeasterly from � _� the intersection of the southerty line of E. 4th 5t. and the westerly line of Wacouta St. at Northwestern Bcll Telephone Co. , Manhole No. )00, thence 15 feet in a southwesterly direction to the St. Paul Union Depot Co. Driveway. Section 2. That the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to Burlington Northern for the construct�can, ope�ation and maintenance of said underground conduits upon and subject to the following terms and conditions: a. That said permittee shatl construct said conduits entirely at its own expense, under the supervision and to the satisfaction of the Co�nissioner of Public Works and in accordance with the approved plans and specifications of BurlingtQn_Narthern Qn file in the Department of Public Works; such constructi�on` sha11 be made in strict compliance with the City of St. Paui Electrical Code and be authorized under a permit issued by the Department of Parks, Recreation and Public Buildings; b. That said permittee shall pay the cost of publication of this ordinance and all resolutions passed in relation to said ordinance; c. That said permittee shall pay the costs of engineering and inspection incurred by the Department of Public Works because of this , undertaking. Said costs to be accounted for under Department of Public Works Project Number E- :108�, d. That said permittee expressly agrees and undertakes to fuily indemnify, hold harmless and defend the City of Saint Paut , its agents, officers and employees from any and all damages, claims, iosses, judgments, suits or expenses arising out of or occasioned by the construction, operation and maintenance of said conduits and by the permission a�d authority granted herein; e. That said permittee e�cpressly agrees to comply with Ordinance No. 14568, Chapter 216 of the St. Paul LegisTative Code pertaining to street obstructions. Yea.s Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler Caxlson Tn Favor Levine Meredith Sprafka Againat Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved• Atteat: City Clerk Ma r �� Form a�proved Corpor�,tion Counsel By .s, - Oti�insl to Clb Aerk . � ° � ORDINANCE �5���4 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � PAGE 2 f. That said permittee shall furnish the Department of Public Works all documents of record that are a part of the Contract or incidental to its executio� including but not limited to addendums, award of contract, sum of contract, "as bnilt" plans and tracings; g. That said pe�cnittee shall notify the Construction Engineer of the Department of Public Works when the construction starts and notify the same said Construction Engineer wlbe� pro,ject has been completed to allow for a final inspection. � h. That said permittee shall , during the terrti of this permit, restore a�d repair all property, a►hether public or pri�rate, damaged or which may be damaged due to the construction, operation and maintenance or prese�ce of the conduits provided for herein; i . That said permittee shall notify the Traffic Bureau of the Department of Public Works if the constructlon, operation and maintenance of said conduits shall make necessary the closing of �lacouta Street or part of, all expenses incurred by the Traffic Bureau in furnishing, installing and removing of bar�icades, signs and other control devices, shall be paid by the permittee; j. That said permittee shall remove the conduits or part thereof in such manner as is satisfactory to the Commissio�er of Public Works whenever the City Council shall so order; k. That the said pe�nittee shail , within thirty (30) days af ter the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk. Section 3. This ordinance shalt take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. , � APR a �s� Yeas Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the ouncii ��ttt�l'"""", Carlson n Favor �- Levine � Meredith �7 A gainat Sprafka Tedesco r. President (McCarty) Approve . 9� A ' Clerk - �0 Form approved Co r �ion Counsel By PUBLISHEb � 1 0 '���� � __��.�.� a Dq�M t�Psrhr � � �� � � ORDINANCE COUNCIL HLE NO 253224 PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO AN ORO 1 MANCE 6RAMT1116 l�ERM#3�i t� TO �tRL I N6TOM Nfl!'fliERN, 1 MC., TO L@NSTI�iCT� �RA7'E AN6 . MAIIiTAlM ?VO 3 II�N �INDER6R�ID TELE6RA�1- TELErMONE COMOtlf'tS 1N MACOt1TA ST. AT MORTHYESTEMI BELI TELEM�NE Ctl., lUINflOt.E 11�. I Od, TMENCE 13 �EET i M A SOU'TltMiESTERLY D 1 REC?1 ON TO 'T�IE ST. P11�. WIION DEPOT C0. DRtyEYAY. TNE C�I�CtL AF TNE CITY OF' SAtNT �AUt DOES OROAIN: 3ect�+oA i. Tbat perwi:s 1v� and wthor i ty ar� iNrsb�r �a�t�ii t� a�l i�gLow IIKt��a, {nc. to ao�nstrdct, op�rat� s�i rirrtsi� t�s 3 inch wid��g�d ��tsgraph-t��spix�a e�ondutts at a d�p►th of sppn�tMt�ly 4 t�st in i�ocMts St., stsrtiAg spprooctwstely ISO feet s�utM�sts*ir lro� tM iwten�ctic�a of tb� svrt�erl�r iin� of E. �th St. sAd tha �rssta�lr i tn� of llaooata St. at hortlwrestsrn Bel l Te1�Mo�e Ce., Ns�ei• Mo. t0@, tl�eap► 1+5 fett In s seati�w�sst�tiy dtrrctioa ta the St. �wl lM�on �epot Co. Drive�r. Seetloa i. That tAe Caw�issiemer of �ab1lr M�arks ts Mnby s�sthori�i to is� s prerwit to sarlia�tcn Nor�hasn #o� tfiee oonst�ct�. e�p�r�tian aAd w�irts�rNCe of sstd w�dergrodad os�its tipoi+ a�d s�ebj�ct to t1+s t'oi iartng terws snd �ditia�s: a. Thst said per�ittee sAall ce�stnKt sat� cro�fts �attraly at � i ts oMn �se, �nder tAe �er�ri s ta� sad to tbe sat i stsct i a+ �f the CartsstoMr o�E ►sbttc Morks snd ia acoorda�a vrttA tM apprev�d plsns su� s�eeif te�tions of 1!M►i fng�a Northern � tt 1� i• tlis Q�►a�►t�L of Pdbi te liorics; � coastructioa sl�al l bs w�d� ia strtct aar�l ta� Mith t�e tit�r of St. �a�t Etectrlcal Cc�e sad bs srthoris� �nrer a p�stt tsswd hr tt+� be�s�tw�t of hrks, R�cnatto� s� rn�lic Mrildi�s= b. Tfqri sa�d persitts� fhat l pa�r tA� cost of pa�t i�tfep ort t�1s ordi� �d ail �esolwtion3 p�ss«1 in relatian to ssld ordina�.a; c. Thst sa#d pars�ttae :l�all phr tt+� ossts of �IwNri� sM i�lta� i��nd b�r the D�ri�rrt of Mbi te M�ks bsc�wse ef tMis +�rt,sicl�g. Ssid oosts to M sc�ow�t�d fer �r NMrtwu�t of htbt ic 1�orks Rro�e�t N�er E-��; d. Tbat satd pel+sittas exprtssly a�r�s a� �a�t�ss te frliy t�de�utf�r, Mrld hs�isss aml el�fe�d LM�e Glty of Ssiwt htii, its s�uts. offlcars aN ap.tore�s fre� sehr aAd a�i �s, etatiu, loss�s, ��ts. so i ts or a�sss ar i s i u9 out o# or otcas 1aMM b�r tIM•to�st rrct i o�, er�arr!i o� a� w�i�tsna�oe of ss t d �e�d�e i ts sM by tM pst�wi s s i au a�i �wthoNt� graNtad heniA; �. Tl�t sai� perwitts. ��ess�y �r..s r� co.P�y «►t�n orat� No. i�t56a. c�c�� z�6 of c�e a:. �ari L�islatiw 6e�ls p�rtaiAt� Ro stn�t abst+'MCtlows. Ye�as Councilmen Nays Paesed by the Coun�� Butler ��0n � ' Ta Favor Levine � s�8� Aauinat Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) APProved: Attest: City Clerk �ayor �� Fprm a �o �iioa �o�nsel By p� ��i . ��� , . � �' � # ORDINANCE � . 253�24 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESC�ITED BY ORDINANCE N0.�1 *114E Z f. T'int sat� �1 t!N sf�tt t f�rsisii tM NM��t of h�1 ie t�lcs ai 1 �ts ef noo�� tMt an a p�rt o/ tlwe CM#raet � i�ei�.a1 to ies �tioa i�ci.dia� Mit �ot 1i.ft�i a +rit+�.s, a�wr� rf ��raat. s� of cMtract. '�S 1w11t" �la�s � traci�si �. That sa1� �sr�itt�e sl�sil �otifj� tha Co�stttictiM E�t� af tM NMrtr�t ef hiblle MaPks MAar tAs ee�stnictle� star#s a�+i Mttf�► tlw sa�r �#d Co�st�cttM E�i� r�r 'roj�t irs M�w oe�r�rttii te at tar hr a f 1M1 i�ctio�. b. TlMr� sat� �itt� slali. �ia� t� t+�rw a� tlris p�rstt. m�+s a�i �rf r a11 proMrtyr. �etl� �t 1c er 'rt�ta, ra�! a► rhteh �ry M rar�/ �w �o !!w► a��strrctio�, o�atiM � �ri� «r �ns�cs �►f the oo�its �ri�i for i�i�; i. TINt ssi� psrwittN sbs11 �ttt'�► t1M Trafif�e �w d tM O�psr'�t � hMi ic Mo►ics if t� cowst+�ctiM. �trstieR a�# �rtwti��s ef s�t� �iitits sbai 1 alaa �ssary d�s el�st� et �M+mwl� �t�wst +ar �t o�. ait � i�rira� bp tM Tr�ffle l�rMr i� frnisletM. i�t�l t l�g a�N r�wo�ri� e�l� Mr�icai�s, si�s aN rtMa� e�erKrsi �w�qs� shal t i� ptd h► tiis Mrni tbs; j. Tia! s�id M�^aitbs s�a11 r�w� ths r.���ts or ps�t t�t�sf �� �cir �rr u Is sattsfactory to tM Co�tssio� et h�tia Yl�rks � tM ,City Ca�ci 1 slnl f so or�er; k. Tiat ti�e sata p��wie� s1�s11, witM1� tA1*ty► �30� �sYs a�'t� . ti� Msss� �f tMis vrd1�, fti� a rrttt� a�c�►� thserer!` witM �. cr�► ct�. s�ctiar 3. Thts e�ii�r� sh�ii �los �ffiat a�l Ua 1� terr� tMirey �� �r�s tro� a�l s�!°t�r i ts M:sys. a�e+r�a1 a� �Mt;�tatt�. APR 81971 Yeas Councilmen Nays Paesed by the�un��t � 7n Favor Levine Meredith �. ��t (�� APR 819 � �Y) Apprnved: Att�at: City Clerk Msyor �� �orm a�proved Corpor�on Couneel By , � . .: . . ' ., . � •� . ,. . y .• ' • Saint Paul, Minnesota April 12� 1q71 �. � i To the gonorable, the City Council Saint Pau]., Mi�nesota Gentlemen and Mrs. Butler: We, the undersigaed, do hereby accept and agree to abide by all the tern4s arid conditioas of Council File No. 253224, being Ordinaace lto. 1�+7b2, ad.opted by the Cc�nncil on April 8, 1971. BURL�TGTOA ITORT�, I�C,� By r` � -�— � Vice Presi ent w � BURLINGTON NORTHERN ��� j' � _ ,� f' � 176 East Fifth Street INDUSTRIAL AND ECONOMIC St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Telephone (612) 222-7773 or 224-5588 Mr. Sarry E. Marshall April 28, 1971 City Clerk City of Saint Paul 386 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Marshall: Thank you for your letter of April 12, 1971, enclosing a copy of Ordinance No. 14762 of the City authorizing permission to construct, operate and maintain two 3- inch underground telegraph-telephone conduits in Wacouta Street at Northwestern Bell Telephone Company manhole No. 100 in St. Paul. Attached is original copy of acceptance which has been executed on behalf of Burlington Northern Inc. Also attached is our Check No. 31978 in the amount of $26.10 payable to the City of St. Paul to cover publi- cation fees in connection with the above ordinance. We appreciate the City's cooperation in the matter. Yours very truly, Robert H. Brokopp Supervisor - Title & Closing Attach. File: 8513 St. Paul RHB:ee �-�������_ A pril 12, 1971 ���xr��.r�.��t>�� "��r-t:ll�.�°n� Tr�c. ?.`,'� :"3. �°�."'�'x �'_�. ';�'.� `'F„�.1;�x ,.'.�.`:T1�:'..,Ot'% t , ,t571:,.. ._;<::;' ; ,:e az.^]�.,�� .� �tsp�� :�:a ;,s•ciina.nr.� :�1�. i=i'1��, r5r;.����;: �� _ •:��ra�saye�n t� �r4;t1 to ct�nstruc;:, a�Arttt� ��nci s�a�ntaan twa 3°°�n�:.:": �n��er_ �tirc>uz1� ���::�r°��h-i;�:�e�hane condu�ts in ;7acouta ;uL,. '��i. a�c�rt�i- western Bell Telephone Ca. zn�t�,ho7.e :1c. lOt}; thenee l`� fee�t iri a southtvesterly direction to �hc� ";�. t�;r�z�. �:Fp.a�rx ...-�--�c� ;'o. C�'3.V�W�y'� Q.j.1�U ��.�.a.. :.it �ri2C'. .'>"ilYt] `.'i �v�i.'� i:v C��7,'�•,� -�,!'��? r±,-nS'�i :;'i� j3i.+.u.i:.C:i:+.i�:i.vY1 :}l �(iY).�.f"r :li�L"_�L�?�lC;F=r We ca,ll yaur speci�,l �.�tent3.t�t� to P�,ra,�,ra�h }: cf Sec�ion 2, �rhicla rec�,u.ires the filirr� of F3t,t1 ACC�p'�ELC1Gt� of �he tear�ns of this orditxanc�. Tl�� acce�ta,nee nYU�t be :�i2�:i in i:i��.s c>�'�'ice, ftnon7 =��,� Lit�� =1��3.s withi.n 36 ��,y�. If tiot so :^ii��, t??e �rc���s.�ac� `��^comes vQid. V�ry tr'u].y you�s� City Clerk n�; � _ �� I st 2nd ' Laid over to � � 3rd and app —Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler E-Sotl81�'�"^°` Carlson �arlson � '�" Levine '� �evine Meredith ��C���� Meredith ✓ Sprafka � �e�Sprafka Tedesco `�edesco ,_` Mr. President McCarty Mr. President McCarty O