03-1069Return copy to: Real Estate Division(lal) 140 City Hall Presented By Refened To Council File # - �� q Green Sheet # 3�1 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 2� Committee: Date WHEREAS, on October 22, 2003, the City Councii of the City of Saint Paui adopted Council File #03-961, said Resolution being the Ratification of Assessments for the boarding-up of buildings during April, May and June of 2003, Assessment Number 9930, and s WHEREAS, the property at 593 Rose Avenue East, being described as: 6 � Lot 14, J. M. Warner's 2nd Addition to St. Paul, Minn. a v with the property identification number of 29-29-22-12-0104 was assessed an amount of $354.50 for the to boazding-up of an open azea from which a window had been removed by the Police Department to be i t processed for fingerprints due to a burglary, and �z 13 ta �s t6 n ts 19 zo zt zz WHEREAS, the boarding-up of said window area resulted from police action beyond the control of the property owner, and WHEREAS, the Legislative Heazing Officer has recommended that the assessment for the boarding-up of the property be deleted, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the amount of the assessment for this property be deleted, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the deleted assessment amount of $354.50 be funded by the Exempt Assessment Fund. Requested by Depart�nent of: Technology & Management Services Adoption �Ce b Council Secretary BY� �9�k�/il�i,(��'�/�/ _ By: �i ' �� Director Form Approved by City Attorney By: A�r�d b Mayor for Submission to Council I� Adopted by Council: Date /�v�'. � �/.�//J-3 � 03- �o � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet DepartrnenUoffice/council: Date Initiated: TE — T��ologyandManagementServ o�-NO�-� Green Sheet NO: 3007635 Corrtad Person 8 Phone: ���QM SeM To Person Initia te BNce Engeibfekt � 0 echnoio and Mana ement � 4� Zsb8854 Assign 1 Attorn M hanRile �.Q. 1� 1'{� Must Be on Council /{qenda by (Date): Number 2 ¢�hnolo aod Mana ement S Karen hnson �� 7�� �� For 3 ouncil Routing Order -,� , � S :� —_ �' � �'�', �� � �"� � � �.: �,��� _� y � � = P��� i � 2fl�33 x ToWI # of Signature Pages � (Clip All Locations for Signature) "�'� '� � ���� Action Requested: Delete an assessment in the amount of $354.50 for the boazding-up of an open window azea for the property at 593 Rose Avenue East. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Serviee CoMracts Must Mswer the Following Questions: Planning Commission �. Has this personffirtn ever worked under a contract for this department? CIBCommittee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any curzent ciry empioyee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): An assessment was chazged for boazding-up an azea from wluch a window was removed by the Police Deparlment for fingerprinting. I,egislative Hearing Officer recommends that the owner not be charged to costs incurred due to police acrivity. Advantastes If Approved: Owner wonld not have to pay an assessment that resulted from City acfions. - u �� �������' �; Po . � �,� Disadvantages If Approved: Deleted amount would have to be funded by the Exempt Assessment Fund. ��� Disadvantages If Not Approved: To not delete the assessment would be contrary to the recommendarion of the Legislarive Hearing Officer. Total Amount of k 354.50 CostlRevenue Budgeted: Transaction: j � Pundin�Source: �emptAssessment ActiviriNumber: GL001-09051-0542 Financiallnformation: FUnd (Explain) From: To: Date: Subject: Racquel Naylor Engelbrekt, Bruce; Langberg, Louise; Robinson, Kim Fri, Oct 31, 2003 1029AM Two addresses that have already been ratified I have several addresses that need to be changed through resolution. These addresses were ratified by the City Council on October 22. In the past, Roxanna Flink preferred that your o�ce draft these types of resolutions because she wanted to make sure they were worded perfectly. If that is not still the case, I will need someone to teach me how to do this resolution so it is worded to your specifications. Here are the changes: �' 593 Rose Avenue East, 29-29-22-12-0104 (J0304B) - The police department took a window to get it —� processed for fingerprints due to a burglary. A contractor was called in to replace the window and the � owner was charged for this assessment. Ms. Moermond recommendation is as follows: delete the I assessment of $354.50 because the assessment should not have been sent to the owner as this ; incident was the result of police action. Furthermore, the City should not doubly victimized the crime ; victim. (We have the police report for this issue if that will help.) i � 349 Rose Avenue East, 29-29-22-22-0038, (J0305A) - Ms. Moermond recommendation is as follows: reduce the assessment of $300 by $100 to make the total assessment $200 as there seems to have been miscommunication between the owner and Code Enforcement staff. If you need further information or if you would like me to draft these resolutions, please let me know. -Racquel, 6-8573 CC: Moermond, Marcia