252551 ORI�tNAL TO CITY CL6RK �52��� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F� NO Lzc�s� cor�� COUNCIL RESOLUTIO GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � �, , ,� February 16� 1971 COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLYEDs `!'hat application for Ux Sale Malt B��erage Licer��e� Applied for by The Cro�sw�ys, Inc. at 355 North xobert st�eet, be a�d the sa�ne is hereby grastQd or� �he conditi on that withis ( � days af this date ea,id applicant e�hall comply wii.�h all reqUirs�ents of the Bttreaus of Fire� Health, and Police, and �he Lic�nee In,spector purmuant to th� 5t. Paul L�g:i�lative �odQ and a11 other applicable ard3nancea and 1��. �EB 181971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays ��� �, �, �97� Butler Carlson App e� 19— Levine Favor Meredith Sprafka J Mayor A gAlI18t Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty F EB Z 0 t971 PUBLISIiED �� c�,r- �...,. CITY OF SAINT PAUL ������ Capital of Minnesota � eUe aHti�nevtt o u��'c �a et � � ADMINIBTRATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIRE PROTECTION POLICE DEA.N MEREDITH, Commissianer HEALTH RALP'H G.MEHRILL,Depaty Commiaeioner DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN, Lieense Inapector February 16, 1971 Honorable M�..yo� and C3.ty Councit Saint Paul, Minnesota GentlEm� and l�adam: Currently the Crossways, Inc. are licensees, holdir�g � Restaurant License ir� the First l�ati onal Bank Building on the main floor in Room 103�•5. They have so been licensed at thi� loeation for a number of years. Application 3s made for On Sale Malt Beverage I,icense in e onnection with the reetaurant which due to the remodelir� of the building� will be located at 355 North 8obert Street, The officers of the eorporation are Joaeph M. Ne�ao� President and Treasurer; and Karl H. Misner, Secretary and Vice�president. This oarporation also has been operating a restaurant for a number of ye�.r� in the same building on the 16�h Floor. There are no 3.2 places w:ithin two blocks. The closest On Sale Liquor pla�� i� abowt � block away. The closest Off Sa1e Liquor pla.c� is abo'�t thr�e bloeks away. 2'h�re is no school c�r church within ten blocics of �the place. Very t�tzly yours� fJ'�� /'i ��0� Lic�nse Inspeetor O 22. Number of 3.2 places within two blocks Y A� 23. Closest 3.ntoxicating liquor p7ace. �}n Sa].e �f 4` f����`�"�f Sale �` f �� "� �T<'�'��' -�'�', 24. Nea rs s t Ch.urch .'�� � ce Nea res t Sah;o ol .ti" �M' �'�`' �3 25o Number of booths 1U��:�li'C Tables � �P Cy�irs f�:S` Stools /�i't'.el/`c"' 26. 1Nh�t occupation have uou followed for t"he p�st f3ve years. (Give names of employers and date s s o emplo�rea�� �' e r.�-��' �� a� � I'�, � � r-<> � s �.�.- � y � l.v � - ,S ��r ��' � � _3 2/, Give names and addresses of �wo �rsons, residents of St. Paul, Minn,, .who can give infor�tion concerning you. I, r P1ame ��Lv�. r� . �l . M �' I A I�� Addre s s `� �' `� ,�:p4 i �-'.�; c• �, .y� '� ,�.' L c', . 'r'-r IvTame �cri�gr� .1 . � �° �� f1` Addrsss /�= % � S=*: d�rVSa f /�I v Ft° g � (��, `.� '� � �-�_'�,L t--� Sig re of pp iean Sta te of M�.nne s ota� ss County of Ramsey ) �-- • .�N.�d being first duly s�vorn, depoaes and says u on oat that h has rea the foregoing statement bearin�; his aignature and lsnows the contents thereof, and that the same is trtae of' h.is awn l�.owledge excapt as to th�se ma�ters therein s�a-t;ed upon inforn�tion and belief and As to those matters he bel�.e�es them to bo trr.e o �� ��l ;�'� ���� Si� ure of Applieant Subscx�ibed and sworn to before me ' this // day of 1g 7� No i:i�7_` , Ramsey Co ��r l+��nnes JOSEPH : NE�/I0, JR:, Msr COriIIrilgSlOri 67�p1,�eSubli , Ramsey County, Min My �omm (Notes �hese statement forms are in duplicate. Both cop-�QS must be ft�ll�r filled out, notarized, a�.d r��urned to the License Divisions�_ A .� , C ITY � SA INT PAjIL DEPART +D.�NT pF PUBLIC S�k'ETY LIC$TTSE A NrS I(�N L1ata � // Zg '7 / � ------ _...�..,., 1. Appliaat�.on for �N �S�l ( c"' �'(�d � � ��verq. F ANd���si�tf�'�� Lice�.se 2. Name of appliaant .J oS �' � ��, /Y� �ry n �.�—e�- � �- %��--�.-� � 3. Business address 3,5� 1Vr �a a��`'t' S %, Residence /•� 7 � f' S C`�o �<! .� v F, 4, Tx�de n�,ame, if any %Et �' � t�ct+ ,�. S' 'vi.J A � S � N'� + , 5. Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp �( Rstail Liquor Federal Tax Stamp� � �ri11 bo u�etd. 6. Cpi arhat floor loeated �I' �,!`S t Number oP roo�� uaed ��" `� ^ ?. Betvueen whsit orosa atreeta `f '�� '��`'� ¢°��`"�'I 1�lhicsh side of street � �S � 8. Are premisee novr oacupied �(j'c� '�iha� busine8s Hcrn�r long 9. Are premisea now unocoupiedYC� Iiaw long vacant Previoua Uae �� `�`�' �'' 10. A,re you a new oa�.er �� �" Have you been in a aimilar businesa before � �° S t�Yhe re �c�,°Vr .d ti� � �33- -f� 'N�i,..lNhen � % -� ' � " I �� � , 11. Are you goi.ng to operate thia business persanally � �-s � . .... If not, �a w:i11 opex�te it 12. Are you in any o�her businesa at the preser�t t�.ma �� 13� Have thers been any oomplaints againat your opexation of this �ype o� plaoe -� � „_...__�..�.., Tiihen �Ihere 14. Have you ever had any 1ice�.se revAked .�'� t'' what raason and date ..-.,--..-..._ 15. Are you a citizen of the United Statea l'�$ Native � Naturalized __._._..,.. 16. YPhere w�ere you born 5�� ��4 �' /� f��/,� � • Date of birth � � 1 ���J� 17. I am �rried. My (wa.fe'a) (�) name and addresa Xs � � 1' "��R f C" � �� w M i :J 7 l � S.� CtF//� � v t�° , . 18. (IP married famale) m� maiden xLame is 19. � long have you lived ia 3t. Pau�. � i �E'� �' s � ....,,...�.. 20. Have yoa evrar been arreeted � �' Xio3.ation of what criaiix�l la�r or ordi.x�amoo .......�.._.. 21. Are you a registered voter in the City of S�. Pdul � Yea�. No. _�_._._ - (Answer fuXl and oom �.etel . Theae a �.ica�iana are thorou h7. cheaked a �n �sif ication wi11 be aauae Por enia . ��) ` AFFIDAVIT BY APPLICANT � F�.. R�TAIL BF,�R �R`LT�U{7R LICENSE � �,C;�,�r�� Re: �� Sa1s,�lA �'�- ���'�r���' License i f �� f Name of a pplicant .� L� S �'' ' � , �� •� /►� �-�-�I �� �res�d�N f�. G r��.�s �-�.��x j/S ./��C �.- � . � ---� s� Business address .3 ,5 S ��" -� �' f 7� S � • � Are you the sole owner of this business? -�t'�=, If not, is it a partnership? corporation? � � � , other? �thers interested in business, include those by loan of money, property or otherwises �� a,� , Name �C•4 r l i "( /S ti�°i� Addre s s � ° � � /�r 1 �C-S How S � c• /-�'fi� i-y - ✓•t�t s, If a corporation, give its name. ��i � L r `= � s �~-'J � S � �,�.' � , Are you interested in any way in any other retail beer or liquor business? �' �`� As sole awner2 PartnerY Stockholder? Qtherwisa? (Through loan of money, etc. Explain� Address of suah business and na,ture of zn�erest in sams `, �1 L'�-z--�.-�-� �.�-�-r Sig�ture �applican� � ��-e�e-�, State of Minnesota� �ss G ounty of Ramsey � � at t�� /y. �� G�v being first duly sw�rn, deposes and says upon oath that he he7s read he foregoing affida,vit bearing his aignature and 1�a.ows the contents thereof; that the same is true of his c�rn l�.ovrledge, except as to those matters therein stated upon information and belief and as to thos� mattera he believes them to be true. K-�Q��. �•� ��Z�—vr c..�? ��Cp�� � Sig t re of applicant ���y,� , Subscribed and swor to before me t�is�_day of. 197 No u ic, e C ty, e o a JOSEPH M. M0, JR:r � C p�rnp,7.s gj,A�a��p�'� sey County, Minn. 19 My Gommission Expires . . sTa� oF �rnn�rESO�,) )ss C�UNTY f3F RAMSEY � `� � �� J�'� , ��`'--�`��"' being first duly aworn, doth dspose and say at he �kes thia affidavit in csonnection with applicat3.on for " Sale" liquor license {" ��l S�le" malt beverage lioense� in the City of Saint Paul, �di.n.nesota; that your affiant is a re�ident of the State of Minnesota and has resided therein Por �/ years, � mon�hs, end is ncr�sr and ha s been f or the t�.me ab ave m�nt ionsd a b ona Pide res iden� of said State and that he naw resides at �� l/ �� � '�� C-��``�'�- r ddresa �� , �°`� , �[inne s ota. C it y or ov� , 1 .� �21 , G c._2--L-���-, Subscribed and sworn to before rs�e this / day of 19 ary ic, Ramaey Cou y, �dinnea My CO�curiiH8io21N�x��.�BSM: N€MO, �Pf�� O.H� u I;c, f�ly Commission Expires Nov. 26, 1975 22. Number of 3.2 places within �two block,s , ,,,,� 23. Closest intoxicating liquor place. :�n Sale �T�`d ��Be�r(3f'f Sale � ��'`',lj.���- �=,�%� 24. Nearest Chureh /li�C>�,� Nearest School ,i�/C� N,L 25. I�'umber of booths NC�N.L Tables y�,.5. _ C}�ir� /i�..5- Stoola �o n�/� 26. y�fhhat occupation have vou followed for the past five years, (Give names of employers and dates so emplo�re3,1 �'i i= ! - � � S C�=� /� ��-/ S � "✓�/7'N //��7!�1-� _ S� /`/ � .� � �S a� � 2�. Give names and addresses of two persons, residents of St. Paul, Mi.nn., v�rho �a�. give inforn�ation concerning you. � _ F1ame ��-i�/ ��jgT=,,�� Address_ <{� � �iSiOiG} c� T�° �.0 �C1�- Name v��� /�� ��/i—�»� rT,,� �Address n /1�cJ��'H�� / � r.ci�-C �L�.9 �i c� -t� f/�- �y�/�, 2-ck�t-�. �� `���'-�o-,n�-�-- ignature of Applican State of �a.nnesata� ss County of Ramsey � Ar� . / rh t /� being first dul�r sworn, depoaea and says u on oath that he has rea the foregoing sta�emen� bearing his signature and knows the contents thereof, and �t;lza� the sams is true of his o�nm l�owledge except aa to those matters therein sta�ad upon information and belief and as to those matters he be1�.a�-es them to ba �x�i�.a. ' �vt�_ �`l� `i�y%���07/�/�,J Si�nature of Applicant Subsc�°3bed and sworn to before me this / day f 19 . Notar uulic Ramse� Co nty M�.nnesot JOSEPH . NEMO, JR., My CR(III119310T1 67C�31x"��ary Public, amsey County, Minn. �y, _co�� . ,. �--- (Nfltes �hese statement forms are in duplicate. Both. cop�.�s mus� be fully filled out, na�rized, a�d ret�rned to the License Division,�'� C ITY OF SA.INT P11UL DEPART�NT OF PUBLIC SAFETY LZCENSE DIVISION I�te ��..e-�_ /i �9� l. Appliaatian for s��i3.�� �Ai 7 e��v��'i�/ � -- ,c�,d �/� ��Tj�L3cenae � � .4,e/ /T . . ,��s�l/�,e �5�,°f" .9�,v.C� Us C..� ,�..E . . . 2. Nams of applicant • �«.a��- �r�oSS crJ,e� S .j,v� , 3. Buei,ness addres� �S��o���eT �T, Reeidence a,'o d'',� iL-���S 4. Trade name, if any � � �� � I�✓c� . 5. Retail Beer Fed�ral Tax Stamp ►! l�tail Liquor Fedare�l Tax Stamp�11 b� ue�ed. 6. �n w�at floor located_�s�- �-,���,� Number of rooma used �Z, . 7. Betwaen vahat arosa etreeta���.✓,p �� T�' qVhich aic3e of etreet 8. Are premises now oaaupied it,�o Y1ha� businea$ Haw long G�Es T 9. Ara premises now txn000upied �Ycs Haw long vacant Previoua Uae Nd.�� 7•�-- 10. Are yau a new a�.er N�ve you been in a aim3.lar buaiaasa before���S �7 .�.»�.,�o y.-c . V�here �m�dsSq,ao,e��>ro/'/�TE��Iihen /� G 7 ���. `��,/zc, 11. Are you going to opex�te thia buainesa personally vEs � �� ;r� �� . , If not, wlio %rill operate i� �.2, Are you in aay other buainess at the present tima �/o 13. Have there been any complaints against your operation of this type ofl plaa� /[,�'� When Where 14. I-iave you ever had any licsensa revoked it/p 1Nhat reasan and da�e �� 15. Are you a citizen of the U�ited Sta�ea VE;S Native i-/ Naturalize�d .7�_�..r_ �..�......,. � 16. YPhere w�ere yau barx��c�i,±?�,�E /,�icf/. Date of birth S�?-. ��_ i� ���� �. 17. I� am �� married. My (wife 's) (is�a�aa�.e�s-) name and addxeae is �i9,TN �°d'�' /V. �E Sr A �iv,�/ ✓✓�i � 18. (I� ma rr�.ed �ama le j my ma iden zLame is � y,�, � � . 19. Sow �,ong h�ve you lived 3.n 3t. P�ul S 20. Have you ev�er been arrested /(.�� Viola�icm of what arimiz�al laR or ordin,anoe ------,--- ...,._.....� 21. Are yoa a regiatered voter in the City of S�. P�ul L S Ye� No• (Answer full and aom letel . These a lications are thorou hl aheoked atnd �n falsif ication wil be aauee for enia► , ((3VER) , ' AFFIDAV�T �Y APPLIC�,NT F�R � R�TAIL BF�R �R �TC�UOR LTCENSE ���� ,���r,e��,� Rs� �� Sale� �iGy.��Ti� License _,._____ Name of a licant �,���S���� .1 N � L S � PP .� 5 �S c' �CA R N. � ,,,, ic. 7 ✓.�.e s� Business address � �5 � �o,��T '�T , Are you the sole ownar of this business? No. If not, is it a partnership?� �t-� C ' ' ' corporation? / ° � �� 2 �► i � 0 1/ , other? Qthers interested in business, include those by loan of money, property or otherwises ��Fa. �'����. Na���,��%o� /t/��s�n �.� Addresa /�� i ��c=�o� � �r.Hovv /�3�E' i�t/�, If a corporation, give its name. ���� s s c�c�,� y S ��-�t.�C� � _........� Are you interested in any �ray in any other retail beex or liquor business?�,�C As s ole rn+vner? PArtner? St oakholder? t?therevise3 (Through loan of money, etc. Exp],ain� Address of such business and nature of interest in same � �� �. ��n:� ,��. �` Signature of app ican ��-� Sta�e of �rtinnesota� �ss County of Ramsey ,2��- �`�- �y�I����, being first dul�T sworn, deposes and says upon oath that he has read the foregoin� affidavit bearing his signature and l�.ows the contanta thereof; that tha same is true of his ovrn 1�w11ed�e, except as to those matters therein stated upon information and belief and as to those mattera he believes them o be true v�r_e. ✓z-p—v �-�� /�� y� ' �Zc��� SEC. �Signature of applieant ��J Subsaribed and swo to before me this day of 9 No ubli , sy o y, inn a ' JOSEPH M. NE , JR., C�IIII[11S3i DYLot���i1��,c� amse County, Minn. 19 Nfy Com ission STATE � �dINNESOTA SS CQUNTY i7F RAMSEY � /3� i� ��, o��'/ i S/tJ,L--� being Pirst duly svrorn, do�h depoae and say that he raakes this affidavit in aonnection�ith application Por "� Sale" liquor license ("`� Sale" mslt beverage lioense) in the City of Saint Paul, Mins�.esota; that your affiant is a resi8ent of th� State of M3.ru�esota and has resided therein f'or /�� yeara, �..�� months, and ia naw and has been for the �ime above mentioned a bona Pide resident of sa 3d State and tha t he ncyw re s ide s at ,�Z��� ��/r.-�-S ���� , Address �T ✓-�y �> � , Minne s ota. •�':r—��,6 C it y or ovun. � -���r-r� ��� !��-� � '_�'-�� Subscribed and sworn to before � this // day of 19� ary ic, Ramse C y, Min aota JOSE M. NEMO, R., ��' GOffil11.881021 ARpl�Pts4� Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My Ca p r o . ,