252561 OR11�cINAL TO CITY CL6RK � 2525��- CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO. . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , COUNCIL ES TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY • � COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVED, that the Purchasing Agent be authorized to award the towing contract for Zone 3 for the Public Safety Department, Bureau of Police, as a result of the Informal Bid procedure on Informal Bid #1575 as an emergency measuxe in that Formal Bid #4�+45, which opened on February lOth, produced no bidders for Zone 3 and the present towin� contract expires on the 19th of February. Two bids were received on Informal Bid #1575 with Consolidated Towing Service, Inc. , DBA/Bishop Towing Service, being the lowest bidder. Cad�; 3�ao-�L9 �A� I.B.#1575 APPROVED: THE PURCHA,SING CONIl�IITTEE FORM APPROVED: • . C L CORPORATION COUNSEL �� � J / . ` PURCHASING A NT COUNCILMEN �E B 19 1971 Adopted by the Counci� 19� Yeas Nays But�er F Eg 19197� Carlson ed 19— Levine Favor Meredith � ' Sprafka ayor � Tedesco A Sainst Mr. President, McCarty FE8 2 '� 19?"1 PUBLl��;li 2/1$/71/Stanton/lm �-�— p � ' ` �i�J � . � !'�bnurr 1T, 1y71 CON30LIDAT_� TQWIHf} SERVICE� IIIC. DBA/Bi�hop Ta�ving 524 Lafqpett� Road , 6sint Paul. l�ina�so�s /.'J 7�5� RE:Uur Intoz�al Bid A�-;� Detir Sire: T1�1� is to infort you thet �o�u ar� D�iag avarded tt�e tovisg contract oa ' sone�3• Yos vill De reQuired t4 ea■�ence service i�der this contr4ct on 6stwrd�r� T�Drtiary 19, 19T1 at 12:00 midaight. . The ayecifiosti�s ��etion 1.6 reQuire• IN8UIV,`�Cf; �',",� Ittl`T"'r7IFICATION. Thi• in�ur�►e� i� to be supplitQ aa reQuired under �ec*,.ian ;i of the sp�cific�Lions to Lh� Corporati0n Co�nsel. 316 City l:all. Ts► vi�v oP the shorta�e• of tbis aotica releti�re to tbe 19tY,� the Coz�orstion Catui�el's offiee ae�r �ccept • lftt�r frao rour insurance c�ent a�ivieir,�r tY,ut vu�:h insur�ne� has been placed and is 1u �ffect �xi tt�e 1•Jt2� �f 1'�+bruary, 1971. You vill reeeive aorrespondenc� �o�wtir�s after the l�tt� from Lhe Corpor�tion Counrel'e office rQlati�� to �nterin� I.nto forntal cantract. Sincere]�y, C}ERALD J. ISAACS � Purcub►aing 1lgent 4TI/lm , , Februery 17, 1971 Doa'� ToMing S�rvice 172f3 SelbY Avenwe Saint Yaul, Minaesota SS10L ne� si�: FtI': Cur Formel Bid f�h445 Thi� is to infora �ou that you ar� b�iag ararded the tot+ing contrQCt on sonea 1 aad 2. 7e� vili be reQuirtd to comsnence aervice wader this eos�tr�aturdq, �'ebruarT 19, 1971 et 12:00 midni�t:t. Th� specilicstion• section 1.6 requires INSURAt1CI�, fti�D LdD�'?•��IFICA'1'I01�. This iaseu�ance is to be aupplied aa required under sc�ction H of tht sp�cificatian Lo the Corporatioa CouA��l, 316 i;ity i;�ll. I�i view of the �hortae�s of tbi• notice nlatirs to the 19th, :t�e Cc1rporation Counaei`s office ae� �cCept a letter frae� your iniurance a�ent advising that such insur�unce haa been placed and it ip eff�ct on tY,e lyth of I�'ebruazy� 1y71. 7ou rill r�ceiw corro�poc�dence son�time sfter the �9t1� f'roa+ the Corporstioa Couas�l'o ofPice rtl�tivt to �at�rinp, into 2'ormal contract. 3lncerely, GERIILD J. S6/IACS Purchasing A�►ent CJI/lt r � i • c lhDruarp 17, 1971 ART'S F�GEPlCY TOWI::C, ZNC. 233�+ �:nglish Saint Paul, Ninne�ota 5510� xE: our l�ormal Bid a4Lbg Dear Sirs: Thia is to intorm rou that you ar� b�ing evarde�i thc trn+i:�g contrect on soa bs You nill De reQuired t0 coamaence service under this cor,tract on SaturQq, 1"ebruar� 19, 1971 st 12:00 midnig�t. Tht specifi��tions sectiots 1.6 seQuires ZDISURII�ICE AidD IPiJT?d]YI1rICATIO;J. Ttiis inturancs i� to be aupplit/ as roquirea ui�dcr �ecLion H of the �p�cificstioas Lo tD� Corporation Couns�l. 316 C.ty 1'all. I�� vieW af the sDortneas of thi� notice relsti�e to Lhe 19th, tt,e c'ox7�oration Gounsel's� office nq aoor�t • l�tt�r fraa �our inwrsnce agent auvi:�inT3 tha�; auch iaeur�aee La� b�en qlaced avd i• !a •ffect un the l�tt, of Februai�r, 1971. You nill r�ceive correspondencs daoa�i�ne af�er the lytlz froru the Co=yorxtiou Couaa�l's office r�lati�� to cuter:iig iriL� _'�im:�.�.1 coiitruct. 6incerely� OERALL J. I:'n.�,.Cs Purchaaiue ���ent GJI/lm