252572 /__���. ._, . F�,_ � j t ,�y.. � _'•_^c°,— _ '+� '__ _ . '+r ` :.+�. ..=.;:a„... . �f � 4� ���� �,- � - ��- �5�5'�2 ; � � -�� � . � - ::=��f�� E3RDER : � �OUNCIL FILE NO�� . � By � � : ,l� °"; File No. �i� In the Mat�er of ��,�� tiN siiwik wt tl�i �Y sLi! af '� � �r � � � ��iM �r a�i ir� �N►t� all M�r � ab�+eh � �et ar� �s�l qr �+��aa#� i�rr+r�r�, � � _ under Preliminary Order �� aPProv� ��r � -� ,�,,.,� �ntertnediary Order _ approve�, A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due itotice; and the �ouncil having heard a11 persons, objections and recommendations relative;thereto, and having fu�iy considered the same; therefore, be it 'RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul�hat the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to �e made by the �sid City is : t+� �t. !it al�iw�ic N 1►iwr swt6 ri� at �s�i l�Yrs�► #rr� �ii+� �t �, b �� N�r ari #q► i�t+� a�t ee�w� �we�k �t�alr �at �trM�► �`#��M�t ' �► �3�M�r a�lri i�ae+�r�w�t, �rt �rMr�ew� �� � *�t#a�t �wi +s#�irM'� C? . � � �� �. , _ _ _ � and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FIJRTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Gouncil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and diree�ed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. couxci�x F E B 2 3 197�1 Yeas B UT L E R Nays Adopted by the Council cAR�soN app��� �f B 2 3 1971 . LEVINE MEREDITi� SPRAFKA �n Favor TEDESCG , / yor McCARTY � Against : f f 8 2r 7 �97►1 c.as-s� �� �i _ P�f�tI.ISI�D � � � Dist.^No. 2 � .. ~� . � � � � S.3. Ford Parkway - Syadicate St. to liamline Ave. ��S �� OFF'ICE OE' THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC W ORKS ����'6� ' � �- �� �v� - REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE � � ' � Jan. llth. 19 71 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the pre- li mi nary order of the Counci 1 known as Counci 1 Fi le No. 251484 approved Dec. 15th. 19 70 relative to reconatructing the sidewalk on the south side of Ford Parkway frora Syndicate St. to Aamline Ave. aad by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete said i�provement. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein. hereby reports: 1. The estimated cost thereof is $ 4.40 ver lin, ft. for...standard sidewalk _�_ft. wide and S5.30 ver lin. ft. for standard sidewalk 6 ft. wide. 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works x ��__ 4. tmprove ���q�$��ked fo� upon peti ti on %o$ 4 :�, � JAN i�;" '�'' � � � � �� ����x..� p�.'; � �,�; r ���' '' ' ' „,�r't - Commissioner of Public Works . � '�Nt�.� +l.?"'' /�L,J"d . � �"6't Q �"'',��'' , ���� _ , � � DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE �� .� � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL °� MINNESOTA 113 Court House,55102 ROSALIE L. BUTLER, Commissioner Phone:223-4646 March 2, 1971 Mr, Albert B. Olson Council Proceeding Recorder 386 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Mr. Olson: Enclosed is a letter from Mr. Charles A. Stewart opposing side- walk construction on Ford Parkway, also copy of my reply. Thank you for your attention to this ma.tter. Sincerely yours, �:���_� :�, ;�.c��- � �` Rosalie L. Butler Commissioner of Finance �O � � _ , , = � 2 . ST. PAUL BOOK & STATIONERY CO. 1233 W.COUNTY ROAD"E",ST.PAUL,MINNESOTA 55112 612 636-2250 MAILING ADDRE55: P.O. BOX 3410, ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55165 February 26, 1971 Mrs. Rosalie L. Butler Cornnissioner of Finance City of St. Paul ' Room 113 Court House St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 Dear Mrs. Butler: I received the attached copy of a public hearing regarding the sidewalk on the South side of Ford Parkway from Syndicate Street to Hamline Avenue. This notice came when I was out of town on business and, therefore, I was unable to appear at the meeting on the 23rd of February. I want to take this opportunity to express to you my opposition to reconstructing this sidewalk. The sidewalk to me seems to be in good condition and there is no evidence that the concrete in the existing sidewalk is deteriorating. Also, the conditciaan of the sidewalk is such that there has never been any accidents on this sidewalk in the past several years. In light of the fact that the taxes on my house are going to take a substantial jump this year and there is every prospect that other state taxes will be going up this next year I am not interested in spending any additional money on replacing this sidewalk at this time. Ve ry t u you r , Charles A. Stewart ST. PAUL BOOK � STATIONERY COMPANY CAS:tm --� � w . . ' , �. _ N�1r.zcA 7a,.�t�d Frc�:u ���n�:,,c.e �j>,;a�rm,..,= ,� � , t.:c}RR� ��� * � ` - � V �z � ; �' �' � F � � � �� T :' ,� � �. 1�i P'�i i J E-.�iC3��E: !��t=�,r��;>-r.?��Rr�`-�� t:3F �°1!ti�'�:���'L. t'. ��,,.� •�.,;,� .,�,c: t��rx'u�ty w, I�'I. :`1Y:t:'a��:i r„ <:R'J Me3i"i '�i .:'±': ��C'`.a��il'd' ' .:.. .' _*'-_�; _ a`.'k�.r�Y .. .;t.� t'-,t::, M'n.n�.,c�t:3. �:;�.I� . ,.i�_ 31I�;i r'.�:;.• ; �araiice.� i.�> Sierehv Kiven ihar. ;::.e� C;o�nc i). ur tt:t: C;� ry .;t ��! . F:�:�!_ wt.l l :�af�" :t p�ibiic l�r�r:n�; zn t:i�� (;��.ncil Ctlamhe:�: c:,: �i}e Ciey lt:�ll .,n�+ r;c,��r� ►�,�i��;e Ai. IQ;t_�if a.�lft. �lll Fc+btusry 23r �4��, t�i: �t,c .-:��t , _ .il�� ; ; s.V ��'� itl.t:[.�'<�U irpy •�! t t� Pr.e+ i.minarv C>raer z�I48�: - "=?�'rovec; ��cc�nbes 1�,, #� :�:,i .-t� Fr�ap�;sr•�: � :•. i�/I�- recanstruct the eidtw�lk an the South side of �ord patkway fYa� Syadi.cake S treet to A+�mline AvenuP �iT:u i �,� cloin,, all uzl�«cr w��rk wt�ieh i:; r►e.cesser� ar,�i i�zci:lc�rit..il ;_�, c:{,ur,�l<<e�� Si.i;; :n�,r.uvrr:�ei}c., �h[:C��. L�'�:t:f� t!. 1 �; :{t'CR27�11.71pc3 1E'�.11 j•,:)UC� :iri�l `,��i : �('ilL 1`cii���'i.i .�1(3E'.Wd i�:i t'Y.'fi C . 'rne �-st: im�t��d co:�t thereot is $4,4U �7er lii1eal ;��u� f.��� a si_;,nn.�* �i Hicle�w�_�lk � Lc•,'F. W1vE' $ACj $�'.JU ��PC ��:7E:ci� xOQC Ctil :� SCatlJiil�.1 til.�iN.tdYiK �1 � l't-1 Ww�it' . til SilCilI:�Q11 LU �.}if? tlf)t�VE,'� (:���Tf{'c'3 W1�_1 f>t' 1lttil�C' i (i2 f';l1'ii �.:�..:l��t ,JI�1�:�� l.`�, �i ;�tir! �c•�;lar !�ene:it t_o C1�e �tbattin� pr�n�rCY� �uc 'ti :�a tr�•t .r..cr;rv,,i , �,<���r� :� i:(`�iCfC'�i' Li'TlIUV+il , �.irive.i•i'st�l$ iiT1(� adRl.Ciurial widlit f�;. ii�3l�C.`� � �';1R�-i} Si:t I_<<e., :it��izU<a] .;Li�Ch'&l.�! C13[1�rA;l: C�:"ii:t'S Oii :1�t' 2.C1 i.tlf° ifk.�?�tlTi(L:t7'. i�; �'i-l�i iC w� �°� , . ,. t` _ _ct W1';il dHr411t3C': .LL:a_tiI'F:7<�C-l.C.'+��1 X'Cy;3t.tiL11}; �.511.� 311-J[T„�•=t1 1t1:1�C+.!'i�.i"�'�t':i � Vt��� ,1(+• i5; . 'i� !.G .i1F'_�'.L W1""� !.t1E• ElC`` � . _%a'L :id'V17�02'3 �Tl i�rt. !. :iCt�. { i ( f�•lt��;•,c��'�, r1C �t) :�.;I`.. �I:F! 3Hif1�3 dfly itS !7.�,:� ticl.li L!l',:. �+„�l (!tF�}' 81fi[f �r-i.4?{i�;Uil�' 1.7 i �:.' '�``? rUC' co�::, r:ru.�i.i�n inform4ti��n �r E:'3--52�>i Ec�r assessme�-�r in;<,r�,�.,!, i�,�:. �Cn±:, ��ropuaed improv�nent w�s f«itiated by [he DeparCmen� of Public �1otSte. �:tt�.�. ��aci.ce of a puhli.c. I:c�ar.in� has been sent out Erom it�c� Ixxparisu�;�t. c�i H�iitGll�E' �.[l ccampliance with Che City Gh�trrer. ROSAL1f? L_ !ii'7'1,�:R C��r,m,iss i��nc�t o; I�iu;,rx��c� .tiR � ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE .. , • CITY OF SAINT PAUL ` MINNESOTA 113 Court Houso, 66102 ROSALIE L, BUTLER, Commissioner Phon�:223�4646 March 2, 1971 Mr. Charles A. Stewart St. Pnul L'ook & StaLic�ncry C�mi��,i��y J.233 W. Counly Road "];" St. Paul, Mi_nnesota - 55112 Dear Mr. SLcwart: 7'hank you f.or your reccnt 7e�Ler . 'i'l�e s 'tdewa�lk reconsCruct.i_<�n <.�}�ouC wli�icli yoti wr_ote was initiated by Lhe Department o� P�ibl ic Wc>rlcs. Si_ncc tlie hcari_n�; has already bec�n hel<l, yotir ]c�Ccr is bc.irl,; �i-e[crrc<I Lo t}ie Ci_ty C1erk for Cc��mci7_ rea<l�in�, an�l a copy sent I_�� i_lie. DePu�rtment of. Public Works to rc�i_5tcr yot�r o��C�otii L ion. S i nccrc l y y�>i�rs , Rc>sa]ie L. l;utl cr Commi_ssi_oncr of l�i_nancc RL73�cl n ^��C�