252555 - � � 252555 oRtoti�t To c�rv e�enK - T � , _ CITY OF ST. PAUL F�N�� NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �O CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED!Y COMMISSIONE ATF �REAS, the Civic Center Authority has contracted with the producers of the stage play "Hair" for presentation in the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, a great deal of controversy has arisen concerning the showing of this play on several grounds, among which is the allegation th at it is sexually provocative to the extent that it may be harmful to minors; and WHEREAS, the Minnesota Legislature passed a law in 1969 (coded Minnesota Statutes 617.291 - 617. 297) , making it a gross misdemeanor to exhibit sexually provocative material harmful to minors as defined therein, but apecifically excluded from the prodisions of said law the exhibiting of any show by school�, _� churches, governmental agencies or quasi governmental sponsored organizations, among others; and �THEREAS, it thus appears that the Civic Center Authority is therefore exempt from aforesaid law; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That this Council strongly urges that the Civic Center Authority take steps to comply voluntarily with the pro- visions of Minnesota Statutes 617. 291 to 617.297 and prohibit the � showing of this production to any person under the age of 18 years � and take all steps reasonably necessary to see that no persons under z o 18 are admitted; and be it 0 U w 0 0 ��R RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and a�. directed to cause a copy of this resolution to be delivered to al1 °� o raembers of the Civic Center Authority. � a o � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the co���F�� 1819� 19— Ye Naya Operative withaaxt..ai�,natur� .,o� the Mayor. {_ utler `caxlson .-- A prov 9— \ ;\ Y.evine �n Favor � �Meredith �prafka � a� Tede�+s� ASainst Mr. President, McCa� � PUBL�S�,�:I� FE�.2 7 197� �� . , . ��. � Harry E. Marshali ��'''' ��� Albert B.Olsoe City Clerk and °��� �%,_ Council Recorder Commf,ssioner of Regristration • - ��� _ _�r_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall St.Paud,Minneaota 65i02 R � CElVEQ { L�,', �, � 1�1� Feb. 19� 1971 MAYOR'S 4FFlCE �."�o �. � . �J��� Hon. Charlea P. MeCarty l�iayor Buildiag Dear Sir: Traasmitted herewith for ycnar approval is Oouncil File �o. 252555, e,dopted by the Couneil on Febrnary 19, 1971. Very truly yours� .._.. � � �-: m City C k/1� , pp�ng lk O ORIOINAL TO:;TY CL6RK . . .. . . � � � . ������ • : �� CITY OF ST. PAUL N�E"c�� NO. s� - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' . CO C(L RESOLtJTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY '� �. �t• ��/ COMMISSIONER ,�1 S � �- DATF -- , WHEREAS, the Civic Center Authority has contracted with the producers of the stage play "Hair" for presentation in the City of Saint Paul; and : WHEREAS, a great deal of controversy has arisen concerning , the showing of this play on several grounds, among which is the allegation th� it is sexually provocative to the extent that it may be harmft.il to minors; and WHEREAS, the Minnesota Legislature passed a law in 1969 (coded Min�vesota Statutes 617. 291 - 617. 297) , making it a gross misdemeanor to exhibit sexually provocative material harmful to minors as defined therein, but specifically excluded from the provisions of said law the exhibiting of any show by schools, churches, governmental agencies or quasi governmental sponsored � organizatians, among others; and WHEREAS, it thus appears that the Civic Center Authority is therefore �xempt from aforesaid law; now, therefore, be it RESOLV�D, That this Council strox�gly urges that the Civic Center Authority take steps to comply voluntarily' with the pro- visions of I�i.nnesota Statutes 617. 291 to 617. 297 and prohibit the � � showing of this production to any person under the age of 18 years � and take aZi steps reasonably necessary to see that no persons under Z 0 18 are admitted; and be it � U W p o FURTHE�t RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and a + directed to cause a copy of this resolution to be delivered to a11 ¢ o members of ithe Civic Center Authority. � a- _ a � O V ` r Ee 1919.7� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councit 19—. Yea I1raYg � � ,� , , .'�� � . � �utler �arlson . � Approved 19— �I.evine S Tn Favor �Ieredith �prafka � Mayor Ted�e� A gainst Mr. President, McCarty� �� ,. . . ,. OR161NAL TO CITY CI.ERK 25255+� . CITY OF ST. PAUL ��"c�� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMISS ONE ATF Febrnir,y 1Q, 1971 � NHBREAS, Addition� and Deductions which sight prove tu b� necessary ia th� Lprovete�t described as the SEVENTH-GR8S1lBRIER STORM RLLIfiF SEfiSR, Cosp- troller'� Contract L-7253, Citq Project No. 69-S-1A36, McDanali � Associates, Inc., Co�tractor, have been provided for 3n the 3pecifications, and ii�ER�AS, It has b�en found neces�nry to dake the follopiAg Additions; ADDITIOpS As per attached Contract Cha�ge Agre�ent No. 1 $7580.85 � / DBDUCTIONS As per attsche�i Contract Chan�e Agreeeent No. 1 $3271.00 ' TOTAL IaBT ADDITIOti TO COIiTRACT ��r309.85 and �BAS, Tl�e t�tal aet additioa ic $k309.85, aa� tLe Cc��issi�ner cf Public ilarks has agreed With t�e CoAtractor that the a�sunt ef $4309.�5 f,a tha correct s� to. bt aid�d to said co�tract, therefore ba it RSSOL�IED, ?hat the Citq of St. Faml through it� City Council approves tha � foregoing additions �acle in accordance with tha Speeifications i� the =ua of $43�9.85, said ��nt to b� added t0 the l��p sne cor�sideration naa�d iA the � r� contract, knoWn as Cosptroller�s Cc+�tract L-7253, snd �ich a�o�At is to be � g � fin�ACed by t�e 1971 LAeal I�prove�enC Fur�d 0920-461. � � o i. � � V �"� yp y ._� � � � ..5� g� 191t COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council F��� � 19— Yeas Naya Butler � J 197� Carlson Appr �F�'� 19— Levine � Favor .. Meredith � Sprafka a Tedesco ASa�at Mr. President, McCarty �E8 �i 7 �97� FU�LI��-rED �� - �._ " _._..J u � , � C�TY OF SAINT PAliL - DEPARTI�NT OF PUBLIC WOR.KS ,���+�56 CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT N0. i PROJECT N0._ b9•S•2036 CONTRACT N0. L•7251 CONTR.ACTOR Hs�e�_;�, w. � __ jwc. FROJECT DFSCRIPTION sEVFNTH-GF; .EhnRI .R �TO M � ,j,�'F ��,g.}�p'A In accordance with Section 95 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the Commissioner / of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the basis of payment and prices for items listed in the changes described below, not otherwise included in the contract, are the reasonable costa of those itema for additions to,or deductiona from,the contract. ndditions - �s psr •ttacbad scAsdui� ;7��80.l5 �� D�duations • as p�r rttacb�d scl�dul� $3,�71.00 ...__....�. Z'0't�L MYT I►DDITIOxS TO CO1C[itACt ;i,309,�x i�71 0��:r-�--�6/ This additionel amount to be financed from l�.Local Improvement Fund � , � � � �Pi ���; 19� lScDonatQ & ��sociat�s. Ina. 19 onr rL^t on � eer -L��� Contract ���� . '- � � � 19� y � � -�',�.� �<< �qj�... ef Engineer � ; �r ' , � � , �+,�.,��' �:��:.���',,;ti�.., � 7 _,.,..__. �,__.� � ...:�.L�9_..� _....._�9......_ Conmieaioner Comptroller f ,�` Original (White) Duplicate (Canary) Triplicate (Pinlc) Quadruplicate (Blue) Ta Contr�atox To Accountina Aiv. To Co�nntroller To Construction Enaineer y . � ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WURKS CONTRACT CHANGE AGRF.EMEA'T, N0. 1 SF.VENTH-GREENBRIER STORM RELIEF SEWER Project I�'o. 69-S- 1036 Contract A'o. L-7253 Contractor - McDonald & Assoc. , Inc. ADDITIONS ' 4140 Type IV Manhole, Seventh and Maple $575.00 4141 l0A Catch Basin at Maple (called for rebuild) 440.00 4140 l0A Catch Basin at Bates 440.00 4144 A & B castin�s at Bates 50.00 4141 A & B castin�s at Bates 50.00 4142 A & B castin�s at Maury and Greenbrier 50.00 4144 Adjust manhole at North and Seventh, San. 40.00 4144 Adj��st manhole at North and Eighth, San. 40.00 4141 Adjust menhole at Bates , San. 40.00 4143 Remove 4" walk at Maria & 7th and at 6th (29.4 sq. yd.) 22.05 4143 4-inch walk at Maria & 7th and at 6th (265 sq. ft.) 238.50 4143 11 ft. curb (type 6) at Seventh and Maria 35.75 4143 Remove 5 ft. curb at Seventh and Maria 3.75 4141 Rebnild side inlet 50.00 4143 Extra 13 ft. RCP at Maria and Sixth 4143 " 8 ft. RCP at Maury and Bates 4142 " 11 ft. RCP st Greenbrier and Margaret 4141 " 8 ft. RCP at Bates and North (S.E. corner) 4143 " 3 f t. RCP at 1�'.F.. corner of Eighth and Maria 4143 " 4 ft. RCP at S.W. corner of A'orth and Maria 4142 " 12 ft. RCP at N.E. corner of Greenbrier and Seventh Total = 59 ft. @ $5.50 = 324.50 4144 Side Inlet, S.E. corner of Maria and North 50.00 4144 5ide Inlet, North side of Eithth and North 50.00 4144 Side Inlet, S.E. corner of Bates and North 50.00 4140 Side Inlet, S.E. corner of Eichenwald and Seventh 50.00 4141 " " S.E. corner of Maury and Bates 50.00 . 4143 " " S.W. corner of Maria and North 50.00 4143 " " N.E. corner of Maria and North 50.00 4144 " " N.E. corner of Bates and North 50.00 4143 " " S .E. corner of Maria and Seventh 50.00 4142 " " S.E. corner of Dellwood and Margaret 50.00 4140 New 1B Catch Basin, S.E. corner of Eichenwald and Seventh 325.00 4140 New 1B Catch Basin, S.W. corner of Eichenwald and Seventh 325.00 4143 New 1B Catch Basin, S.W. corner of Maria and Seventh 325.00 4141 New 1B Catch Basin, S.W. corner of Bates and Seventh 325.00 4143 2B Catch Basin, N.E, corner of Maria and Seventh 350.00 4143 2B Catch Basin, N.W. corner of Maria and Seventh 350.00 4144 1B Modified to 3A Catch Basin 400.00 4141 3C Mod. to 3A Cetch Basin, N.E. corner of Maury and Bates 400.00 t • � SF�'F.�Tli-GkF�`i',;?II:R STOR"S RELIEF SEWER CONTRACT CHANGE AGREFMENT N0. 1 (Continued) z/iR/7� 2 ci� . yc1. concrete collar Aianhole 4i2 $100.00 3�16/i0 57 ,�n0 lh� . Dolomite pipe beddin� (28.6 tons) 157.30 2R lin. ft. C.S.P. (Corr Fipe) @ $58.00 1.624.00 Total Additions $7,580.85 DEDUCTIONS 4143 Rebuild Side Inlet, S.W. corner of Maria end North 65.00 41�3 " " " N.E. corner of �!aria and EiRhth 65.00 4143 " " " S.E. corner of Meria and Seventh 65.00 4144 " " " N.W. corner of North and Bates 65.00 ' 4144 " " " S.E. corner of Dtaria and North 65.00 4144 " " " North Side of Ei�hth and North 65.00 4144 �� " " S.E. corner of Bates and North 65.00 4144 " " " N.E. corner of Bates and North 65.00 4142 " °' " S.E. corner of Dellwood & Mergaret 65.00 4144 1B Cc�tch Basin (put in 3A mod.) 325.00 4143 Rebuild to 2B Catch Basin, N.E. corner of Seventh & Meria 225.00 4143 Rebiiild to 2B Catch Basin, N.W. corner of Seventh & Maria 225.00 4141 3C Catch Besin, N.E. corner of Meury & Bates (3A mod.) 210.00 4141 Rebuild to l0A catch basin, S.E. corner of Bates & Seventh 300.00 4141 " to 1B Catch Basin� S.W. corner of Betes & Seventh 225.00 . 4143 " to 1B Catch BASin, Maria and Seventh 225.00 4140 " to 1B Catch $asin, S.E. corner Eichenwald & 7th 225.00 4140 " to l0A Catch Besin, S.E. corner of Maple and 7th 300.00 4140 " to l0A Cetch Easin, S.F.. corner of Eichenwald & 7th 300.00 4142 Replece Cover, Install Curb Opening (1B). • N.W. corner of Greenbrier & Seventh 42.00 4142 Replace Cover, Install Curb Opening, N.E. corner of Greenbrier � Maple 42.00 4�40 Replace Cover, Install Curb Opening, 5.W. corner of Eichenwald & Seventh 42'.00 . Totel Deductions $3,271.00 TOTAL NET ADDITIONS TO (70t�1TRACT $4�309.85 �. ;,. _ REC � i '� � D �FEB� 9197i MAYOR'S 4i�ICE �:�a ..�- . � . �.���� � ���p �.9, i971 . Hon„ Charl�s P. MeC�x�ty Mayar � Fsui.lding Dear Sir: �'ransm3��ted herewith for yaur mpprova�. is +Cbuncil Fi.le No. 25�555' a,dopted by the Counc�.I. vn Februe�y �.9s �-977-• Yery truly yours' City C].erk AO/a�g Febxruary 2�+, 1971 Civ3c Ce�ter Au^t�r3ty � of Sai�r►t Paul. Attn t I�Ar. John Frier�n Dear 9ir: A�tached i� a re�olutian of the Cit�r Couneil, C. k'. 2525SS urg�n� that t� �ivic Center Authc�r�.�y take step� to ccan�ly valunta�rity �w�:th t2ue pravi�ians. o�. Minnesota Statu�ea b17.291 to 617.297 and proh3bit the shm�ri.r�g ot thia ;groc�tction af HAIR ta an3r p�raon �der the a8e o�' 18 yea�r� and take a11 �t�p� reasonably neceaeary to see that no persons und+ar 18 are a+�oQitted. Very tru]�y yaurs, City Clerk A4fhp . _ � ���� 1 � � '��,�� f� �'� (� ,