252565 OR161NAL TO CITY G�.BRK 252565 ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. � = FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � ' C NCI! RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C MM SS ONE ATF February 19� 1971 WHEREAS, During the last several years the 5aint Paul Public Library has been able to undertake a number of projects of tremendous benefit to the community with the aid of LSCA funds; and WHEREAS, The reciprocal borrowing program making it possible for all those living in the seven-county metropolitan area to use the facilities of any library in the area will be in serious jeopardy if funds are reduced; and WHEREAS, In the event that the appropriati.on for the Library Services and Constructi.on Act follows the President's budget recommendation the Saint Paul Public Library's grant for the reciprocal borrowing program would be reduced from approximately $100, 000 to $40, 000; and WHEREAS, This would make it extremely difficult to conti.nue the Saturday opening schedule for branch libraries instituted recently; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul urge the Congress of the United Sta.tes to provide funds for the Library Services and Con- struction Act (PL 91-600) at the FY 1972 authorization of $207, 000, 000. FE� l 9 �97/ COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ��� 19197.� Butler Carlson Appr 19.r Levine � Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka d yor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �t� j�� �y�� p►�naLlsxEn � l ' . � ,� CIT NT PAUL �� ���y,�� � , �ta Department of Libraries, orium, and Civic Buildings 945 City House 55102 ,,. t LEONARD W. LEVINE Commisaioner F eb r ua r y 19, 19 71 JEROME H. LANTRY Deputy Commissioner Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen and Madam: On January 29, 1971, President Richard Nixon sent his 19�2 budget to Congress requesting 229 billion dollars "for programs that were scrutinized to be certain that they would be managed effectively and efficiently . . . " Included in the 1972 budget is a proposal to cut library programs 25% below the fiscal 1971 budget. This is the third year in a row that A.dministration budget makers have sought to drastically reduce or entirely eliminate library programs. The Office of Management and Budget might more appropriately be labeled TOMB, instead of OMB, judging from its repeated attempts to bury library programs. Specifi- cally, the budget recommendations for the fiscal year beginning Julyl, 1971, for the major library programs - ESEA Title II, HEA.T'itle II, L5CA, and the Medical Library Assistance Act (MLAA.) -- amount to $120, 759, 000. This represents a 25% cut below the $161, 629, 000 ap- priated for the same programs for the fiscal year 1971. For the Library 5ervices and Constructi.on A.ct, $18, 000, 000 is being requested, a 56°jo cut below the $40, 709, 000 provided for library services last year. I ask today that the 5aint Paul City Council go on record urgi�ng the Congress of the United States to provide fu.nds for the Library Services and Construction Act (PL 91-600) at the FY 1972 authorization of $207, 000, 000. During the last several years, our Saint Paul Public Library ha.s been able to undertake a number of projects of tremendous benefit to the community with the aid of LSCA funds. The reciprocal �� .� � `' ` Mayor and City Council -2- February 19, 1971 bor�owing program making it possible for all those living in the seven- county metropolitan area to use the facilities of any library in the area will be in serious jeopardy if funds are reduced. In the event that the appropriation for the Library Services and Construc- tion Act (LSCA.) follows President Nixon's budget recommendation, the Saint Paul Public Libraries grant for the reciprocal borrowing program would be reduced from approximately $100, 000 to $40, 000. This would make it extremely difficult to continue the 5aturday opening schedule fo r branch libraries instituted recently. I ask for, and the people of this area will appreciate, your support for the attached resolution. Yo rs very truly, LEONA.RD W. LEVINE Commissioner of Libraries, Auditorium, and Civic Buildings enc. . DU*I.tCAT�T<i lRIN'�R ��� ��� � CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCa N0�6�s.t6is�.LlLct , ' • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRFSENTED{Y COMMISSIONErt ' nArG Febru�r� 1 Q� 1971 WHERF.AS, During the isst �everal years the 3aint Ptul Public Librarq har be�n able to undertske a number ot projects ot tr�mu�dous bena8t to th� community with the sid of LSCA fund�; snd WHEREAS, The reciprocsl borrowing program m�ldn� it pos�ibls ior all those livin� in the sevan•couaty m�tropolitsn ases to us� th• tadliti�• oi any library in the area will be in verious jeopsrdy it tuads are reduc�d; and WHER�:A3. In the ev�at th�►t !he appropriatloa Eor the Library Ser�ric�• and Con�truction Act tollows tbe Presid�nt'� budget recommeadsttoa the Saint Paul Public Library'� grsnt tor the rtciprocsl borro�via� program would be reduc�d irom spproximately �100. 000 to �40. 000; aad ' WHERF.AS. TMs would make it extremely difficul! to conttnn� the Saturday op�ning schedule tor branch iibraries in�tituted rec��rtly; ao�v. t�►eretore. - be it RE50LVED, That the Couacil of tlse City of Saint Psul urge the Congre�s ot the United 3t�,tes to provide fuads tor tbe Librsry Servic�• aad Coa- strucaoa Act (PL 91-600) st the FY 1972 suthoriEStion of �20T, 000. 000. �td 191.9�i1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays B,,.�� �EB 1919T1 Carlson .� Approv�l 19�. Levine `. Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka � Mayor A galriSt Tedeaco Mr. President, McCaxty �� • WAL'�R F.MUIdDALE,MINN.�GNAIRMAN � �/ � ���'n � JOHN L.MCCL�ILAN,ARK. ROMAN L HRUSKA.NF9R. WYARR6N 6.MAGNUSON�WASX. JACOB K.JAVITS.N.Y. JENNINGS RANDOLPH,W.VA. PETER H.DOMINICK.COLA. � � � TNOMAS J.DODD,CONN. EDWARD W.BROOKE.MASS. DANIEL K.INWYE.HAWAII MARK O.HATFIELD,OREB. BIRGH BAYH,IND. MARLOW W.COOK�KY. �CaY�f ea .`�f af e� ,�e�af¢ WILLIAM B.SPONG,JR..VA. ��' NAROLD E.XUGHES,IOWA SELECT COMMITTEE ON EQUAL EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY WILLIAM C.SMITN�STAFP DIRECTOR AND OENERAL COUNSEL �C(���D WRSUANT TO S.R6S.1'A�tIST CONOR6f8� WASHINGTON.D.C. 205T0 March 11, 1971 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk bc Commissioner of Registration Office of the City Clerk City of Saint Paul Bureau of Records 386 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Marshall: Thank you for your letter of February 19, enclosing a copy of your resolution regarding funds for the Library Services and Construction Act. I can assure you that I will do everything within my power to see that these funds are not reduced . Thank you again for keeping me informed of your activities . Si�cerely, '' , �-`� � • ' ,��- . • Walter F. Monda�e � Chairman � I S�ARRISON A.WIWAMS.JR.,N.J.,CXMRMAN JENNINGS RANDOLPH.W.VA. JACOB K.JAVITS.N.Y. CLAIBORNE PELL.R.t. WINSTON L.PROVTY.VT. EDWARD M.KENNEDY�MA88. PETER H.DOMINICK.COLA. OAYLORD NEL.40N.WIS. RICHARD S.SCNWEIKER.PA. WALTER F.MONDALE.MINN. ROBERT W.PACKWOOD.OREG. �C�rf e� ,�if af¢� ,�ie�ncaf¢ THOMAS F.EpGLETON.MO. ROBERT TAFP�JR.,OHIO ALAN CRANSTON,CALIF. J.6LENN Bcet,�JR..MD. HAROLD E.HU6FIES,IOWA ADLAt E.STEVENSON 111.ILL. COMMIITEE ON LABOR AND PUBLIC WELFARE 3TEWART E.MCCWRE,$TAFP DIRECTOR ROBERT E.NAGI.E�pP.NFj7/1L CpUNSEL WpSHiNGTON.D.C. ZOS�O March 3, 1971 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk City of Saint Paul 386 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Deax Mr. Marshall: 2hank you very much for your recent letter calling n�y attention to the inadequate funds in the President's budget for library pro- grams. As you ma.y know, we had the saane problem to contend with last year. I was glad that I could help in restoring sorne of the unfortunate budget cuts proposed by the President. I trust we will have similar success this year. I appreciate very much your letting me know about this problem early so tha,t I can include it in my recommendations for increased funding. With warmest regards. S r ly, t . Walter F. Mondale JOFW L.MCCLELLAN,ARK.,CHAIRMAN XENRY M.JACKSON.WA3H. KARL E.MUNDT�8.DAR. �/ � SAM J.ERVIN�JR..N.C. JACAB K.JAVITS.N.Y. � mMUND 5.MUSKIE.MAINE CFiARLES N.PERCY.IL,L. ABRAHAM RIBICOFF.CANN. EDWARD J.6URNEY,FL11. Ffi£D R.HARRIB,OKLA. CHARLES MCC.MATHIAS.JR.�MD. �Cr�i�e� .�f af e� .�ier�af¢ LEE METCALF,MONT. W�LLIAM B.SAXBE,OHIO JAMES B.ALLEN,ALA. WILLIAM V.ROTN�JR.�DEI., HUBERT H.HUMPFIREY.MINN. BILL BROCK.TENN. uwrw+cH��s,�Fu�. COM M I7TEE ON � GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS JAMES R.CALLOWAY CHIEP(',p{1N$EI,AND STAFF DIREGTOR WpSHINGTON,D.C. 20510 March 23, 1971 � ��� � � Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Bureau of Records 386 City Hall St. Paul, Minne so.ta 55102 Dear Mr. Marshall: Thank you for your thoughtfulness in sending rne a copy of the Resolution adopted by the St. Paul City Council urging funding at the authorization level for the Library Services Construction Act. You xnay count on my support here in the 5enate. I appreciated your getting in touch with me on this subj ect of mutual inte re st. Sincerely, Hube rt H. Humphrey JOSEPH E.KAR]'FI� 4TH DIS7RICT�INNESp}A ` CONMITTEE ON t SCIENCE AND pSTRONAUiICS Zd3Y RAYBURN H0115E OFFIC[ BUIIDING 5118CpMMIT7EE ON ' CAriro�5-6631 �ottgre�� of t�je ��ite� �it�teg NASA OVERSIGHT CH�IRMAN,SU9COMMITiEE Ory ROBERT E.HE55 SPACE SCIENCE AND AumlxiSTeaTrvE ASSisTnxi ou.�e of �lte�re�erttatfbe� APPLICATIONS �� "`n�tt��•�' �OJ�S COMMITfEEON MERCHANT MARINE AND FISHERIES SUBCOMNRiEB ON FISHERIES AND WILDLIFE CONSERVqTION March 2� �7 71 g�BCUMMITTEE 0N OCEANOGRAPHY SUBCOMMITTEE ON . EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT � OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET �" 2,� WASHINGTON, D.C. 20503 � / - � 'r�� ,_r . jn J �,d � r I '. MAR 1 6 1911 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk , 386 City Hall and Court Houee Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Marshall; Thank you for providing us with a copy of the Saint Paul City Council's resolution on the funding for the Library Services and Construction Act. We appreciate that you have shared your views with us. You may be assured that they will receive careful consideration. Sincerely, C� Jos h L�aitin d.�� stant to tne Usreatar � .�' a THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON March 19, 1971 Dear Mr. Mar shall: President Nixon has received your letter enclosing t�he copy of the resolution adopted by the members of the St. Paul City Council. He appreciates your courtesy in bringing this expression of views to his attention. Sincer ely, �i Y ���� r�. ii�`��� Noble M. Melencamp Staff Assistant to the President Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Bureau of Records 386 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Febr�tar�r 19, 7L971 Hon. Jo�eph E. Karth Repre��ntat3v� 3n Congre�s Hou�e Of�'ics Building Washingtons D. C. Dear Sir; Attach�d for your in�ormat�.4n is a copy aP a resolution of the St. P€�u�. Ci�y C7ouncil, ur�ing Congrese to pravide f'tuade fox the Library Services and Conatruction Act (PL 9�.-600) - at the FX lg'T� aut2zori��ti� of$�07,�.OdO. Very trttly yours s City Qerk .AO�z�g Fetiruary 19, �971 The President of the Vn3ted 8tatee The �ite Hause Wa.shir�g�an� D. G. De�aar Sir; Attached for yaur izit'ormatian i� a copy of a re�olution oP the St. Pau1 City Council� urg3.ng Congrea� ta provide fuzids for the Libra.ry Servicee abd fk�ristruetion Act - �L 91-600} at th� FY �.972 auChaxi�ation oP $207�,00O.00q. Yexy �rul,y youre� City Clerk AO/ng Febr�ary 19, Z971 Hon. Hubext H. Hw�nphrey Un3t�d States S�nator Senate Office �uilding Wae�hington�, D. C. , � Dear Senator Hwrnphrey; AttaeYted for your 3n�'ox�me,tian is a copy oP a re�olntion of the St. Paul Ci�y �auneil.' urging Congress to prov3de f�ands fox� th� �,ibr�ry Serv3c�s and Constructian Aet {PL 91.�i00) a� the �r i9�2 authorization of �207,Q44.000, Very tru7ly yours} City Cl�rk AOfng February 19�, 19T1 gon. WaZter Moncla�.� United States Sen�.t4�r 5enate Offi�e Suilding Washin�ton� D. C. Deax Senatar Mond�Ie, Attached for your �.nforms.tion is a copy oP a resolut3.on of the St. Paul Ca.ty Gouuc�l,� ur�ing Cm gress to provide fund� for th� Librsry Serv�.c�� and Con��ruction Act (PI� 91-600) at the FY 19'7'� ��tht�rizatian c�f �207�OOO.Q89• Very trul,y yourst City Clerk Aa/ng