253221 -= 253�2� co�� � xo.............._.._.... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Thaundereignedhereby proparesthemakingof thefollowingpubliaimprovement by the GYty ot asint Pe►ut�v�:.: reconstruct the sidewalk on the south side of W. 7th. St. from Ann St. ' to ��a.�x�.ex..S.x.,...�ud..by...�a:tn�..�,l.l..a�la�x..�aQxk..�ic�..�..m���.��.a.�..�a..�.�.��a�ntai..t�..._.... com�lete.,said improyement:.......--••................_...............................--•--........._................---..........................__.... Dated this..........���h:...dsq of.......................................March .....o lg� /� ........................... .__ ... C �`.....,..,. ... ...... __.... .,�..-. ..�r..�r� Counoilmsn. PRELIMINARY ORDEIt. WHEREAB� A written propoeal for the meking of the following improvement, vis.: �__.reconstruct the _sidewalk on the south��ide of W. 7th. St: from . .. ._ .. .. .. .� .. .. .... ..... .. .�..St�...to..............._ , ___�_�Superior s�=---�a..�x..ao�,�,�..���_�.�]k��x..�,r�:k..�h�.��..�4�..?����&$�rY..�4�..�.nc�,,den�a�..to........ ___ complete_.said,.improvement. � .... .........................._.._.............._._....._......_.......-----....---•--....._..........................................,.............._ --•-----•.............................•----••----•-----.........-•-•-•-._..___..-----._.....---•--•--....._...-••--.....-•-•------.._....----....---•..........._.....-•-.............._........_ 6sving been preeented to the Counoil of the City of Saint Paul..........................•----.........-•--•--........---......................_.... t6erefore, be it ftE$OLVED, That the Commiesioner of Publio Worke be and is hereby ordered snd d[reoted: 1. To inveatigate the necessity for, or desirability of,.the making of eaid improvement. 2. To investigate the nature� extent and ostimated coet of eaid improvement, nnd the total ooet t6ereof. 3. To furnieh s plan, profile or eketch of said improvement. . 4. To state whether or ao�asid improvement ie aakedl for o� �t,he petition of three ar more� owners. b. To report upon all of 8�e goregoing mattere to the �mmieeioner of �nanoe. Adopted by the Counoil..._....................................MAK_.�.4 ��s�.....�. Y�se Counc i lman But 1 er MAR 2 4 197� Car 1 son Approve�._........_.............._....-•--------....._...........__.......�._._ Levine -t�lered{��►. Sprafka Tedesco ........._......._. .......... _..._. .�.........__.._ Mr. Pres ident McCarty r•t►yor. �000 �.s� �� ��.�s���A�1971 � ,