252577 � 2525�� OR16fNAL TO CITY CLCRK CITY OF ST. PAUL HOENCIL NO. ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTI N-GENERAL FORM . PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Council to have any petition for rezoning heard on its merits; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the head of the department having control or jurisdiction of any City property is hereby authorized and directed to sign any and all petitions for rezoning on behalf of the City where such City property adjoins or abuts property which is the subject of a rezoning petition by its owner or owners. �'QRNf APP OaiE CORPORATION CQLJJY$F31 ��,d 2 319�1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas / Nays Caxlson' Approve��� � `� 1��� 19— Levine � in Favor Meredith Sprafka yor gainat Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty ��� F 8 2? �97� �� . area Code st2 ct*T o. 2235121 ,�0�' � . � 4 - .� 0 ,�` __ �� �HOMAS J.STEARNS t0� ^p ARTHUR M.NELSON TNOMAS M.MOONEV PAUL F.McCLOSKEV,JR. R.SCOTT DAVIES KENNETH J.FIT2PATRICK CITY OF SAINT PAUL DAN EL L.F KE1RR First Assistant KENNETH A.SKRIEN JEROME J.SEGAL �.��a�. DEPARTMLNT JOHN C.McLAUGHLIN Special Assistant ROBERT C.HOENE 316 City Hall. St. Pa�l. Mi�e�sofa 55102 a�g�ste�tg TERRV F.SULLIVAN DANIEL A. KLAS i„��t;9� Corpontion Countel � February 23, 1971 � ���,,. �� 7.'he Honorable Charles McCarty and Members of the Council of the City of Saint Paul Pursuant to your request, I have prepared the attached =esolution autho=izing the head of a department to sign rezoning petitions on behalf of the City as a consistent and established policy. Very truly yours, ���� DANIEL A. KLAS Corporation Counsel DAK:j a � attach. � �� � ;a � �7 Area Code 612 pVt o �I- ♦ 2235121 �¢�' � • !y Y o � � - __ lHOMASJ.STEARNS ' �� ^c ARTHUR M.NELSON THOMAS M.MOONEV PAUL F.McCLOSKEV,JR. R.SCOTT DA V I ES KENNETH J.FITZPATRICK CITY OF SAINT PAUL DAN EL L.F CKEIRR First Assistant KENNETH A.SKRIEN JEROME J.SEGAL LE��AL pEPARTMLNT JOHN C.McLAUGHLIN Spacial Anistant ROBERT C.HOENE 31i City Holl. St. Po�l, Mi�s�:ofa b5102 ,n�s�s=e�=5 TERRV F.SULIIVAN DANIEL A. KLAS �o�esti9ator Co►pw�tion Couneel February 18, 1971 T�he Honorable Charles McCarty and Members of the Council of the City of Saint Paul In a letter dated January 21, 1971, you have requested information from this office regarding the policy to be followed where the City owns property abutting or adjoining property which is the subject of a petition to rezone. It is my feeling that this problem could be handled in two ways, as follows: 1. 'I'he Council could pass a resolution authorizing the head of the department involved to sign all petitions. This would establish as a consistent policy that the City does not take sides in the issue but is simply signing the petition in order that the matter may be brought before the Council on its merits. Z'he fact that a petition had been signed would, in no way, affect the right of the Council or the individual councilman to hear the opponents and proponents of the petition and decide the issue on its merits. 2. The second alternative would be to request a resolution of the Council on eaeh petition for rezoning. The Council then would place itself in the role of a property owner and the issue of whether or not to sign any given petition would be based upon a decision of a majority of the Council. If the petition to rezone was not suffi- cient without the approval of the City, the petition to rezone would not be effective, thus ending the matter. Very truly yours, /�tit�� DANIEL A. KI,P,S Corporation Counsel DAK:j a � �� �:� FebruBry 19, �971 Mr. Dan Klas, Carparation Counsel. Deax Sir: The Crnmcil requests the,t y�ou pre�are a, reeolution implementing Suggestion No. 1 in your attached letter per- ta,:ining to the signing of petitions. Very truly yours, City Clerk AO/hp