252546 � oR�aiNw�To ctTr c�enK 252546 �+ CITY OF ST. PAUL HOE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ESOL TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE qTF WHEREAS fihe Commissioner of Highways has prepared preliminary plans for the improvement of a part of Trunk Mighway Number 392 renumbered as Trunk Nighway Number 94 within the corporate limits of the City of St. Paul from Mounds Blvd. to Kennard Sfi.; and WHEREAS said preliminary plans are on file in the office of the Department of Highways, Saint Paul , Minnesota, being marked, labeled, and identified. as Layout No. 15N, S.P. 6a83-06 (94=392) from Mounds Bivd. to Kennard St. ; and WHEREAS copies of said preliminary pla�s as so marked, labeled, and identified are also on file in the office of the Commissioner of Public Works; and WHEREAS the term "said preliminary plans" as hereinafter used in the body of this resolution shall be deemed and intended to mean, refer to, and to incorporate the preliminary plans as i� the foregoing reci- tals particularly identified and described; NOW, THEN, BE IT RESOLVEd that said preliminary plans for the im- prvvement of Trunk Highway Ner'mber 392 renumbered Trunk Highway Number 94 witt�in the limits of the City bf St. Paul bc and_hereby are approved. �,. �E81819T� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Y�a xa�a �Eg 1 � 197� Butler Caxlson P � 19— Levine ��n Favor Meredith Sprafka (/ yor Tedesco Against Mr. President, M�ca�y FEg Z 0 197' PUBLISHED ._._.--- � � �o��,�,�,��,� 25254s CITY OF ST. PAUL �N�� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C�•OMM�IS�SIONF� Wi71i� g• CarlsOn n�,F - MHEItEA: tM Co�iss ion�r of N 1 ytwwrys h� p�rN �1 iwin�try p),�as for th� t�prov�snt of a pa�t at T+runk Mi�h�r Mu�r )gZ �►�nu�hr�l a Tr�nk Ni'Mwy Numb�r g4 wtthin th� oorpo�at� llmits of ths Citp of it. Paul !� Maunds 81vd. to K�nnard 3t.; ana MMEREAi said pNeilmi�ary plans ati on fi�s fn tb� oft{ear oi th� D�part�t ef Mt�iw�ys, fatnt Pa+�t, Ninnqota, b�tn9 �rl�d. 1a4s1rd� and id�ntif 1sd u Ls�rout No. 1�N. i.�. 6ta3-06 (94�39Z� f+r+� ilw�ds �ivd. . �a 1�Ga�ard it.y ana MMEItE�A� �spiq of said prsl i�ntnary pians as so �rk,N. Iab�1N� and i drnt i f 1ai an a ise on f t 1• t n � off i q of th� Cc,+�w i ss ionir of h�i 11 e Morksz anr MME�6A: th� t�rm "sa i d p�1 ia�t Rary plans" as her�i n�ftK w�l i n th� body of th!• rosolucion shail b� d�d and int�ndsd to Mr�n, wf�r to, and to 1 nootpot�ate th� pr�1 t mie�+try p lans ss i n th� fon90 i ey e�K i• tals parttcuiarly id�ntift�d and d�s�rib�d; MtM�I, THEN. OE IT REf►OWtD th�t s�id pr�ll�inaryr pl� fet th� iin- prov�t of T�k H i�sy Nc�t»r ;92 rinurabtrid Trurik H t¢w�y Mu�r g4 wi th tn tli� l t�at ts of the C i ty of tt. P�1 bs and har�by ar'� �r�vid. � Y g 1971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co�mcil 19_ Yeas Nays FE� 1 $ ��1�� Butler Carl�on App�ov� 19_ �°�e � Favor Meredith Charles P. l�cCartY Sprafka n �� (�' �rodA7TAt . Tedesscco Mr. President, McCarty ��